Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #24

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Are they different breeds of dogs? For example, blood hounds are usually cadaver dogs and German Shepherds are usually searching for live people?

Bloodhound can pick up a days old human scent at a long distance. German Shepherds are one of the most common breeds employed in scent detection work and are praised for their keen sense of smell, focus, and determination. German Shepherds are also used in search and rescue efforts not just for cadaver.

A bit of info on cadaver dogs - Cadaver dogs are able to tell the difference between human remains and animal remains, which means they’ll know right away if the scent they’re picking up is from a person or from decomposing wildlife - they're trained to differentiate between types of decomposing flesh. Because they’re trained to pick up scents both on the ground and in the air, cadaver dogs can identify crime scenes even if the body has since been moved. Depending on the circumstances, they may also be able to lead search teams to where the body was relocated to. They can identify hundreds of different scents related to decomposition.
If (big if), BL is in the Carlton Reserve he wouldn't be able to sustain this long without a decent amount of food and water. Not to mention, he didn't appear to have an ounce of body fat. I keep thinking of the show "Alone". The participants on that show are all hardcore and even they have a hard time living.....I just don't see BL being that stealthy.
It's also possible that he knew it from old and had a hiding place established from prior visits.
I've seen the swampland footage but I'm wondering whether there are any underground caves in the topographical maps?
I'd be very interested in the movements of the mustang when he drove it, stops etc.. It could well have been jam-packed with supplies that he'd been collecting, dropped at my imaginary cave and vehicle left back in parking lot for his parents to collect.

He may well have known it would be a long one.
Underground caves in Florida are full of water. In fact, that swamp is mostly under water right now. If he's there, which I doubt, he is more likely up a tree than in a cave.
There's been a lot of questions about the video from the helicopter from when they discovered Gabby's body. I don't believe that part of the video exists anywhere. It was from KSL5 and I was watching on facebook while they had a helicopter flying over the area. It went over where there was a huddle of people, the tent hadn't been put up yet. Then it started to make a bigger circle, headed toward the road and then started over to where the edge of the stream or river was. That's when you could see a body, in a clear area near the water. The newscaster immediately said something like "should we be filming this?" and then the body was out of frame. It was not buried, and I noticed later, when I went back to see if what I thought I saw was really a body, it was gone. I haven't seen it since, it's not any of the photos or videos that are being put out there on news stations or twitter or youtube. My guess it, it's been deleted. So if you're looking for a body in any of the current videos, it's not there, it's off camera of where they're setting up the tent.
I have a question regarding the 911 caller and the witness statement. Is it the same person? The written statement leaves out such important information. I do also recall during the traffic stop that LE mentioned possibly 2 witnesses. Just confused and wondering if any of you amazing people know.
Why do you think he's not deceased?
@TTF14 - only because I think he would have been found by now. Also I think that after he killed Gabby and went through a freak-out, then after a few days of yoga :p, he set out on a deliberate course. So I think if he were going to kill himself, he would have done it by now. That said, I do think if/when he is cornered by police, he is more likely to commit suicide rather than being taken into custody. Total SWAG on my part.
Based on comments I've seen here and there, I think some of our members were watching the livestream when Gabby's remains were accidentally shown. To those people - was she on the side of the creek, near where the cross made of rocks was placed or was she more toward the trees, where the tent was erected?
Are they different breeds of dogs? For example, blood hounds are usually cadaver dogs and German Shepherds are usually searching for live people?

Not necessarily. I know of Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers that are trained cadaver dogs.

We have several VI's here that I hope weigh in.

The blood hounds are great for tracking. They put their noses to the ground and their big floppy ears help pull the scent in. They get used a lot for tracking lost people and following a scent.

Retrievers and the Sporting Breeds tend to be air scenters. Their noses go up and they get scent off the wind. They will be working a pattern and then all of a sudden their heads go up and you can see them scenting. They may go off the pattern at that point and find something. I've seen spaniels as well as Retrievers do this kind of work.
Surely there must be cctv in the area of his home where they can see BL and if he actually went to the reserve or not?

If there is, we're not going to know about it since it's a FBI lead investigation. They're keeping this extremely tight lipped. For one, he's still out there somewhere - maybe dead, who knows - but if he's alive, he might be following this closely somehow to see if they're getting close to finding him. Any leak from the FBI would have him getting ready for his next move. I believe JB on WFLA talked about this yesterday.
Are they different breeds of dogs? For example, blood hounds are usually cadaver dogs and German Shepherds are usually searching for live people?

