Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #11

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Regarding the body cam footage: (sorry if this has been brought up already, threads are moving at lighting speed).

Has the female officer who spoke with Gabby said anything publicly, did the female officer write on any of the statements?

Asking because she seemed to talk to Gabby for a good few minutes whilst the male officers were speaking with BL. TIA.
Any thought that maybe the hitching a ride and being a fountain of information about their trip and blogging was on purpose? He acted weird so they would remember it and threw out that big payment too. If he were trying to distance himself from all of that he would have made up something else, imo. I think the showering at that location was a clean up move. And he wanted to act like Gabby was still on the trip with him.
That is what I think too. He was trying to set up some sort of alibi for what happened to her, then panicked, IMO. Hopefully police have his phone records by now and know who he was communicating with at the relevant times.
The TikTok hitchhiker story, if accurate, seems crucial to me because of it’s timing. It falls within the few days timeframe of her going missing. All speculation, but I’m thinking, he’s alone, without her, without the van. Mentions he has been sleeping on a tarp. Where’s the tent? If GPs back at van, she wouldn’t need it.
Again, theorizing,…they both set out on the Snake River hike/camp, something dubious happens in the tent. It’s then disposed of with GP and whatever else. He hikes out alone, makes his way to Colter Bay, and despite not minding being always dirty, showers(wounds, blood?) and then hitchhikes. 200$ for a ride sounds to me like, “get me outta Dodge”.
First time posting, long time on this website. I couldn’t resist anymore.
She says in the post they did the hike on a Monday. The previous Monday was the 9th, so that's likely when the hike was taken.
THANKS! That fits ...she/he was updating the IG at the coffee shop the 12th!!!!
It's Teton-Bridger National Forest, named for Jim Bridger the famous early trapper in the area

Bridger-Teton National Forest - About the Forest

There is NO BADGER in the name
Thanks again and apologies, but won't allow me to edit original mistake.
I will play devil's advocate.

He did not lie. He had a phone on him, but no service or it was dead. He was talking about the service not object.

As for the parents, she lived with his parents. She stayed at friends homes when they fought. It is clear that the daughter was not on great standing with parents, and the boy corrupting her would be less welcomed.

If you think that he thought she left the van willing and was held up in a hotel room, everything makes sense. Him getting mad. Him not talking. Him going home. It was her idea to do van life only to spend time in hotel rooms.
If all this is true, why is he not answering LE questions about where his gf is? Why wouldn’t he just say she’s in a hotel room?
Link please?

WATCH: Bodycam footage from Moab Police with Gabby Petito, Brian Laundrie

That’s not true. He admits leaving marks on her in the police body cam. She has masks on her face.
(See post in thread 7 - #80) He admits pushing her. A witness says he shoved her and locked her out of the van. This was a mutual physical altercation.

Why police treated it as she was the only one, I have no idea.

Because that's what the witness, Christopher, saw. And maybe because of bias.

Can't we leave this alone for now? It's not really relevant at this point.
I agree. From their SM, Gabby did all the trip planning, researched campgrounds (thoroughly, it would seem) The tent and its interior decor say "Gabby did this." IMO.

She was living away from her parents; he was living with his (probably an impetus to go on a trip, but Gabby bought the van, Gabby looked into VanLife, Gabby planned the trip, Gabby set up the SM - which was time consuming).

He drove the van. And, some say he was mechanically oriented so would have fixed flats, etc. He adopts a rather meek, overly calm persona with LE in Utah - it's probably how he deals with "grown-ups" in general. He worked for his parents. I don't think he earned enough to buy that Mustang all by himself, IMO.
Oohhhh, my, anyone else getting Shanaan and chris Watts vibes??
<shiver> Grrrrrr.
Anyone else find it weird that the two verified witness spottings (the couple who saw the van at Jenny Lake and the girl who picked up the hitchhiker) both have the surname “Baker”?

this case is sooo full of strange coincidences.o_O
I'm quoting your post only to the end about Teton-BADGER National Forest as I got the strangest vibe-in connection with the song BL posted after his supposed return from trip, about a BADGER buried underground...anyone recall it, help me locate his playlist? Is it it a clue, I don't know but I just got weirded out. @JJ Ray
@sammyed , sorry but I skrewed up the name of the forest. It is Bridger-Teton not Badger. Please excuse my mistake.
“We have spoken with her and are potentially utilizing her info into our timeline,” North Port police spokesman Josh Taylor told Fox News.

In the first of Baker’s four TikTok videos regarding Laundrie, she tells viewers: “Hi, my name is Miranda… and on August 29th, my boyfriend and I picked up Brian at Grand Teton National Park at 5.30pm at night at Colter Bay.”

