WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Also, more information here:

During the theft report in April, Falls told police he planned to move on June 24. Falls claimed that the valuable goods had been stolen from a truck he had rented.
Eugene police provided the theft report information to The Register-Guard in response to a request for information about Falls.
The report provides a clearer timeline of when Falls — a former security guard at Premier Security who guarded locations such as the Ducks Village apartment complex in Eugene — could have driven to Charleston, W.Va.

Among the things Falls reported stolen were 75 firearms, $400,000 in jewelry, a unique bicycle and $80,000 in cash.

McLaughlin said police also checked with bicycle dealers in Oregon and determined that the theft of the bicycle was a false claim.

A unique bike? I am totally out of that world, but how can a bike be THAT unique? Was it one of those old fashioned ones with the really huge front wheels?
Strange situation; we seem to have identified a serial killer but haven't found any victims (except Heather who survived).

We do know he was working in Henderson Nevada between 2000 and 2008 and three sex workers, from the Henderson-Las Vegas area were murdered and dismembered during this period. One had her severed legs dumped near Divernon Ill. In May of 2005. Falls was using an address in Butler Ind. to register a hand gun during this period. It is possible he drove there occasionally. It would be interesting to know if he had any time off from his job during May 2005. Divernon is 350 miles from Butler and not along what would be a direct route but the is an interstate near by so you never know.

A Daily Beast article quotes an acquaintance of Fallls as saying that he once worked in Niagara Falls. This could be significant because in Sept 2012 and June 2015, women with links to prostitution were murdered and dismembered in manners similar to the Nevada cases. Falls had vehicle citations in the Eugene Or area in April and later Dec 2012. Was he working in Sept of 2012? That might settle the Niagara Falls issue one way or the other. For various reasons the Niagara Falls cases suggest someone local. The Victims did not seem like Internet Escorts.

There is little doubt Falls was up to no good, the question is if he had done this sort of thing before or was the West Virginia caper his first?

Is it possible LE could connect the cases via tool marks on the bones?
Without the triangle they do look very similar. Wish there was a way to enhance that B&W pic!

Actually, I found another photograph of the vehicle in a much more clearer angle.


Again, it's evident the vehicle is not the same.

Fellas, the more I think about and research this, the less and less I'm starting to believe he's a serial killer, as well. Unless law enforcement can start making connections and then publicly announcing the relations via DNA evidence, I'm going start reeling it in. Lets be honest, anywhere NF could have possibly lived, we would find a missing persons case from the area he lived in. I mean, in the back of my mind, it certainly looks like he was a serial killer just based on all the things in the vehicle and things he told Heather...but looking at it objectively, we have no evidence proving it.
I mean, in the back of my mind, it certainly looks like he was a serial killer just based on all the things in the vehicle and things he told Heather...but looking at it objectively, we have no evidence proving it.
I'm right there with you. He might also have been a wannabe.

My only carve-out is the Henderson/LV cases. Those are the right time frame and confirmed presence in the area. Particularly when paired with the information from the other guards that he would spend time out in the desert.
I'm right there with you. He might also have been a wannabe.

My only carve-out is the Henderson/LV cases. Those are the right time frame and confirmed presence in the area. Particularly when paired with the information from the other guards that he would spend time out in the desert.

True, but it's also not unheard of for there to be a city that large having more than 1 serial killer operating in it at the same time. Hell, look at San Francisco from the 60's and 70's, how many serial killers operated in the SF area alone, much less SoCal?
Being a "gun guy" I can attest that the weapon that was used to kill NF is a Ruger .380. I haven't heard of a second weapon in the vehicle but it certainly wouldn't surprise me.

Is a Ruger .380 single action or double action?

This link has more of the actual video from the Benbrook stop. In it, it sounds like NMF had one auto insurance policy that expired in May, but was able to provide some sort of documentation that he was currently insured.

(Total aside, Benbrook body cams need to be adjusted to look less up the officers' noses.)

Also, at the very beginning of the video, like the 2 second mark, it shows the back end of the Subaru. It looks like the right tail light is broken, but I it might just be the angle. Anyone else getting that? The released pic of the car, with the dog, has an intact tail light.
RSBM. Based on this info, I'd say NF had a low IQ or frontal lobe damage or something.

Q: Who does this describe?

•45 y.o. white, unmarried male
•Not currently employment
•Owns $400,000 in jewelry, stored in a parked UHaul
•Owns 75 guns, stored in a parked UHaul
•Owns $80,000 in cash, stored in a parked UHaul
•Sales receipts, firearms permits, proof of earnings not available

A: A stolen goods dealer/gun runner/jewelry thief

Ridiculous. There was no possibility he'd be believed. There was no possibility he'd be reimbursed (via insurance policy). The only possibility was LE scrutiny. What was the end game for NF?

