Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #16

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they weren’t at a campsite when they got into the argument. They were at the Moonflower Co-op, in town so it makes even less sense that he would be “afraid” she would leave him.

I think it's safe to assume that this kind of interaction happened many, many times. Putting the pieces together with what GP's friend said, this was a long-standing pattern.
How swampy is the area Brian's parents live? Imo, they know where he is, and while they may not directly be "hiding" him per se, I think they are keeping his location secret for selfish reasons. Wonder if they would realistically be charged for that.

Also, just want to remind everyone that newlywed couple Kylen Schulte and Crystal Beck's killer is still on the loose - please feel free to join us on their thread too.
You can cross from the U.S. to Mexico and Canada over land at a border crossing with a passport card instead of a passport book. I’ve heard of some agents not checking going into Mexico but I don’t have personal experience with that.
BL could have crossed my living room at any point in the first week of September and I'd think he was a repair guy. MOO -- he had plenty of time to go anywhere, certainly legally, but also undetected (before this thing blew up).
Regarding where BL is now-

I come back to the old saying the easiest solution is often the solution. It’s more likely that he wandered off into the woods, or his folks dropped him off somewhere else and he wandered into the woods/away, or he went off to kill himself. Rather than he obtained false documents to start a new life in Mexico.

Just MOO.

I would normally agree with this but I don’t think BL has it in him to kill himself. I just don’t get that vibe at all. I think he would be more likely to blame everyone else and manipulate his family into letting him stay at a vacation property they own. He’s pretty important to himself.
Oh interesting! That's an angle worth exploring. That could explain a funded getaway, should there be one. Wow.

Agree with you, but MOO also been thinking the number (and variety!) of LLCs registered to immediate family members could suggest "creative" knowledge about taxes, money, etc. If this gets taken down, I am sorry! Not a statement on the family, just my opinion on large batches of (seemingly unrelated) LLCs, regardless of who owns them.
I have absolutely no idea what I’d do. I have learned over the years though that I am not perfect and I now find it very hard to judge other people’s actions, specifically his parents. I hate that they chose to ignore Gabby’s mom and chose to follow counsel’s advice of silence. I don’t know how much they know, I don’t know that getting him an attorney is enabling him, but I believe they should’ve replied to the texts.

Staying mum and not answering mom's texts is extreme and extremely sick. There is no excuse.
How swampy is the area Brian's parents live? Imo, they know where he is, and while they may not directly be "hiding" him per se, I think they are keeping his location secret for selfish reasons. Wonder if they would realistically be charged for that.

Also, just want to remind everyone that newlywed couple Kylen Schulte and Crystal Beck's killer is still on the loose - please feel free to join us on their thread too.
It's quite eerie to have two such strange cases occur in the same place in roughly the same time-span, terrible stuff.
they weren’t at a campsite when they got into the argument. They were at the Moonflower Co-op, in town so it makes even less sense that he would be “afraid” she would leave him.
what makes me so sad about all of this-- was gabby so isolated she didn't feel she could tell anyone about their issues? for example, their fight on august 12th, if that happened to me my mom, siblings, and close friends would know every detail from me. i've dated my share of very abusive men, and i lost friends because they saw me being abused but i wasn't strong enough to walk away. i knew they were being abusive, i'd cry to friends and family multiple times a week, but it was hard getting away. i just couldn't imagine being abused and then .. i guess suffering alone. god she has to have a reddit account or something somewhere that she'd vent, right ? where all the details from her POV are posted?

From what i'm able to gather, they were at Moonflower Co-op for 5-6 hours the morning of August 12th. they got into a fight that included BL saying he didn't think GP could be successful, he took the keys (?) from her, thinking she was going to leave him and she scratched him. then he locked himself inside the van when she climbed in through the window. but i really wish someone knew how everything went down.. like she didn't text her mom every detail ? :(
I don't believe this scenario, but if you want one that works to show his innocence it goes like this. She wants to work on her Vanlife channel, he wants to go exploring. They argue. He says, fine stay her and work on your video I am going to go camping. She tells him "fine, go, but I won't be here when you get back. I'll leave with (insert friends name here who she plans to meet up with in Yellowstone) . You can go to he double hockey sticks and take this nasty van with you (its obviously trashed by now)".

He goes on his little walkabout and when he comes back she isn't there. Maybe she went off and killed herself or someone saw her alone in the woods and killed her. He gets pissed thinking she left him. and drives home in a rage. 2 weeks later his mom gets a text from GP's mom saying she is missing. She doesn't answer immediately and instead asks him whats that all about. She thought they had just broken up. He now realizes he Effed up. The family gets nervous about his action and calls their friend the real estate lawyer who callously tells them to say nothing.

