Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #22

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I had a random thought today. According to his parents, he didn't leave until after the van was picked up. However, if he is really being cautious and hasn't used any phone and really is in the reserve, what are the changes he has no idea about who exactly is looking for him?
my guess is he would be able to hear the helicopters and figure it out but i could be wrong
Like most here, I believe BL killed GP, sadly, ending a very toxic relationship. My perceptions, like others, are guided by my life experiences. But part of what I like on WS is to separate my personal biases from the interpretation of the facts, especially an odd set.

All IMO.

The behavior of BL's family is what forces me to keep reconsidering what may have happened in Wyoming. Why would they be so oblivious to the obvious conclusion that their son likely killed GP and ran home? What did he tell them to make them think this is OK?

Option 1. Could BL have gone on a Snake River hike for a few days as he told the Tiktok user who gave him a ride on 8/29, to get some space between he and GP and let her blog? Was it GP alone in the van on 8/27 when the back door closed as the camper passed?

... in this scenario, what if when BL returns to the van on 8/29 there is no sign of GP? Could she have been attacked or abducted by someone, killed and left where she was found? In this scenario, BL would not know where she was, panic, call Mom, and go home.

... that sounds crazy because anyone in their right mind at that point would call LE, right? So maybe BL looked for GP, found her dead, and panicked because he might be accused of killing her. He calls Mom, she calls attorney who advises he do nothing and hightail home.

Option 2. What if after another one of their toxic 'fights' GP takes off from the van, parked where we saw it on the dashcam 8/27. She leaves to go for a walk to be alone - in a state of despair, crying and confused. In this case, it might be BL who is in the van (sandals on ground match, right) when the door closes between 6-6:30pm.

... in this scenario, what if GP doesn't come back that night, and BL starts to get worried? He goes looking for her the next day, and finds her in the creek bed where LE found her. She has committed suicide. He panics, calls Mom, she calls attorney who advises he hightail home. All this under the guise of making sure he doesn't get blamed.

So as off the wall as this may sound, perhaps the BL family doesn't think he did anything wrong, at least of any great importance, 'He didn't kill Gabby, they may think... but he sure will be blamed for her death... so we'll welcome him home and help him hide for a while'.

I don't like what I just wrote either, so please no tomatoes. I am just trying to respect the art of sleuthing by turning over the limited data we have, like a rubric square. o_O
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As a participant in both case discussions, I feel like the primary reason for interest in the pictures when it arises, is because people are looking to confirm COD/trying to infer it from the burial site. I don't think it's prurient ghoulish curiosity.

Maybe in other places on the Internet, but not in WS, where people have mostly gathered to discuss these issues seriously, and those who haven't because they don't understand site culture frowns upon doing so humorously or trivially before they joined, are soon gone, IMO.

Given the high profile nature of this case and how common it is to examine photos of crime scenes or recovery sites, quite frankly I’m surprised that screen grabs of the original unedited footage aren’t being frequently shared around SM etc.
I think it's fairly normal. I recall the same thing happening on the JJ and Tylee thread when their remains were found. I'm always glad the photos are just thumbnails, and I don't click them to see clearer.

Like you, it's not my thing, but I understand how others might be interested.
I was very interested to see what they found because I wanted to know if her remains had been buried or not. That right there would indicate murder as opposed to suicide, or death by the elements.
FBI Denver


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Teton County Coroner Dr. Brent Blue confirmed the remains are those of Gabrielle Venora Petito, date of birth March 19, 1999. Coroner Blue’s initial determination for the manner of death is homicide. The cause of death remains pending final autopsy results.
@Tiff23fr and @JerseyGirl
I know you both have taken an interest in our Gabby- it’s time to move her and her media thread to Located Deceased ..
Thank you for your dedication
Snipped by me.

The Bethunes and the part they played in this are going to stay with me for a long while. Not just because another van-life v-logging couple were the means of cracking the case and finding her, but also that they started their RV life as a way to deal with the loss of one of their own children, Ethan. The day they filmed the van was actually the anniversary of his death. I keep thinking of how Jenn Bethune said that when Gabby's mother called to thank her, they cried together in a way that only mothers who have lost children could understand.

God bless the Bethunes for their sharp eyes and willingness to help, and God bless Jenn Bethune for being able to bring comfort to Gabby's mother during such a terrible time. The world sometimes seems full of evil, but there is divine grace and mercy for our suffering hearts.

This will be what most people will see, and I think the graphics of it is wonderful and that the video footage will be essential for the trial, but LE were already searching that area before they even looked at their video files Saturday night. The reason they were looking is because others had already given witness reports to teh van being there. The Moose spotters had already spotted the van and gave that info to LE.
New here...

-Someone asked about seeing a skateboard in the back of the van. See nothing odd about that as their video on YouTube shows them in Santa Monica. Plenty of skateboarding opportunities there.

-From Gabby’s statements on the police video, I believe a lot of stress on this trip stemmed from her OCD and dream of being a social media influencer. It’s possible she banked everything on the fact that they were going to do this trip, and it was going to take off on social media, and well, it didn’t. Add in the admission of OCD and you have a huge recipe for disaster. Brian telling her the reality that it wasn't going to happen only made it worse. I’ve been diagnosed with OCD and it can make you crazy if not regulated. It’s possible she was soooo obsessed about being an influencer that it took over her life and made this trip unmanageable for her and Brian. I envision her posting on social media and then constantly hitting refresh to see likes and video views and when it didn’t happen, it put her in a downward spiral in which Brian couldn’t control or handle.

The scenario in my mind is that this growing tension and wedge between them lead to fight after fight, more physical, and an accident happened and she was killed. I think he had mental issues as well, and it took an increase in her OCD behavior for that to surface fully in him.

-I don’t see him as someone who had planned this all along. He knew they were on the police cameras, he was even concerned that going to jail, would be on her record.

I know this may not be popular, but it’s my opinion.

I seen a Sand board they were using when they were at the Dunes.
According to Gabby's girlfriend (article posted backthread) Brian was a loner who had no friends. I felt at the time this might be a somewhat harsh judgement, but now...with no one coming forward or no one researched out by the media--I believe it is probably true.

I remember seeing a picture on his Instagram of plants and the words “some of my best friends” across the photo. I don’t think he was much of a people person, moo.
any chance they have been careful to name him a suspect in fear of scaring him off? his face is everywhere but i wonder if they are trying their best to avoid spooking him
He can't hide forever. Their goal is to protect the public not BL. JMO
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