Found Deceased WY - Gabby Petito, Grand Teton National Park #86

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I'm having trouble understanding exactly where/when the recently released photo of Gabby was taken.

For example, in this account:

the P's attorney says it was taken just before the Moab stop. So the claim is LE in Moab should have seen those obvious injuries--- injuries that we certainly could not see on the body cam Moab photos released earlier. Even blowing those photos up I see nothing like what the selfie shows. And in the LE video GP talks about knowing she was injured only because if she touched an area it burned. Hadn't she looked at the selfie she took? (I know she said she hit B first but she did admit he grabbed her.)

The above acct doesn't say where the selfie was taken, just that it was taken right before the stop. It would seem the only way to know that was from a date stamp on the photo.

And this acct says the time on the photo was 4:37 pm. And two minutes after that at 4:39 pm a 911 call came in saying the person just witnessed GP being slapped in the parking lot.

But this acct says the selfie was taken in the back of GP's van. So the photo must have been taken BEFORE anyone called 911. That's possible I guess. They fight. She gets in the back of the van and takes photo. They leave. Somebody belatedly decides to call 911 (without admitting it was belated.)

However, I thought the 911 bystander accts all agreed B&G were fighting in the street and GP climbed into the van through a front window as BL was driving away. They were then stopped shortly by LE. If so, when did GP climb into the back of the van to take the selfie showing her injuries? I don't get it. The photo doesn't show she's in the front seat though..... And it's not possible to climb from the front seat to the back area inside the van. Here's an interior view of the back area:
Bodycam Footage Reveals True Interior of Gabby Petito's Van

So how and when did GP get to back of the van to take the picture? Was it like this: They fight. She gets in van and takes photo. She gets out. They fight some more. 911 is called then. They leave with GP crawling in the window.

What am I missing? It seems to me we may be putting entirely too much faith in that date stamp to document when the photo was taken. If course, evidence will be needed in court re: the time but are cell camera clocks always accurate? (And many accts say the photo was found on her cell phone. I thought that hadn't been found. Do they mean they got access to cloud storage?) WHEN the photo was taken would seem to matter for the $50 million lawsuit (although I still would doubt a finding of wrongful death will be forthcoming since 2 weeks passed after the incident. But definitely the officers should have seen injuries if the photo was taken minutes before.) Or did she put on lots of makeup in the back of the van after taking the selfie? (What was BL doing all this time?) Would makeup have stayed on as much as she was crying during the Moab stop? If not, why can't we see those injuries? I know at the time the video was released some people on WS thought they maybe saw red marks on her arm and maybe something on her face but nobody said he/she saw anything like the selfie. And I think it's fair to say some here were primed to very easily see evidence of BL's wrongdoing.

And re: dehydration. Perhaps I'm confused on the timeline after all this time. But weren't B&G stopped by LE pretty much within minutes of leaving the cafe where they spent the day so GP could work on her videos? I understand running out of water was stupid-- for all their purported planning for this van life trip they did seem curiously unprepared for actually traveling and camping out. Staying in hotels and eating in restaurants seemed more their speed. And like B&G, I may not understand how quickly dehydration happens where they were. But if the photo was taken before the traffic stop it seems like GP would have had to leave the cafe where they spent hours and hours already dehydrated. Do cafes in that area not provide water? I know some people raised questions about whether the cafe wanted people taking up tables for the day the way they said they did. So maybe they were unwelcome and water was not available? Couldn't they at least fill up a bottle in the bathroom?
Maybe she told B she'd go and clean up her face and took a selfie before putting on makeup? Either that or this was taken on another day with the same top.
Maybe she told B she'd go and clean up her face and took a selfie before putting on makeup? Either that or this was taken on another day with the same top.
Those things could have happened but

1. If the photo is not from the day of the Moab incident, that's a very big deal. It is being used in the $50 million lawsuit to say the officers were responsible for GP's wrongful death because they didn't see the injuries shown in the photo. But I agree it's reasonable to wonder if the photo is from a different day. We don't know why GP took the photo after all. The couple had limited clothes with them-- I don't know if we ever saw GP repeat outfits in photos but she must have done it. But the claim from the lawsuit attorney is there is a time/date stamp on the photo and it was taken the day of the Moab incident two minutes before the 911 call came in. How could that be? Maybe GP had reason to later take the selfie and change the date and time?