But that scenario is a load of swiss chees full of holes.

Sounds better then any of the ones I could come up with.
Regarding where BL is now-

I come back to the old saying the easiest solution is often the solution. It’s more likely that he wandered off into the woods, or his folks dropped him off somewhere else and he wandered into the woods/away, or he went off to kill himself. Rather than he obtained false documents to start a new life in Mexico.

Just MOO.

I agree with the probabilities of suicide over running. But, he was not a wanted man. He wouldn’t need false documents to start a new life in another country. JMO
Ok so many want to give BL some kind of benefit of a doubt and let's just say he did go off without Gabby and she got worried and went out to find him, and I guess just fell out on the ground and died. Then when Brian returned he couldn't find her and thought, oh he'll, guess she was more pissed then I thought, well fine I'm leaving then. And drove back to, that's about the dumbest thing Ive ever heard IMO. Who does that? NOONE that was completely innocent of a thing would do that...
His actions tell it all, I'm not saying they didn't get in a fight, not saying Gabby didnt maybe punch him a few times and he lost his temper and hit her back causing her to be terribly hurt, got mad and maybe strangled her to death, but here lies the problem, I don't care how it happened, he had a choice to say OMG, what have I done and go get help, carry her back to the van and haul butt to the nearest help he could find.
Yet instead he fled the scene, jumped on her van and drove home to mommy and daddy and never said a word, he was able to go on at that house while she lay out in the middle of the woods decomposing and still not say a word.
So no matter what happened, no matter what went down....the guilt is on himhim and only him, IMO!!
I wonder if he knew at that point on that day that G had a fear of him driving off & leaving her? I suspect so? There were shops nearby, no? He couldn't have gone into one?
I think if you’re trying to get away from someone you’re having an argument with and you’re in public, it would make sense to try and lock yourself in somewhere, no? I say that because more than one person found the argument concerning enough to call police, so maybe the van was the only place to be where he could roll the windows up and calm himself down and give herself time to calm herself down? We won’t know until and unless he decides to show up and talk.
Brian Laundrie could hide out in the swamps of the 'vast' Florida reserve 'for months,' police involved in Gabby Petito case say

To Note:
Ahead of his disappearance, Laundrie told his parents he'd be at the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, which is part of the Carlton Reserve, the Daily Mail reported.

The reserve has about 80 miles of hiking trails, most of which are currently flooded, according to a warning posted on its website Saturday.
Myakkahatchee Creek my eye. He’s prob been in Europe since Sept 2. Or houseboat. Or Canada. Pretty much anywhere but where they say he is. Imo
How do we know he’s a “skilled outdoorsman”? BL’s parents told LE, maybe? I wouldn’t trust that!
Agreed we truly don't know his capabilities, not many these days are skilled enough to last in the wild for months, especially with presumably no contact to civilization as an avoidance tactic on BL's part, if hes not dead he will be forced out soon IMO.
If GP had screamed, say in the middle of the night, do you think they were close enough that someone would've heard it? It might not mean much but the fact that no one did seems like it wasn't a prolonged chase or anything, or a bear attack in the middle of the night. It also doesn't seem secluded enough for him to be dragging a body out in the middle of this place. It's not a place you'd choose if you premeditated this. Went for a walk, got into a fight and he just lost it, attacked her and then panicked and ran? That's my guess.

I said elsewhere that maybe this was similar to the confrontation in Utah. Maybe they were arguing, she slapped/smacked at him and he pushed her away but too hard this time. She could could have fallen and hit her head, etc...

The area she was found is certainly not remote and not really secluded either.
If he made it from Wyoming to Florida in 48hrs he could have easily made it to Mexico with his 3 day head start. Nobody was looking for him till Friday night everyone thought he was in Florida and LE knew his location.
Something often overlooked are commercial cruises. Yep, I'm talking about those COVID-crawling, unlimited-daiquiri vacation cruise ships. You can buy tickets last-minute. Like, day-of.

As far as I am aware, the "No-Fly" list doesn't automatically translate to a "No-Sail" list (although I do not think BL would be on either in early September, all things considered with the way this played out).

Recreational cruises stop in lots of different places and countries, and SO many leave right out of Florida. You can board as an ordinary passenger, disembark at any port on the schedule, and not return to the ship. It's totally up to you to return or not. People "miss ships" all the time and have to find their way back -- often with a flight or whatever. So not getting back on a ship in time isn't immediately strange or suspicious. It happens.

I googled it, and there are limited cruises leaving from Miami/Port Everglades. Right now.
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