Skepticism has served me well for many a long year. I recommend it..
People do strange things all the time. Brian did a very strange thing. This whole event is riddled with some of the strangest activities and oddest people you could point a stick at. The mobster who raised his head to tell us that being in prison extended his educational facilities, the strangely lethargic Moab police , the incredible hero of Moab who rang in about what he saw that so disturbed him, oh I could go on but you get my drift.,
That you don't see the risk of prison to do 'that' is fine by me. I see it differently. .. perhaps not in the scenario you suggest, but again, I underline, people do strange things ordinarily but under pressure people begin to do stuff that even seems extremely strange to themselves, much less others.
Never underestimate the lengths some people can , and will go. There are no limits, when the chips are down.