Found Deceased WV - Natasha Carter, 10, Beckley, 8 Aug 2000

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
just a quick thought here, does anyone know if natasha ever had a email address? yahoo or msn or any other provider? if she did maybe le could contact the email provider and find out where a login is being made from? I haven't read ever detail of this case, but did she have a sister? where is the mom? dad? or maybe even a boyfriend or close friend of the family. hopefully this myspace info that has come to light here might be the lead needed to find her, I looked at it several times and there seems to be some resemblence of the girl on the left to natasha. of course it is hard to tell about eye color, some contact lens can be used to change the eye color appearence. hair color can always be changed easily.
Ok, sleuths...I dunno anymore. I was going through her friend's list from the cached version at google and it occurred to me to go to their pictures (any of them open, anyway). I found a picture of this Natasha with a friend of hers. It is a good closeup, but the left eyebrow is still turned away from the camera. I found this at her friend

By the way, this myspace natasha goes by "tasha" often.


There is even a comment left for this picture by the myspace Natasha. It looks like her eyes are either brown or hazel in this picture. I can't tell. They definately don't look blue. However, eyecolor can be changed easily these days so who knows. And, of course, the hair is definately not blonde. I might stick this picture in photoshop and add some hair to it like the kid in the pictures had to see if that makes a difference. I'll post that when I am done.​

That is great work! I hope that you get a reply back from the letters that you sent out. To be honest though, I do not think that it is our Natasha. In the first picture that you posted I saw a slight resemblance. I do not see any at all in the close up picture. That is JMO though and Lord knows I have been wrong before.
I'll let you know what the family thinks. Keep up the research! I pray that she is out there and if she is we will find her.
You are probably right, Shadow. It's so hard to tell after years go by like they have with missing kids. It must be terribly sad to look at pictures of kids and not be able to tell if they could be your child or not. Kids change so much, especially if they are being hid. I thank the good Lord every day that I haven't had to know such pain. I hope we can find her too....

Do we have any other information about this case at all? For example, what was mom's maiden name? Where are mom's parents, brothers, sisters, etc? What was the name of the male they might have left with? What school did Natasha go to? Who were some of her little friends (they might have myspaces now that she may visit secretly). Where was mom's family from? What did mom do for a living? Just anything would help in trying to locate her.

If mom was trying to hide her I doubt she would allow her to have a site on myspace! Wouldn't mom have a job and a SS# that LE could trace? Doesn't Natasha have a SS#? At age 16/17 most kids have a job for spending money. If an ex can be found for child support by a SS#, why can't missing people? Unless mom was really smart and has a new identity for her and Natasha. But then, if one of these people on myspace could be her, why would she use her real name?

Just wondering.
Mom might not even know that she has a myspace. Lots of parents don't have a clue about anything to do with myspace or anything else. Also, Natasha may not even realize that she is missing. Like someone said earlier, mom might have told her a long time ago that dad and grandma got killed in an accident or something and that would be that. No one really knows. Even if she did know she was missing, kids are sneaky and do lots of things behind parents' making myspaces!

I don't know about the ss# thing. I would have to think that if you were going to go to the extent of kidnapping your own child and be successful in being gone this long you would probably have a different id and ss#. I don't know. That seems really difficult to imagine being able to do. Seems like they could trace her somehow like that. I mean, does her SS record just end in 2000?
Did you ever hear back from "Dad" on what gramdma thought? Just curious
mocity said:
Did you ever hear back from "Dad" on what gramdma thought? Just curious
No, I didn't:confused: I'm going to email him these new pictures.
I have this thread marked for updates, and Shadow, I'm here for you if there is anything I can do, just not sure what to do, I have looked and looked on myspace and can't come up with anything.....anyhow, you know how to get me if you need me, just wanted to be sure you knew I'm here to help!
Her Dad said she often went by the name "Alexis". Here is an Alexis Carter, 16 years old, on myspace. This pic looks alot like the new updated pic that Shadow205 posted. Unfortunately, the profile is private.
wow, that is some good sleuthing there. the girl on the myspace is a dead ringer for her. very close!
julianne said:
Her Dad said she often went by the name "Alexis". Here is an Alexis Carter, 16 years old, on myspace. This pic looks alot like the new updated pic that Shadow205 posted. Unfortunately, the profile is private.


