Brian is not in the reserve. There is almost 0 possibility that he showed up with the van, without Gabby, and his parents thought everything was fine. The attorney was already onboard and they were ignoring Gabby’s family before it became an actual missing persons case. The reserve was a diversion, nothing else. BL did not off himself. If he is responsible for GP’s death, (I would assume at this point h3 is) then suicide is not a usual trait of the type. I would venture a guess, he is either still relatively close to home, or he has made his way to a familiar place. I would be checking small islands near the fl coast close to his last known whereabouts. Not named islands, but sand bars with trees, and vegetation. I grew up on the San Jacinto river. Spent my childhood building forts and fishing off these types of islands. I’d be checking into missing boats, or boats belonging to family. Checking local gas stations and grocery stores to see if any of them were spotted filling gas cans, or buying large quantities of bottled water. If not there, it definitely somewhere he’s familiar with.