Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #52

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Just so my brain doesn’t explode from this man’s many confirmations, can someone with a law background please explain to me why on earth he is confirming anything?! What if an attorney wants to present alternate scenarios in court and this guy has already confirmed everything? Is he trying to make it so BL can’t get a fair trial? I know they’re fairly benign “texts” but the absurdity of an attorney confirming anything without a really good reason has been occupying my brain as I’ve read his continued “clarifications” today.


IMO if he really really just had to make some kind of statement, just say something like "my clients continue to work with investigators and answer their questions to the best of their recollection" or some such. There is no reason at all to put out actual details! He seems to have forgotten his advice to "not say anything"
I'm so confused. The 13th was a Friday the 14th a Saturday. How could they not look at their phones for texts, a calendar, etc for that day in question and work backwards like most people do when they are unsure. I actually also don't even see the point of the parents clarifying this. Can someone help me to understand their intentions with changing the date?
September 13th was a Monday
I also do not understand the lawyer at all at this point. What possible good comes of confirming anything to the public at this point?? We have no right to know and it’s not helping to find BL in any way. It could be potentially damaging to his client’s defense case though if he keeps confirming things to the press. Just leave things ambiguous to the public and worry about your court case when BL is found. Maybe a different criminal defense attorney who takes the case would prefer to Not establish a timeline and confirm facts prior to trial?? It makes no sense to me to confirm anything at all publicly when the parents are not speaking and BL hasn’t been found.

Maybe there is a larger strategy at play here that an experienced attorney can see but I’m not understanding what it might be at this point.

There's no strategy, he just doesn't know what he's doing.

There's absolutely no reason to need to establish a record or correct the record when your only job is to 1) help your clients avoid being charged with a crime and 2) defend them in court if they are.

I get it, though. The natural inclination is to respond to point out when someone is wrong. It feels bad and wrong to let someone publish something that you know is false. I have sat there while Bloomberg News put out a story about one of my clients that was just completely wrong. The clients did not want to dignify it with a response so every time the reporter called or emailed trying to get a statement from me, I had to say we had no statement at that time. We won the civil lawsuit and no criminal charges were ever brought. If we engaged in the media back-and-forth there would have been twice as much press as there was from ignoring it.

So the right answer was to ignore the press and focus on the case. IMO unless you are a plaintiff attorney trying a class action case, the right answer is usually to not engage with the press. Very few lawyers can successfully manipulate the media and they all usually have the combination of 1) sympathetic cases and victims, 2) abhorrent defendants, 3) personal charm and charisma that strikes the right tone in their representation.

Don't talk to the media! That's my advice to everyone, always. Don't do it!
Hi there - not a regular contributor, but have been following this case every day.

Was listening to JB live on WFLA YouTube (can't get the .com or app here in the UK), and they kept saying about Gabby being alone for a week (during the really weird story of the storage unit), but I am sure I can recall hotel workers recalling that she was staying in a hotel. It's not as though she was camping alone in the wilds? I may have gotten my dates mixed up regarding this, but why do reporters keep saying she was scared and alone during this break?
They could tell her that, but they are not speaking to her.

The factoid that they are not speaking to her makes her the perfect person for BL to ring from time to time and give an update as to how he is doing. Just an observation - no inside information

I think that the FBI has had time to go over the mustang's gps and the timeline didn't match up with the L's story. So Mr. Attorney came out with a statement. Waiting on him to opine about that fact that his client stole Gabby's debit card and used it to fund his trip home...
That was a very expensive trip home. moo
Notice how BL's attorney said they "shared expenses"? That's to try to get BL out of the CC fraud charge.
That crap was said early on too and it never played with me. When you share expenses you still get two cards. Sounds like another way to control her and keep her dependent. I wouldn't be surprised at all if he always kept it and she had to ask to use her own card. JMO
Yes, IMO. this poor girl got duped, and is now isolated without support, and i feel badly for her crappy life right now. (don't shred me folks). If i were Cassie, I'd find a remote airbnb, actually 2 of them, (one for a back up) and ask LE for an escort, make plans to home school my kids, take a medical leave of absence for stress, and not say another word. As I believe she was played from the beginning.
IMO I don't think it's that odd that her kids didn't ask about GP, and her kids should be left out of this disaster.

I get the feeling that BL has always come first with their parents. He can do no wrong in their eyes. We also have no idea how many messes of his they have had to clean up over the years. She has been put second many times, imo.
I’ve read through most of the various threads here and I’ve tried to think of ways that the Laundries could be acting in good faith with no knowledge of Gabby’s death prior to her being found. I give up. I could understand them correcting one thing if they remembered something pertinent that they had forgotten to share previously. This, however, has been a pattern of obfuscation from the Laundries and their attorney, IMO. The totality of these actions just do not make sense.

