Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #4

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Missing woman disappears after road trip with boyfriend as mom reveals message to authorities

Gabby Petito, 22, set out on a road trip with her boyfriend in a converted camper van in early July to tour National Parks, but she disappeared in late August and her family hasn't heard from her in more than two weeks. Now, her mother is pleading for help finding her daughter.

Nicole Schmidt, Petito's mother, said that the last verbal conversation she had with her daughter was on Aug. 25.

"I don't know if she left Grand Teton or not," Schmidt said. "I did receive a text from her on the 27th and the 30th, but I don't know if it was technically her or not, because it was just a text. I didn't verbally speak to her."


The couple stopped in Grand Teton National Park on Aug. 25, Petito's last known location, before a planned trip to Yellowstone. They were traveling in a 2012 Ford white van that was converted into a camper.


A spokesperson for the Jackson Police Department said that an "attempt to locate" call was recently filed for Petito. The Suffolk County Police Department is also investigating the case. Suffolk County PD declined to comment on Sunday.

Petito is 5’5" and has blonde hair and blue eyes. She has a triangle tattoo with flowers on her left arm and a "Let it be" tattoo on her right arm.

Anyone who has seen Gabby or has any information on the case should contact the Suffolk County Police Department at 1-800-220-8477.

WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 8/25/21 *MEDIA MAPS TIMELINE No discussion*

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Brian Laundrie has been officially named by LE to be a POI in this case which is still a missing persons case at this time. He may be sleuthed.

The Awareness Foundation is approved for discussion.

The "Find Gabby" FB page is not approved at this time as there is still nothing on the page to indicate it is family run and nothing directly from the family indicating that they are involved in the Administration of the page.

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Suggestions of a publicity stunt while someone is missing is not victim friendly. Until LE suggests otherwise, Gabby is missing and WS will treat the missing persons case with the care and compassion a missing person deserves. Posts suggesting this is a stunt or hoax have been removed.
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I believe she did, because I feel like I heard someone say she was on the phone with her mom while she was in the police car.

I wonder if one of the park rangers, who we don’t have the cam footage from, took the phone from GP to BL and said “She asked if you could get this charged up while you’re at the hotel,” or something along those lines, where there’s <modsnip> going on with the cops’ understanding of the phone situation.
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After seeing the footage I must say, this is pretty normal stuff between men and women.
Woman emotional, man rational.
I don't see anything conspicuous here. As her mother already said ...

It's been impossible to catch up for 2 days now but I agree with you, I think this is all pretty normal stuff, IMO.
What is NOT normal is him clamming up when his fiance/girlfriend is missing.
I cannot for the life of me come up with a single (innocent) reason he'd do that.

"Utah investigators have not ruled out a potential connection between two high-profile cases in the scenic campgrounds around Moab, according to FOX News – a grisly double-homicide that left newlyweds dead and an apparent lovers’ quarrel involving a woman who has since gone missing.

"We're looking at everything, I mean, anything and everything that was suspicious around that time or we're not ruling anything out at this time," a spokesman for the Grand County Sheriff’s Office told Fox News Wednesday afternoon. "So we're just investigating the information as it comes in."

When the newlyweds murder first broke, I could not help but think it was some kind of weirdo who did not “approve” of their marriage, life style or whatever else reason out of the norm. They posted he creeped them out. This other? Just a run of the mill fiancé wants her gone, leaves her with no food or water. Bye. Like Barbie in the AZ desert, or the cop and woman who flew across the country to meet him, who left her because she couldn’t keep up bc of the brutal heat. I’d be very surprised if they were connected, other than by coincidence or unexpected opportunity. Totally different victim types or targets. Any thoughts about their differences as opposed to similarities?
It's been impossible to catch up for 2 days now but I agree with you, I think this is all pretty normal stuff, IMO.
What is NOT normal is him clamming up when his fiance/girlfriend is missing.
I cannot for the life of me come up with a single (innocent) reason he'd do that.