For the first time I'm starting to doubt the serial killer speculation. How could he drive cross country on a killing trip when he can't even fabricate a basic lie?

Add to that the fact that, a reasonably adept, multi-state serial killer, just sets his handgun down on a counter within easy reach of his victim? Really? That's just one piece of this whole puzzle that I find hard to swallow. Because we are victim friendly forum, I don't feel at liberty to question the story of the victim, so I won't. But I do think there are ALOT of assumptions being made in this case. Here are just a few that come immediately to mind:

1. He had a "kill kit" in his vehicle. What some view as a "kill kit", I can easily view as survivalist/camping essentials.
2. He showed up at the escorts door without money on him. How do we know that? Simply because he didn't have cash on him when LE arrived doesn't necessarily mean that he came to the house without money.
3. He had a list of escorts phone numbers in his pocket...obviously intended victims. Many johns (particularly "hobbyists") keep a list like this. It's not at all unusual.
4. He'd been to several cities where the bodies of murdered prostitutes have been found. So have I. So have most of you. Unfortunately, you could throw a dart at a map of the US and land it on an area where prostitutes have been murdered.
5. He went to this escorts house with the intent to murder her. How do we know this? Isn't it possible he came to the house with the intent to subdue and rape her, and things went awry? Or even a simple robbery, for that matter?

Not trying to play devil's advocate here...but we really don't have a lot of facts here. Facebook comments are not facts, and in truth, are against forum rules, so shouldn't even be brought up here (although, I am glad for the information). I'm content to wait for LE to come back with some sort of physical evidence before I scour the country for potential victims.

Add to that the fact that, a reasonably adept, multi-state serial killer, just sets his handgun down on a counter within easy reach of his victim? Really? That's just one piece of this whole puzzle that I find hard to swallow.

Without meaning to argue, that's a part of her story I find credible. Fights are dynamic events. It is hard to predict where it will end up. For whatever reason, he chose to fight her instead of just shooting her. (Thank God.)

When she fought back, she made him react to her, so he couldn't think things through. He instinctively put the gun down to fight her, probably figuring he could control her. She thought faster than he did and got the gun.

She got lucky, but she lived long enough to get lucky by staying in the fight - not giving up.

I find it harder to believe that he went to her place without any cash on him or in the car.
More bits of info.

Police believe Falls used Trac phones during his travels. The phone he was carrying when he was killed was brand new and had a West Virginia area code, police say. Investigators suspect he'd been in the Charleston area for nearly a week before he was killed by Heather.


They say there was a large amount of dog hair found in his car while they were searching for evidence.
Jmo I don't think heather was this guy's first attempted kill.. I do think he was a sk
Without meaning to argue, that's a part of her story I find credible. Fights are dynamic events. It is hard to predict where it will end up. For whatever reason, he chose to fight her instead of just shooting her. (Thank God.)

When she fought back, she made him react to her, so he couldn't think things through. He instinctively put the gun down to fight her, probably figuring he could control her. She thought faster than he did and got the gun.

She got lucky, but she lived long enough to get lucky by staying in the fight - not giving up.

I find it harder to believe that he went to her place without any cash on him or in the car.

Well perhaps she took his cash prior to LE getting there. .who would blame her if she did
I was looking into females that have disappeared during the 1990's along Interstate 75 in Kentucky, Ohio, and Michigan.

The important thing that I must point out is that the females that disappeared came from good families and they were not involved with drugs or prostitution at the time of their disappearance.

I believe the nature of their disappearances should be considered.

Jody Lynn Brant, 16, Erie, Michigan May 27, 1994

Jody Lynn Brant left her home in Lawrenceville, Georgia on the evening of Friday May 27, 1994. Jody was traveling alone during the Memorial Day holiday weekend in her black 1987 Ford Escort, going from Lawrenceville, Georgia to visit her relatives living in Pontiac, Michigan.

Halfway through her journey, Jody contacted her family by telephone on Saturday May 28, 1994 from Cincinnati, Ohio. And during the journey, Jody had contacted her family asking for directions after she got lost somewhere in Ohio, possibly around the Toledo area.

Jody made her last phone call to one of her friend’s answering machine sometime during the evening of Saturday May 28, 1994. Jody stated on the answering machine that she was in Pontiac, Michigan and that she was OK. It is believed that Jody may have been forced to make that last phone call.

