Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #73

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Suicide within 24 hours of there is my theory. Probably within 4-5 hours of being there.

The only part of this discovery yesterday that I think is weird is if his parents stumbled upon him first before LE did. Do we have an answer for this yet?
I think maybe in the SB/Cuomo interview, SB explained that when CL showed the LE officer the white bag, the officer then showed a photo of a backpack to the L's, and also told them remains were found nearby.
During decomposition the human body eventually begins a process of disarticulation which means the limbs will become disconnected from the body piece by piece.

Death, decay and disarticulation: Modelling the skeletal taphonomy of marine reptiles demonstrated using Serpianosaurus (Reptilia; Sauropterygia) - ScienceDirect

Disarticulation - Wikipedia
Thanks for this. I'm assuming they found a limb and it was really bothering me trying to figure out how that would work, but this makes sense, especially if he 'died of suicide' early
Suicide within 24 hours of there is my theory. Probably within 4-5 hours of being there.

The only part of this discovery yesterday that I think is weird is if his parents stumbled upon him first before LE did. Do we have an answer for this yet?
I understand that it was LE who found the backpack and remains. Parents found the bag in a different location but near where remains were found. No? jmo
I don't think we know for a fact that animals didn't get to her remains at all. Either way, the environments are wildly different.
I’ve already replied to someone else I should have put INTACT but it seemed insensitive, I took this as animals not getting to her. And I also put MOO. That is what intact to me means that she wasn’t spread around by animals like this body. I just didn’t want to be that graphic. MOO
OCT 21, 2021
Strong probability that suspected remains found in Florida park are Brian Laundrie's, family attorney says (

Law enforcement met them there and closely accompanied them as they entered the park, Bertolino said.

“As they went further in, Chris ventured off the trail into the woods. He was zigzagging in different areas, law enforcement was doing the same thing. And Roberta Laundrie was walking down the trail,” Bertolino said. “At some point, Chris locates what’s called a dry bag. The dry bag is a white bag, laying in the woods, say 20 feet or so off the trail.”

The dry bag was in some brambles and he didn’t want to move it because he wanted his law enforcement to see it, Bertolino said. However, Chris Laundrie “couldn’t find the law enforcement” because they were out of sight and didn’t want to leave the bag there with a news reporter standing nearby, so he picked it up, Bertolino explained.

“He did meet up shortly with law enforcement, they looked at the contents of the bag. At that time, law enforcement officers showed him a picture on the phone of a backpack that law enforcement had located also nearby and also some distance off the trail,” Bertolino told CNN.

“At that point, the Laundries were notified there was also remains near the backpack, and they were asked to leave the preserve.”

The suspected remains were found “about 2 to 3 miles inside the Carlton Reserve, or about a 45-minute walk” from the entrance at Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, North Port police spokesperson Josh Taylor said.

We still don’t know if this is a suicide, accidental, drowning or possibly animals. We may never know what the COD.
I just keep thinking about how GP was left for weeks and her remains weren’t touched by animals, it sounds like animals have gotten to this body either before or after death, wonder why animals didn’t get to GP, could she have been in a sleeping bag or covered with something that made it impossible for animals to get to her? Sorry to be graphic. MOO

I can’t, I’ve been searching but I’m sure I heard it around the time of the announcement that they believed it was her body they found and that she was intact, not like this body, I took that as animals didn’t get to her. I did put my opinion as I couldn’t remember where I heard it exactly. Maybe I should have put intact instead it just sounds awful writing that. MOO maybe someone else can remember.

My apologies. I read it as a statement of fact.
I think I'm misunderstanding something:

LE searches countless hours in countless acres of closed-off area.

They reopen area. Water recedes.

BL's parents go in and within hours, find BL's bag.

Um. Ok?

The story now seems to be that the Laundries implored LE to search in this exact place a month ago, although I don’t know how they’d know the “exact place” without GPS coordinates, so, it is wuite curious. At any event, maybe now the Laundries have some tiny inkling what it may have been like for Gabby’s family, knowing she was likely dead, and lying out in the elements for weeks. Not LE’s fault; it’s all on BL.
There’s a difference between telling police you don’t know where someone is and filing a missing person’s report. What SB says is that they informed LE the first day he didn’t return and that they officially filed the report on the 17th. They all (Laundries, SB, and LE) that once that official report was filed the media and the public would go crazy, and I think they were all trying to avoid that hoping he would just come back on his own. I’m not saying that was the right thing to do, but it makes much more sense to me than what we were working with before.

But when NPPD were asked on 16th September if they knew where BL was, they responded yes. So they couldn't have been informed by LE on the first day that he didn't return, which is either 13th or 14th depending on which date you prefer?
OCT 21, 2021
Brian Laundrie Notebook: What Did FBI Find in Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park? – NBC 6 South Florida (

"This is the very area of the park that we initially informed law enforcement on, I believe it was September 17th, that Brian would be most likely in the preserve in this particular area as I know it, near the bridge," Bertolino continued. "If that water had cleared two weeks ago, perhaps could have circled back and looked again. Perhaps they meant to. Perhaps they were further, deeper into the park and never got back to this park because it is so near the entrance, Chris and Roberta went to this area first, and as happenstance was, they stumbled upon these items."

