Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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A bible fell into his lap? That's like Heaven opening up and....:God has entered the chat. Maybe that's why he freaked and tried to get out of a moving vehicle. Or maybe it happened earlier in the ride and he's just doesn't care. Clearly, it didn't speak to him as he continued his crime streak. What a horrible, awful person. Hope he feels the fear tonight and knows what's coming. Tick tock criminal.
I am shocked by this too. I am going to remind my young adult daughters about this tomorrow. It was drilled into me that never under any circumstances do you pick up a hitchhiker... if someone is stranded and in trouble just call 911. Perhaps it's more common near national parks and seen as a courtesy sort of thing, but it really boggles my mind.
Mine too! I would literally have a stroke if any of my kids picked up a stranger.
Is it possible the BL could have stolen someone’s purse or something while hitchhiking? Or someone at a campsite or in the trails? So that he didn’t have a financial trail after Gabby died.
We learned today that he left a financial trail after Gabby died by using a stolen ATM -- probably Gabby's.
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RSBM. I am positive that LE gave their attorney a heads' up about the imminent release of the warrant before they released it to the public. The trip to Orlando was not a coincidence. Prosecutors and defense attorneys are professional colleagues who compete in court, but at the end of the day, are colleagues and value their relationships with one another.

What I wonder is if they began preliminary negotiations of some sort today -- whether it be conditions for their son's surrender, a plea for them, immunity... something.

that was a similar theory I had about the Orlando trip but didn’t post because my post became too lengthy! Lol. After I heard it was actually issued yesterday and RELEASED to the media today, I began to think maybe they went there to file something JMO
For a guy that can survive for weeks in the wild with only a package of cheese and peanut butter crackers, he sure has a hard time walking too far. Two rides he had to bum for a few miles of a walk?

But Brian gets people to do things for him. That's the way he works.

He got car drivers to do things for him

He got Gabby to do things for him.

He got his parents to do things for him.

He doesn't do anything himself. People are there for him. He is Mr. Entitled.
RSBM. I am positive that LE gave their attorney a heads' up about the imminent release of the warrant before they released it to the public. The trip to Orlando was not a coincidence. Prosecutors and defense attorneys are professional colleagues who compete in court, but at the end of the day, are colleagues and value their relationships with one another.

What I wonder is if they began preliminary negotiations of some sort today -- whether it be conditions for their son's surrender, a plea for them, immunity... something.

Can someone clarify, if BL’s lawyer and parents know where he is or know how to contact him, are they breaking the law if they don’t inform authorities now that there is a warrant for his arrest? Is the lawyer now obligated to negotiate his surrender? Otherwise it seems like they’re harboring/assisting a fugitive, but I’m no lawyer.
The parents going to Orlando to meet with a new attorney leads me to believe that they know Brian is alive.

ETA: I just realized it was their attorney from New York who flew to Orlando. Nevermind

And why didn't their attorney fly closer to them than Orlando? I wonder if he was handing the case off to a better suited attorney. Moo.
Help me with a train of thought.

It’s been mentioned he perhaps took his parents’ bank card. It’s assumed by many of us it was Gabby’s, which I also believe.

But I started thinking, big speculation here…. What if they’re not covering for him so much as they’ve disowned him? What if they’re so disappointed or disgusted that they just won’t get involved? What if they have known for a long time he’s bad news & even told them to get out, & that in part led to the Van Life video?

Is this too far fetched? I also know it doesn’t square w the apparent family camping trip…

Im suspicious of them myself, don’t get me wrong. But I was just trying to think of other explanations why they’re so indifferent, haven’t got him a decent lawyer, etc…

I agree. We need to cut them a break until we have actual facts of what BL told them and know exactly their thought process afterwards. They've been though enough.
My 22 year old special needs son, who is non-verbal and operates intellectually at an 18 month to 2 year old level, and I do day and multi-day long car trips together because he loves them. Its why I am going to buy a camper van soon. He wouldn't make a very good witness.

I'm sure those who know your son would speak to his good character. Unlike the people talking about Brian Laundrie's controlling and aggressive character! There's a lot of context to these mysterious actions with Brian. If you take one or two them, they aren't that suspicious. But rack them up all together - including all the dubious encounters, police calls, etc - you've got yourself a good, old fugitive on the run. Not a misunderstood man.
For a guy that can survive for weeks in the wild with only a package of cheese and peanut butter crackers, he sure has a hard time walking too far. Two rides he had to bum for a few miles of a walk?

IMO he was building an alibi. Now he has 3 eye witnesses supporting a possible story later. "I was camping solo for a couple of days and when i got back Gabby was not with the van". I really hope they find him alive because i want to hear his story. Then, after his fictional version, hopefully we can all hear the real story when this is solved.
That was my reading of the pizza on August 21st too.

My problem with this time frame is this:

I cannot find any type of corroboration that Gabby was alone in that hotel from 8/17 to 8/23. Someone told me earlier today that her father said it on Dr. Phil, but he did not. Not the Dr. Show I watched. I would appreciate knowing why we think Brian left her there for a week like that.

On that Dr. Phil Show I watched, her father made it sound as if he would have gone to get her himself if Brian left her alone in a state and went home. So I'm thinking if he would say that on TV, why wouldn't he also say that Brian ACTUALLY DID leave her alone at the Fairfield Inn? Or did I not hear the entire interview somehow? Please help because I was listening youtube and right have gotten a clipped version of it. Or maybe I just missed it because my fiance would NOT STOP TALKING!!!!


IMOO I think mom knows exactly where he is. Personally if my son was be missing and wanted by all Law enforcement, you would see me in a state of shock with doctors around me! I would be thinking they would kill him or he was eaten by gators!
Everything about this case is just a little odd. If their sole purpose of this trip was to meet with their lawyer, he surely could have met them in their home. I'm sure since the police escorted them to and from the library, the police would have also arranged safe passage for the attorney. It just doesn't make sense. MOO
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