wow. that pretty close. Sorry, I couldn't get the one of Natasha to resize so I could put them side by side. Good find Julianna.
Shadow205 said:

wow. that pretty close. Sorry, I couldn't get the one of Natasha to resize so I could put them side by side. Good find Julianna.
Here is the cached page, you can see all her pics and friends, posts, blogs:

Lots of info to go through here.
Sagitarious, does that fit Shadow??ETA...just looked it up Sag is 11/23-12/21....her bday is shown as 12/23......very close there.
Thursday January 18, 2007
West Virginia children still missing
by Brad McElhinny
Daily Mail staff

Rather than hope, the recent discovery of a Missouri boy who had been missing four years just raised more questions for Shirley Day.

Day, a 74-year-old Wyoming County resident, has her own heartbreaking mystery. Her granddaughter, Natasha Alexandra Carter, has been missing for seven years. Alex, as she was called, is one of three West Virginia children who have long been listed as missing by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children.

Shirley Day has been watching news reports about 15-year-old Shawn Hornbeck. The boy was found this week after being abducted while riding his bike in 2002. Adding to the mystery: Hornbeck apparently hung out with friends, had a cell phone and rode his bike around alone. His abductor held down two jobs that frequently caused him to leave his apartment.

"I can't understand why he didn't get in touch with his family," Day said. "It makes you wonder, doesn't it? I know what that family has gone through. But you know something, that child will never be the same."

The story resonates with Day, who wonders all the time why her granddaughter can't or won't pick up the telephone and call her.

Alex was 10 years old when she went missing on Aug. 8, 2000. Authorities said they believe she was taken by her mother, Susan Gail Carter, after a contentious custody hearing. Susan Carter and Day's son, Ricky Lafferty, were in a brutal fight to keep Alex.

"She really got into it with the mediator," Day said. "Then she told Ricky he would never see Alex again. She got in the car with a man she later married. Alex was in the car. They had the windows rolled up. They wouldn't let Ricky talk to them."

The car rolled away, and that was the last time Alex's family saw her, although no one knew until later just how final the parting would be. There was another hearing in September. Susan didn't show up. Her lawyer told the judge he didn't know where to find her.

At first, no one but the family seemed to be alarmed.

"The authorities acted like because her mother had taken her everything was all right," said Day, who was a Wyoming County magistrate for two years in the mid-1980s and who also was a licensed practical nurse, an insurance agent and ran a beauty shop.

But by November of that year, a felony warrant for kidnapping was issued for Susan Carter.


Like Shawn Hornbeck, Alex Carter was old enough when she disappeared to know her family's telephone numbers. Day has fading hopes that the girl still might call some day. "In the winter, when she was first gone, I would get up in the night and look out on the porch," she said. "I thought she might have come home and was lying on the porch. You think of everything in the world."

More at the link

Thanks to LisaInWV for bringing this article to my attention. :D
Shadow, it's been bothering me for a couple of hours now and I've hesitated to say anything, but I think I've seen someone who looks very similar to the mother. The eyes, and that same lopsided smile, but much heavier in weight. Probably a parent of a kid in one of my kids classrooms, seen at a school party or event.

I just can't remember who, when, or where I've seen the person for sure. Maybe it's one of those things that will come to mind when I'm very relaxed or it just might have to wait until I see this mom again. Probably 99% chance that it's NOT the same person but I'll be sure to let you know if I ever remember or see her again.


I am so sorry that I did not respond to your post sooner. I just saw it this morning. Could you please tell me the area where you might have seen Susan? You can PM the info to me if you prefer. It could be very important.
I am ashamed to say that I have neglected Natasha's case and by doing so, let 2 possible leads slip by me. This one and

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