I got the impression that they both started out sharing the vanlife vision (at least in substance). It has occurred to me, though, that there may have been a source of strife/tension that developed as GP gained her footing in the influencer world — a factor that could potentially explain some of BL’s lack of support and even possible resentment, hostility. (IMO, this would be on top of the main factors: behavioral and psychological concerns, likely exacerbated by being indefinitely “trapped in close quarters” with one another and being somewhat cut off from their usual support networks.)
I scrolled through GP’s Insta again last night. Comments were “limited”, which is not uncommon… But what I did find uncommon is that I noticed no males gushing about GP’s looks or hitting on her. A handful of females called her “beautiful”, etc., and two or more other accounts asked her to DM them to discuss collaboration opportunities—but that was it. Seeing how many people jumped into her comments after her disappearance hit the news, it’s clear one only has to follow to be allowed to post. So any garden variety SM wannabe Cassanova (I’m being polite here) could have followed her to share their range of “flattering” to disgusting opinions (as they do, especially when there’s some skin exposed, like in the beach pics, etc.). I didn’t see ONE. Might any “male gaze” comments have been removed—even the inoffensive ones? I also noticed—and this could be nothing more than an influencer’s stab at a new approach to crafting content—but many of the most recent posts (starting in July or August?) start mentioning (more than mentioning—almost lauding, venerating?) BL. Gushing about his bare feet, etc… Of course, it’s his account name that is used, not his given name, which makes perfect sense if she’s just trying to boost his exposure (and he had been tagging her a lot in his own posts—or, rather, at the ends of his posts, which is also common).
I’m probably guilty of reading into things because of what is known and suspected now. But whether or not comments were policed or content explicitly crafted to include BL, I do believe online fans, specifically online dudes, could have been stoking BL’s jealousy and triggering increased possessiveness. After all, it’s the kind of thing that can cause jealous feelings and arguments in healthier relationships than theirs…