Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #42

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Let's assume your son had just told you some version of the truth that he had killed Gabby. Most likely his version involves a scenario of self defense. You know he's in very serious trouble. You've retained a lawyer for him and the lawyer has advised you to say nothing to no one. I'm curious as to what exactly you would say to the frantic parents when you return their call?

Yeah, I've been thinking of that myself.

Maybe saying nothing is better than trying to come up with a lie.

Thank you, @Parsnip for recalling my previous post and @Purplepixii, I wonder the same thing. Not because I truly believe BL is not guilty of GP's murder, but the data we have at hand also fit a scenario in which BL does not kill GP. I posted my "alternative" scenario on T#35, P#599, found here:
Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #35

To respond to some of the concerns with this scenario, I'll build off of my initial post as follows (all IMO!):

In this alternative scenario, GP stays put in the van when BL leaves for his Snake River hike (to clear his head and avoid hurting her) after the Merry Piglet rage scene the afternoon of 8/27. She stays put because BL has her phone, the van keys, and maybe her wallet (so she doesn't go anywhere without him).

Nothing of GP/BL's was stolen from the empty van during the assault that killed GP (likely 8/28) or before BL returned to the van on 8/29 because it is common knowledge that rape is about violence and not about theft, as are many murders without sexual assault.

As I understand the time line, on 8/27, Gabby's uncle posts there was a snapchat Gabby sent a friend -heading to Yellowstone (in Dailymail article). This alternative scenario could fit with that fact, in that Gabby could have sent this to her friend the morning of 8/27, before the Merry Piglet restaurant blow-up. Maybe she and BL had in fact made plans to go to Yellowstone – perhaps on 8/28.

Further, I still contend BL texted GP’s Mom about Stan on 8/27 (prior post of mine). This could have happened after the Merry Piglet restaurant as BL may have taken GP’s phone from her (as he tended to do). And Regarding the 8/30 text to GP’s Mom, it is possible BL still had GP’s phone with him when he left for a hike. That explains the radio silence from GP's phone on 8/28 (and 8/29). Either before he left for home on 8/30 or on his way, he replied to GP's Mom to just stop her texts.

We do not know if LE is searching for another possible killer in the Teton’s. But this scenario proposes that an alternative killer would not necessarily be on foot… perhaps he was already in the campground and noticed GP alone, or perhaps GP sought some food or help while BL was on his hike, in this alternative scenario.

And there may not be another POI (in WY perhaps) because maybe LE hasn’t gotten that far. Isn’t the autopsy findings pending pathology and toxicology? If they could do a rape kit, is DNA pending? And does anyone know if a rape kit can be done on a partially decomposed body?

The reason BL did not call GP’s parents to check on GP when he did not find her at the van on 8/29 after his hike, is a weak link for this alternative scenario, as most socially assimilated and civil people would call everyone who knew GP, and LE. But in the alternative scenario I posed, I added the comment for this step in the time line that “this would have to presume BL does not process information like most people... this would require a suspension of normal social expectations.”

Anyhow, as prudent sleuthers we must always be flipping the proverbial coin around in our minds. Given the scant amount of directly incriminating evidence that BL killed GP, there is room for other options. And I think BL's parents' laissez faire attitude does, on the surface, appear to show they don't think BL did anything wrong.

All IMO!
Sorry I have to disagree, except for the statement about him still having her phone. The fake text on the 30th shows that he knew she was dead. He then proceeds to use the credit cards and vehicle of a dead woman. That implies consciousness of guilt and it's the actions of many common killers.
This isn't me calling you out. It's not me saying you are wrong on this. This is me asking where we got the information that she wasn't comfortable driving because we've been saying it in these threads forever and I can't remember where it came from in the first place. Can someone remind me? I'm dizzy from all the sharp curves in this case and these threads

It was definitely in Moab Video. 1: 04 "Is it going to be a far drive for me to go get him in the morning. . . . . as i usually don't drive the van"
Not to me it isn't. The fake text on Aug. 30th from her phone to her mother implying that she was in Yosemite, CA when in fact she was already dead blows it out of the water that Brian knew she was dead. He then proceeded to use her van and credit cards. Innocent people don't act that way.

We do not know when Gabby died. The van was likely a joint venture in that they both paid into it and he mostly drove it (she out and out said she wasn’t comfortable driving it and did not much). Same with the card. The two of the were engaged to get married, lived together, knew each other for a long time. So that it’s no surprise they pooled resources. Also, when he bolted, he didn’t give that a second thought.

