WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

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Being a "gun guy" I can attest that the weapon that was used to kill NF is a Ruger .380. I haven't heard of a second weapon in the vehicle but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.
Good points!
He probably was living off savings and he could have had decent savings from his previous security jobs.
I read that they found a different gun in his vehicle (not the one he was killed with.)
Was the Ruger the one he carried into Heather's place? Have they shown photos of the other gun from the car?

If you look at the evidence tag numbers in the photos, there are a few unaccounted for so it's possible other items were found in the car but LE is not disclosing what those items are.
Being a "gun guy" I can attest that the weapon that was used to kill NF is a Ruger .380. I haven't heard of a second weapon in the vehicle but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.

As a gun guy, where would you rate the Ruger? It is a name I recognize, but that's not necessarily saying much.

I get a sense that this guy was very budget conscious. That is, poor. His accessories seem... utilitarian, but on the cheap side. Certainly not what I would expect from a criminal mastermind.

Frankly, he is quoted as saying something to the effect that he thought he would be caught soon. Yet, by all appearances, no one in LE even knew he existed. So, he was a bit paranoid - which is understandable under either the vagrant rookie or accomplished murderer scenarios. But, it seems like he wasn't smart enough to figure out LE wasn't on to him yet.

By the way, I think "Heather" was totally lucky. If he put the gun down 6 inches further away, she passes out. If she wasn't able to improvise a weapon that was a distraction, but not a real threat (otherwise he would've shot her), then he would probably have made it to his next step. A bunch of things broke her way, the right way.
As to the pic of the car with the dog, I believe this pic was taken outside the West Virginia victims's home. There is a news video where you can see that building. Don't think that dog is his or they wouldn't be looking for it. Someone in this thread said his dog is a pittbull but I dont recall how they know that. Former landlord or coworkers or something like that.

Hello Ohwata, that was me. I saw that on a forum I frequent by people who claim to have known NF when he was working as a security guard at Ducks Village; a student apartment complex in Eugene. They say he used to bring it with him to work and keep it in his car while he was on duty. It was a pitbull. I'm wondering where that dog is now, the poor thing. I didn't get the impression it was with him in the video where he was pulled over.
Ever since Falls' associates brought up his "little black book" I've been wondering what else he kept in it. I wonder if he kept detailed records of the prostitutes he encountered and murdered - almost like a score book. I still can't get over how quickly LE came to the conclusion that he's a (probable) serial killer.
Some interesting new information:

"A suspected Oregon serial killer fatally shot in West Virginia last month had recently reported to Eugene police that someone had stolen 75 guns, $80,000 in cash, $400,000 in jewelry and other items from his parked U-Haul truck."

Apparently he reported the items stolen on April 19th and told police he was moving from Springfield in June. The police determined he had most likely fabricated the report and suspended the investigation.

There is also this bit on his whereabouts and the reasons for recent citations.

"Public records show Falls had past Oregon addresses in Springfield, Eugene, Albany, Lebanon and Klamath Falls, as well as other addresses in Henderson, Nevada and Butler, Indiana.
His Oregon record consists mostly of traffic violations. In Springfield, he was cited in June 2012 for failing to comply with a driver's license restriction and in March 2015 for failure to use a seat belt. He also was cited in Eugene in December 2012 for having a loose dog. He has other minor traffic infractions in Coos and Linn counties. "

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-n...f/2015/08/oregon_man_killed_by_escort_in.html
Man, you've invited another long-winded post by me!

As a gun guy, where would you rate the Ruger?

Interestingly enough, your very next sentence managed to answer your own question

I get a sense that this guy was very budget conscious. That is, poor. His accessories seem... utilitarian, but on the cheap side. Certainly not what I would expect from a criminal mastermind.

The ruger in question (Specifically, a Ruger LCP .380) is a very cheap handgun. It's also very small. You can't tell by the photos, but it's perhaps no bigger than a grown mans hand. It has a relatively short barrel, I reckon 3 inches at most. Normal handguns range from 5-8 inches. It's meant to be a compact weapon, meant for conceal carry. It only has a 6 round magazine (A 6 round magazine is normal, but .380 rounds are fairly small, so this is a small magazine in respect).