2. If she told B she'd clean up in the back of the van, took a selfie, and then put on a bunch makeup, when did that happen? The eyewitness accounts pretty much say A) Fighting in the street happened including chasing up and down the sidewalk near the grocery/cafe and apparently fighting over a phone. B) B closed G out of the van. C) B started the van and G somehow managed to climb into the van through the driver's side window left conveniently open while B was in the driver's seat. D) 911 was called.

I don't quite see when she could have calmly climbed into the back of the van to clean up and take a selfie and the back isn't accessible from the front seat. And even if she had managed to do that she was pretty much constantly crying during the traffic stop. Alot. Not just a few trickling tears. But floods. I honestly don't know of any makeup that would stay in place under those circumstances. But it really isn't possible to see injuries that look like those in the selfie in the traffic stop photos. Odd.
Those things could have happened but

1. If the photo is not from the day of the Moab incident, that's a very big deal. It is being used in the $50 million lawsuit to say the officers were responsible for GP's wrongful death because they didn't see the injuries shown in the photo. But I agree it's reasonable to wonder if the photo is from a different day. We don't know why GP took the photo after all. The couple had limited clothes with them-- I don't know if we ever saw GP repeat outfits in photos but she must have done it. But the claim from the lawsuit attorney is there is a time/date stamp on the photo and it was taken the day of the Moab incident two minutes before the 911 call came in. How could that be? Maybe GP had reason to later take the selfie and change the date and time?

2. If she told B she'd clean up in the back of the van, took a selfie, and then put on a bunch makeup, when did that happen? The eyewitness accounts pretty much say A) Fighting in the street happened including chasing up and down the sidewalk near the grocery/cafe and apparently fighting over a phone. B) B closed G out of the van. C) B started the van and G somehow managed to climb into the van through the driver's side window left conveniently open while B was in the driver's seat. D) 911 was called.

I don't quite see when she could have calmly climbed into the back of the van to clean up and take a selfie and the back isn't accessible from the front seat. And even if she had managed to do that she was pretty much constantly crying during the traffic stop. Alot. Not just a few trickling tears. But floods. I honestly don't know of any makeup that would stay in place under those circumstances. But it really isn't possible to see injuries that look like those in the selfie in the traffic stop photos. Odd.
I have the same questions...
I thought it was a legal issue that they couldn't use Gabby's first name or nickname. Not sure why I thought that.

Using "Miss Petito" to sound formal and polite ends up sounding very distant, as if they never met this woman at all and never intend to.

Gabby lived with the Laundries. She was like a sister to Brian’s sister and an aunt to her kids. She was traveling / living mobile with their son. He returns from the trip. She does not.

And all they could come with is “we are aware of a search for Miss Petito.”

Cold as h*ll.
Those things could have happened but

1. If the photo is not from the day of the Moab incident, that's a very big deal. It is being used in the $50 million lawsuit to say the officers were responsible for GP's wrongful death because they didn't see the injuries shown in the photo. But I agree it's reasonable to wonder if the photo is from a different day. We don't know why GP took the photo after all. The couple had limited clothes with them-- I don't know if we ever saw GP repeat outfits in photos but she must have done it. But the claim from the lawsuit attorney is there is a time/date stamp on the photo and it was taken the day of the Moab incident two minutes before the 911 call came in. How could that be? Maybe GP had reason to later take the selfie and change the date and time?

2. If she told B she'd clean up in the back of the van, took a selfie, and then put on a bunch makeup, when did that happen? The eyewitness accounts pretty much say A) Fighting in the street happened including chasing up and down the sidewalk near the grocery/cafe and apparently fighting over a phone. B) B closed G out of the van. C) B started the van and G somehow managed to climb into the van through the driver's side window left conveniently open while B was in the driver's seat. D) 911 was called.

