Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #67

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I’ve been curious about the phone situation with BL. Apparently, his mother went with him to get him a new cell phone on Sept 4 after he came home without one. That was the phone he left at home when he took off to the Reserves

There was a sighting of him having a cell phone by some at the Moab stop but some vagueness on whether he had a working phone. It appeared to me that he just used Gabby’s (like her card, her van). But mention that his and her phones were disconnected effective August 31.

Anyone know what his phone situation was? I have a feeling, he didn’t have a working phone in the trip. Decided to just pay for the one (Gabby’s). There might be very little useful tracking on his phone. Last I read, they couldn’t find those phones but got the records for them.
Unless they can pinpoint Gabby’s death to before that Yosemite and Stan texts to her mother, can’t definitively rule out she was alive and texting then.
Huh? I'm not sure I understand. Are you suggesting the Laundries will be called by the prosecution as witnesses against their son? And that the jury will believe them? Believe them about what? That they were big meanies not to call GP's parents back?

Are you sure you’re responding to the right post? Because I have read and reread her post and it doesn’t even mention the Laundries, let alone them being called to testify against their son.
I saw this today for the first time. Sorry if it's old news...

"Petito and Laundrie eat at the Merry Piglets Grill for dinner, with a manager saying the couple arrived on foot and did not have a van in the parking lot. The manager said she spoke to the couple extensively and multiple times during the meal, denying that the couple caused any commotion, but did not characterize the conversation further."

Gabby Petito Case: What We Know About Timeline of Events So Far

That's a new spin....I am sure if this gets to court all will be called in. To get at the truth.
This is so concerning.
Gabby lived there for two years.
She was not a random stranger Brian met two days earlier in his travels.
It sounds like the Laundry's knew something !

Eta : Even if it was a new girlfriend he met and she vanished ; if I were his parent(s) I'd have some questions for him as well.
A person who goes missing around someone -- who then proceed to drive home to their parents with the missing person's van & having also spent credit cards they weren't entitled to spend; yes, there will be questions, and it's not going to be very pleasant.
But others' mileage may vary.
And that’s why I feel like all of those 911 calls to the L house were because of all heck breaking loose….something points to aggravating circumstances at that location …….IMO
I can think of at least one reasonable possible explanation for BL’s parent’s behavior that doesn’t mean they have an utter disregard for GP’s family.

This is speculation only and NOT necessarily what I think happened. But it could have.

Let’s say BL arrives home, telling his parents he and GP broke up. He says they had a big fight, decided to end the relationship and the trip, and agreed he would drive back to Florida alone (because the van had to get back east somehow, it would be safer for BL to drive alone cross-country than GP, GP didn’t really like driving the van, and neither wanted to drive cross-country together). Possibly BL told his parents that GP had become friends with some other vanlife folks at the campground who offered to take her to the airport to return to NY, or maybe he told them that GP was planning to travel with her new friends for a few months and continue working on her vlog.

Maybe BL told his parents that he and GP decided to deal with getting the van and her belongings back to NY in a couple months, when they are both in a better place emotionally (or when GP returns from her travels).

Maybe BL’s parents know GP as a friendly free-spirit who works really hard at whatever she puts her mind to and as someone who makes good decisions. Her decision to fly home on her own or possibly continue on without BL, and his return home by himself with the van, could make sense.

Perhaps they had seen unhealthy interactions between GP and BL before, so were actually pleased the relationship was over.

If BL had no history of lying to his parents, they would have had no reason not to believe him if he arrived home with a reasonable-ish sounding story. If he was a “good kid” growing up, he might have earned the benefit of the doubt even if the story sounded a little off.

Let’s say BL also told his parents that GP was calling him over and over on his way home, wanting to talk about getting back together. He tells them he kept asking her to please leave him alone and give him space, but she wouldn’t stop calling, so he eventually blocked her number. He asks his parents not to answer if she calls them or tries to get in touch with him using their numbers.

BL’s parents, believing BL has just gone through a difficult break-up, try to distract him and keep his spirits up by doing fun things and giving him space to grieve.

After a while, BL’s parents get a call from GP’s parents. It’s reasonable to think they might tell BL, “That’s weird, GP’s parent is calling me.” I can imagine-

1) BL saying “Sorry she’s harassing you guys now too; I’ll deal with this,” taking the phone to another room, listening to and erasing the message, and possibly blocking GP’s parents numbers on his parent’s phone, or

2) BL saying “I’m sure it’s GP trying to get me to talk to her since I blocked her number, please don’t answer.” When BL’s parent sees that a message has been left on the phone, they give the phone to BL, thinking the message is probably from GP and not wanting to listen to a private message.

Either way, BL listens to the message and hears that GP’s parents are going to call the police. He deletes the message, tells his parents it was more pleasing from GP, and asks them to please block all numbers associated with her for a while. He makes plans to leave the next day and never tells his parents a thing.
not sure of what his motive could be, but IMHO, BL had opportunity to kill GP. Not convinced that anyone else even knew exactly where she was, IMO. Even with SM, their posts were too sporadic to trace, IMO.