Now, the next is simply my opinion but I feel it is a very qualified opinion as a former soldier, and I'm sure other LEO's and similar individuals with weapons knowledge will agree. A weapon of this size and caliber is not something that would be recommended to an armed security officer. Simply put, the caliber is too small, the magazine capacity is too small for the given caliber, and the weapon itself is needlessly small. Generally speaking, armed officers have no need to conceal carry, but instead open carry (where the weapon is visible on a belt or other holster). The only real purpose for a handgun this size is for concealed carry purposes for close range firing, period.

Now, NF could have chosen the Ruger LCP specifically to conceal carry and shoot his targets at a close range, or NF could have chosen the Ruger because it's very cheap (You can get one for 300 dollars at the most, which is pretty cheap in the realm of handguns), or he could have chosen it for both reasons. Honestly, I'm not sure which reason he chose it for, and it would only be speculation to say so, but I'm very certain that one of the two reasons above are why he chose this particular firearm.
Ever since Falls' associates brought up his "little black book" I've been wondering what else he kept in it. I wonder if he kept detailed records of the prostitutes he encountered and murdered - almost like a score book. I still can't get over how quickly LE came to the conclusion that he's a (probable) serial killer.

I have to admit as soon as I read he'd shown up at the place without any cash and had that "kit" in the back of his car I jumped to the same conclusion. My immediate reaction was he'd been inspired by Israel Keyes.
Some interesting new information:

"A suspected Oregon serial killer fatally shot in West Virginia last month had recently reported to Eugene police that someone had stolen 75 guns, $80,000 in cash, $400,000 in jewelry and other items from his parked U-Haul truck."

Apparently he reported the items stolen on April 19th and told police he was moving from Springfield in June. The police determined he had most likely fabricated the report and suspended the investigation.

There is also this bit on his whereabouts and the reasons for recent citations.

"Public records show Falls had past Oregon addresses in Springfield, Eugene, Albany, Lebanon and Klamath Falls, as well as other addresses in Henderson, Nevada and Butler, Indiana.
His Oregon record consists mostly of traffic violations. In Springfield, he was cited in June 2012 for failing to comply with a driver's license restriction and in March 2015 for failure to use a seat belt. He also was cited in Eugene in December 2012 for having a loose dog. He has other minor traffic infractions in Coos and Linn counties. "

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-n...f/2015/08/oregon_man_killed_by_escort_in.html

BBM ~ What would be a DL restriction? Not wearing glasses?
Sociopaths lie like a rug and love to brag. 'New truck' may be BS.

This is what I was thinking about his trip to the Phillipines. AKA tells coworkers he's off for a 'trip to the Phillipines."
Leaves on a 'trip' across country........
The car on the left has a triangular shaped piece above the rear wheel that I don't see on the car on the right....

It looks like a Dodge Caravan to me. The triangle part is a reflection of light. Put your finger over that part and the back look at the back.
This is what I was thinking about his trip to the Phillipines. AKA tells coworkers he's off for a 'trip to the Phillipines."
Leaves on a 'trip' across country........

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but NF has a couple of family members with ties to the Philippines. One of his brothers, for instance, is married to a Filipino
Strange situation; we seem to have identified a serial killer but haven't found any victims (except Heather who survived).

We do know he was working in Henderson Nevada between 2000 and 2008 and three sex workers, from the Henderson-Las Vegas area were murdered and dismembered during this period. One had her severed legs dumped near Divernon Ill. In May of 2005. Falls was using an address in Butler Ind. to register a hand gun during this period. It is possible he drove there occasionally. It would be interesting to know if he had any time off from his job during May 2005. Divernon is 350 miles from Butler and not along what would be a direct route but the is an interstate near by so you never know.

A Daily Beast article quotes an acquaintance of Fallls as saying that he once worked in Niagara Falls. This could be significant because in Sept 2012 and June 2015, women with links to prostitution were murdered and dismembered in manners similar to the Nevada cases. Falls had vehicle citations in the Eugene Or area in April and later Dec 2012. Was he working in Sept of 2012? That might settle the Niagara Falls issue one way or the other. For various reasons the Niagara Falls cases suggest someone local. The Victims did not seem like Internet Escorts.

