WV - NEAL FALLS, suspected SK - LE seeking link to murders in IL, NV and OR

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Great points, excellent question. There's no doubt something was off. And that strange statement he made to the victim about his "going to be in big trouble with the police"....and that bullet proof vest. Was he looking to attract attention or was he really this 'slow?'

OK I'll play "devil's advocate." Truth is often stranger than fiction. Policemen are human and they make mistakes.
I know of an innocent man who was hounded for months in a despicable way by seasoned and professional police investigators who were quite certain he was a murder, only to have him proven innocent by DNA evidence years later.
I wouldn't be at all surprised about a truthful report to police being dismissed erroneously for lack of receipts.
Falls didn't provide receipts for his firearms. How many of us have kept receipts for our valuables and could produce them for police right after a robbery?
That said, I wouldnt completely discount the idea that Neal Falls was robbed.
I think he may have had things stolen or possibly arraigned to look like things were stolen/ had a friend help.
His former housemate in Nevada described him as an avid gun collector and she recounted seeing some pricey or "name" firearms in his personal collection. That info came out BEFORE the info that investigators discounted Falls claim.
IF Falls was telling the truth about the robbery, he could have easily stolen jewelry from his many victims. If he was a true "survivalist" he could have well kept his cash savings in a stash and some money tied up in gold. There is no telling how many firearms Falls collected between the time he showed them to his housemate years before and was "robbed."
I think that Falls was an extremely bright criminal. He went to great lengths to assure that it wouldn't be easy to be catch. He hid victims of his crimes many many miles away and parceled them out. Others will never be found. He was cool and calculating as some brilliant psychopaths are. He knew better than to lie to police in Texas in June. He was truthful about no longer living in Oregon. He was truthful about heading toward West Virginia. He was truthful about not having a permanent address. He may have been truthful about reporting a robbery. If indeed he was robbed, this would account for greatly increased despondency and an escalation in his crimes (Chilicothe, Niagara Falls etc etc???) A possibility of a "final" run because he was truly broke. I'm very curious as to whether any bank accounts / bank records for Falls can be found. He took a risk reporting the theft. Is there a chance his report was truthful? Maybe so.
(Total aside, Benbrook body cams need to be adjusted to look less up the officers' noses.)

From a former undercover investigator, body cameras as really difficult to get the right angle, especially the button cameras!

One thing I would like to note is that owning a lot of weapons isn't really sort of a link to being a killer or especially a serial killer. If that were the case, then most of the folks out here on my street alone are worse than the Zodiac and Jack the Ripper combined!
Adding to the idea of NF actually being robbed.... He showed his female housemate in Nevada some of his guns including a Beretta NOT A CHEAP GUN. He showed her eight guns he was proud of- probably not any of them "cheap" guns. Maybe the Reuger was purchased after the robbery? Just tossing around ideas. I'm betting Beretta was one of his "stolen" list that police discounted hmmmm....
Adding to the idea of NF actually being robbed.... He showed his female housemate in Nevada some of his guns including a Beretta NOT A CHEAP GUN. He showed her eight guns he was proud of- probably not any of them "cheap" guns. Maybe the Reuger was purchased after the robbery? Just tossing around ideas. I'm betting Beretta was one of his "stolen" list that police discounted hmmmm....