You are right motive isn't required (but we all want to know motive.) But I'm still not sure that using "opportunity that way meets the legal standard. It sounds like you are saying "he had the chance the do it and I don't know of anyone else who knew GP who knew exactly where they were so he must have done it."

It's not up to the defense to prove who else could have done it (although sometimes the SODDI defense is used) But the prosecution has the burden and that burden isn't met by "he's the most likely guy." Also while strangling tends to be "personal" strangers have been known to strangle victims.

I'm not going to disrespect Gabby by second guessing her actual words. She clearly stated, on video, why she was hitting him. It's not up to me to negate her and say, "But what she really meant was.....". She said what she said.
My beef with that is, that they did not ask him why he was slapping her on the sidewalk and let him change the subject when they told him that it had been reported.
I am only speaking of what may or may not be deemed admissible evidence in a court of law.
I am not speaking of whether BL is going to be found guilty.

Looking at what may happen (legally) in a court case is not a statement being made (here) about BL's guilt. It is simply a look at what might happen in a court case.

Hence my question, will or won't the Moab tapes be allowed as evidence in Gabby's murder?

I think they should, including the female park ranger's video if there is one. Gabby might have confided much more to her on the dynamics of their relationship.
Also in that article timeline
  • Aug. 23: Laundrie flies back to Utah to "rejoin Gabby;" the couple shared expenses and split the price of the flight.
I wasn't aware of this detail?

It's important (for me) to know the source of the Aug 23 timeline above ^^ The article referred to does not cite any source for this date/timeline/information, therefore, I did some googling and found the source. It was a direct quote from the Laundrie's own attorney, Mr. Bert0lino. Folks can take that for what it's worth...

"To my knowledge Brian and Gabby paid for the flights as they were sharing expenses," Bertolino said."

Source: Brian Laundrie flew home to Florida during cross-country road trip with Gabby Petito to 'empty and close' storage unit: lawyer
I’ve been curious about the phone situation with BL. Apparently, his mother went with him to get him a new cell phone on Sept 4 after he came home without one. That was the phone he left at home when he took off to the Reserves

There was a sighting of him having a cell phone by some at the Moab stop but some vagueness on whether he had a working phone. It appeared to me that he just used Gabby’s (like her card, her van). But mention that his and her phones were disconnected effective August 31.

Anyone know what his phone situation was? I have a feeling, he didn’t have a working phone in the trip. Decided to just pay for the one (Gabby’s). There might be very little useful tracking on his phone. Last I read, they couldn’t find those phones but got the records for them.
Unless they can pinpoint Gabby’s death to before that Yosemite and Stan texts to her mother, can’t definitively rule out she was alive and texting then.
But if that significant other lived in your house for a year, and you were the only females in the house, I imagine you may have formed enough of a bond that you would answer her parents' calls.

JMO. A girlfriend living with you would ostensibly be part of your household, not just someone who rings your doorbell from time to time.

Asking, not arguing.

ESPECIALLY if that SO living in my house. I’ve seen too many ugly break ups. Doesn’t pay to get involved with the other parents. I keep it pleasant and social.

But I would not likely have permitted kids’ SOs to move in with me. Not for more than short visit.
Also, Gabby's friend Rose told the dailymail that Gabby admitted to her that she had slapped Brian, and that he pushed her after an argument over Gabby going out with Rose, and that Gabby was going to call Rose on her birthday AUGUST29th! meet up with them in Yellowstone.

Rose said Brian was jealous of their relationship. Could this have been the reason they were fighting? And not the incident at Merry Piglets?

I think there is enough circumstantial evidence out that already to convict him, and should spend the rest of his life in prison or hospital, but I still want to know WHY it happened. For him to take responsibility and admit what lead up to him losing control. Why didnt he try to get help if he could no longer control his emotions.

Brian Laundrie is 'well equipped' to survive MONTHS in the 25,000-acre nature reserve | Daily Mail Online
I've always suspected that an anticipated trip by Rose may have been a point of contention between Brian and Gabby. At times, I wondered if he thought she was going to be there, and that's why he took off for a multiple day hike.
I can think of at least one reasonable possible explanation for BL’s parent’s behavior that doesn’t mean they have an utter disregard for GP’s family.

This is speculation only and NOT necessarily what I think happened. But it could have.

Let’s say BL arrives home, telling his parents he and GP broke up. He says they had a big fight, decided to end the relationship and the trip, and agreed he would drive back to Florida alone (because the van had to get back east somehow, it would be safer for BL to drive alone cross-country than GP, GP didn’t really like driving the van, and neither wanted to drive cross-country together). Possibly BL told his parents that GP had become friends with some other vanlife folks at the campground who offered to take her to the airport to return to NY, or maybe he told them that GP was planning to travel with her new friends for a few months and continue working on her vlog.

