Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #11

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I wouldn't get too hung up on the $200 Brian offered the couple when he was hitching a ride. He probably suffers from social anxiety and was tired and experiencing stress. And it's possible there was some confusion in how they were all interacting with each other.
I wonder if he said something like “I’ve got $200 to my name,” and the girl who picked him up interpreted that as offering $200 for the ride
I saw this asked in the previous thread but don’t recall seeing answer. (Although it’s very possible I could’ve missed it!)

Does anyone know if LE finds any pertinent information during their current missing person search for BL (for example, tracking info that places BL and GP together for the last point in time), would that information be admissible in a criminal case? Or not, because it was found during a missing person search?
I have done NY > CA and vise-versa multiple times, last time being last summer. I can do it in three days, easily. They are long days, but with a goal of wanting to get to the destination it's no problem for me.
Seems like Leticia Stauch went from Colorado to Florida in just 2 or 3 days (with Gannon's body)... :(
There are several other mental health conditions that have that same trait (not taking responsibility). I can think of about 10 or 12 just off the top of my head.

But it has become a huge thing in US culture to proclaim every person who is acting suspiciously to be a narcissist.

Could be. But I think the term is way over used and leads us away from understanding criminal or victim behavior.
My opinion is based on my own family's experience dealing with toxic narcissists and the need to obtain protection orders.

This case involves a missing young woman and the man who purportedly loved her refused to communicate with her parents. In this case, I don't believe the term is "over-used."

No offense to anyone here...I want to know what happened to him..but I'm tired of him for today so I'm going to run errands for a while.
Any bets on how many new pages post before I get back in an hour?:cool:
New thread by then probably. Unwind a little. I should as well.
You're right, it's unconfirmed.

Personally, I completely believed her when I heard about it yesterday, and the fact that law enforcement appears to be taking her seriously, tells me that they believe her too.

Now it's a matter of if in fact it was him. I believe it was.
I believe the story. I just am not sure if he ever used his own name, or ever just Brian, or if Miranda recognized him later, not sure if he mentioned "Gabby", details like this that Miranda repeated without specifying who said what. Probably the $200, which she does not claim to ever seeing was more of a jest, "Hey take me to Jackson I'll pay ya 200 bucks!" This would fit in with his chatty manic monologue of exaggerations and lies as per the body cam.

What else could have been in Jackson Hole that he didn't want to see, or did he just realize he was passing his own van or a specific trail he needed to return on. Or the Idaho connection.

So I believe her, just maybe we didn't get the whole dialogue word for word that the cops would have heard.
But doesn’t the van belong to her? What possible innocent explanation could he have given to his parents for ending up with his ex’s wheels and leaving her to continue a trip without a vehicle.
To my knowledge the ownership of the van has not been established. I understand it to be "theirs." And if I'm playing devil's advocate, the parents may not have know exactly who owned it either.
I’ve read a few times about someone being presumed innocent. IMO that’s only in a court of law. If we were jurors, that would be the standard we’d bear. But there’s no law that people need to carry that same presumption into an internet discussion. As long as we abide by the terms of the WS site, it seems rational to discuss BL’s behavior as outside the norm. We are clearly unable to rule against him in a court of law so seems this would go without saying. JMO.
You're right, it's unconfirmed.

Personally, I completely believed her when I heard about it yesterday, and the fact that law enforcement appears to be taking her seriously, tells me that they believe her too.

Now it's a matter of if in fact it was him. I believe it was.

Miranda Baker has another video out that I watched on Youtube. She discusses the original video and makes a couple of comments to clarify the business with "Jackson" and "Jackson Hole". [There is only one town that is properly called Jackson Hole, but often shortened to Jackson. They are the same place]

She says he seemed to mix up north and south. I'm left to infer that he thought that he was heading north to a town called "Jackson" rather than south. When they mentioned Jackson Hole he became alarmed and demanded to be dropped off, so they let him out near the Jackson Dam, which is south of where he was picked up.
But spending a whole hour with them is a ridiculous waste of police time.
Get quick verbal statements of what happened, make a decision and move on.
Part of what they're doing is continuing to assess and waiting for background info to come back and be looked at. Most people can hold it together for a bit if they're covering something, but their stories/demeanor can change if LE stays around a bit longer. A lot of info comes up when they run your info.. potentially every time your license has been run during traffic stops, even if you were the passenger.
It's precautionary. Someone was upset enough by their behavior to call the cops, so they're doing their due diligence.
But spending a whole hour with them is a ridiculous waste of police time.
Get quick verbal statements of what happened, make a decision and move on.

That's your opinion and you are surely entitled to it. I just fully disagree. I've spoken to enough LE folks to know how careful they have to be on DV calls. I actually had to make a call about a couple arguing next door recently that sounded far too heated and potentially physical. I was outside with other neighbors trying to gauge things. The Sheriff's came out and stayed for more than a hour talking to the couple. We were all so relieved they took it seriously.
that might be what is happening. Though if so quite a few people he had followed are blocking his account.
With all the attention this case is getting, I would not be surprised to learn that people are messaging the people he follows/his friends. Probably blocking him to distance themselves from the public frenzy. All MOO.
Ok so here’s a question-how do we know he returned on 9/1? We aren’t just going off the BL families words, are we? What if they are using that timeline so that it’s “impossible” he was in WY/ID etc to be able to do xyz and be back in FL by 9/1. Yes I know at this point it seems they’ve put us in a position to be grasping for straws.
Agree. I'm not sure where that 9/1 date came from
But spending a whole hour with them is a ridiculous waste of police time.
Get quick verbal statements of what happened, make a decision and move on.
We haven’t seen their report. They might have had reasonable cause to spend that time. Given the present circumstances, it would seem they did.

amateur opinion and speculation
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