For me it starts with the cross-country flight home to clean out a storage locker. Did BL tell his parents about the altercation in Moab and they convinced him to take some time away? I cannot make any sense of the Mustang story. They just randomly decided to take their son’s car home from where it was parked without thinking that he would come back to it? That’s completely illogical unless you know he won’t be coming back.

Now, today, he went camping the day before he was seen purchasing a cell phone? Give me a break. I don’t even know the purpose of all these stories but I know that they make no sense. My best guess is they know BL’s alive and they’ve decided to try to confuse things as much as possible. I suppose it’s also possible something terrible happened within the home when the parents learned of Gabby’s disappearance and they are covering up BL’s death but I don’t know why they would do that. I suppose it’s also possible that BL is some sort of criminal mastermind who has confounded his entire family as well as various law enforcement agencies, but IMO it’s much more likely that his parents are trying to help him.

I’d also have a much less negative view of RL/CL if their attorney would just stop talking, so there’s that.

All JMO.
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Question, too, is why it took until 10/5 to make the correction. We here in the public had seen footage from 9/15 of that car at their home. Surely someone in the L household or advisor/s had seen that before today. I understand the need to verify before speaking (or to correct what you previously stated incorrectly), but I keep coming back to SB and his handling of this situation as an attorney. Texting to reporters, letting incorrect information he previously provided hang out there uncorrected for weeks....

If I were his client, I would be LIVID.
I'm getting the feeling that Ma and Pa Laundrie are desperate for people to believe their stories. I think their attorney is making specific statements at their request.

Evenin' all! Yay, WS is back in business! :D

OK, I'm playing catchup here but I believe that the Laundrie lawyer has said that the Laundrie parents got mixed up with their days and it was now Monday 13th September that they last saw BL (as opposed to Tuesday, 14th September)!?

To me, that's not the kind of thing you get mixed up on! At all. There are two possible explanations for this date error, IMO:

  1. They intentionally lied to begin with for whatever reason, but they've now realised their lie doesn't hold water or fit with the proven time line (the Mustang/driveway discrepancy) so have changed their story maybe as damage limitation since they're probably worried about any aiding and abetting charge landing on them.
  2. They genuinely accidentally got their dates mixed up. Memory is a funny thing, and I don't know about anyone else, but the first thing that starts to fail me when I'm under extreme stress is my memory! Every single time! Now what could possibly be putting the Laundrie parents under extreme stress at that time..!?? Could it be - perhaps - that they were processing the fact their son might have just told them he'd 'maybe' killed Gabby?
Any benefit of the doubt I'd been giving the parents is starting to wane.

* * * * *

Meanwhile, do we think Cassie is to be believed? She didn't seem to give much away emotionally, clearly an inherent trait in the Laundrie family.

Regarding Ft Desoto on the 6th - They didn't talk about Gabby because her kids were there. She finished the statement with the world does not need to know what the FBI knows.
I keep getting stuck on this and can't parse it out just yet. MOO! Gabby's father, shortly after she was reported missing, mentioned something about whatever happened in Wyoming, happened.

My opinion is that something happened there (before anyone realized she was killed), and that both families knew about it. I think whatever that "something" is, would be publicly embarrassing for either Gabby or Brian, or someone else involved and they are keeping it very close to their chests.

It may be something Cassie would NOT want to discuss in front of her kids. When she says that the world does not need to know what the FBI knows, well, that something in Wyoming maybe be really touchy personally to someone.
I have thought that for sure this (albeit inexperienced in criminal) lawyer knows that these texts with media could hurt his clients case if he goes to trial for murder. But then, I thought what if he knows Brian is deceased (or strongly believes this) then perhaps he believes there will never be a trial to be jeopardized??

There could still be charges vs the Ls for lying to LE. Iirc those were the only charges of which Casey Anthony was found guilty.

Death of Caylee Anthony - Wikipedia
(end of the Case section)
What was the date that BL and mother were seen purchasing a phone?

ETA-has already been posted

I thought I had heard it was an older woman but haven't seen any confirmation that it was, or was not his mom? not trying to argue just wonder if I missed it somewhere :)
In said this also!
He drove the Mustang to the preserve and there was another vehicle there! the preserve!

With what we have learned and witnessed about BL, the idea that he would try to hide/survive in such a brutal environment as a southern swamp is really laughable to me. No way, ain't happening.
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