Maybe BL told his parents that he and GP decided to deal with getting the van and her belongings back to NY in a couple months, when they are both in a better place emotionally (or when GP returns from her travels).

Maybe BL’s parents know GP as a friendly free-spirit who works really hard at whatever she puts her mind to and as someone who makes good decisions. Her decision to fly home on her own or possibly continue on without BL, and his return home by himself with the van, could make sense.

Perhaps they had seen unhealthy interactions between GP and BL before, so were actually pleased the relationship was over.

If BL had no history of lying to his parents, they would have had no reason not to believe him if he arrived home with a reasonable-ish sounding story. If he was a “good kid” growing up, he might have earned the benefit of the doubt even if the story sounded a little off.

Let’s say BL also told his parents that GP was calling him over and over on his way home, wanting to talk about getting back together. He tells them he kept asking her to please leave him alone and give him space, but she wouldn’t stop calling, so he eventually blocked her number. He asks his parents not to answer if she calls them or tries to get in touch with him using their numbers.

BL’s parents, believing BL has just gone through a difficult break-up, try to distract him and keep his spirits up by doing fun things and giving him space to grieve.

After a while, BL’s parents get a call from GP’s parents. It’s reasonable to think they might tell BL, “That’s weird, GP’s parent is calling me.” I can imagine-

1) BL saying “Sorry she’s harassing you guys now too; I’ll deal with this,” taking the phone to another room, listening to and erasing the message, and possibly blocking GP’s parents numbers on his parent’s phone, or

2) BL saying “I’m sure it’s GP trying to get me to talk to her since I blocked her number, please don’t answer.” When BL’s parent sees that a message has been left on the phone, they give the phone to BL, thinking the message is probably from GP and not wanting to listen to a private message.

Either way, BL listens to the message and hears that GP’s parents are going to call the police. He deletes the message, tells his parents it was more pleasing from GP, and asks them to please block all numbers associated with her for a while. He makes plans to leave the next day and never tells his parents a thing.

BL could just have said, “Don’t want to talk about it” coming home alone with van and parents backed off. These break up can be bad (yeah, I know) emotionally, and as a parent I would not jump in with questions. It would never have occurred to me what did happen here. The horror of this case!
I’ve been curious about the phone situation with BL. Apparently, his mother went with him to get him a new cell phone on Sept 4 after he came home without one. That was the phone he left at home when he took off to the Reserves

There was a sighting of him having a cell phone by some at the Moab stop but some vagueness on whether he had a working phone. It appeared to me that he just used Gabby’s (like her card, her van). But mention that his and her phones were disconnected effective August 31.

Anyone know what his phone situation was? I have a feeling, he didn’t have a working phone in the trip. Decided to just pay for the one (Gabby’s). There might be very little useful tracking on his phone. Last I read, they couldn’t find those phones but got the records for them.
Unless they can pinpoint Gabby’s death to before that Yosemite and Stan texts to her mother, can’t definitively rule out she was alive and texting then.

ESPECIALLY if that SO living in my house. I’ve seen too many ugly break ups. Doesn’t pay to get involved with the other parents. I keep it pleasant and social.

But I would not likely have permitted kids’ SOs to move in with me. Not for more than short visit.
Actually, the parents moved in with them! L's owned the house, but B&G had been living there for a year with CaL and hub and kids, before Cal and hub moved and L's moved in. jmo
I see a way around that. He can say he had permission to use the card and demonstrate past purchases where he can say he used it and this gives him the legal right to use it.

He can also say he thought she was alive when he used it, again, that is legal. Partners use and share cards all the time, par for the course. I think it would be difficult to make the charge stick.

I think they charged him only to give him a very different status.

Before he was charged anyone and their brother could help him "escape" and in fact harbor him. After the warrant went out all that changed, now it is illegal to help him.

Now also LE can get more agencies to help, more money for searches.

I find this hard to swallow.

BL can 'say' whatever he wants...
Just because he says something... doesn't make it legal.
I think the tapes will be allowed as evidence at trial. That's the purpose of LE wearing body cams because it adds to the transparency of LE. I think the 911 call from the witness who saw them fighting might also be allowed at trial. jmo

The reason I wonder is because evidence of previous behaviour is sometimes/often not allowed, as the incident (murder) is to be judged on its own.

For the same reason that previous crimes often cannot be spoken of in court, as they may influence the jury due to similar previous behaviour.

Previous behaviours are generally only considered during sentencing.


If he was, I can only think of one scenario that might qualify.

Gabby might have broken up with him, which prompted him to fly back to Florida. However, obsessed and scorned mates don't always take it well when they get dumped, especially if they're also the manipulative, controlling type.

He may have decided while he was in Florida to go back and make sure if he couldn't have her--no one could...

I wish we knew whether he bought a round-trip ticket or two, one-way tickets.
I initially thought this could be a possibility, but it doesn't explain why she stayed in a SLC hotel for a week. It was almost as if she was waiting for him to come back. If she was truly wanting to break up with him, I feel she would have left the area. At least headed back to Long Island.
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