New fiancé or girlfriend.
If that were the case I don't know why he wouldn't just say so. If Gabby was the love of his life, and he was determined to stay with her "until death do we part," then why would he not assist LE in their investigation? What harm would it do to tell them the last time and place he saw her if she left him and he has nothing to do with her being missing?

It makes no sense.
Your post reminds me of the comment from Northport PD- something about common sense......
"North Point Police spokesman Josh Taylor told The Independent on Tuesday Mr Laundrie’s parents had refused to allow officers to speak to him, and had given them contact information for the family’s attorney.

Asked if police found anything suspicious in the family’s actions, Mr Taylor said: “There’s common sense at play."
Everything we know about the mysterious disappearance of Gabby Petito
I'm not understanding why the police aren't investigating him because "no information of a crime".... A woman is missing and a man has her vehicle 2000+ miles away from where she last was. It is not his vehicle. Shouldn't that warrant an investigation? I don't know how LE works but it doesn't make sense to me that they're saying there's no info/evidence of a crime when he's in possession of her vehicle, a vehicle that is not his - it's stolen, and she's missing.
Rest assured there's an investigation. However...
Lets say for example for conversation she decided to take off with someone else. There's no crime in doing that, so BL drives home. She said in the video he always drives the van. Just because it's not his, that doesn't mean he stole it. If my neighbor borrows my truck every week to go to the landfill, and he's been doing that every week for 6 months without asking, and he has a set of keys, if he borrows it in the 7th month, and doesn't ask, I can't say he stole it unless I told him ahead of time he can't use it anymore. I authorized him to use it. If the van is in Gabby's name, she'd have to report it stolen, and there's no evidence she's not alive to do so.
yeah I’m thinking GP has passed on. I think this video sheds light on their relationship. I don’t think GP “was crazy”, very few people actually are. I think she struggled with her mental health like we all do. One thing I do believe is that GP was the aggressor in terms of physical violence. What I mean by that is I believe BL was likely very emotionally/mentally manipulative/abusive but I do believe GP took things to the level of violence (slapping/physical attacks). I do not believe she could ever really truly “hurt” him though- that however does not excuse the violence. Now what I think happened (I am spitballing and speculating) is that BL returned from FL for some reason… and at some point another argument happened- maybe petty stuff again- but this time when she goes to slap/do her attack, BL chooses to engage back in the violence… he’s obviously much bigger and stronger so he hurt her- maybe pushed her off a cliff or possibly pushed her down and she was either very hurt or maybe even dead at that point… he also could have flown into a rage and strangled her… either way BL reacted with violence to GPS violence and it didn’t end well. Now he realizes omg what did I do!? So at that point it was all survival instinct to him. He doesn’t want to go to jail, and even if he was being “abused” by GP she obviously couldn’t have put him in a situation that was “life threatening “ (short of using a weapon which presumably neither had one, the LE seem to look around the car & ask if they have weapons etc and he said no) so he can’t claim “self defense “… so he left her somewhere (maybe buried her OR left her body in an area that would give the wildlife/elements a chance to get rid of any possible evidence of how she died/who killed her)… he drives back and goes radio silent/hires an attorney to help prolong the process and give him even more time for the evidence to disappear….

Idk I could be wrong.

Also to note: I’m not saying GP is a bad person or deserved any of this- just saying based on the evidence (marks/eye witness accounts) she is the one who instigates the violence….. that said- I don’t believe she could have done anything that would physically hurt BL to the point of killing him:.. I think he snapped and killed her. I don’t think he can use self defense as an excuse but I do believe their relationship was abusive- in more ways then one. I absolutely believe BL is abusive in ways and maybe just doesn’t instigate the violence but will use force if she comes at him….

This is a sad story.
Yes. I saw lots of red flags when I watched the video and it wasn't Gabby who was raising them.

Probably the biggest red flags for me were her fingernail scratches on his face.

In my opinion, had the cops done their job and arrested Gabby for domestic violence, Gabby might still be alive today (assuming she is deceased).
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"Utah investigators have not ruled out a potential connection between two high-profile cases in the scenic campgrounds around Moab, according to FOX News – a grisly double-homicide that left newlyweds dead and an apparent lovers’ quarrel involving a woman who has since gone missing.