I had my GSD mix in SAR training for a while (before she blew out her knee and had to drop out). Our trainer (who is head of one of the leading SAR groups in this exact area of Florida where BL's family lives) told us that literally any dog can excel at any of the different types of searches. During the time I was in training, the best student dog in our group was a little lapdog type (a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, I think, or one of that type of breed).

But for cadaver searches, some dogs get really freaked out by the scent of human remains. I saw some of the dogs in our training group just shut down when we worked with cadaver scents. My own dog wasn't bothered by it at all, and in fact she seemed more interested in finding remains than in finding live people, so she probably would have ended up being used more in cadaver searches.

So it's really more a function of what an individual dog is good at.
Surely there must be cctv in the area of his home where they can see BL and if he actually went to the reserve or not?

If there is, we're not going to know about it since it's a FBI lead investigation. They're keeping this extremely tight lipped. For one, he's still out there somewhere - maybe dead, who knows - but if he's alive, he might be following this closely somehow to see if they're getting close to finding him. Any leak from the FBI would have him getting ready for his next move. I believe JB on WFLA talked about
Not necessarily. I know of Golden Retrievers and Labrador Retrievers that are trained cadaver dogs.

We have several VI's here that I hope weigh in.

The blood hounds are great for tracking. They put their noses to the ground and their big floppy ears help pull the scent in. They get used a lot for tracking lost people and following a scent.

Retrievers and the Sporting Breeds tend to be air scenters. Their noses go up and they get scent off the wind. They will be working a pattern and then all of a sudden their heads go up and you can see them scenting. They may go off the pattern at that point and find something. I've seen spaniels as well as Retrievers do this kind of work.

And beagles too!
Please..too many threads moving fast but I know I saw on here last Friday night the police had a gun case from the mustang? It was taken out of the trunk.? Can't find the comments and thread. Has it been confirmed anywhere that Brian had a concealed weapon permit in fla. Why have a permit and not a gun? Thank you. Could someone who saw the threads and comments please advise.

There was a lot of discussion about that when they removed the item. Many posters here felt it was not a gun case. People had many different opinions about the item.

I am not certain, but I think the timeline for when the vanlife trip started is wrong. In the beginning I kept hearing that it started from New York after they ateended a family event there. But in my mind it started in Florida when they left there to go to NY. I am not sure when they shot there tiktok video of camping on the AT, but I could easily picture them taking their time to drive to New York to stop and see the sites. Still not 3-4 months, though. Maybe they had been telling people that to make it sound more like they were legit Vanlifers rather than just van vacationers.
They didn't need to go to NY to see the sights. They were from NY. They'd met there in highschool (Long Island, IIRC). I think it was her mom who'd said, they went to NY to attend a family event before taking off on their trip. You might be able to stretch the length of the trip back in time to when they left Florida, but I don't think that would add up to the several additional months he added to it when speaking to police. They didn't spend an extra 2-3 months getting from FL to NY and staying in NY; highly unlikely, as I see it.
I have a very logical brain and my head cannot comprehend hiding out in a swamp close to home if I truly am trying to get away and avoid being arrested. I would have to come out at some time or perish within so why would I hide here? It makes no sense.

I really would love to know what LE has to keep them coming back.

Maybe they have found something of his in the park and they aren't telling us.

If I was truly trying to get away, with a 10 day head start, I'd get as far away from Florida as I could. In fact, I'd go to a city probably and change my look, blend in. Go somewhere that really wasn't where you would think I would go. I would be north, not south.

What are we missing here?
This - I agree. I'm guessing NYC, with that accent and all. He'd stand out anywhere else in the south.
Are BL's parents acting as if he were suicidal? They seem as cool as cucumbers. They are possibly just very stoic people, but I think most parents' first reaction would be to prevent the death of their own child, even in the face of murder charges. Also, BL visited Carlton Reserve many times. Apparently, that was his go-to hiking spot. He may have happened upon a safe secluded hiding place earlier.

This is the part that bugs me. I truly cannot fathom his parents being (from what we can discern and speculate) this composed if they are seriously worried about their son committing suicide. As someone who once ran away from my parents to attempt to take my own life, I can't imagine how his parents can seem so unconcerned. My parents were calling everyone they could think of when they realized something was off––the Laundries just seem a little too composed for parents of a child they believe to be in crisis, MOO.
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