WV - Teacher swipes mic from autistic boy set to perform in Thanksgiving play

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What is it that this teacher did that people are calling for her to be fired? I have even seen comments that she should be tarred and feathered!!

Is it the mean look on her face? I don't get it.

Do people not realize teachers act like that everyday in every school... And much worse than that I might add.

i guess nobody here has ever had a meter stick smashed over your fingers or a book thrown at your head by a teacher?

Toughen up. Holy cow!
The people I speak of (who hired a trained therapist to follow their child) are not wealthy. but the safety of their child is paramount and should be.

Some public schools are better than others when dealing with special needs.
If the school district is failing your child... it is time to hire someone, or request that the school appoint a caretaker for your child.
There is also the homeschool option... but that is off-topic for this discussion.

The link from post # 116 , https://openletters77.wordpress.com/2016/11/18/dear-mrs-lindsey/
seemed to make it abundantly clear that the fault was not the teachers'.

No one in this thread has castigated the parents of Caleb, but certainly they could have had the foresight to hire someone to care for him while he was at school.
And what was with them for not bringing him to the rehearsals... but allowing him to ad lib throughout the play ? (again from the link)
Just a little planning ahead could've saved Caleb from becoming upset.
Which is why it's good to have a thread about this situation.
Tbh, I'm surprised that it garnered as much press as it did.
What is it that this teacher did that people are calling for her to be fired? I have even seen comments that she should be tarred and feathered!!

Is it the mean look on her face? I don't get it.

Do people not realize teachers act like that everyday in every school... And much worse than that I might add.

i guess nobody here has ever had a meter stick smashed over your fingers or a book thrown at your head by a teacher?

Toughen up. Holy cow!


Wow. Your teachers threw books ?
Ours sometimes yelled. But that was it.

You're right about people needing to toughen up.
Slightly off-topic : some of the most complaining-type parents in our school district are the ones who never seem to make it to the parent/teacher discussions. My .02 is that they could get a little more involved before 'blowing their top'

Do people not realize teachers act like that everyday in every school... And much worse than that I might add.

i guess nobody here has ever had a meter stick smashed over your fingers or a book thrown at your head by a teacher?

Toughen up. Holy cow!

I experienced others who were yardsticked and give raps on their knuckles with rulers. I spent most of my school life terrified of ever getting into trouble. It was the nuns so they had full reign.

The issue that concerns me is that this kind of thing is happening everyday in school for this child or others. It appalls me that it might be so. Some children with disabilities are at great risk of abuse because they do not have the capacity to tell and fend off-- and acting out is not really an option.

I have said from the first time I watched the video that I thought the teacher needed training and to apologize to the child for not addressing him. When a parent is flippant and snatches things from their kids it is not illegal or anyone's business. But, the teacher as an agent of the school, a role model to students, does not get to act the way they want to or handle situation the way they might at home. It is just true. For example, if my young son went to touch the hot stove and I let him or swatted his hand to get him to know that he should never touch the stove that would most likely be permissible if he didn't get burned or hurt. As a teacher, I can't use my mom hat and do what I might do at home--- I can't punish, I can redirect, I can reward good behavior, I can do whatever I have been trained to do. I can assure you this was not part of any teacher training she had. Many more people, many of whom are otherwise will admitt they unsuited to work with children, would be on the job.

WE already have lots of boundary issues with many teachers who are inappropriate with children or go on rants. There is a video making the rounds of a teacher who screams at her Black students telling the mostly black class that they "were going to be a bunch of broke-a-- n------ who get shot." She also called them "idiots" and "stupid." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/11/1...ired-after-calling-black-students-n-word.html
Understood, but the post I responded to castigated the parents for not hiring one at their own expense.


Was probably posting more in defense of the teacher who did nothing wrong...
The level of vitriol against her is astounding.

And it's not outside the realm of possibility for the parents to take steps to ensure their child isn't harmed while at school.
I'm assuming the parents posted the clip and are wanting the school to change its' procedures.

But sometimes change begins at home first.
It would be the best situation for Caleb to have someone looking out for his well-being. Imo.
I experienced others who were yardsticked and give raps on their knuckles with rulers. I spent most of my school life terrified of ever getting into trouble. It was the nuns so they had full reign.

The issue that concerns me is that this kind of thing is happening everyday in school for this child or others. It appalls me that it might be so. Some children with disabilities are at great risk of abuse because they do not have the capacity to tell and fend off-- and acting out is not really an option.