"We're looking at everything, I mean, anything and everything that was suspicious around that time or we're not ruling anything out at this time," a spokesman for the Grand County Sheriff’s Office told Fox News Wednesday afternoon. "So we're just investigating the information as it comes in."
The thing in the back of my mind is this: if you accidently result in the death of someone whose you have a long term relationship with, links to he family you're going to need to face, even though you might obviously panic initially, most average people are going to come to their senses, call for help, admit what happened, face the consequences. What if the crime was much worse however and had other people involved.

I realize we have some sample bias on this site: we only follow cases where people don't come to their senses.
I disagree, he could take a walk and create some distance also.
Taking into account that he is bigger and stronger then her.

Locking her out is only put oil into the fire.
(all situations are different, im talking about this specific situation)
Tbf- BL told LE he locked them both out of the van because he didn’t want her to drive away and leave him stranded…. (Kinda ironic seeing as that’s exactly what he did) so I understand having both of them take a break and walk away from the situation. I do believe GP used violence against BL but I also have this very strange gut feeling that is saying BL may not “physically abuse” GP but I would bet money he’s an extremely emotionally/mentally abusive person. This was only ever going to end badly. I wish BL would have just stayed in FL when he flew back and they ended the relationship because now we have a girl MIA (hate to be Debbie downer but knowing her personality and communication habits with her family, she is probably not with us anymore and not just “Mia”….) and this guy is the only one who can tell us whatever happened! But his silence is telling- he knows if he tells them where they last were etc they will likely find a body and he also knows that will end his life as he knows it. He’s likely hoping that the wildlife and elements take care of the evidence and has the mentality of “no body no case”….. lucky for us that’s not entirely true and even if they can’t find a body if they can find enough information to reasonably assume she’s dead and he did it then they can still take him to trial. I truly hope they find her body ASAP. He needs to be in jail NOW!
I believe she did, because I feel like I heard someone say she was on the phone with her mom while she was in the police car.

They both had phones. She was sitting in the car talking to her parents on hers, and BL pulled his out of his pocket at 55:24.

In that case, he definitely lied to the police and they didn’t notice, there’s no ambiguity when he says he doesn’t have a phone. Very weird…
But she almost got arrested in Moab trying to keep her van. Why would she decide to give it to him later? And he ended up doing what she feared he was going to do in Moab. He took her van and left her. The incident in Moab was do prophetic it's creepy. I bet a prosecutor will point that out in a courtroom in the future.

In the video, she explained to the cop that she wasn't used to driving the van, that she wasn't comfortable. I don't think she would have attempted to drive home alone.

But, he still took her van. There's no getting around that, and she didn't seem like the type who would be comfortable staying somewhere on her own. So, she likely didn't stay behind of her own accord.
He arrived back in Florida on September 1, alone and driving her van. How exactly could she have left him if he had her van? If she was leaving him, she would have taken the van.
I agree with you. If she said she possibly wanted to end the relationship, (I have my doubts, but maybe it was going that way), well then, now you have one angry partner. The most dangerous time for someone to leave an abuser, (and I believe he was one), is in days of a breakup.
Very odd the newlyweds were murdered the day B was separated from G.

Apologies if this has been covered, I’ve only managed to half catch up. Initially I saw reports they were pulled over 08/13, the cam footage shows 08/12.
Probably the biggest red flags for me were the fingernail scratches on his face.

In my opinion, had the cops done their job and arrested Gabby for domestic violence, Gabby might still be alive today (assuming she is deceased).
So, what would you do if your SO took your phone, locked you out of YOUR vehicle and threatened to abandon you nearly 2000 miles away from home?

Are you telling me you wouldn't fight back?
He arrived back in Florida on September 1, alone and driving her van. How exactly could she have left him if he had her van? If she was leaving him, she would have taken the van.

Agree. Wasn't her major fear losing the van? Seems that was all the security that she had. What is scary is that he could have killed and dumped her anywhere across the route he took to go home. By not speaking, he is really incriminating himself. jmo
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