*I’m so sorry I posted something in this thread in error. I had wrong thread open. I apologize.

‘In nice terms, it's hogwash,' he told Cuomo when asked about the suggestion that they may have planted the evidence.

'Chris and Roberta went to this area first and as happenstance was, they stumbled upon these items,' he said.

On Thursday morning, he added to 'Speculation is just that.'

Bertolino also told CNN that he told the parents not to speak to Gabby's family, the media, or 'anybody' after he vanished on September 13.
Laundrie family lawyer DENIES claims Brian's parents planted evidence
Cassie is very much on my mind this morning.
I sincerely hope her parents have reached out to bridge the gap she stated they created.
I hope she's okay.
Yeah, I wonder about her too. If parents are still planning on not telling what they know, I can't imagine that they will tell Cassie, who said she would tell FBI anything that she knows. jmo
THe FBI/LE wasn't wearing gloves either, I found that odd. Does anyone find that odd?

Extremely. But it also fits with how this case has gone from the beginning. IMO

i dont understand what everyne finds odd about it....its been under the water for days and days....there wouldnt be any fingerprints on it to begin with.

Yes there might be.

And now other prints are on it, which muddles the investigation.

And there would be no good excuse for LE to not use gloves when handling evidence. It's Criminal Investigations 101.

There’s a difference between telling police you don’t know where someone is and filing a missing person’s report. What SB says is that they informed LE the first day he didn’t return and that they officially filed the report on the 17th. They all (Laundries, SB, and LE) that once that official report was filed the media and the public would go crazy, and I think they were all trying to avoid that hoping he would just come back on his own. I’m not saying that was the right thing to do, but it makes much more sense to me than what we were working with before.

They say C&R also searched for him that first night for four or five hours. I think it was finally dawning on them that something terrible had happened and also suddenly realized that he might be suicidal or died by suicide already
There’s a difference between telling police you don’t know where someone is and filing a missing person’s report. What SB says is that they informed LE the first day he didn’t return and that they officially filed the report on the 17th. They all (Laundries, SB, and LE) that once that official report was filed the media and the public would go crazy, and I think they were all trying to avoid that hoping he would just come back on his own. I’m not saying that was the right thing to do, but it makes much more sense to me than what we were working with before.

Perhaps when Brian left on the 13th he indicated to his parents that he intended to go to the police after some time at the reserve. They may have held onto hope that he would do that. Just a thought.
Why would authorities be fingerprinting the bag found yesterday? It is useful in that it might indicate where BL, a missing person, is. His parents have identified it as his bag. The remains found nearby are undergoing testing to determine the identity. I just don't see why any of the belongings would be fingerprinted at all and why it would matter if the Ls fingerprints are there too. Edit: MOO
the deal with fingerprinting...
if the parents touched it and moved it, their prints are now on it... if they didn't touch it, then their prints would never have been on it.... unless they planted that bag... earlier, for brian.
I don't think they planted it yesterday, but I think they may have dropped it off at some point earlier, when Brian first leftor when they came an got the car. when they went searching yesterday finding that bag to them meant brian never go it, so they realized if fingerprinted their prints would be on it... maybe or maybe not brians, but reason to go ahead and pick up without gloves to avoid being charged
But when NPPD were asked on 16th September if they knew where BL was, they responded yes. So they couldn't have been informed by LE on the first day that he didn't return, which is either 13th or 14th depending on which date you prefer?

Yes that's what I remember, wtte of 'we know exactly where he is'
“The problem is people don’t understand that dogs are not body finders, they are odor hunters,” Hadsell, who wasn’t involved in the search for Laundrie but has assisted in searches at the Myakkahatchee Creek Environmental Park, said.

“They chase the odor of human remains, and the problem is that there are times when odor is not making the best presentation,” he continued.

“In this case, the search conditions that they were in initially were really bad, so the probability was more in the 20 percent success rate because there was water in that area.”

But now that the area is dry and there is some breeze, Hadsell said it makes for “good sense cones” that “dogs can detect.”
Brian Laundrie case: Cadaver dogs may find more remains, experts say
The people who say Brian had no guilt or remorse or was a raging sociopath or serial killer or was evil personified, I just don’t see it. I see an insecure dweeb who is probably very sensitive and easily offended. and In my mind everything he did since the murder screamed that he knew he made the ultimate mistake and there was no way out.
Some people don't care to be in the public eye. After all the abuse and harassment, if it were me, I'd never talk.

I thought the very same thing. Some people want to maintain their privacy at all costs. WS is my only public place as I too am a very private person. Now we have a better idea that they were going through all of this privately and it doesn't make them wrong or criminals, for they too have now lost a child.

As someone said previously in this thread, Gabby was in the wrong place with the wrong person. This probably would have happened to another young lady if it wasn't Gabby. He had some mental problems that prevented him from being a healthy person in a healthy relationship ever. All of this is on BL and no one else.
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