Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35

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Where do you think BL is right now?

  • Mexico

    Votes: 50 7.1%
  • Cuba

    Votes: 12 1.7%
  • Canada

    Votes: 20 2.8%
  • Carlton Reserve, FL

    Votes: 98 13.8%
  • Somewhere else in FL

    Votes: 166 23.4%
  • New York

    Votes: 24 3.4%
  • Somewhere else in the US

    Votes: 306 43.2%
  • Somewhere else in the world

    Votes: 32 4.5%

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Refusing to speak/invoking the 5th amendment certainly looks guilty to casual observers (and may indicate exactly that!), but as a legal matter no inferences can be drawn from that fact. It isn't evidence of anything, legally speaking, can't be used in court, can't be used as the basis for legal action.

I think what people here are drawing from his and his family's actions was if there was some third party perp that he would have filed a missing person's report or called LE rather than absconding with money from GP's bank account, which I'd think in any criminal trial for murder/manslaughter the running off with her money while not calling LE would be used against him in court. Certain things happening now - like being a wanted fugitive - can be used against him court. Also his parents refusing to speak to his parents might not be directly admissible but it's been things like that which have made this case international news and seem to have instigated LE to throw all their resources at it. The speculation here was that it was perhaps their family lawyer who said to not say anything to GP's parents and that could shouldering seems to have been what really touched things off where things just exploded after that both criminally and in the media.
I think it's a "situational" thing.
As I've said, Sasha Krause's body was a month in the Coconino Forrest AZ in fluctuating high low temps (not buried - out in the open in some brush) and we all thought there was no way they'd get much information at that point but it was reported they did establish stomach contents.

Maybe DNA of the food...
I wondered if that was what he told his parents: "We broke up and she went back to her family and now they're all harassing me wanting me to come back to her no just don't even talk to them until they calm down..."

Likely, “I don’t want to talk about it”. He’s an adult. He did not have to explain anything, given known circumstances. It’s when GP’s parents started calling snd it became clear that it was not that they broke up and each went safely home to loved ones, that it became an issue that had to be discussed. That something was very wrong.
Unless possibly on a toll road/turnpike or when using a bridge/tunnel. I suspect that there would be some sort of monitoring of vehicles to prevent non payment by those without an EZ pass or RFID chip.
Yes, was referring to their question if you had to show papers to cross state borders. It is possible to travel states avoiding tolls and leave no paper trail.
i don’t like what he did either. But he, as does anyone, has the right to go up to the door, knock on it and ask to have a word with the residents of a house. The residents do not have to answer the door , nor do they have to speak with such persons.

There is a bounty and he is a bounty hunter. And, yes, a publicity HOUND.

Unless they have no trespassing signs
Nothing but a cheap publicity stunt from an attention seeker
You keep driving- there are signs at the state borders, maybe a rest stop or visitor center but there’s no border stops or anything. The only exception I know of is the produce stop coming into California. I don’t know anything official about them/ the laws that are being upheld. But you are stopped driving into California to be asked about having any plants, produce, maybe seeds?

Also, if you are on I 5 in California, you must stop for inspection as the interstate passes through Camp Pendleton.
Agree. I thought it was odd, too, when Gabby said what she used to do for a living. I thought I read that she and Brian worked at Publix. That was never mentioned by Gabby, was it? You might be right about her working for his parents, which makes me wonder why it's "used to be" a nutritionist. I have to listen to her again to make sure I have her words right, though.

As for who walked away when, I was specifically talking about what the sister was saying in her interview that had to do with Brian possibly returning to Florida during the trip.

ABC Exclusive: Full interview with Brian Laundrie's sister on Gabby Petito

The sister was saying "that's what he did when he is..." and we were trying to figure out if she was talking about a habit Brian had or a one-off when she said this.

Question: So you didn't know that he came back without the...?
Cassie Laundrie: I assumed he flew back, because that's what he did when he is - actually I don't want to say that.
Questioner: No problem. No problem.

The friend you mention, she'd probably know, too. It's just weird that none of the media is talking about his possible 8.17 trip of Brian's. Maybe it has more to do with the case than we could ever imagine.

good point. Either way, if he told GP he was flying home and didn’t or even if he did, there’s an awful lot of important facts never mentioned as public knowledge thus far. It could explain way more than we realize at this point.
The speculation I referenced was more the "are we sure GP & R were just friends" stuff that is popping up here and there.

I consider it lurid and unnecessary not because they were two girls but because there is ZERO to suggest that GP was anything other than desperately in love with BL, to the point of being unable to see his abuse for what it was/or accepting it in order to be with him.

It seems against logic that a person trying to frame up her life and livelihood as 1/2 of a pretty, sparkling, adventurous couple traveling alone for months and doing the van life thing would be seeking outside romantic connections (with men or women) at the same time.

Stranger things have happened, but there's nothing to suggest that was the situation here at all.
Oh me! Thank you for explaining this, I hadn't even considered THAT possibililty and do NOT want to! Good grief.

I worry, just a bit, that since BL has been so broadly accepted as the ONLY possible guilty person by the public, if he is in fact innocent (which I believe is highly unlikely), we haven't used all of the information we DO have, which is very little, to poke around and rule out a weirdo or creep or stalker (I included the trafficking reference in my previous post only because it was part of the training on this... she clearly wasn't trafficked)

BL IS, technically, still innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. And no one in LE is claiming he is a danger to others, yet, which is a bit strange....IMO

We all seem to have run down every possible idea and theory related to HIM, but what if there are other people, either online that could be found as "off" or icky, or past relationships on either side that could be toxic or alarming?

Do we have the skills to dive into those spaces and rule that out?

If so, it reinforces the prosecution again BL, if charges are filed OR it could help open up the field a bit of other possible perpetrators...MOO MOO MOO!!!!
I agree. This is a cheap publicity trick by a washed up guy. (He's no good without the wonderful late Beth Chapman. She had all the brains in the family)

I like that Dog the Bounty Hunter showing up and the parents refusing to see him further exposes the parents' charades and deception. If their son is truly "missing" then why not speak to a man who is very adept at finding missing people and would probably offer his services for free. Also, as a bonus, you just know there were frantic calls to the attorney, and thus more billable hours $$$.

just my opinion
This post has only one basic purpose and that is my hope that when I finish writing it and do hit POST that I will be able to “let
go” of the anger I have each time the dates are discussed in which BL was reportedly home. The image in my mind of him sleeping comfortably, in his parents’s home, in the bed he and Gabby shared, with clean sheets, air conditioning, home cooked meals, warm showers and all the comforts of home; with Gabby’s body left alone, out in the wild, wide open spaces, with all the elements and wildlife to further disgrace it, just builds a fire in my belly that I need to come to grips with… Thanks for the opportunity to put it somewhat peacefully here… so I can leave it.
This is the exact reason I want to see him in court. I want to see the trial. If I feel like this, I can imagine how Gabby's parents feel. He has to be alive. I am unable to fathom the alternative.
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