Jody’s black 1987 Ford Escort was found burned on the morning of Sunday May 29, 1994 at an intersection off of U.S. Route 23 in Ottawa Lake, Michigan. Police suspect that Jody’s car was set on fire sometime during the late evening on Saturday May 28, 1994.

Jody Lynn Brant has not been seen or heard from again.





Toledo Blade newspaper article June 2, 1994


Toledo Blade newspaper article June 3, 1994


Shaylene Marie Farrell, 18, Piqua, Ohio August 8, 1994

Shaylene Marie Farrell was last seen leaving her home in Piqua, Ohio around 10:00 a.m. on Monday August 8, 1994. Shaylene took her mother’s silver 1981 Chevrolet Malibu to buy a bottle of iced tea where she worked at the nearby Pick-n-Save grocery store. Later that evening on the same day, Shaylene did not report for her 7:00 p.m. part time shift at the Pick-n-Save grocery store.

The silver 1981 Chevrolet Malibu that Shaylene had been driving was discovered abandoned the next day in Piqua, Ohio at the Pick-n-Save grocery store parking lot.

Shaylene Marie Farrell was to begin her senior year in high school within the next month. Shaylene did not take any personal belongs with her when she disappeared. Shaylene Marie Farrell has not been seen or heard from again.




Regina Renee Cox, 18, Somerset, Kentucky August 23, 1997

Regina Renee Cox was last seen leaving the parking lot of the Armed Services Recruiting Station at around 11:30 a.m. on Saturday August 23, 1997 in Somerset, Kentucky.

Regina’s locked car was found by her mother the next morning in Somerset, Kentucky at the Wal-Mart parking lot directly across the street from the recruiting station. The keys to the car were not found.

Regina Renee Cox had joined the United States Navy prior to her disappearance and was scheduled to report to the Great Lakes Recruit Training Center in Illinois on September 9, 1997.

Her family believes that she was taken against her will. Regina Renee Cox has not been seen or heard from again.





Erica Lee Fraysure, 17, Brookeville, Kentucky October 21, 1997

Erica Lee Fraysure was last seen on the evening of Tuesday October 21, 1997 between 9:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. at the Video-N-Tan in Brooksville, Kentucky. She drove away in her black 1988 Pontiac Bonneville heading for her home in Germantown, Kentucky. Erica Lee Fraysure never arrived at her parent’s home.

Erica’s car was discovered unlocked and abandoned the next day between haystacks on an isolated road outside of Brooksville. The vehicle was located approximately one mile from the Video-N-Tan in Brooksville.

There were no signs of blood, struggle, or evidence of foul play. Erica’s purse and personal belongings were found inside the car. Fraysure’s car keys were missing for sometime afterwards, and it was later discovered across the road under some leaves.

Erica Lee Fraysure was in her senior year at Bracken County High School in October 1997. Erica had planned to enroll in Northern Kentucky University after her graduation and study accounting.

Erica had a part time job at Carota's Pizza in Augusta, Kentucky. She did not pick up her paycheck from her restaurant job after her disappearance.

Erica Lee Fraysure has not been seen or heard from again. Authorities do not believe Fraysure left of her own accord.






Lydia Ann Perkins, 14, Lexington, Kentucky October 26, 1997

Lydia Ann Perkins was last seen at her parent’s home in Lexington, Kentucky during the early afternoon on Sunday October 26, 1997.

Lydia left her parent’s home later that afternoon to visit a friend’s home in her neighborhood. The last known sighting of Lydia Ann Perkins was when a neighbor saw Lydia walking towards her home in her neighborhood.

Little is known about the exact nature of Lydia’s disappearance. It is believed that Lydia Ann Perkins disappeared from a street corner in Lexington.

Lydia Ann Perkins has not been seen or heard from again.






Alana ‘Laney’ Gwinner, 23, Fairfield, Ohio December 10, 1997

Alana “Laney” Gwinner was celebrating with her friends at the Gilmore bowling lanes in Fairfield, Ohio on Tuesday December 9, 1997.

Alana “Laney” Gwinner was an accounting student at the University of Cincinnati. Earlier that day she had passed a college exam that guaranteed her an associate’s degree in business.

At approximately 12:35 a.m., she telephoned her boyfriend who lived less than two miles from the Gilmore bowling lanes to say that she was on her way.

Alana’s friends last saw her leaving the bowling alley by herself before 1:00 a.m. on Wednesday December 10, 1997. Alana’s drove a black 1993 Honda Del Sol. She never arrived at her boyfriend’s house after leaving the bowling alley.

