Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #47

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Not sure what they're saying either, but I will interject that people get lost in the woods only yards from well-known trails all the time. If (and this is only a hypothetical to illustrate what I think the other person is trying to say) BL committed an assault that left her unconscious for a period of time and bailed when he realized what he did, leaving her to fend for herself in the elements, that could still be considered a homicide because he should have known doing that would have put her in peril. Similar for if there was evidence of being bound, perhaps in an attempt to "teach a lesson" that went too far, but exposure or dehydration were ultimately fatal. The responsibility for the death still falls on BL, but falls short of BL actively killing her. I'm also not sure I believe these possibilities to be the actual case; it's probably more likely he outright killed her based on everything that has happened/come out so far.


That's very true about people getting lost close to trails, but she wasn't in the middle of the woods or on a trail, she was found just inside the treeline across the wash of Spread Creek, it's a wide stony stream bed. From the spot where her body was found, you can see the road. If she was disabled or bound and could scream, she'd be heard. If he left her too disabled to scream or bound and gagged, it's a pretty wide stretch to say he didn't intend for that to kill her.
I've never watched a case this big, but a thing I wonder is, would anyone really want to stick their neck out for a wanted guy/POI? I have no idea if in other high profile cases friends came out & said stuff like Chris Watts was a great guy, or whoever (for clarity: not comparing BL as a person or these events to CW; I'm comparing the level of publicity, only). BL very well could have have had no friends, but it also seems like a huge amount of heat & blowback & attention if someone was to try & speak up for him right now (especially because his parents aren't! ALL the attention would be on that friend, if such friend exists...)
It happens every time, and I've been around since the Laci Peterson Case in 2002. Somebody will take up for the suspect, usually family but often even strangers. Sometimes people who commit crimes don't have many friends, but they come across as tragic characters and gain sympathy. That may be what happened with Casey Anthony.
I agree. I love how this family have come together as one. Which leads me to believe they had a good relationship before all this. It's never easy at first but it appears they all respect one another.
A dear friend of mine is great friends with her ex-husband and his new wife. She has remarried as well and the four of them occasionally get together. She was married to her ex for a long time and she said, "I can't imagine not having him in my life." That's a healthy, mature relationship, IMHO, and I think GP's family exhibit the same kind of maturity.
Look how easily BL manipulated LE in Moab. That said, just think how easily he could have manipulated his parents. He made himself out to be the good guy with complete strangers. I'm imagining him really laying it on with them.


Besides BL's nervous laughter, which I think indicated deception, BL's other memorable statement (to me) was when he asked the police "How can we make this go away."

Brian never wants to accept responsibility because his parents always "make things go away" for him.
Why would his parents remove the camper from the pick up while they were camping. It looks like its on the stands in the picture taken at the campground. Are those stable enough to sleep in on those camper stands? why would they take it off if they were only there for 1-2 days? makes no sense to me.
In the video of FBI taking some sort of samples from the camper, it is on stands in the same way and doesn't seem to have any issues supporting the guy that climbed in to do whatever it was he was doing. He also didn't seem to give the situation any pause as to stability.

No idea why they'd take it off, though, unless it was to free up a vehicle for back and forth travel without having to disrupt the living areas of the campsite.
Laundrie neighbor faces charges after confronting protestors

Angelo Zappacosta, 48, was arrested and could face battery and assault charges after getting in the faces of demonstrators who have been in front of the Laundrie house all week with bullhorns.

The neighbor says that through his surveillance camera in his driveway, he could see some of the protestors peeking into his window. Zappacosta says he was trying to get the protestors off of his property when things escalated.

Laundrie neighbor arrested after confronting protestors

Surveillance camera in the driveway
Why would his parents remove the camper from the pick up while they were camping. It looks like its on the stands in the picture taken at the campground. Are those stable enough to sleep in on those camper stands? why would they take it off if they were only there for 1-2 days? makes no sense to me.
The stands are stabilizers. It's made to function that way. Being on the truck would make it less stable and could be pretty miserable if the spot is unlevel.
Exactly. The way that one cop interrupted her and started talking about his “anxious” ex-wife probably made Gabby shrivel even further. She was surrounded by men who were jovial with Brian and making speeches to her about being emotional and were asking her about meds. Ugh. Poor thing probably thought, “They all think I’m crazy.”
And they just couldn't figure out for the life of them why she was so upset! I would have been blubbering if only because we were stopped by the police, scared and embarrassed, that our dirty laundry was exposed. Pun intended. jmo
On one of the earlier threads someone suggested BL may never have hiked on the AT.

Gabby spent her 22th birthday with BL on the Appalachian Trail. She posted 2 photos on her Instagram on March 27, nine days after her birthday, that showed them out on the trail in Georgia. The caption of the photos read, “Went hiking for my bday #22.” The second photo showed Brian lazing around in a hammock by Gabby's art supplies.

Gabby Petito spent birthday on Appalachian Trail where Brian Laundrie may be 'hiding'

I was one of those people. I doubt that he spent three months on the AT and subsisted on cookies as he had posted somewhere online (according to posts on a previous thread). A day or two with GP, yes that's believable. Three months, nah. IMO.
geez court tv is showing the other body cam video which I was not going to watch.
I really try to give LE the benefit of the doubt but really now.....the 911 call said BL was slapping her and chasing her up the sidewalk.
And somehow these doofuses are talking about charging Gabby...and telling the murderer how they would be charging her.
No wonder she is dead...he can do whatever he wants because no one ever holds him accountable.
Finally her family does...and the wuss runs.
I want him ded in the swamp but he really needs to be found alive and held accountable...for the first time ever probably.
Just disgusting.
Gabby’s friend, Maija Posley, says that cops should have realized Gabby was in jeopardy.