The Ruger he had was, at most, 300 bucks. A Beretta92 runs about 400 to 600 at most. However, he had an AR-15 as well. Now, AR's can go from kinda cheap if you buy a really garbage one, and you can get one like that for around 500 at the very least. Custom AR's can go all the way up to 3000 or even more with accessories and modifications. Generally speaking though, and average AR price is still around 700-1000. Now, an AR is not very wieldy, but it does show that NF has spent quiet a bit of money on weapons in the past. This alone surely shouldn't be used as evidence of any sort of killing, but it could be a piece of the puzzle in regards to where he got his money from, assuming he sold them to fund his cross country trips.
While I totally understand the perspective of NF not being a serial killer I am leaning towards him being one IMHO.
1. There are so many unsolved homicides that fit the MO of what his intentions were in West Virginia. Yes all those supplies can be used for survival and living off the grid but more of a variety of items would be found if that were the case (not just items associated violence). I am a survivalist and carry a axe, machete and rope but also have medical supplies, hand warmers, reflective blankets, bottled water, meal bars etc.
2. He looked quite unsuspecting and traveled frequently..certainly makes committing crimes easier without detection. If no one really knows you, they will have a harder time catching on to you.
3. I mean this in the least offensive way possible but if he is who they suspect he was a hunter. Hunting is a skill based on instinct not intelligence, so it is possible that he was not highly intelligent just a natural predator (ugh I feel bad for saying it that way). The Green River killer had a low iq and operated for over a decade in his own community undetected by even his wife.

Time will eventually tell the truth and I don't think every unsolved dismemberment is connected to him but surely his last attack wasn't his first. And I really hope they find his dog alive and safe.
If you don't mind me asking, Sweet T, what specifically makes you believe he was a serial killer?

Not Sweet T either but another thing that stands out to me and makes me think he is an SK is the way he executes the crime. He has a gun on her, he has her all alone by herself inside the house, he has her under control. That's not enough for him; he wants to feel her fear, he wants her to feel his hands around her neck, he wants to choke the life out of her.
I believe we can determine what kind of machete he had. It is a "latin machete" style, although I can't tell what brand.

Check out this forum thread:

Specifically, this pic appears to have the same survival scabbard and distinctive handle.

Of course, that thread is simply used for identification. It is not being used to associate with NMF in any way.

This could be the retail:

NMF's double headed hatchet appears relatively uncommon. My google-fu might be failing, but I can't find anything that bears a resemblence to it.

In looking at that numbered pic of the contents of the car, I'm struck by the presence of: a sledgehammer, a maul (axe on one head, hammer on the other) and an axe. It seems like at least 1 of these is redundant (the maul) or 2 (the sledge and the axe, since the maul has both).

Sure, two is one and one is none in the survivalist world. But for his purposes, that seems like an odd part of the collection.

Another oddity.

Take a look at the license plate:

Now, according to the Oregon DMV:

So, his license plate had been paid up through September 2016. I can't tell if you can pay for multiple years in advance.

That just seems odd.

ETA3: Nevah mind-

So, he paid up in Aug/Sept 2014, for 2 years.

This timing, registering the vehicle almost a year ago would coincide with the coworkers statement that he last spoke with him about a year ago and he talked about a new truck and possibly a trailer. So, is this SUVSthe new truck, or is there a pickup truck out there somewhere? And what exactly is a toy trailer? I'll have to Goggle it but I always thought those were for motorcycles or ATVs. I had posted previously that he may have had two vehicles. I'm sure LE knows whether he did and they will answer that when they are ready. Wonder if the coworker knows what he was driving at the time he was talking about a new truck. Finally, I still think there could be a rental storage unit out there somewhere.
Some interesting new information:

"A suspected Oregon serial killer fatally shot in West Virginia last month had recently reported to Eugene police that someone had stolen 75 guns, $80,000 in cash, $400,000 in jewelry and other items from his parked U-Haul truck."

Apparently he reported the items stolen on April 19th and told police he was moving from Springfield in June. The police determined he had most likely fabricated the report and suspended the investigation.

There is also this bit on his whereabouts and the reasons for recent citations.

