Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #15

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But to your point, there is not one shred of evidence to suggest that BL killed her. None, zilch.

That's incorrect. The evidence we already know of includes:

1. Strong consciousness of guilt evidence - a fiance leaving the last area his fiancee was seen alive, without her, with her vehicle, and drives home to his parents' house, where he holes up, lawyers up and fails to report his fiancee missing, nor even contacts her family to tell them what's going on.
2. The timing of the last time she contacted family, coupled with the timing of the sighting of her van close to where her body was found.

That is certainly not "none" or "zilch".
Last night I researched Spread Creek after it was reported the FBI shut it down. There was a fairly long and detailed article authored by a camper (still searchable) done a few years ago. It had photos of every campsite. It had photos of most of the campsite sign posts. You cannot miss them. Each one is fairly large and contains rules and bear warnings along with the site number. The sites are spread out far apart (guess this is a testament to the name).

When I came on today and saw the footage of the couple who spotted the van I noticed what I thought to be Gabby van's not at a legitimate campsite. If this is correct, this fact could have been significant to LE too.
Maybe they should just shut up.
Omg @gitana1 thank you for helping me find a smile tonight - I’ve been so immersed in researching her timeline I feel I got to know her a bit and each case I follow on WS is hard but then there’s one like Gabby…

the time for them to talk is past and now they are just insincere and should shut up like they have for 19 days
Next we'll hear that one little mistake shouldn't define the whole of his life. Where else did we hear that one.

Neither Rape(in cases that applies) nor Murder are “a little mistake”. I know I’m preaching to the choir with that…..but it royally astounds and angers me that some(families and lawyers) attempt to even utter such a preposterous, insulting, and vile comment against the wall….hoping it’ll stick.
Not sure why people are bending over backwards to defend BL. Available evidence as well as statistics in these cases leads to the inference that this was a domestic violence murder. This is less supported by evidenced but I suspect the parents aided and abetted BL in some way. Hard to believe their son came home in his fiancé’s van without her and they didn’t notice something amiss. I can’t imagine they aren’t paying for his attorney, either.
Hi. That was me. But he DID lawyer up the minute he returned home. He gave very much **** about lawyers and remaining SILENT and gave zero help in finding G. He was lawyered up BEFORE she was ever reported missing. FACTS.

How do you know he's not?

Some one else asked grieving so much that he has to lawyer up? No.... He probably doesn't give a **** about lawyers right about now. He did run home to mom & dad. So you want to crucify him for that? Could he have said something. Truth? Probably not. Really. Could his parents? Perhaps. Nothing anyone said was going to change anything though and I haven't seen GP's parents being receptive. Let's see how this unfolds but I think folks are expecting others to behave in very experienced ways when in fact, these are experiences that none of us (with few exceptions) have ever experienced.

Also the news anchor said the chopper saw what they believed was relevant evidence around noon and they have been holding it back until LE confirmed and notified the family. I think they have chopper footage that they are not releasing for obvious reasons. I think we'll learn more when the coroner releases initial findings.
A shallow grave and a purposeful long delay in finding her, in grizzly & BB country, what a plan BL. Nearly worked, thanks to those covering for him.
I do really want to find out what happened.

I can't really see how he could lure her over there only to murder her.

I have to think it happened elsewhere, like near the van and he had to first figure out concealment, and then get her 110 pounds over there.

It's not solid ground. It's rocky, pebbly, gravely and he has to cross several small portions of streams plus the main channel. Perhaps he drove to the other side on Ute road and drug her from there, but this would have taken some time to figure out. I think the event occurred on Aug 27 and it took him two days to figure out what to do.

I think he drug her body over there on the famous tarp her had.
I may have to take a walk shortly.. having difficulties with the site, the most crucial one right now is that my ignore button isn't working.
Very hard to keep my lips zipped.

Rest in peace dear Gabby....may you and your loving family have justice.
I wish I’d never seen that video of the DV incident on 08/12. I’m a mom of a daughter close in age to GP and I just want girls everywhere to know nothing you do or can do causes violent or controlling behavior. It’s never your fault bc people control their own actions, and if you’re routinely terrified please leave.

Agreed. I just wish I could reach out and hug her, and tell her it's okay to cry ... and that she should run. I feel for her parents seeing this video. Although - it is a confirmation of sorts that the traveling companion was a jerk at the very least, a killer at the most.
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Abusive men target mentally ill women as partners because they think it’s easier to make the woman dependent on him and unlikely to leave if he acts (at first) as the caring partner who can help her through her tough times. Of course, having an easily manipulated and gaslit woman underfoot is only fun as long as he’s able to “handle” her, right?

So, when she isn’t rather than just breaking up like a normal person he has to murder her then run home to mommy and daddy like a scared little baby?

I’m so angry. I’ve known too many men like this in my life.
How awful. Condolences to he family.

unlike a lot of you, if BL did it (of course he did), I hope he has done himself in or an alligator got him. I have no need to hear his story, with the self justification he would use. Every murderer who is dead makes the world a better place as far as I’m concerned. Certainly a safer place .
You assume the info you hear is what the families heard. I assume you heard what I heard and that's what they felt they could tell you. But I think they all knew what happened. From the bodycam video, their you tube video, and the call from Christopher. They all knew. And they also knew why Brian wasn't talking. That's why they didn't arrest him. I've said before, I could be wrong. We shall see. But I believe he is actually the #1 victim in this. And he is paying the price.

Folks have shared here their pain from past experiences that affect their perpective of current events. Let me share. My brother committed suicide. Suicide has victims. Suicide is never pretty. Maybe she didn't kill herself but suicide is 2.5 times as likely as homicide from a statistical point of view. (I have posted a reference to this statistic from the national institute of mental health). I withhold judgment on Brian as I wish others on here would too.

How does that statistic factor in knowing this couple already has a history of DV calls under their belt? about look up this statistic: 72% of all murder-suicides involve an intimate partner and 94% of the victims of these murder suicides are female. :rolleyes:

You want judgment held on Brian but you are placing a pretty big judgment/assumption on Gabby.

I would really love to hear how Gabby's phone sent a text message to her mom on Aug 30th saying she was in Yosemite - that her mom is sure Gabby herself didn't send and we know Gabby's body is found quite close to the van location on the 27th - if Brian is innocent in all this. :rolleyes:
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