“I’m hoping this can help someone identify him because I saw him from TikTok,” Baker continued in the video, which has since obtained more than 2.2million views.
Gabby Petito cops are probing TikToker Miranda Baker claims Brian Laundrie ‘offered her $200 for ride as he hiked ALONE’
Gabby Petito last spotted in Grand Teton National Park, tipster claims (source:live updates)


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Geez, I had finally stopped my silent tears. Now this, I already have tissues all over the place. My heart is breaking for him. This has been a tough day. I can only imagine how Gabby’s mom and dad are managing to rise from a chair.
Ok, I have a theory that may or may not have been posted so far. I’ve read about 75% of all of the threads over the last couple of days but it’s so hard to keep up!

Forewarning: This theory may not be very popular and I’m not saying I even feel it to be true but I thought I should throw it out there because it keeps popping into my head.

What if GP and BL got caught up in something before GP’s disappearance. Some unknown person or persons went after both GP and BL. BL knows what happened to GP but is also fearful for his own life. Drives to Florida and immediately disappears to some far off location (while BL’s parents buy him time) to protect himself from these unknowns.

Just a thought! My first instinct is to suspect BL but I am trying to think of other alternatives.

So you think someone attacked Gabby, in front of Brian, and a frightened Brian flees the scene, in Gabby's van, while Gabby is murdered. Gentle Brian flees back to Florida in terror, where he is cowering in fear still to this day. What a guy!
I was born and raised in Florida and still right here, I have however seen a gator in the woods across from my house, the boy next door was riding around with a small one on his 4 wheeler lol, heard a panther scream many of nights and your right snakes and mosquitoes are much worse but it all depends on where in Florida you live.
And palmetto bugs! Those things give me the heebie jeebies! I’d never make it as a fugitive on the run in FL, I’d be screaming every 2 minutes. Maybe they’ll hear BL screaming from bugs too!
If all this is true, why is he not answering LE questions about where his gf is? Why wouldn’t he just say she’s in a hotel room?

I think people are getting confused thinking about missing children cases. You can't just leave your child in a hotel room. You'd face criminal charges for child abandonment, abuse, neglect, etc.

But you can just leave your partner. You can just leave your girlfriend on the side of the road and that's it. It's not a nice or kind or generous thing to do but it's not a crime. You have no obligation to care for a girlfriend or boyfriend. As long as you don't intentionally place them in danger or cause them harm, you can just leave and that's it. No liability. And his lawyer would have explained this to him.
I thought the consensus was he was actually heading to Jackson, Idaho, and jumped out when he realized the mistake about Jackson...

Nobody really knows. Maybe he was just hearing voices.

There's very little consensus on most of this story, other than BL being at the center.
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I put this together from reading many comments last week. I have not included the hitchhiking info as it just does not make sense to me at this time - esp. regarding the location of the van.

Timeline of Gabrielle Petito’s disappearance

2 July, 2021: Gabrielle Petito and her fiance, Brian Laundrie, leave New York on a cross-country trip in a camper van.

5 July, 2021: The couple stops at Monument Rocks in Kansas.

26 July, 2021: two reviews added of places they stayed in Virginia and Florida.

29 July, 2021: she or somebody posted a review of BLM 378/Willow Springs Rd in Arches National Park

12 August, 2021: 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, GP and BL were at the Moonflower

12 August, 2021: afternoon, separated by PD. Video 2.

13 August, 2021: Brian's last post on IG of him alone

17 August, 2021: perhaps broke the engagement (he flew home for 5 days?)

17 - 23 August, 2021: Laundrie traveled to Florida by plane

19 August, 2021: video that they are at a campsite outside Capitol Reef National Park.

24 August, 2021: Ms Petito is last seen checking out of a Salt Lake City hotel with Mr Laundrie

25 August, 2021: Ms Petito’s mother, Nicole Schmidt, video chats with her daughter for the last time via phone. Ms Petito reveals she is in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming.

27 Aug 27, 2021: Gabby tells friend via Snapchat they was heading for meet up at Yellowstone National Park and she will call on her birthday, August 29, to solidify the plan.

27 August, 2021: 8:49PM, either GP or BL opened "the dyrt" mobile app, can only be seen via the application's internal API.

29 August, 2021: Missed birthday call with friend to discuss meet up plans at Yellowstone National Park.

30 August, 2021: Ms Schmidt receives a text purportedly from Ms Petito. Ms Smith says she is unsure if the text was actually from her daughter.

1 September, 2021: North Port Police Department said that Gabby's fiance, Brian Laundrie, returned home to Florida ten days before Petito was reported missing by her family.

11 September, 2021: Ms Petito’s parents report her missing.​

Partial timeline from:
Boyfriend returned home 10 days before Gabby Petito was reported missing, police say

Thanks for the timeline! Very much appreciated!

But I’m a bit confused about this part of the time-line:

“GP and BL were at the Moonflower 9am - 2p”

“12 August, 2021: afternoon, separated by PD. Video 2.”

Same day. But the time stamp on the body-cam during the video says 12:45pm .

Can someone clarify this for me?

it seems they’d want the time on the cam to be accurate.
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