I have said from the first time I watched the video that I thought the teacher needed training and to apologize to the child for not addressing him. When a parent is flippant and snatches things from their kids it is not illegal or anyone's business. But, the teacher as an agent of the school, a role model to students, does not get to act the way they want to or handle situation the way they might at home. It is just true. For example, if my young son went to touch the hot stove and I let him or swatted his hand to get him to know that he should never touch the stove that would most likely be permissible if he didn't get burned or hurt. As a teacher, I can't use my mom hat and do what I might do at home--- I can't punish, I can redirect, I can reward good behavior, I can do whatever I have been trained to do. I can assure you this was not part of any teacher training she had. Many more people, many of whom are otherwise will admitt they unsuited to work with children, would be on the job.

WE already have lots of boundary issues with many teachers who are inappropriate with children or go on rants. There is a video making the rounds of a teacher who screams at her Black students telling the mostly black class that they "were going to be a bunch of broke-a-- n------ who get shot." She also called them "idiots" and "stupid." http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/11/1...ired-after-calling-black-students-n-word.html


Curious if she'll be terminated.
Or at least a reprimand/ temporary suspension by the teacher's union ?

NOT trying to bad-mouth teacher's unions. They are put in place to protect teachers from being fired without due and proven cause. So no offense meant.

Curious if she'll be terminated.
Or at least a reprimand/ temporary suspension by the teacher's union ?

NOT trying to bad-mouth teacher's unions. They are put in place to protect teachers from being fired without due and proven cause. So no offense meant.

The Baltimore teacher was fired and the teacher's union stood by the Board of Education. If you watch the video, there is no justification. The holiday play snatching of the mic had nothing on this teacher's behavior.
The Baltimore teacher was fired and the teacher's union stood by the Board of Education. If you watch the video, there is no justification. The holiday play snatching of the mic had nothing on this teacher's behavior.

Amazing. What a poor excuse for a teacher.
And don't most educators know that these days nearly EVERYTHING is being recorded ?

Amazing. What a poor excuse for a teacher.
And don't most educators know that these days nearly EVERYTHING is being recorded ?
I am aware all day and everyday. My building has cameras in the halls, cameras in the cafeteria, cameras in the stairwells, and cameras outside the building. I think classroom cameras will invade someday in the not to distant future. It makes me sad. I am also hyper aware of my behavior because it is important to me, regardless of the fact that I am being filmed. Kids in our building don't have their phones. That said, crazy and inappropriate things are said on almost a daily basis.
Wow on the Baltimore teacher. And you know what? I bet it will get very very little public attention. Because when someone is so crazy over the top, it's boring.

When someone makes a small mistake, it's time to gather in millions and ruin her career.

Like that pig farmer who murdered all those people. Ugh. Not nearly the attention of someone who may/may not have murdered one person.
Apparently many in the community are standing with Ms. Linsey. Many of the signers are people familiar with the school and the teacher, and the circumstances of the play. And apparently, Caleb was not a part of the actual play but was allowed to participate when he arrived dressed as a turkey.

As always, there are two sides to every story and a person's life shouldn't be ruined over a 10 second video clip. The play was over.

At some point, the parents need to accept some responsibility for taking their first grader to school, when he didn't opt to have a part in the play, dressed in a turkey costume with no lines to deliver and allow him to wander around ad libbing. Who sets their child up like that, as a parent?

edited to add: Reading through the parent's statements in the petition, apparently it was Ms. Lindsey herself who bent the rules and allowed Caleb to participate when he showed up at the extracurricular performance, although he didn't have a part in the play and hadn't attended the 3 weeks worth of practices.

She deserves a heartfelt apology. And now, sadly, the community appears to have banded together against the Squires family and that will impact Caleb. Negatively.


Agreed. Curious if Caleb's parents will sue the school ,or change schools ?

Curious if she'll be terminated.
Or at least a reprimand/ temporary suspension by the teacher's union ?

NOT trying to bad-mouth teacher's unions. They are put in place to protect teachers from being fired without due and proven cause. So no offense meant.


I certainly hope not. As much as I disliked what I saw on the video, she did nothing to warrant such action.

ETA: Sorry, I was confused between the two teachers.

Agreed. Curious if Caleb's parents will sue the school ,or change schools ?

I would honestly consider that the teacher would sue the Squires for libel. They very clearly misrepresented what happened, and fed into this public riot against the teacher and the school and they're not backing down and stating the truth.

And I think they probably should change schools at this point, to give Caleb a chance at being accepted. The atmosphere there now seems to be very, very angry at the Squires. Honestly, as it should be.

I certainly hope not. As much as I disliked what I saw on the video, she did nothing to warrant such action.