"Public records show Falls had past Oregon addresses in Springfield, Eugene, Albany, Lebanon and Klamath Falls, as well as other addresses in Henderson, Nevada and Butler, Indiana.
His Oregon record consists mostly of traffic violations. In Springfield, he was cited in June 2012 for failing to comply with a driver's license restriction and in March 2015 for failure to use a seat belt. He also was cited in Eugene in December 2012 for having a loose dog. He has other minor traffic infractions in Coos and Linn counties. "

Source: http://www.oregonlive.com/pacific-n...f/2015/08/oregon_man_killed_by_escort_in.html

YEP! This is either true and his plans got screwed up, OR there is a rental storage unit somewhere and he was trying to get insurance money on top of what he had stashed!
The car on the left has a triangular shaped piece above the rear wheel that I don't see on the car on the right....

I thought the same thing initially, but looking at it again, cause of the messed up angle and lighting, it very well could be.
I'm not Sweet T, but I'd say the following makes me think he was a serial killer (granted, maybe he was a serial killer wannabe and this was going to be his first kill, but every police department across the U.S. and Canada that had victims that might have even tangentially been his would be pretty derelict of duty right now not to cross every "t" and dot every "i" before ruling him out):

The number of tools and weapons useful in killing and burying someone. The enormous amount of bleach (Do you take that much bleach camping? And speaking of- The lack of bottled water, food supplies, or camping gear) Two sets of handcuffs. A bullet-proof vest (unless it's proven otherwise, he did not need this for his security guard jobs) The gun(s) (ditto).

The blitz attack. He didn't pull a gun on her and ask her to hand over cash/valuables so robbery wasn't the prime motive. He didn't threaten her with a gun and handcuff her to something even though he'd brought handcuffs. No, he *strangled* her. You don't strangle someone unless you want to kill them, or at the very least if you don't mind killing them.

If he isn't thoroughly ruled out then wouldn't departments with open serial murder cases, or with similar victims really dropping the ball here if they didn't do their due diligence? I don't understand why anyone would think it'd be a waste of time to try to connect him to other cases. It's not like these cold cases are going to solve themselves.

Of course, Marble. I never suggested otherwise. LE has evidence and resources that we don't have access to, and they must have something relatively solid that caused them to expand their investigation. I'm simply saying that, given the scant information we've been given, I don't understand how they made the leap from point A to point B. As for us searching for possible victims being a waste of time....I never said that. What I said was that I was content to wait for more information before I attempted to link him to thousands of murder cases across the country. For me, I suppose that's motivated by time constraints to a degree, but also, with what little info we've been given, that's like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

All JMO.

ETA: I don't specifically recall reading how much bleach he was carrying in the vehicle. I probably just missed that, but if you could link me to that info, I'd appreciate it.
I agree with some of the posters above. I think the reason police were so open to declaring Neal Falls a probable serial killer was the discovery in his car of a book or log of some sort detailing past killings. If there were actual 'trophies' taken from past victims in his car, the talk from the police would be far more explicit and concerning. Words like 'likely' wouldn't be used. This whole developing story is horrifying.

Maybe the exaggerated $400,000.00 in jewelry were the trophies. This is not a man that I imagine having jewelry of his own. I'm sure the overblown amount was for insurance purposes.
Maybe the exaggerated $400,000.00 in jewelry were the trophies. This is not a man that I imagine having jewelry of his own. I'm sure the overblown amount was for insurance purposes.

If his mother was recently deceased, I suppose it's possible he inherited some of her jewelry. But $400,000 dollars worth?! Not likely. In fact, I think it's highly unlikely that he had anywhere close to $400,000 worth of jewelry...ever. Sounds like insurance fraud to me.
That said, I wouldnt completely discount the idea that Neal Falls was robbed.
He took a risk reporting the theft. Is there a chance his report was truthful? Maybe so.

Yes, I personally agree that some sort of theft might have occurred. A little embellishment would make sense, but for him to generate a "top 20" type list, without serial numbers, takes it out of the realm of smart and into the area of too-smart-by-half.

If he was a serious, legitimate gun owner, he would have serial numbers for all his guns, even if he wasn't comfortable stating where he got them. If he were a thief, and had stolen some of them, then he wasn't very smart if he went to the police.

