Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #22

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Oh, I do believe she was physically abusing him too. I said from the start about the bloody marks on his face in the bodycam. What I'm referring to is B's behavior in the past toward G as reported by G's bff, things like that. But yeah, bottom line for me is she's dead, he's on the run. That says a lot. But when I first watched it? I thought he was a likeable guy, except for some red flags. I see things now in hindsight, & I feel more for the LE who didn't catch signs even as trained professionals.

Read up on reactive abuse.

I think she was defending herself. Scratches on the face and arms after a choking/neck grab incident are a common way abusers spin things back on the victim. Scratches show up immediately, bruising from choking takes hours to a few days.

Also, choking is one of the most reliable indicators of serious abuse with high risk of eventual homicide. Strangulation victims are nearly 8 times more likely to be victims of fatal partner violence. Article about it below.

Strangulation of Women Is Common, Chilling – and Often a Grim Harbinger - Oklahoma Watch
What does he think he can do, hide forever? There's less than a handful of ordinary people who've committed crimes, who've *maybe* been able to accomplish that (e.g. List). All of whom I can think of planned their strategy well in advance. I wonder if he has any sense of how massive this has become (assuming he's off grid).
Yeah, I've said numerous times over several days here I believe they were in a physically abusive relationship.

Read up on reactive abuse.

I think she was defending herself. Scratches on the face and arms after a choking/neck grab incident are a common way abusers spin things back on the victim. Scratches show up immediately, bruising from choking takes hours to a few days.

Also, choking is one of the most reliable indicators of serious abuse with high risk of eventual homicide. Strangulation victims are nearly 8 times more likely to be victims of fatal partner violence. Article about it below.

Strangulation of Women Is Common, Chilling – and Often a Grim Harbinger - Oklahoma Watch
I can't imagine BL hiding out for long without adequate funding. Perhaps his family has already provided some $$$, but it is unlikely he'll receive more. Eventually an arrest warrant will be issued and family accounts will be watched. IMO. Does anyone think the Florida Reserve is a red herring?

I doubt he ever went into the reserve. I think he met family friends in the parking lot and is holed up with them. No proof of this, it's just a theory.
Hey everyone!

Long-time lurker here. I’m a DV survivor so probably quite biased in some of my views here, but the first thing that struck me about BL was how much I DIDN’T think he’d done anything nefarious to GP at first… which, in my experience, probably means that he DID. I’m a sucker for an abusive man, apparently. My sad dating history contains red flag after red flag that I failed to spot. It was only after other people pointed it out that I recognised the ‘signs’ that GP+ BL could have been in an abusive/toxic relationship.

With regards to BL’s parents, I have a little theory based on my own sorry abusive marriage.

Disclaimer: Gabby is the victim here 100%. I’m not suggesting otherwise.

What if BL simply told his parents what we’ve seen in the body cam LE video? GP was the self-confessed “aggressor”, the police put HIM in a DV-associated hotel (from what I can make out) and not HER. I don’t have children so I can’t speak personally, but if my theoretical son were to come to me and tell me that his girlfriend had been violent to him, he had been left with physical marks (?) on his body (that could’ve been photographed & sent/shown to them as evidence), and LE were on HIS side, putting HIM in a safe place while she stayed in the van — I’d be inclined to believe him. Wouldn’t there also be some kind of paperwork showing that LE supported that version of events?

So, BL’s parents pay for him to get to safety — back to them in Florida. (The flights where BL was supposedly clearing something out of storage?) Time apart works wonders and all that. Perhaps they were worried that violence would escalate even further on one or both sides if BL + GP continued the trip together in that kind of mind frame, so separated them in the same way that the police did. Maybe they’ve even seen “scuffles” between GP + BL before with their own eyes and know that separating them for a while is the best option. Maybe they even paid for GP to have the hotel room she stayed in, that they were seen coming out of.

GP + BL reconcile via phone, have some chats, decide to give things another go. He flies back to Utah, meets up with GP, and carries on with the trip. A couple of days later, a big fight erupts again.

*Something bad happens + GP ends up, sadly, deceased*

BL tells his parents that violence has happened again from GP so their first thought is to get him to safety. They won’t automatically assume that BL has done something unpleasant to GP because of what they already think they know. Maybe he tells them that the police were involved a second time and GP was the “aggressor” again.

