For those of you interested...BL's current Federal charge has him facing what may be a 28 month sentence. Under ordinary circumstances (without being compounded by additional felonies) and having no prior criminal record, his charge could be reduced to a misdemeanor or entirely eliminated if his lawyer offered restitution, an apology and payment of a fine. The amount of the theft could also mean a reduction in the sentence. With proper council, BL could receive fines, an order of restitution and probation. BL would go home to serve out his probation.
With this in mind, it makes absolutely no sense that his current lawyer would encourage or allow BL to go on the run, or that his parents should encourage the same. BL has NOT been charged with any other crime. The current charges could be easily handled and resolved. The madness surrounding this entire event is the fault of the Laundries' lawyer who has created an environment where each lost moment of resolution jinns up public fury and works to vilify his clients even more. His job is to rehabilitate his clients in the eyes of both LE and the public. He hasn't made a move to do this. In doing so, he's chiseled away his clients' credibility across the board and opened the door to an evolving and dangerous environment for them. One of the worst lawyers I have ever seen.
Here's a link to Facts on Federal Credit Card- Fraud Charges.