I don't quite see when she could have calmly climbed into the back of the van to clean up and take a selfie and the back isn't accessible from the front seat. And even if she had managed to do that she was pretty much constantly crying during the traffic stop. Alot. Not just a few trickling tears. But floods. I honestly don't know of any makeup that would stay in place under those circumstances. But it really isn't possible to see injuries that look like those in the selfie in the traffic stop photos. Odd.
I think it is possible the selfie was taken 2 minutes before the 911 call. JMO. I am on the same page as NCWatcher with "Was it like this: They fight. She gets in van and takes photo. She gets out. They fight some more. 911 is called then. They leave with GP crawling in the window." Here is a bit more to that possible scenario: They are arguing walking toward the van, stopping to argue then walking again, etc. As they approach the van, the argument escalates and he hits her. She is surprised and now mad for a different reason, so she just turns and gets in the back of the van. I think it could have been a matter of seconds after she was hit that she got in the back of the van. She puts her computer away, takes the selfie, and freshens up her face before getting back out of the van. The witness that called 911...possibly that person had a conversation with friend/partner on whether or not to call the police. I could see the possibility that a person may or may not know if they should get involved so it may take a few minutes.

Around the time she is getting out of the van, the 911 call is finally made, and BL is heading for the driver seat. She says something that makes BL mad so he jumps in a starts to drive away. This is when she tries to climb through the driver side window.

All of the above is JMO and speculation in an effort to understand if it is reasonable for the selfie to be taken 2 minutes before the 911 call.
Hmmmm......what if the letter no longer exists?

"Petito's parents are suing Chris and Roberta Laundrie in connection with the killing, which they allege the parents knew about weeks before search teams recovered the 22-year-old's remains from a campsite in Wyoming.

The letter, which is in the possession of the Laundries, allegedly contains an offer from Roberta Laundrie to lend her son a shovel. The Laundries, through their legal team, have maintained that it was written prior to July 1, 2021, the start of the date range for discovery documents Petito-Schmidt family attorney Pat Reilly had previously requested."

I think it is possible the selfie was taken 2 minutes before the 911 call. JMO. I am on the same page as NCWatcher with "Was it like this: They fight. She gets in van and takes photo. She gets out. They fight some more. 911 is called then. They leave with GP crawling in the window." Here is a bit more to that possible scenario: They are arguing walking toward the van, stopping to argue then walking again, etc. As they approach the van, the argument escalates and he hits her. She is surprised and now mad for a different reason, so she just turns and gets in the back of the van. I think it could have been a matter of seconds after she was hit that she got in the back of the van. She puts her computer away, takes the selfie, and freshens up her face before getting back out of the van. The witness that called 911...possibly that person had a conversation with friend/partner on whether or not to call the police. I could see the possibility that a person may or may not know if they should get involved so it may take a few minutes.

Around the time she is getting out of the van, the 911 call is finally made, and BL is heading for the driver seat. She says something that makes BL mad so he jumps in a starts to drive away. This is when she tries to climb through the driver side window.

All of the above is JMO and speculation in an effort to understand if it is reasonable for the selfie to be taken 2 minutes before the 911 call.
I agree. The progression of events as I think it played out (MOO)

1) BL & GP are arguing on their way back to the van about taking so long at the coffeeshop
2) BL hits GP (which is what the 911 caller/first witness saw); perhaps GP is upset but at this point but not fighting back
3) At the van, GP climbs into the back, ostensibly to put away her laptop and straighten things up (is this where the argument about BL's muddy feet came in? why they both had it on their minds when they were pulled over?) but really to try to take a selfie without BL seeing what she's doing
4) GP takes the selfie
5) BL sees what she's doing and BL takes her phone (which would explain WHY he had her phone and why he was so cagey about why he'd taken it -- he didn't want her to have evidence of what he'd done, but he sure wasn't going to say anything about that to the police)
6) GP gets out of the van and "attacks" BL to try to get her phone back (what the second witness saw)
7) BL gets in the driver's seat, GP has to climb in the window so he won't leave without her
8) A few minutes later, Moab police pull them over
I agree. The progression of events as I think it played out (MOO)

