Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #4

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It takes 1 day and 16 hours with no stopping and perfect driving conditions to reach Yosemite to his house in Florida. No way she sent a text on the 30th saying she was in Yosemite and he arrives in the van a day later at home. That text was sent somewhere on his way home, I think.
I think "Yosemite" was a mistake. Lots of people get the names of Yosemite and Yellowstone mixed up.
Maybe he did too, especially if he was in a stressed state, if he is the one who sent the fake text (which I think he did, imo) .
It takes 1 day and 16 hours with no stopping and perfect driving conditions to reach Yosemite to his house in Florida. No way she sent a text on the 30th saying she was in Yosemite and he arrives in the van a day later at home. That text was sent somewhere on his way home, I think.

the Yosemite text and the driving timeline are very, very weird. If they did separate willingly, she went to Yosemite with others and he left, why wouldn’t she tell her parents that but still tell them she’s in Yosemite? I know it isn’t logical based off my previous posts but that detail really gave me goosebumps. It really does come off as a text to throw off concern if he knew the parents might be worried about not hearing from her after a few days.

They did say it was normal for her to go off the grid, though. A quick check in makes sense after a bit but if he wasn’t there anymore… I don’t know! The ONLY way the Yosemite text works is if she did get picked up by somebody else after a break up and breakdown, went to Yosemite with them, then was harmed by either herself or somebody else.

I don’t see her breaking up with Brian, going off grid in anger/embarrassment, checking in quickly, then deciding to permanently disappear herself again. I need to look up the report of a Snapchat she sent to a relative around the 30th. If her phone was indeed in that location that’s different. But i need to fact check that.

sorry, I’m arguing with myself and my own opposing theories lol

ETA: the theory the Yosemite text was a mistake is probably the most accurate. Nevermind this.
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Something that really hits home for me in all of this is that, when the news of Gabby's disappearance first broke, myself and a few others speculated about the relationship between this disappearance and the two murders in Moab. The most common response was "yeah, but that was a single guy who was hanging around and Gabby and Brian were together, so the murdered couple would have reported another couple, not a single guy, being the creepers."

And here we are, a few days later, learning that Brian was, in fact, alone on the exact night these two disappeared.

As one article said- the fact that this was all same time, same place is extremely interesting, if nothing else. We can only speculate, but that's one heck of a coincidence.
"Laundrie told Robbins that Petito feared he would leave her in Moab without a ride, which spurred her “manic state” and caused the physical altercation between them. According to police, Petito left minor scratches on Laundrie’s face and right arm during the struggle."

This is only one of many places it was reported that this whole thing was exacerbated by her fear, rightful or not, that he was going to abandon her. There are reports of the witness stating she refused to walk away and leave him. Why? He had her phone. He had her car. He had all of her belongings that were in the car. And for this to get to the point it did with him locking her out of her property and her refusing to part with the vehicle, it seems logical that her fears were not unfounded. He may have even threatened her with it earlier. MOO
Okay, so he never planned on leaving. Thank you.
If he had her phone then how did she hit him in the face with it?
I agree, it should have never got to the point where he had to jump in the van and lock the doors to keep her from hitting him. It's a sad situation all around.
I really hope they have the best possible FBI team back tracking his drive from his Florida home back to wherever he left from. I guesstimate the van would do ~375 miles on a tank so around 6 stops for fuel alone. I feel as things stand this is one of the only things related to BL they can do right now but it could at least narrow down a starting point?

Long shot but would a cell phone company (or CEO thereof) off the record share the mobile data/pings with LE in an exceptional circumstance or is that simply not legal?
Personal experience with a family member being diagnosed with OCD and other mental disorders. Fam member (at the urging of her bf) went completely off the grid for 6 months, and then one day randomly appeared at my house in what I could best describe as a state of total psychosis.

Not defending BL here -- I think he should help if he can.

but would not surprise me if there are other mental health issues at play which caused a total breakdown. Agree with some others - I don't see a manipulative murderous psychopath - he was a nervous wreck from start to finish with the officers. I just can't see him doing what many suspect him of doing and then driving over 2,300 miles.

I suspect him of leaving Gabby behind while he drives off by himself.

I see him as perfectly capable (and mentally unbalanced/fragile enough) to do just that, judging by the body cam video. They are both fragile. He was capable of driving, right? He still knew how to operate a phone? He's capable of driving off, just as he tried to do in Moab.

Being a "nervous wreck" didn't prevent him from hanging out, eating melon and taking pictures for 2 days (with no Gabby in sight and no evidence of a second photographer - but we don't see him at the van). Then he gets in the van (apparently) and drives to FL.

