Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #64

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And there’s also the possibility that he’s dead, which is seeming more plausible with passing time.
While we *do not* know if his parents are assisting him, on the surface, they seem fairly unconcerned. Of course that could be deceiving, and since we don't know them, hard to judge. Yet, they aren't displaying the characteristics of someone gravely concerned for their child. Why, I wonder?

Amateur opinion and speculation
Got it... so he had, in fact, been to the now-infamous Laundrie house on prior occasion(s), correct?
His lawyer said he has never been there and never even been on that block. Someone could have driven by to see if the van was there on his behalf, but that person, if it happened was not Joe Petito. jmo
You must have been reading my mind!

I'm going to spin you a little story. My point being that I have no idea what happened to Gabby Petitio, and neither do you.

Brian and Gabby have an argument, he storms off to hike, she remains to work on blog. While he is gone, she is murdered by who only knows who (were 2 other woman not shot, possibly by a creepy camper they reported?) Perhaps this perp decided to try up close and personal, strangulation.

Brian returns to find Gabby deceased, he panics because they were just stopped (Moab) for a DV, had a scene at Merry Piglets, and he thinks "oh my God, everyone will think I did it"!

He dithers around in shock and horror hitchhiking, wondering what to do, becoming unhinged.

He goes home the only way he has, Gabby's van, Gabby's card. He tells Mom and Dad this horrible story. Realizing once your entangled with the police, the police will try to convict the most likely person, they lawyer up and follow his advice to a T.

He tries to shake off the horror, his parents are stunned, questioning everything, shutting down, maybe he did it, what if he didn't, a waking nightmare.

Brian can't take it anymore, his poor family, (who doesn't know the truth either way) he leaves or commits suicide.

In my story, which could be true, do the Laudries deserve the hell inflicted on them? No. So, can we just wait for the facts before we condem them all?

Please don't misunderstand me, I grieve for the Petitos and want whoever murdered their child brought to justice. However, I don't want to see people condemned on speculation. It seems like many posters are only worried about optics. Optics don't bring a murder to justice or heal a families broken hearts.

If you have never been involved with law enforcement then it's easy to say "oh they should just go to the police". Jails and prisons are bursting with people who shouldn't be there, all because they were easiest to convict. No one should ever speak to police without a lawyer. If you believe the opposite to be true, you are incredibly naive and have never brushed up against law enforcement, even on the periphery. All IMHO

Thank you for this. It gets unproductive, and exhausting, when facts are distorted, or ignored, in order to fit a narrative. The stop in Moab, for example, where the only witness that is given any credence, by many, is some guy that was driving by - a story not corroborated by anyone on what must have been a busy street.

In my one encounter with the criminal justice system I found everyone to be professional and above board - except for the arresting officer, who continuously lied. In my small case maybe it didn't really matter, but I kept thinking "I don't feel safe with him on the beat because what if he does this in a murder case and some maniac goes free because of it." As for needing a lawyer, one need look no further than Skylar Richardson and Barry Morphew. Every time I read Barry's AA it's more shocking - the only reason he was charged was because he flapped his gums.

And, for what it's worth, I think Brian has blended in with the homeless community in the greater Tampa area where he can find food and shelter and hide in plain sight.
While we *do not* know if his parents are assisting him, on the surface, they seem fairly unconcerned. Of course that could be deceiving, and since we don't know them, hard to judge. Yet, they aren't displaying the characteristics of someone gravely concerned for their child. Why, I wonder?

Amateur opinion and speculation
I could give a little perspective on this from a parents point of view, but it involves a subject on which we are not allowed to discuss.
Got it... so he had, in fact, been to the now-infamous Laundrie house on prior occasion(s), correct?
No. JP never went to the Laundrie home. On Sept 10th there were two calls to the Laundrie home in connection with JP. The media immediately spun a story that JP had gone to the Laundrie home. The North Port police corrected the record, but for some reason once the story was put out there, it took off and it's been rehashed over an over here.
The long and the short is that all North Port LE would say was that they did a public service call, but that JP never at any time went anywhere near or on the Laundrie property. Never. Ever. At any time.
What the service call was and why JP was involved is speculation at this point. Some of us are of the opinion that because the Laundries weren't responding to calls and texts from Gabby's parents, JP may have asked that the North Port police do a wellness check on the Laundrie home.
Has there been any reliable comment that Petito ever had any self defense training... or martial arts involvement? Did she have, carry, or have access to a firearm, bear spray, pepper spray, or other weapon?

I think martial arts experience and self-defense training are unlikely seeing as she scratched Brian's face. Scratching is typically done by someone who doesn't know how to punch or kick.

Perhaps she did have some type of weapon, but having one and being able to get to it and use it during an attack are two very different things.
I would think though that putting the tent up over the victim would contaminate the crime scene. Since it takes multiple people and they kind of walked it open. But they certainly could have opened the tent then walked it over to where it needed to be. I didn’t feel like they did that, but I could be wrong. Maybe I watch too much CSI.

