Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #31

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I wonder if Brian came back from that 3 day camping trip with his parents and the mustang is a decoy. Wonder where they went with that camper.
Lets hope there was a way that LE could track where they went. If not they could be searching in the completely wrong area
I'm a retired banker, too. I was in the "back room" as a systems support/programmer person. And you're right -- banks do as much as they can to protect their customers' money WRT fraud, theft of funds, etc. There are a lot of safeguards, and they are quite sophisticated, but the account owner has to do his/her part. And yes, one way to risk losing your money is to use a Wifi device which is unsecured/unsafe.
People out there are smart and always on the lookout for free & easy money, and they know where to look and what to to.

Nice to meet you fellow banker. I am remembering more about the Vegas trip. My husband spent the next day getting suspicious transaction alerts from his Credit Union. Someone was trying to use his debit card for purchases all over the world. It was a Credit Union that had little online security. I made him close that account and get one at the big bank I worked for.
For sure! I have some screen shots of a potential route he took with ETA times and some screen shots of the storm at those times. But what’s making it hard for me to come up with this stuff quickly is the difference in time zones.
I love how different members bring different skills to the table! It would not occur to me to check routes and weather and I’m so thankful that so many of you do.
I’ve decided I’ve spent too much time on this website today. Thinking of this creep hiding out in woods and bushes and trees. I went outside for a smoke break and thought I saw him by the trash cans at the end of my street. Lol I’m getting paranoid. Sending up a prayer tonight that tomorrow is the day BL is found.. ALIVE
Nagging questions:
1. Brian's sudden trip during their road trip 5 days after the 911 incident?
2. Where was the Mustang parked prior to 9/15/2021?
3. Why would the "family" go camping when he got home?
4. Brian's parents odd behavior?
6. What was Brian actually doing during his hitchhiking journey?
7. Who was GP speaking with on the phone while in the back of the police cruiser?
8. Was the STAN text message actually the Send The Authorities Now?
9. Last official proof of life for BL?

I'd add what was this incident?

Gabby Petito case: North Port redacts records on Petito, Laundrie family

A third redacted report —incident No. 21-054246, at 11:22 p.m. dated Sept. 18 notes a “suspicious incident” at the intersection of Balboa Terrace and Delmar Drive in North Port.

Delmar Drive is a bit of a beaten trail of a road that drags along Big Slough in the middle of North Port. There are no homes on Delmar Drive; and only a handful along with Balboa Terrance.
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Gosh, I hadn't heard that there was any "torment" coming from her to him - only drama and several breakups.[/QUOTE
What is the evidence that GP tormented BL? (And your statement is edging towards violating TOS, and I don't want to get shut down again.)

You got that right! Ridiculous to play 'fair' to both sides which is what some seem to do when we all know Gabby was the victim, not a tormenter!!!
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With the grid search, IMO it feels like they're looking for a body at this point. Or evidence of some sort. Although if BL did go for a hike in WY in the area, he likely disposed of some evidence in that area
Thing is that there could be more than a few bodies in there. They found one the other day, in fact.
exactly. And so close to where they keep searching..
It's odd that they are supposedly using night vision and things like that and still haven't found him. IMO they should have UAV's over that whole park 24/7. Less manpower needed and more coverage. If the drones had nightvision, LIDAR, etc. they may find something else
I'd add what was this incident?

Gabby Petito case: North Port redacts records on Petito, Laundrie family

A third redacted report —incident No. 21-054246, at 11:22 p.m. dated Sept. 18 notes a “suspicious incident” at the intersection of Balboa Terrace and Delmar Drive in North Port.

Delmar Drive is a bit of a beaten trail of a road that drags along Big Slough in the middle of North Port. There are no homes on Delmar Drive; and only a handful along with Balboa Terrance.

We don't know. Almost the entire report was redacted.
I think the side trip back to FLA very much had something to do with the murder. But these people aren't too smart - moving her things to the shed prior to killing her? That looks like premeditation and insinuates the family was aware that something was up.

Are you thinking murder one?
I'm getting 'tingles' of that here and there too.
A sense it may well have been very carefully planned.
Motive may have something to do with the reasons for the vast investment of resources evident.?
I can't even take a guess at what that might be without knowing a bit more about his connections.
I’m just here, lurking with my mouth open wide… shocked….. so many possibilities and so many questions to questions. Looking at the buddy can footage of her in the backseat still just breaks y whole heart.
I’ve read here somewhere amongst the 1500 pages we have, gunshot being mentioned in possible speculations if the corner saying Homicide . And even now in CNN… Im wondering if BL shot her. There was a gun in his room in a old photo posted. Idk.
Are you thinking murder one?
I'm getting 'tingles' of that here and there too.
A sense it may well have been very carefully planned.
Motive may have something to do with the reasons for the vast investment of resources evident.?
I can't even take a guess at what that might be without knowing a bit more about his connections.
And where is Gabby's stuff from "storage"? Her family would like to know, too. Wasn't listed in the warrant, I think, so is it still in storage or being picked over by the L's???
I don't think LE is looking for a body. I don't think arrestc warrant would have even been announced if that were the case.
They may not know 100% yet that they're looking for a body. They may have issued a warrant in case they find him
I'd add what was this incident?

Gabby Petito case: North Port redacts records on Petito, Laundrie family

A third redacted report —incident No. 21-054246, at 11:22 p.m. dated Sept. 18 notes a “suspicious incident” at the intersection of Balboa Terrace and Delmar Drive in North Port.

Delmar Drive is a bit of a beaten trail of a road that drags along Big Slough in the middle of North Port. There are no homes on Delmar Drive; and only a handful along with Balboa Terrance.
Link is opening and almost immediately disappears? Is it paywalled?
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