1) BL & GP are arguing on their way back to the van about taking so long at the coffeeshop
2) BL hits GP (which is what the 911 caller/first witness saw); perhaps GP is upset but at this point but not fighting back
3) At the van, GP climbs into the back, ostensibly to put away her laptop and straighten things up (is this where the argument about BL's muddy feet came in? why they both had it on their minds when they were pulled over?) but really to try to take a selfie without BL seeing what she's doing
4) GP takes the selfie
5) BL sees what she's doing and BL takes her phone (which would explain WHY he had her phone and why he was so cagey about why he'd taken it -- he didn't want her to have evidence of what he'd done, but he sure wasn't going to say anything about that to the police)
6) GP gets out of the van and "attacks" BL to try to get her phone back (what the second witness saw)
7) BL gets in the driver's seat, GP has to climb in the window so he won't leave without her
8) A few minutes later, Moab police pull them over
The problem with that timeline IMO is that it doesn't leave enough time for GP to put on her makeup. And it's hard for me to accept she posed in BL's presence in the back of the van for the selfie in the middle of the fight. (I can't picture how she could take a photo without him noticing if they are fighting.) But how could she have put on makeup? Or do we think she did that after she climbed in the driver's side window? She had to put on makeup. None of the photos or video taken at the traffic stop shows those injuries. A little redness here and there maybe but nothing like what the selfie shows. Washing her face might have helped but when could she have done that? They didn't even have any water.
I agree. The progression of events as I think it played out (MOO)

1) BL & GP are arguing on their way back to the van about taking so long at the coffeeshop
2) BL hits GP (which is what the 911 caller/first witness saw); perhaps GP is upset but at this point but not fighting back
3) At the van, GP climbs into the back, ostensibly to put away her laptop and straighten things up (is this where the argument about BL's muddy feet came in? why they both had it on their minds when they were pulled over?) but really to try to take a selfie without BL seeing what she's doing
4) GP takes the selfie
5) BL sees what she's doing and BL takes her phone (which would explain WHY he had her phone and why he was so cagey about why he'd taken it -- he didn't want her to have evidence of what he'd done, but he sure wasn't going to say anything about that to the police)
6) GP gets out of the van and "attacks" BL to try to get her phone back (what the second witness saw)
7) BL gets in the driver's seat, GP has to climb in the window so he won't leave without her
8) A few minutes later, Moab police pull them over
This sounds most plausible to me.
The problem with that timeline IMO is that it doesn't leave enough time for GP to put on her makeup. And it's hard for me to accept she posed in BL's presence in the back of the van for the selfie in the middle of the fight. (I can't picture how she could take a photo without him noticing if they are fighting.) But how could she have put on makeup? Or do we think she did that after she climbed in the driver's side window? She had to put on makeup. None of the photos or video taken at the traffic stop shows those injuries. A little redness here and there maybe but nothing like what the selfie shows. Washing her face might have helped but when could she have done that? They didn't even have any water.
I can slap concealer on in less than ten seconds. I do it all the time before zoom meetings. Not a great look, but it gets it done.
I can slap concealer on in less than ten seconds. I do it all the time before zoom meetings. Not a great look, but it gets it done.
I don't use concealer around my eyes (not saying I don't need it!) BUT if I was trying to cover recently inflicted wounds in that area I'm not sure I could do it very well very quickly especially in a moving car all while continuing to fight with my BF (even if I did use concealer routinely.) But I do know people put on eye makeup on moving cars, an action that makes me very queasy. Even a finger if the car swerved...ugh.


1. Why would GP have rushed to take a selfie in the middle of a fight when BL was right there? As suggested by posts from others, most recently @wnk, GP may have gotten in the back of the van ostensibly "to put her computer away" but that's a tiny area! And BL was likely at most a foot or two away. So a secret selfie couldn't happen. I do understand GP might have been at the point she wanted to document injuries-- didn't seem that way to me but maybe. But doing that in front of the abuser? That's not typical behavior in an abusive relationship-- And of course doing that will further set off the abuser. (Not victim-blaming or excusing abusive behavior but let's be realistic-- there are some behaviors that will elicit predictable reactions. And most people know that.)

2. Why would GP have rushed at warp speed to put on makeup? She clearly had covered those wounds if the selfie was from right before the Moab stop. But she didn't know they were going to get stopped by the police just minutes later and so she couldn't know she'd want to try to minimize the conflict to the officers. It sounds like the couple fought regularly but there's certainly no evidence their fights came to the attention of LE regularly.

I'm not saying the above things absolutely couldn't have happened but they seem pretty unlikely to me. And I wonder why no other documenting selfies have come to light? Doesn't seem like something a person would do only once. (And I don't think most people believe there were only two instances of physical damage on the trip-- the fatal one and this one.) Maybe there were other selfies from other times but obviously releasing those certainly wouldn't help the P's lawsuit against Moab and would likely hurt the case.