Were you referring to the Baltimore incident or the WV one ?
My comment inpost #126 was about the MD teacher.
I found the Baltimore teachers' rant alarming as she seemed to be losing control of herself.

But again, teacher's unions are good at protecting the educators' rights.
However, it sounds like they disagreed with the instructor in this one.

Were you referring to the Baltimore incident or the WV one ?
My comment inpost #126 was about the MD teacher.
I found the Baltimore teachers' rant alarming as she seemed to be losing control of herself.

But again, teacher's unions are good at protecting the educators' rights.
However, it sounds like they disagreed with the instructor in this one.

Don't mind me. I got lost...

I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the 'rant' but what I've read says she (Maryland teacher) doesn't belong in the classroom.
I have seen people expressing different opinions getting slammed and ripped to shreds by ugly insults. They can get shamed, like the person being shamed. Case in point, Leslie Rasmussen.

OT -- HMS, I love how you are always making connections! One of my sons is like that too -- I think it is a sign of a great intellect. :)
Don't mind me. I got lost...

I haven't been able to bring myself to watch the 'rant' but what I've read says she (Maryland teacher) doesn't belong in the classroom.

It doesn't belong in any room. She all out lost it.
I still cannot get over the big deal made about a little kid with special needs saying something in a school play.

Who cares what he says and how many times? I feel very sad that people cannot have some empathy.

Kids have been mainstreamed now for years. Anyone of us might have a stroke or an illness that makes us special needs. Some understanding goes a long ways towards happiness.

Nothing wrong with empathy, but there's a difference between empathy/supportiveness and instances where it actually becomes encouragement and rewarding bad or unacceptable behavior.

My 50+ SIL has had "issues" since childhood. Epilepsy is one of them, but as I point out to her dad, that has nothing to do with her violent, aggressive, destructive behavior. She has gotten away with criminal behavior, getting her own way at the expense of others - and DESPITE good sense or common sense because her parents were so worried about hurting her feelings or making her angry BECAUSE SHE'S SPECIAL. She is the adult version of Bill Mumy's character in the Twilight Zone "It's a Good Life" and Rhoda in "The Bad Seed". I've heard horror stories from the elderly relatives who witnessed innumerable episodes from when she and my DH were children and although their parents would actually see the behavior (in front of so many other relatives in friends no less) did NOTHING to address the bad behavior. Yes, I'm veering a little off topic, but not much. She holds a full-time job, drives 30 miles each way to work, has an active social life, etc., but because her issues have never been acknowledged aloud let alone addressed with any form of cognitive therapy or life skills, she's a real as a adult. Things have changed a smidge since we moved in to help their elderly Dad, but only because I treat her as an adult and expect her to behave as one. Their relatives are amazed at how NOT a helpless victim she has made herself out to be all these decades.

Too late to make a long story short, but for cornsake, aren't some people selling children short by NOT expecting them to behave (when they can) as a member of society? Extreme cases apart, sometimes when you expect more of a child, they not only reach, but excel.

Everyone here for decades was scared to expect decent behavior from SIL, so she responded like any other animal: she did what she did because she could get away with it because nothing more was expected from her.

There are unintended and undesirable consequences when adults "don't want to hurt little Nancy's feelings" or "Nancy won't like that" by guiding them with social skills or behavior that will help them get along in life. This affects not only the child with mental/social/physical disabilities of varying degrees, but the siblings, the schoolmates, and sometimes society at large.

Most kids don't want to be treated differently despite having different skill levels. SIL demands to be treated not only as unencumbered by any difficulties, but sees herself as superior to others and treats others (and us) as such.

Her parents screwed her out of basic, necessary life and social skills and since he's 90 and in ill health, she's screwed again with no plans for her life afterwards.

I realize this is long and of no interest to most, but it's a real life, real time example of what can happen when the bar is set much too low for children.

All of my wordvomit is to be understood that I'm fully aware of different levels and different kinds of disabilities. Just saying... we don't know all aspects of what's going on in other people's lives and it's easy to judge.
I understand what you are saying, FelicityLemon. You described a close relative of mine quite properly. No expectations, or consequences for wrong acts, have led to an out of control adult with the intelligence to manipulate circumstances to his benefit.
Something tells me the teacher is probably going to resign from all the backlash going on.

Even people who stand up for her are going to back down because they do not want to be shamed like her. See that happen all the time.

Shaming is a domino effect. The person offender is first to get hit very hard and are subject to vicious insults and shaming of every kind one can imagine. Than anyone connected to that person are hit hard as well and they get shamed as well. In the end, they are all tarred and humiliated.

Jon Ronson: what it's like to be publicly shamed

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