3. I mean this in the least offensive way possible but if he is who they suspect he was a hunter. Hunting is a skill based on instinct not intelligence, so it is possible that he was not highly intelligent just a natural predator (ugh I feel bad for saying it that way). The Green River killer had a low iq and operated for over a decade in his own community undetected by even his wife.
I do not think his MO (as currently described) is that of a hunter. At least not a predatory one. It is more like someone that goes on those "caged" hunts where you are guaranteed to get something. Like fishing in a barrel with a net.

The thing about the dog hair. The dog was a puppy in 2010 so it would have to be one of the more recent victims.
Ah - good catch.

If it is not dog hair, but rather something like tool marks from the items in his car, I'm not sure they can really narrow it down that well. It does not appear that there are any truly unique items in his inventory.

He has a gun on her, he has her all alone by herself inside the house, he has her under control. That's not enough for him; he wants to feel her fear, he wants her to feel his hands around her neck, he wants to choke the life out of her.
IMHO, he did not want to choke her to death. If he did, he wouldn't need the handcuffs. I think he wanted to make her pass out, then take her.
This timing, registering the vehicle almost a year ago would coincide with the coworkers statement that he last spoke with him about a year ago and he talked about a new truck and possibly a trailer. So, is this SUVSthe new truck, or is there a pickup truck out there somewhere? And what exactly is a toy trailer? I'll have to Goggle it but I always thought those were for motorcycles or ATVs. I had posted previously that he may have had two vehicles. I'm sure LE knows whether he did and they will answer that when they are ready. Wonder if the coworker knows what he was driving at the time he was talking about a new truck. Finally, I still think there could be a rental storage unit out there somewhere.

Re: toy trailer. I found this on Google:


If this is what he was referring to, it answers where he was sleeping and where his dog/belongings could be.
I don't think I've seen this article posted yet in this thread:


""Some of the local prostitutes on the streets describe having seen his vehicle and describe him as acting threatening or suspiciously," Cooper says."

I wish this would be elaborated on. As in, where was he seen? What town? How exactly was he acting?

I think this is the first reference I've seen that states he may have trolled the streets for potential victims. All I've seen so far were backpage references. So, is it possible he may have been attempting to lure/abduct someone off the street as well?

There definitely is something skeevy about this page. For one, there's 4 friends listed. At least 2 of the 4 appear to be young high school girls. One seems to possibly be the mother of one of the girls, and the last one only has 3 friends, no info, and seems like a fake profile.

This "BJ" claims to be a married mother of children, yet has almost nothing but cartoonish pictures of scantily clad, large breasted women. Then there's the post about "*advertiser censored*". This totally does not seem like a "married mother" to me. It's concerning about the young girls as friends.

There's an Investigation page on FB with a few very interesting things on it discovered by a poster on here. (I'd rather let her link if she chooses to disclose that) She discovered a tentative link to a photo account online that may or may not be related to the BJ identity. The photo account has links to a few hundred online photos of transexuals that are scantily clad, as well as many pornographic images.

From the beginning, something seemed off about Falls to me. The seemingly plucked eyebrows are what drew my curiousity at first, and then the video of the traffic stop....he speaks in an almost effeminate manner (to me) and I've gotten a very female vibe from him from the get go. It sort of doesn't jibe with this gun collecting, misogynistic, survivalist, security guard tough guy persona to me.

Of course there's no concrete links or facts to any of this, it's all speculation, but I'm beginning to wonder if our Mr. Falls may not have been a transexual with a massive identity crisis. I swear if it turns out this guy is emulating Jame Gumb from Silence of The Lambs, I'll freak.
There definitely is something skeevy about this page. For one, there's 4 friends listed. At least 2 of the 4 appear to be young high school girls. One seems to possibly be the mother of one of the girls, and the last one only has 3 friends, no info, and seems like a fake profile.