In a related vein, the blurbs all seem to say as this one does

the attorney says the photo was recovered from Gabby's phone. Does that mean her phone was found or do they really mean they got access to her cloud storage? If her phone was found was BL's?

1. Why would GP have rushed to take a selfie in the middle of a fight when BL was right there? As suggested by posts from others, most recently @wnk, GP may have gotten in the back of the van ostensibly "to put her computer away" but that's a tiny area! And BL was likely at most a foot or two away. So a secret selfie couldn't happen. I do understand GP might have been at the point she wanted to document injuries-- didn't seem that way to me but maybe. But doing that in front of the abuser? That's not typical behavior in an abusive relationship-- And of course doing that will further set off the abuser. (Not victim-blaming or excusing abusive behavior but let's be realistic-- there are some behaviors that will elicit predictable reactions. And most people know that.)

2. Why would GP have rushed at warp speed to put on makeup? She clearly had covered those wounds if the selfie was from right before the Moab stop. But she didn't know they were going to get stopped by the police just minutes later and so she couldn't know she'd want to try to minimize the conflict to the officers. It sounds like the couple fought regularly but there's certainly no evidence their fights came to the attention of LE regularly.

I'm not saying the above things absolutely couldn't have happened but they seem pretty unlikely to me. And I wonder why no other documenting selfies have come to light? Doesn't seem like something a person would do only once. (And I don't think most people believe there were only two instances of physical damage on the trip-- the fatal one and this one.) Maybe there were other selfies from other times but obviously releasing those certainly wouldn't help the P's lawsuit against Moab and would likely hurt the case.

In a related vein, the blurbs all seem to say as this one does

the attorney says the photo was recovered from Gabby's phone. Does that mean her phone was found or do they really mean they got access to her cloud storage? If her phone was found was BL's?


To address 1 - Sure, BL may have only been a few feet away, but this girl took tons of selfies... it wouldn't have taken her more than a second or two to pull up the app (I have my phone set up so that I double-press a button on the side, and it pulls up my camera) and snap a pic. She could easily have done it (or tried to do it) while she thought his back was turned, thinking that the fight was "over" (at least for the time being. As for the small space, wasn't there something mentioned during the police stop about her "climbing back into the back" to make BL sandwiches? It was a small space, sure, but still enough for a person, and those few seconds may have been the closest thing to privacy GP thought she was going to get.

As for makeup, I'm not convinced that she did put makeup on. I think she probably just wiped up the blood smears. The footage from the police stop is not as high-resolution; I'm not sure that the scratches and bruises would have been visible on it, even if they were visible in person.

We don't know that there haven't been other times when GP documented physical abuse. Maybe this was the first time he left physical marks. Maybe it was something she did often but then deleted whenever "things got better."
The problem with that timeline IMO is that it doesn't leave enough time for GP to put on her makeup. And it's hard for me to accept she posed in BL's presence in the back of the van for the selfie in the middle of the fight. (I can't picture how she could take a photo without him noticing if they are fighting.) But how could she have put on makeup? Or do we think she did that after she climbed in the driver's side window? She had to put on makeup. None of the photos or video taken at the traffic stop shows those injuries. A little redness here and there maybe but nothing like what the selfie shows. Washing her face might have helped but when could she have done that? They didn't even have any water.

Could the timestamp reflect when she uploaded the picture to the cloud - where it was later retrieved from?
I am still in doubt this picture was taken right before they were stopped in Moab for the reasons that:

The timeline does not allow it: two witnesses saw the fight they were having, and the statements reflect the couple drove off right away. There was no time for her to climb into the back of the van (even she said that he locked her out and hung her backpack outside on the back of the van). The further timeline shows there was no time for an in-between stop before they police stopped them.

The Moab video does not show these injuries: yes, quality may be different than the quality of the picture. However, one can clearly see the scratch on her cheek and also scratches on him. So, if the quality is good enough to show one scratch it would also show further scratches. And, she clearly has two scratches on that pictue

The time stamp would make sense if she decided to upload previously taken pictures to the cloud after the public fight. Maybe she overheard a witness stating they will call the police? She could have done that sitting next time when they were driving out of town.
Could the timestamp reflect when she uploaded the picture to the cloud - where it was later retrieved from?
I am still in doubt this picture was taken right before they were stopped in Moab for the reasons that:

The timeline does not allow it: two witnesses saw the fight they were having, and the statements reflect the couple drove off right away. There was no time for her to climb into the back of the van (even she said that he locked her out and hung her backpack outside on the back of the van). The further timeline shows there was no time for an in-between stop before they police stopped them.