On Sunday January 11, 1998, Alana “Laney” Gwinner’s body surfaced in the Ohio River near Warsaw, Kentucky. Her body was found nearly 65 miles from where she had disappeared. And her black 1993 Honda Del Sol has not been found.

Homicide was ruled to be the cause of Alana “Laney” Gwinner’s death. Authorities have not revealed how Alana was murdered. It is believed that Alana was likely accosted and abducted from the bowling alley parking lot.

No one has ever been arrested or charged for the murder of Alana “Laney” Gwinner. Her murder remains unsolved to this day.


Are you sure you guys are looking at the right vehicle?

I basically agree. This guy seems more Verbal Kint than Keyser Soze.

There's one permutation that is still possible with regard to the reported theft. He might've actually had the "good" stuff stolen from his trailer, and then exaggerated to try to get more stuff. Or, maybe he just needed the police report to prove to someone else - like a dubious audience - that he had all that stuff. Either way, it is just strange.

I will say this: I think it is more plausible that the Henderson/LV abductions could be his. The timing is right. The suspicious activity in the desert is right.

But, I'm still somewhat even skeptical of that. He spent how much time in Oregon (years), but is there any connection to any abductions there?

I was looking at the wrong vehicle.
Well perhaps she took his cash prior to LE getting there. .who would blame her if she did

TheLittleRedHen said:


Upon reflection, the Trac phone thing is something that actually makes me think the guy had a clue about what he was doing.

There was another report that said he did not have a "smart phone" so I suppose he could've had one of their flip phones. That still leaves unanswered the question of how he accessed Backpage.

Ok. I have a question. I just found this in a link from the NMF wiki (yes, he has a wiki now). The sentence was:
Evidence found with dismembered bodies outside of Las Vegas, where Falls used to live, is similar to an item found in his car.

I didn't think I'd seen that before, so I went to a link that talks about "Heather's" recitation of the events. Then, voila, was that sentence.

Truly, I was thinking there had been no media report that specific. Moreover, it makes me think of the dog hair.

Apologies if the rest of you had already seen that, and I missed it amongst the posts.
Jmo I don't think heather was this guy's first attempted kill.. I do think he was a sk

If you don't mind me asking, Sweet T, what specifically makes you believe he was a serial killer?
I think both are matches. .jmo

The back window on the side of NF vehicle is square. The back window on the side of the other vehicle is triangular. To me, they look like very different vehicles. JMO
If you don't mind me asking, Sweet T, what specifically makes you believe he was a serial killer?

I'm not Sweet T, but I'd say the following makes me think he was a serial killer (granted, maybe he was a serial killer wannabe and this was going to be his first kill, but every police department across the U.S. and Canada that had victims that might have even tangentially been his would be pretty derelict of duty right now not to cross every "t" and dot every "i" before ruling him out):

The number of tools and weapons useful in killing and burying someone. The enormous amount of bleach (Do you take that much bleach camping? And speaking of- The lack of bottled water, food supplies, or camping gear) Two sets of handcuffs. A bullet-proof vest (unless it's proven otherwise, he did not need this for his security guard jobs) The gun(s) (ditto).

The blitz attack. He didn't pull a gun on her and ask her to hand over cash/valuables so robbery wasn't the prime motive. He didn't threaten her with a gun and handcuff her to something even though he'd brought handcuffs. No, he *strangled* her. You don't strangle someone unless you want to kill them, or at the very least if you don't mind killing them.

If he isn't thoroughly ruled out then wouldn't departments with open serial murder cases, or with similar victims really dropping the ball here if they didn't do their due diligence? I don't understand why anyone would think it'd be a waste of time to try to connect him to other cases. It's not like these cold cases are going to solve themselves.

Upon reflection, the Trac phone thing is something that actually makes me think the guy had a clue about what he was doing.

There was another report that said he did not have a "smart phone" so I suppose he could've had one of their flip phones. That still leaves unanswered the question of how he accessed Backpage.

Ok. I have a question. I just found this in a link from the NMF wiki (yes, he has a wiki now). The sentence was:

[/FONT][/COLOR]I didn't think I'd seen that before, so I went to a link that talks about "Heather's" recitation of the events. Then, voila, was that sentence.

Truly, I was thinking there had been no media report that specific. Moreover, it makes me think of the dog hair.

Apologies if the rest of you had already seen that, and I missed it amongst the posts.

I think it was the dog hair too. Dog hair was allegedly all over the interior of the Subaru and LE is searching for a dog!?! Could it be that dog hair was found on the remains of one (or two or several) possible victim(s)?

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