This "BJ" claims to be a married mother of children, yet has almost nothing but cartoonish pictures of scantily clad, large breasted women. Then there's the post about "*advertiser censored*". This totally does not seem like a "married mother" to me. It's concerning about the young girls as friends.

There's an Investigation page on FB with a few very interesting things on it discovered by a poster on here. (I'd rather let her link if she chooses to disclose that) She discovered a tentative link to a photo account online that may or may not be related to the BJ identity. The photo account has links to a few hundred online photos of transexuals that are scantily clad, as well as many pornographic images.

From the beginning, something seemed off about Falls to me. The seemingly plucked eyebrows are what drew my curiousity at first, and then the video of the traffic stop....he speaks in an almost effeminate manner (to me) and I've gotten a very female vibe from him from the get go. It sort of doesn't jibe with this gun collecting, misogynistic, survivalist, security guard tough guy persona to me.

Of course there's no concrete links or facts to any of this, it's all speculation, but I'm beginning to wonder if our Mr. Falls may not have been a transexual with a massive identity crisis. I swear if it turns out this guy is emulating Jame Gumb from Silence of The Lambs, I'll freak.

Incredible post! I think you might be on to something. Just looking at NF's photos gives me the willies.
I don't think I've seen this article posted yet in this thread:


""Some of the local prostitutes on the streets describe having seen his vehicle and describe him as acting threatening or suspiciously," Cooper says."

I wish this would be elaborated on. As in, where was he seen? What town? How exactly was he acting?

I think this is the first reference I've seen that states he may have trolled the streets for potential victims. All I've seen so far were backpage references. So, is it possible he may have been attempting to lure/abduct someone off the street as well?

We can assume that since it's a local Charlottesville tv station report, it refers to the local prostitutes in that area. According to the link, LE thinks he was in the Charlottesville area for about a week.

Also notes he was using Trac phones and that the one he had at the time of his death had a W VA. area code. So apparently, he bought a new "burner" in every city or town that he stayed in for a while.

This guy just screams "serial killer", jmo. All the driving to distant parts of the country, staying on the move, buying "burner" phones, kit in car, strange anonymous FB page. Soliciting prostitutes online as he traveled from city to city. The list in his pocket of names and phone numbers of women.
There definitely is something skeevy about this page. For one, there's 4 friends listed. At least 2 of the 4 appear to be young high school girls. One seems to possibly be the mother of one of the girls, and the last one only has 3 friends, no info, and seems like a fake profile.

This "BJ" claims to be a married mother of children, yet has almost nothing but cartoonish pictures of scantily clad, large breasted women. Then there's the post about "*advertiser censored*". This totally does not seem like a "married mother" to me. It's concerning about the young girls as friends.

There's an Investigation page on FB with a few very interesting things on it discovered by a poster on here. (I'd rather let her link if she chooses to disclose that) She discovered a tentative link to a photo account online that may or may not be related to the BJ identity. The photo account has links to a few hundred online photos of transexuals that are scantily clad, as well as many pornographic images.

From the beginning, something seemed off about Falls to me. The seemingly plucked eyebrows are what drew my curiousity at first, and then the video of the traffic stop....he speaks in an almost effeminate manner (to me) and I've gotten a very female vibe from him from the get go. It sort of doesn't jibe with this gun collecting, misogynistic, survivalist, security guard tough guy persona to me.

Of course there's no concrete links or facts to any of this, it's all speculation, but I'm beginning to wonder if our Mr. Falls may not have been a transexual with a massive identity crisis. I swear if it turns out this guy is emulating Jame Gumb from Silence of The Lambs, I'll freak.

I agree Ghostl8ly! That page is creepy. I enlarged that pic of 'Barbie' and what kind of mother would post something like that. One guys head is in a pot, there's handcuffs in the floor, rats on the bodies, etc. It really makes me wonder if NF is a survivalist and possibly a cannibal. Yikes!

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