Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #10

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Between the two of them, I think there was a lot of woo-woo fantasizing; 'web influencer' BS; youthful idiocy; total inexperience in living an adult life on their own and off their phones; perhaps mental health issues; and incompatibility. A toxic mix. MOO.

I also wonder where they got the money to just travel in a van for 2 months without jobs having previously worked in a grocery store. I know it's really popular now but the people I know who fall into the full-time traveling (either RV, Van, hotels) are either retired people who sold their house to buy a super fancy RV for retirement or younger people with internet-based jobs like marketing or sales who can work on the road from their computers. So I was surprised to hear they just quit their jobs with no way to sustain themselves on the road. That itself can lead to a lot of conflict because you don't know how you're going to pay for gas every other day.
This doesn't necessarily discount the suggestion, but you can't schedule posts on Instagram in the same way as you can on Facebook, despite both platforms being owned by the same company. You'd need to go through a third party platform such as Buffer or Hootsuite, which imo makes it much more difficult to post ahead of time accidentally. In fact, I've never had a post go out early while using Buffer, only posts that have failed to go out when scheduled so I don't see this as particularly likely imo.

She could have had it saved as a draft and he posted it from her drafts. But I think she posted it. She was confirmed alive FaceTimed her mom on 8/25, she loves Halloween (per her previous posts and things) and the colors are back/orange. It’s strange caption but I think she posted it.
From everything that I have read, no, I don't think he knows very much about anything. I think, personal opinion here, I think that they got into another fight, he grabbed his stuff knowing that every fight will only end up with him in jail, and he went on a long hike on the 27-29. He gets picked up by the tik tok-er on the 29, gets a ride back to jackson hole where the van was. He gets back to the van, finds maybe a note saying she is in x hotel, and he gets mad, and returns back to Florida.

Talking to the police is pointless because they know everything he knows. The only thing talking will do is get him into jail. He returns back to florida, thinking she is in a hotel in idaho. The 11th rolls by, the parents file a missing persons, he believes they know where she is, and is trying to get him in trouble. He bunkers down. By the 12 or the 13th, it is clear she is gone, the media and everyone is blaming him so he does the only thing you do when your whole life is missing and everyone hates you, suicide. Grabs enough stuff to get him to a spot where he has happy memories...

This is all my opinion, but it fit the facts.
And Gabby said in the police body cam video she was scared to drive the van long distances
DL would be putting a lot of people at risk if he was taking hikes barefoot. The odds of having some kind of foot accident are extremely high. Twisted ankle, bee sting, puncture wound, snake bite, fall, trip, foot fatigue.... If DL hiked like that and had a problem, he would require help with exiting the trail, including perhaps SAR and LE. This takes MANY people and puts them all at risk.
Consider this: If you can't hike out, you have to be carried or airlifted. And if you're 150 lbs? How many people does that involve, just to do the lifting, and then to swap out as folks get tired? Consider the expense of all that, too. How many personnel does it take to get a helicopter off the ground, find a good landing spot, train the skills necessary to winch someone up....?

Experience tip: NEVER hike barefoot. NEVER go hanging out barefoot in the backcountry. Even water is a safe place because there can be unseen obstacles and you have no grip. That's why kayakers and rafters wear water shoes. Same with canyoneers. Just don't.
Bottom line: when in the backcountry, do whatever you can to keep from creating a risk for others; that means fellow hikers and SAR. That means good footwear, water, emergency stuff, appropriate apparel.
IMO if someone is out there who has chosen to do something dangerous (like wearing no shoes or taking selfies on cliff edges), get as far away from them as you can, because they are threatening your safety.
I agree with all you have said. I was just commenting on the philosophy behind not wearing shoes when in nature and how it may fit the persona he was trying to create. It fits with the other aspects of his posts. Didn't say it was safe or a good idea!
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In that same Tetons area two men have recently gone missing and aren't getting the attention that Gabbie is. It's just the way if things
I get your point, but it's the way of things when a person a) goes hiking in the wilderness and goes missing or b) goes cross-country van-camping with a fiance who later returns home alone with the van and no fiance.
If he's so distraught that he's "missing" I'm sure they could get at least a psych hold for a couple of days?

What bothers me about these types of cases is LE doesn't think twice before arresting poor people who fail to signal when driving or who dare to walk down certain streets in certain neighborhoods. But in these high profile cases they suddenly can't think of any charges when regular people can't live their lives without being harassed. /soapboxoff
No kidding. The police ignore BL's excessive speeding, evading the cops, reckless driving. All he has to do is say I'm sorry, she's crazy. 24 year old males evading the police at high speed are treated far differently, we know where. Could lose their lives.
First bolded : There was a lot of discussion about ownership and I'm thinking if it was a case of theft that he could've been arrested and held as soon as LE knew he was at his parent's house.
But it sounds a bit murky.
Was it the van in her name only ?

Second bolded : Probably not an arresting-type of offence unless one factors theft, again.
But it would help with the timeline and where the family can start searching.
Also wondering about other purchases on her/his cards.
Food and/or lodging or one person only ?
Maybe not lodging as he'd sleep in the van ?

Trying to catch up and will go back and read the pages I've missed.

IIRC I think her dad's name was on the van? When I heard that I thought maybe he was being nice in the hopes that BL would give them information.
Hasn't it been stated BL did not have a car?
maybe someone has a link
I also wonder where they got the money to just travel in a van for 2 months without jobs having previously worked in a grocery store. I know it's really popular now but the people I know who fall into the full-time traveling (either RV, Van, hotels) are either retired people who sold their house to buy a super fancy RV for retirement or younger people with internet-based jobs like marketing or sales who can work on the road from their computers. So I was surprised to hear they just quit their jobs with no way to sustain themselves on the road. That itself can lead to a lot of conflict because you don't know how you're going to pay for gas every other day.
Absolutely my thoughts too. I do know that Social Media seems to pay well but I'm not sure if they were into YouTubing for $$$. Somebody was supporting this life style. They both seem to have some mental health problems that surely can't be solved on the road.
From everything that I have read, no, I don't think he knows very much about anything. I think, personal opinion here, I think that they got into another fight, he grabbed his stuff knowing that every fight will only end up with him in jail, and he went on a long hike on the 27-29. He gets picked up by the tik tok-er on the 29, gets a ride back to jackson hole where the van was. He gets back to the van, finds maybe a note saying she is in x hotel, and he gets mad, and returns back to Florida.

Talking to the police is pointless because they know everything he knows. The only thing talking will do is get him into jail. He returns back to florida, thinking she is in a hotel in idaho. The 11th rolls by, the parents file a missing persons, he believes they know where she is, and is trying to get him in trouble. He bunkers down. By the 12 or the 13th, it is clear she is gone, the media and everyone is blaming him so he does the only thing you do when your whole life is missing and everyone hates you, suicide. Grabs enough stuff to get him to a spot where he has happy memories...

This is all my opinion, but it fit the facts.
I don't believe he would have ended up in jail if your theory was the truth. I understand getting a lawyer but to not answer any questions? I'm having a hard time thinking it's anything other than foul play. I can't think of any other scenario where his inactions would make any sense.

If he told his parents that they'd just had a fight and he'd left then surely they would insist he speak with them. She has been living there for over a year I believe so surely they have some level of concern/feelings for her?

Were her parents not trying to get a hold of her through BL? Would that not have raised a red flag for him that she was not communicating with her family? Especially as they'd had an argument and he'd left her. I would imagine her parents would be the first people she would talk to or if not then a friend?
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