Without Gabby.

He has eyes and ears. He last saw and heard Gabby somewhere.

And the body cam video shows a person capable of speech/human communication - so he could tell someone where that was. I don't believe he's incapable of doing that, because of the body cam. Really, I believe he should account for all of this time from August 25 to Sept 1, and perhaps thereafter, if he's a good person. I also think that legal processes will eventually make him give up some information - but the amount of resources being spent to try and find Gabby without his help will not be forgotten. LE says he's impeding the investigation and I can only think of one or two mental conditions that could cause that.
The last communication her mother believes is her is a video chat where GP says they are in GTNP.

For him to have driven back from there to Fl is going to take at least 2 full calendar days, even with stimulant beverages and night driving. Most people would consider it a hard 3 days drive.

So between the video chat on 8/25 and his latest possible departure on 8/29 is 3 full days.

As mentioned before, 8/26 seems to show a significant change in posting.

So that leaves him mebbe 8/27 and 8/28 to leave her, somewhere, clean himself, dump phones, and hit the road. He will have to have filled the van w gas on 8/28 or 8/29. My bet would be 8/28 late at night under the cover of darkness in some small gas station, not a big brightly lit interstate-type big brand. He'd be wearing long sleeve and a hat. Likely trying to cover scratches or wounds. Likely bought stimulant drinks.

With the FBI, LE will find som
For me it's easy.

If BL hurt/killed Gabby, he doesn't deserve protection from his family.

If he left Gabby in the middle of nowhere, possibly without a phone and wearing just the clothes she was wearing and 16 days after arriving home she is still missing, he doesn't deserve protection from his family.

If he is doing absolutely nothing to help find Gabby, he doesn't deserve protection from his family.

Most parents who love their children don't protect them in every circumstance. Some parents shop their children, even in murder cases.

They know Gabby, she lived with them for 2 years (I believe). If they are protecting their son despite the fact that a woman who had plans to join their family is missing, then I can't help but conclude that Brian's actions are a learnt behaviour and they're as bad as he is.
I agree. I have protected my children in some situations. And some situations, I didn’t. The ones where a lesson needed to be learned. I don’t believe I could ever sit back and protect one of my children in this situation. I would support them throughout the process, but I don’t think I could actually stay silent in this serious of a situation. So that leads me to believe as you say, it speaks volumes to what kind of parents they are.
I think "Yosemite" was a mistake. Lots of people get the names of Yosemite and Yellowstone mixed up.
Maybe he did too, especially if he was in a stressed state, if he is the one who sent the fake text (which I think he did, imo) .
Yup. I can get "Yosemite" and "Yellowstone" mixed up, and I'm from California! (But never been to Yosemite, or Yellowstone for that matter.)
Seems odd to say the focus is to find Gabby yet not have any search teams on the ground. I get that they’re narrowing down areas but no one is physically searching for Gabby in the meantime. I’ve don’t think I've ever seen a missing persons case without some kind of ground searching on day one. It’s concerning because the more time passes the less evidence there will be on the grounds.

Aside from her facetime with her mom in Grand Tenton I don't think they have any idea where she could be. You can't really ground search half of the US.
They could search in Grand Tenton but that would (will?) be a very costly search. To do so based on a facetime call 21 days prior might not be logical.
I think "Yosemite" was a mistake. Lots of people get the names of Yosemite and Yellowstone mixed up.
Maybe he did too, especially if he was in a stressed state, if he is the one who sent the fake text (which I think he did, imo) .

A mistake makes the most sense. Even if trying to throw off the timeline with a fake text Yosemite doesn’t work. I’ve confused the two myself many times.
It takes 1 day and 16 hours with no stopping and perfect driving conditions to reach Yosemite to his house in Florida. No way she sent a text on the 30th saying she was in Yosemite and he arrives in the van a day later at home. That text was sent somewhere on his way home, I think.
Some people confuse Yosemite and Yellowstone. I'd love to know if the mother misquoted the text or if the text actually said Yosemite. Either way, perhaps Gabby made her way to Yellowstone, which is just up the road from the Tetons.
Something that really hits home for me in all of this is that, when the news of Gabby's disappearance first broke, myself and a few others speculated about the relationship between this disappearance and the two murders in Moab. The most common response was "yeah, but that was a single guy who was hanging around and Gabby and Brian were together, so the murdered couple would have reported another couple, not a single guy, being the creepers."

And here we are, a few days later, learning that Brian was, in fact, alone on the exact night these two disappeared.

As one article said- the fact that this was all same time, same place is extremely interesting, if nothing else. We can only speculate, but that's one heck of a coincidence.
alone with no car
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