That he did not call anyone when something had gone clearly wrong to someone who was so beloved is the horror and tragedy of this. MOO. Not that he used her van and cards which he likely did out of pure habit
The review said, "No need to pack a life straw of any kind," which makes me think BL is familiar with and may have a life straw. I know people were asking about that sort of equipment in an earlier thread, so that's interesting.
That orange thing! Now I see it. That's a folded sleeping mat. Or mat to sit on. I don't know why they would need it for a day hike though. Maybe just in case. And then I see sandals strapped to the bag.
We do not know when Gabby died. The van was likely a joint venture in that they both paid into it and he mostly drove it (she out and out said she wasn’t comfortable driving it and did not much). Same with the card. The two of the were engaged to get married, lived together, knew each other for a long time. So that it’s no surprise they pooled resources. Also, when he bolted, he didn’t give that a second thought.

That he did not call anyone when something had gone clearly wrong to someone who was so beloved is the horror and tragedy of this. MOO. Not that he used her van and cards which he likely did out of pure habit
The FBI warrant is for Aug. 30, so they know that she was dead by Aug. 30th. The only dispute is to whether she was killed 8/27 or 8/28, but definitely by 8/30. She's the only legal owner of the van, and the debit card, so any "implicit/verbal agreement" between them to allow him use ends the minute she dies. Engagement confers no legal standing or right to use another person's belongings. (Even if they were married and he murdered her and cleaned out the joint bank accounts, it wouldn't lessen his guilt). No matter how much he paid in/sweat equity... And I think he gave it alot of thought. Ed Shin kept sending fake texts to his victim's family for almost a year implying that he'd gone on a sailing trip around the world.
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It was definitely in Moab Video. 1: 04 "Is it going to be a far drive for me to go get him in the morning. . . . . as i usually don't drive the van"
I remember that. Wondered why she didn't feel comfortable driving it. Wasn't that huge. Or another control element by BL? i.e. "You don't know how to drive this, let me do it."
Sorry I have to disagree, except for the statement about him still having her phone. The fake text on the 30th shows that he knew she was dead. He then proceeds to use the credit cards and vehicle of a dead woman. That implies consciousness of guilt and it's the actions of many common killers.
We don't know for certain if the "Stan" text was sent by BL, but i agree it's suspicious. Speaking of Stan, the text "GP" (or BL) sent to the mother inferred Stan (G'Pa) had been pinging her incessantly. I have to believe that G'Pa's heartstring to GP knew something was wrong....

Amateur opinion and speculation
That orange thing! Now I see it. That's a folded sleeping mat. Or mat to sit on. I don't know why they would need it for a day hike though. Maybe just in case. And then I see sandals strapped to the bag.

I don't think it was a day hike. She talks about campgrounds, and about carrying in wood for a fire, so I think they stayed overnight.
We do not know when Gabby died. The van was likely a joint venture in that they both paid into it and he mostly drove it (she out and out said she wasn’t comfortable driving it and did not much). Same with the card. The two of the were engaged to get married, lived together, knew each other for a long time. So that it’s no surprise they pooled resources. Also, when he bolted, he didn’t give that a second thought.

That he did not call anyone when something had gone clearly wrong to someone who was so beloved is the horror and tragedy of this. MOO. Not that he used her van and cards which he likely did out of pure habit
I don't think that can be assumed about the card. If it was joint money, they would have gotten a joint account with their own cards. Who wants to keep track of who has the card and when if there's an easier solution? Using the card should have warranted a second thought.
That orange thing! Now I see it. That's a folded sleeping mat. Or mat to sit on. I don't know why they would need it for a day hike though. Maybe just in case. And then I see sandals strapped to the bag.

The sandals made me think that the camping trip could have also been where they went to dispose of any evidence that BL might have brought home with him so as not to be found near GP. They could easily weigh that evidence down and dispose of it in the water that is accessible near the campsite. IMO.
The FBI warrant is for Aug. 30, so they know that she was dead by Aug. 30th. The only dispute is to whether she was killed 8/27 or 8/28, but definitely by 8/30. She's the only legal owner of the van, and the debit card, so any "implicit/verbal agreement" between them to allow him use ends the minute she dies. No matter how much he paid in/sweat equity... And I think he gave it alot of thought. Ed Shin kept sending fake texts to his victim's family for almost a year implying that he'd gone on a sailing trip around the world.

If you read the FBI warrant , the dates are given vaguely, not precisely, as though they were not sure. The card was used during a time period specified that in MOO is what the coroner specified that Gabby was not alive. Due to federal banking regulations, BL is on the hook if he used the cards during a time she was definitely dead. The van does not fall into that situation.
And we do not know for certain who sent that text.
We don't know for certain if the "Stan" text was sent by BL, but i agree it's suspicious. Speaking of Stan, the text "GP" (or BL) sent to the mother inferred Stan (G'Pa) had been pinging her incessantly. I have to believe that G'Pa's heartstring to GP knew something was wrong....

Amateur opinion and speculation
Yes, and that would motivate BL to send a false text, to reassure him lest he began to think of calling authorities. It does in fact indicate that the sender was also the killer.
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