Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #33

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I tried finding what BBM means but I couldnt lol
Im assuming its pics of Gabby saying I was here once

Thank you! I wasnt putting together that the pic was with the text, that makes total sense and I was in fact being dense. lol

(i see the BBM question was already answered)
I think this whole thing about the 911 call and how the details were apparently not relayed to LE for the stop highlights a problem that gets swept under the rug: Dispatcher training. When a dispatcher doesn't take a call seriously (like when the social worker called to report Josh Powell taking his kids, after which he killed them and himself), or when they don't fully share details with officers which could very much change the outcome of a police interaction, there should be consequences there. There was a case in my hometown when I was young, where a person was getting beaten to death with baseball bats, multiple people called 911 to report it, and listening to the heinously indifferent attitudes of the 911 operators when those calls were released to the public, gahhhh, it's choking me up just thinking about it.

Transcript of the Josh Powell call in order to provide a link:
Transcript: Social worker's 911 call from Josh Powell's home
Also mistaking mental health calls for active shooter calls..
People get killed for a mistake like that!

I think the whole area must be examined closely..
I'm always listening to scanners and it sounds so muddled so often it's pretty scary..
I believe we've established that it isn't stolen if no one reports it stolen?
Gabby didn't report her bank card stolen either (dead) and Brian's being charged with theft. Can you be charged with grand theft if the owner is dead and didn't give permission for you to drive their vehicle cross country without them?
I can't remember the user's name who called in the tip about the man in the helicopter video, but I haven't seen it covered anywhere, did any MSM pick it up? No one seems to be talking about it online.

*Edited by me because I can't type today :)
pretty sure thats because there was nothing to see, i looked at that and it as just trees and moss and vines...people will see him everywhere now smh.
I don't even really think it had to do with them being on Social Media or her trying to be an influencer. I think, just like in the Caylee Anythony case, you have a situation where one person is missing and another person clearly has the information about where that missing person is, and they just aren't sharing it. Add to that the parents also clamming up. It's just an unfathomable situation for a lot of people, like how could you NOT want to help find her??
It's a lot easier for us to all become armchair detectives when there is that HUGE lead out there as opposed to, ex. Jane had dinner at XYZ and was never seen again. I mean, you can start at the restaurant but where do you even go with that?
Perhaps in the beginning, it took off because she is beautiful and young and living an "insta-life" traveling the country in a van (very trendy). But if it were just that, everyone would have moved on by now.

At this point, I believe the intense interest is because this story is ABSOLUTELY BONKERS. And happening in REAL TIME.
Ok, my opinion only, I'm a mom of daughters (one that was in this type of relationship). My thoughts were that this behavior of gaslighting and reactive abuse had been going on for a long time, BL parents must have been witness to it while they lived in the same house. I don't think this behavior is picked up at lets say, school <modsnip> I still can't watch the full police stop video, It is so obvious how confused, sad, scared and lost Gabby is. My heart breaks for her and her family.

Perhaps after the police stop, BL told his parents about it and they told him to come home and move their stuff out of the house. I can't find any other reason for spending money on airfare to just move a few things to or from storage. Perhaps that visit home he was given an ultimatum by his parents <modsnip>.

I don't blame the police officers that pulled her over, she was in a state that she would have accepted all responsibility for everything at that point. I wish they had seen it but if nothing else let this at least be an eyeopener and a teaching moment for everyone and bring this behavior to the forefront so it can be recognized in the future.


Parents please raise your sons to be respectful and your daughters to be strong.
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Why was BL... asking to go to Jackson? ...maybe he did want to go there...

the first time he wasn't sure she was going the right hops out at Jackson Dam.. he wanted to go 191

then shortly later he is further down 191.. he must have gotten another ride to get to that point.

Then Norma Jean Stop asks Where does he want to go to ? Says Jackson again... she wasn't going that far? getting late so he says the campground as a 2nd choice.