“When I saw the police footage, I saw the bruise on her cheek, and she said that he grabbed her, and they just skimmed right over that”.

View attachment 315736

While Gabby’s bruise was quite noticeable, the police commented on his scratches but they were so insignificant and not visible, at least to me.
And the first policeman told him that they had received a report of a male hitting a female and he blithered and ummed and aahed and then answered 'she gets really wrought up' and he seemed to take this as answer about the male hitting the female.
That GOB club had to feel intimidating. Imo, even the female ranger seemed like she was part of that. Not bashing the officers- very tough job, but have wondered if fewer officers might have been more effective in getting at the truth.
There were an awful lot of LEOs from different agencies on the scene.
I guess it was the most excitement in Moab that day.
But 2 separate witnesses called LE to report a man hitting a women.
And the LEOs ignored that in their effort to cast Gabby as the aggressor.
I couldn't believe they allowed Gabby to drive the van away in her state of distress.
I don't believe Gabby called any of her parents during the police stop.
Who, if anyone, did she call?
What did she say to them?

I haven't heard this addressed by Gabby's family or the press.

ETA: I believe JP said he didn't know that things were deteriorating between Gabby and Brian.
Didn't he say something like - if he had known he would have taken the next flight out and taken care of things.
I believe he would have too.

She may not have. But you sound as though you have some certainty that she didn't speak to any parent. What leads you to that conclusion? The lack of public description of the call by her parents?
I watched the second video of the DV incident and was struck by how terrified she was to be left alone or separated from BL.

I also noted he seemed almost excited to go off for a night hiking, he suggested going back the the arch and I think they had previously stayed there? The police explained it wouldn’t make sense as he would have to back track on foot to the town to cancel the no go order.

There was also a difference in how the two viewed their finances. GP offered to pay any fine to make the incident go away and BL couldn’t admit to the couple having enough funds for Gabby to go into a hotel for the night.

I also think the police while trying their best not to paint GP as an aggressor based on the information they had at the time, missed the opportunity to assess if she was a victim or provide resources for mental health or DV. Had they given her a crisis line or other community support contacts in the area, they could have changed the outcome of this story.

There is much more to the story and I hope BL will be found and others, including his family, have the courage to tell the truth.

I work with high risk domestic violence cases and there is a key assessment all officers should do in these cases. It is referenced in this article and based on some of the facts we know and things we can infer from photos and other information I think she was at high risk.

Gabby Petito: Why domestic violence survivors are fixated on the case - Gabby Petito: Why domestic violence survivors are fixated on the case

That's very true about people getting lost close to trails, but she wasn't in the middle of the woods or on a trail, she was found just inside the treeline across the wash of Spread Creek, it's a wide stony stream bed. From the spot where her body was found, you can see the road. If she was disabled or bound and could scream, she'd be heard. If he left her too disabled to scream or bound and gagged, it's a pretty wide stretch to say he didn't intend for that to kill her.
Like I said, I don't think it's probable. Just trying to reframe what the other poster was trying to get across.
Laundrie neighbor faces charges after confronting protestors

Angelo Zappacosta, 48, was arrested and could face battery and assault charges after getting in the faces of demonstrators who have been in front of the Laundrie house all week with bullhorns.

The neighbor says that through his surveillance camera in his driveway, he could see some of the protestors peeking into his window. Zappacosta says he was trying to get the protestors off of his property when things escalated.

Laundrie neighbor arrested after confronting protestors

My goodness don’t these protester type people understand the Stand Your Ground law here in FL?!?! Do they not get that going on someone’s property is trespassing?!?!? They’re putting themselves at such high risk for trouble and danger.

Glad to hear there’s cameras. They need to back the heck up! JMO
The problem that I have with the theory that Brian took off and left
Gabby alone in the wilderness is that the campground was full of people.
It was an easy walk to the camper next door.
The Bethune's left because they couldn't find a place to park and camp.

I think BL is guilty, but I can still be open minded to scenarios where he isn't. (Its kind of sad that I feel the need to say I think he is guilty before discussing scenarios where he might not be, but, here we are).

I think that scenario is possible if you think its possible that some whacko was in the area and killed her after BL left the scene, but before she could walk back to where other people were. Its not a huge stretch to think that someone watched a young couple go across the stream to a secluded spot in the trees. And thinking that maybe they are going there to have sex, the unknown watcher goes over to get a perverts close up view of the action. He watches them fight, and BL leave in anger, and sees a chance to do something evil that would fall on BL since everyone knows that a woman's murder is usually someone close to them.

Not a very likely scenario, but not an impossible one either. And if he's not guilty, why won't he turn himself in? Because, in this scenario, he feels guilty for leaving her to be killed and went into the reserve and took his own life.
On one of the earlier threads someone suggested BL may never have hiked on the AT.

Gabby spent her 22th birthday with BL on the Appalachian Trail. She posted 2 photos on her Instagram on March 27, nine days after her birthday, that showed them out on the trail in Georgia. The caption of the photos read, “Went hiking for my bday #22.” The second photo showed Brian lazing around in a hammock by Gabby's art supplies.

Gabby Petito spent birthday on Appalachian Trail where Brian Laundrie may be 'hiding'
A day hike is hardly 'hiking the AT,' though.
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