The Moab video does not show these injuries: yes, quality may be different than the quality of the picture. However, one can clearly see the scratch on her cheek and also scratches on him. So, if the quality is good enough to show one scratch it would also show further scratches. And, she clearly has two scratches on that pictue

The time stamp would make sense if she decided to upload previously taken pictures to the cloud after the public fight. Maybe she overheard a witness stating they will call the police? She could have done that sitting next time when they were driving out of town.
That's a good point. For the timestamp to be only 2 minutes before the 911 call, it might be the stamp relates to uploading it (despite the fact the attorney said it was found ON Gabby's camera but I still wonder where the actual camera was found.)

But I still don't see how that really worked either. The photo was taken in the back of the van. So if it was taken that day when could it have been taken? Is the idea they left the cafe, had a big fight no one has reported seeing, GP jumped in the van and took the picture, and then they started running up and down the sidewalk fighting for the observed fight? But wasn't the claim made BL had control of GP's phone? (He said he took it because she was hitting him with it? Something GP said she did?) So I'm not sure when she could have uploaded it. Also why didn't he erase it, if not that day, sometime after that? We know-- or think we know-- BL had control of her phone later on when he sent those texts. Maybe he forgot or never knew about it? Seems unlikely to me but maybe that happened. Means though he didn't attack her again because of the photo as suggested upthread.

“As the Laundries’ attorney, Mr. Bertolino acted in a privileged context and those actions were performed in a legally permissible way,” the motion ended.

“Mr. Bertolino’s knowledge is certainly far more than the Laundrie parents,” the attorney continued. “Yet, he cannot disclose what he knows or the reasons why he took certain actions because, even after Brian Laundrie’s death, Mr. Bertolino still owes a duty of confidentiality to Brian Laundrie.”
From all that I have read, it seems like this was written well before Gabby died. I wonder if it was written to tell Brian how much his mom loved him, like she would do anything for him. The FBI returned the letter to the Laundries, so I really don’t think it is anything. That selfie with her eye messed up, I think the time stamp was messed up. I think she took it after the Moab stop. I don’t think she would have had the opportunity to take it before the stop. I think she took it after Brian went to the hotel and she had the van to herself. The scratch may have started to bleed then. You couldn’t see anything like that in the stop. She talked to a female officer and maybe afterwards realized what had happened and decided to document the injury.
Maybe she told B she'd go and clean up her face and took a selfie before putting on makeup? Either that or this was taken on another day with the same top.
They have a time and date stamp; it was the same day, shortly before the 911 call.
That's a good point. For the timestamp to be only 2 minutes before the 911 call, it might be the stamp relates to uploading it (despite the fact the attorney said it was found ON Gabby's camera but I still wonder where the actual camera was found.)

But I still don't see how that really worked either. The photo was taken in the back of the van. So if it was taken that day when could it have been taken? Is the idea they left the cafe, had a big fight no one has reported seeing, GP jumped in the van and took the picture, and then they started running up and down the sidewalk fighting for the observed fight? But wasn't the claim made BL had control of GP's phone? (He said he took it because she was hitting him with it? Something GP said she did?) So I'm not sure when she could have uploaded it. Also why didn't he erase it, if not that day, sometime after that? We know-- or think we know-- BL had control of her phone later on when he sent those texts. Maybe he forgot or never knew about it? Seems unlikely to me but maybe that happened. Means though he didn't attack her again because of the photo as suggested upthread.

There was a lot more to that fight than we heard, and they'd been fighting since the morning, IMHO and based on Gabby's and Brian's accounts during the stop (Brian says, for example, that they were having a nice morning but it was already late afternoon, Gabby describes his getting angry about cleaning out the van). My best guess is that they fought when she was trying to clean out the van, that's when he clocked her, she closed the back doors, took a photo, he *caught* her taking the photo of her injury and grabbed the phone away from her, leading to what was witnessed by the person who called 911. All MOO.
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