There is little doubt Falls was up to no good, the question is if he had done this sort of thing before or was the West Virginia caper his first?
It looks like a Dodge Caravan to me. The triangle part is a reflection of light. Put your finger over that part and the back look at the back.

Without the triangle they do look very similar. Wish there was a way to enhance that B&W pic!
Some interesting new information:

"A suspected Oregon serial killer fatally shot in West Virginia last month had recently reported to Eugene police that someone had stolen 75 guns, $80,000 in cash, $400,000 in jewelry and other items from his parked U-Haul truck."

Apparently he reported the items stolen on April 19th and told police he was moving from Springfield in June. The police determined he had most likely fabricated the report and suspended the investigation...

RSBM. Based on this info, I'd say NF had a low IQ or frontal lobe damage or something.

Q: Who does this describe?

•45 y.o. white, unmarried male
•Not currently employment
•Owns $400,000 in jewelry, stored in a parked UHaul
•Owns 75 guns, stored in a parked UHaul
•Owns $80,000 in cash, stored in a parked UHaul
•Sales receipts, firearms permits, proof of earnings not available

A: A stolen goods dealer/gun runner/jewelry thief

Ridiculous. There was no possibility he'd be believed. There was no possibility he'd be reimbursed (via insurance policy). The only possibility was LE scrutiny. What was the end game for NF?

For the first time I'm starting to doubt the serial killer speculation. How could he drive cross country on a killing trip when he can't even fabricate a basic lie?
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but NF has a couple of family members with ties to the Philippines. One of his brothers, for instance, is married to a Filipino

Ahhh...that does add a bit of credence to the possibility. I tend to take anything a sociopath says with an extreme grain of salt. :eye:
RSBM. Based on this info, I'd say NF had a low IQ or frontal lobe damage or something.

Q: Who does this describe?

•45 y.o. white, unmarried male
•Not currently employment
•Owns $400,000 in jewelry, stored in a parked UHaul
•Owns 75 guns, stored in a parked UHaul
•Owns $80,000 in cash, stored in a parked UHaul
•Sales receipts, firearms permits, proof of earnings not available

A: A stolen goods dealer/gun runner/jewelry thief

Ridiculous. There was no possibility he'd be believed. There was no possibility he'd be reimbursed (via insurance policy). The only possibility was LE scrutiny. What was the end game for NF?

Great points, excellent question. There's no doubt something was off. And that strange statement he made to the victim about his "going to be in big trouble with the police"....and that bullet proof vest. Was he looking to attract attention or was he really this 'slow?'
I agree with some of the posters above. I think the reason police were so open to declaring Neal Falls a probable serial killer was the discovery in his car of a book or log of some sort detailing past killings. If there were actual 'trophies' taken from past victims in his car, the talk from the police would be far more explicit and concerning. Words like 'likely' wouldn't be used. This whole developing story is horrifying.
It looks like a Dodge Caravan to me. The triangle part is a reflection of light. Put your finger over that part and the back look at the back.

Without the triangle they do look very similar. Wish there was a way to enhance that B&W pic!

Are you sure you guys are looking at the right vehicle?

Ridiculous. There was no possibility he'd be believed. There was no possibility he'd be reimbursed (via insurance policy). The only possibility was LE scrutiny. What was the end game for NF?

For the first time I'm starting to doubt the serial killer speculation. How could he drive cross country on a killing trip when he can't even fabricate a basic lie?

I basically agree. This guy seems more Verbal Kint than Keyser Soze.

There's one permutation that is still possible with regard to the reported theft. He might've actually had the "good" stuff stolen from his trailer, and then exaggerated to try to get more stuff. Or, maybe he just needed the police report to prove to someone else - like a dubious audience - that he had all that stuff. Either way, it is just strange.

I will say this: I think it is more plausible that the Henderson/LV abductions could be his. The timing is right. The suspicious activity in the desert is right.

But, I'm still somewhat even skeptical of that. He spent how much time in Oregon (years), but is there any connection to any abductions there?

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