It doesn’t excuse or properly explain their behaviour OF COURSE, but it could explain why they initially didn’t want to speak out. Maybe they only know *that* particular LE stop part of the story — which, by the paperwork and outcome, appears to be true to then. And possibly why they might have called a lawyer (and not the right kind of lawyer?) right off the bat. Advice? Should BL press charges against GP? Recouping vacation costs? *shrugs*

I think I also read that GP’s family may not have known about BL’s trip back. (Apologies if I’m wrong.) That, again, makes sense to me — GP wouldn’t have wanted to tell her family about his solo part of the trip back to Florida because it would mean admitting that she was the aggressor and was violent towards BL and they took HIM away for his safety.

I’m genuinely leaning towards BL’s parents not knowing the whole story to begin with. He potentially manipulated LE… Would it really be a stretch to think he could manipulate his parents too? Maybe they just thought he was heartbroken until GP’s family started asking questions and then BL did a runner? He could even have told them that she made her way back to her mum/dad’s place.

I don’t know what to think about BL. I see both sides — snapped and potentially killed by accident vs. stone cold abusive SOAB. I think he’s guilty of something. Why would he run otherwise? I think it’s very likely he’s no longer with us.

I do have a question for the legally minded of you: Would the investigation still be a “murder” investigation if the police thought it genuinely was an accidental death/manslaughter-type situation? I haven’t noticed anyone mentioning the actual word despite a body being found.
What does he think he can do, hide forever? There's less than a handful of ordinary people who've committed crimes, who've *maybe* been able to achieve that. All of whom I can think of planned their strategy well in advance. I wonder if he has any sense of how massive this has become (assuming he's off grid).

I've been thinking of this too. It takes a lot of money because you can't use any trackable method of payments. I listened to the story of how a guy broke out of prison with the help of a prison dog handler and they ran away together - they worked farm labor jobs in disguise for 20 years before they were caught. But this was before the internet where your face is on every screen in America 24/7 and we carry around GPS tracking devices with us at every moment.
I think the whole situation was misunderstood from the start. From what I've read the witness who called in the report said he saw the MALE hit the FEMALE. When they were pulled over, you could tell the cops initially thought he was the issue. They wanted her out first and safe in the cop car. They wanted they keys away from him and on the hood. But then they started talking. And she voluntarily admitted, essentially, that she was the aggressor. And it was just a blow up and she was sorry. She didn't mean to hurt him. He didn't seem upset, he didn't want to press charges. From the discussions you could hear on the body cam footage, the cops ultimately came to the conclusion that this was an argument that blew up and out of the norm. Young kids stuck on the road together. Let's give them a break. The cops didn't rush thru the process, they were there for over an hour. I can see how they ultimately swayed the other direction. Unfortunately, they are not mental health professionals and thus, likely, would not see the subtleties of the abuse in this situation.

What I am confused about is the Ranger that came out and said she told Gabby she was in a toxic relationship and needed to get out. Why wasn't she speaking up about her opinion on the situation with the other cops? Or maybe she did when the sound is turned off a few times.

Not entirely off topic but just in regard to the Ranger - the uniform / authoritative nature may have caused GP to feel apprehensive in disclosing anything. It would be helpful to see if her body language or disposition changed by viewing the Ranger's body cam IMO.
i live in california and go to mexico by car, we use our regular DL and birth cert. We dont even have a passport. But, u need one for flying.

How far in do you go? You're allowed to go to border towns. But if you go all the way down into Baja, you're supposed to have a passport card (which you need more than a Real ID to get). Of course, people disobey that all the time. And Mexican police don't really care if you're just a few km past the line (nor do US police, in the opposite direction).

You can go to Juarez or Tijuana without anything but a DL, but to go further than 20 km into Mexico, you're supposed to have a passport card, an embassy card or (in the past) a tourist visa.
I'm curious and don't have a clear answer. Will Brian's parents be held accountable is they've withheld information from investigators. I ask because I don't remember Casey Anthony's parents ever being held accountable for covering for Casey.
Hate to say this - because I still find it unthinkable - but there was a not guilty verdict handed down so how do you hold anyone else accountable?
I'm curious and don't have a clear answer. Will Brian's parents be held accountable is they've withheld information from investigators. I ask because I don't remember Casey Anthony's parents ever being held accountable for covering for Casey.

It was explained that the tent covered evidence related to Gabby but that her body was over by some trees nearby.

Yes, I know. I was trying to explain to people who keep saying the tent is the gravesite why it couldn't be the gravesite. I didn't do a very good job of it apparently :)
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