Totally different context but we do exactly that when we're on an archaeological excavation so we don't destroy archaeological evidence - I would assume LE do the same to maintain crime scene evidence - MOO
Gabby's dad never went to the Laundrie house. He stated this in his first interview on Dr, Phil (before Gabby was found). He did go the North Port PD but he never went their house
As a father, This is a scenario that I can not believe. Maybe he never knocked on their door but there is no way that after driving across the state that I wouldn't at least drive by the house to see what I can see. So he could be telling a factual truth while also not telling the whole truth.

The only way I can see this not happening is if he and the Laundries already had a rocky relationship and didn't want to stir things up ahead of the cops. But that would mean he would already have had a reason to suspect there was something to be concerned about other than someone not returning phone calls. That would be much easily be accomplished by just knocking on the door instead of going to the police
I saw this elsewhere early on and dismissed it but got to *thinking…

A user named blaundrie1197 posted "404" to a question about traveling the USA on foot. 404 means not found.
FBI Denver's tweet - "On September 22, 2021, the U.S. District Court of Wyoming issued a federal arrest warrant for Brian Christopher Laundrie pursuant to a Federal Grand Jury indictment related to Mr. Laundrie’s activities following the death of Gabrielle Petito. " - Trendsmap
*btw: 404 is also the area code for Atlanta, Georgia.
Area Code 404 - Info and Interactive Map (2015)
Adjacent Area Codes
Area Code 678
Area Code 770

As the trail follows the eastern ridge of the Appalachian Mountains it passes through 14 states, and although the slogan is "Maine to Georgia," most people hike the trail the other way, Georgia to Maine. Georgia's mild climate plays a role in this, since hikers like to start the 6 month trek in April. Another reason: the toughest part of the trail, in New Hampshire and Maine is saved for last, when hikers are in condition to handle it.

Georgia has nearly eighty miles of the AT running from Springer Mountain on the Fannin-Gilmer line to Bly Gap, where the trail enters North Carolina. Some excellent backpacking adventures await those who decide to hike the Georgia portion of this National Scenic Trail.
The Appalachian Trail Starts Here - Fannin County, Georgia
*I do think he’s alive…somehow.
Got it... so he had, in fact, been to the now-infamous Laundrie house on prior occasion(s), correct?
News articles to explain:

According to Fox News, the second Sept. 10 call involved Petito’s father, Joe Petito.
Joe Petito did not physically go to the Laundrie home, but “expressed concern” over his daughter, the outlet reported Thursday.

Police went to Laundrie home day before Gabby Petito reported missing.

Rick Stafford, the Petito family’s attorney, said that the records shouldn’t be read to indicate some kind of exchange between Laundrie and Joseph Petito that day.“From what I understand, on September 10 is when Joe Petito called the North Port, [Florida] police department to report his daughter missing,” Mr Stafford told The Independent. “That whole day he was in Vero Beach, which was on the other side of the state. ““He’s never even been to Brian Laundrie’s house, and he’s never been on the block,” Mr Stafford added. “If there is a report, when that report comes out, it’s going to be the missing persons report that was taken over the phone from Joe to the North Port police department.”

Gabby Petito: Family’s lawyer casts doubt on ‘incident’ with father at Laundrie’s home before missing report

and there are more if you want to google. IMO the Laundrie attorney started the story to take the focus off Brian, but that's just my jaded view of this entire situation. But no, JP never went to the Laundrie home.
His lawyer said he has never been there and never even been on that block. Someone could have driven by to see if the van was there on his behalf, but that person, if it happened was not Joe Petito. jmo
Yes. The Stafford quote (see; Petito threat #8; post #261) was: " Mr Stafford told The Independent. “That whole day he was in Vero Beach, which was on the other side of the state. ““He’s never even been to Brian Laundrie’s house, and he’s never been on the block,” Mr Stafford added." So that seems to leave some ambiguity. Did "never" refer to the September 2021 time frame. Or, did it mean "never" as in ever? I took/take it to be the later.
Walsh has no solid evidence of anything. This COULD be that COULD be. Our speculation is better than his and we have no clue. At least we have some facts on our side, which Walsh gets wrong all the time. Maybe Mexico maybe Adirondacks, maybe AT. If he gets tips of sightings in the eastern US why is he hell-bent on Mexico? jmo

In 2010, federal estimates suggested about 1,000 fugitives wanted for crimes in the United States were believed to be hiding out in Mexico.
Even criminals who are caught won't necessarily face justice in the United States. Mexico, like many European countries and Canada, will not extradite a felon unless the government has a guarantee that individual will not face the death penalty upon return to the United States. Mexico will extradite if the maximum penalty is a life sentence, however. U.S. prosecutors are loath to make such concessions.

Mexico is also a good stepping stone to countries that won't extradite
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