Maybe he was planning of leaving the van right there. GP could have been outside for several days at that point...why take the chance of being in her van.... if she is found across the creek and he is inside the van...or traveling in the van.

Maybe Jackson was the nearest airport or place to rent a car and this was his first choice. At Colter Bay he was cleaned up and near empty backpack. There is a airport on 191 pass the campground about 20 miles but its called Jackson Hole Airport. ...JMO

I'm wondering if contact with parent happened...advise the need for the attorney was as much for them as for BL.

Since we know BL was very upset going back into Merry Piglets as least 4 times to complain.... how bad could the bill be? Usually The Restaurant will side with the customer on things like that. This Seems more personal than a price of a margarita. JMO
Brian Entin did a live update. He said when the parents left yesterday, there were four unmarked cars that followed them to Orlando and back.

He spoke to the funeral director handling Gabby’s service and was told the service would be open to the public and that they “may” even livestream, not decided yet.

If you want to listen…^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
Do Mustang keys have a geo tracker? Maybe they do, or maybe it had one of those find my keyring thingies and thats what they are tracking. Because he left his phone at home.
Ugh. You can just picture how nasty/threatening BL was probably being towards GP right before finally pulling over for the cops. He may have said he'd beat her badly or even kill her if she ratted him out for his DV - it would explain why she felt the need to take the blame as soon as the interaction with the cops started.
Or maybe he didn’t say anything like that?
/bbm jmo
Gabby didn't report her bank card stolen either (dead) and Brian's being charged with theft. Can you be charged with grand theft if the owner is dead and didn't give permission for you to drive their vehicle cross country without them?
Haven't a clue but I reckon it will be the least of his problems if this ever goes before a jury.
It will seem like such a tiny misdemeanour that we will probably have forgotten it.
Gabby didn't report her bank card stolen either (dead) and Brian's being charged with theft. Can you be charged with grand theft if the owner is dead and didn't give permission for you to drive their vehicle cross country without them?

It's different because the law Brian is charged under prohibits unauthorized access. There isn't a law that prohibits unauthorized access to cars.

I think the breadth of 18 U.S.C. 1029 (unauthorized use of an access device) is really illustrated here. NPPD said they did not think they could charge Brian with theft under Florida law because there is evidence that he was authorized to drive the car and it was "commonly controlled." That is his interpretation or the interpretation of the NPPD lawyers, not mine.

The feds had no problem charging him under 1029 because the "access" comes from the bank. The bank is a third party that can say the access was unauthorized because the Card and PIN were not issued to Brian.

In my personal completely biased opinion, I think the feds ARE properly using the unauthorized access law (1029) but it shows why the statute is overly broad and bad IMO. You can charge under it when you couldn't charge theft. JMO
Police do these types of internal investigations all the time to see if their internal policies were followed and if there is anything that can be improved for next time. They also do it anytime there is an officer-involved shooting. I wouldn't read too much into it.

Thank you for addressing my concern and it is fair to access the entire situation.

Dispatcher: What were they doing?
Caller: Er we drove by and the gentleman was slapping the girl.
Dispatcher: He was slapping her?.
Caller: Yes and then we stopped. They ran up and down the sidewalk. He proceeded to hit her. Hopped in the car and they drove off.
If he proceeded to hit her then he must have been running behind her in order to keep hitting her.
pretty sure thats because there was nothing to see, i looked at that and it as just trees and moss and vines...people will see him everywhere now smh.
I agreed that you could see someone walking in the trees. of us know what happened between them! dead!
I hope if Brian is found we.find out why!
Given his behavior this far it’s pretty easy to deduce some of his patterns and psycho analyze.

My honest opinion, when it all comes out. 3% of behaviour, mental issues and escape plans being theorised, will actually be close to what occurred. The other 97% of what is theorised, will be collected, collated and used by the defence to show a tainted, unbiased jury at the trial or retrial. JMO
(but not from webslueths, only other social media platforms)
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