Found Deceased WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #83

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This is a big part of why I do believe that Gabby was still alive as of 8-29 and was killed that night. I don't imagine BL going on any actual hike and leaving Gabby alone for any real length of time (more than a few hours or so) ; Gabby would have had the opportunity to go seek help from someone even if BL had taken her phone.

My theory is: BL and Gabby have a small fight, go their separate ways for a short time. Gabby sits at campfire because she has no keys to her own van, (BL took them IMO) BL comes back fight continues and gets much worse and he kills her. Then he freaks out (or whatever you want to call it) takes the van to Jackson for gas and leaves for FL.

This makes most sense to me given all that is known to be true about their last days in Grand Teton.
I know, her death coming later rather than earlier makes more sense in my perspective of the timeline, as well, <modsnip - no link to a approved source> I'd really like to know what they were doing on the 28th.
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I agree. I don't think he expected the media attention. I'm not sure of the date that the story broke, but sb said something to the effect, would you go home with all the people outside of your house, whenever he spoke with the FBI about bl not returning home from his hike at cr.

September 13th was the date that it was in the local news of NY with Nicole Schmidt pleading for her daughter to be found.

22-year-old woman originally from Long Island goes missing while traveling in Wyoming
Sorry if I caused confusion. My post was independent of your thread. I just thought it was interesting info related to CaL’s cooperation with LE.

LOL That was my mistake, so no worries. You did answer my question, though, and right after I asked it. Funny how things work out.
September 13th was the date that it was in the local news of NY with Nicole Schmidt pleading for her daughter to be found.

22-year-old woman originally from Long Island goes missing while traveling in Wyoming

The story was published on the last day Brian was seen alive. It's also interesting to go back and read it. Gabby's parents obviously thought that she was still alive. It's so sad.

What I haven't been able to pin down is at what time on the 13th did NS speak with the press from their lawyer's office, and did BL maybe see it before he left. I've always wondered if that was the trigger.

He could have possibly had a phone with him as well. I'm not sure what reception would be like in the C Reserve, though.
The story was published on the last day Brian was seen alive. It's also interesting to go back and read it. Gabby's parents obviously thought that she was still alive. It's so sad.

He could have possibly had a phone with him as well. I'm not sure what reception would be like in the C Reserve, though.

I believe that his decisions to run or harm himself began on September 11th when LE took the van. It was less than 2 days later he was gone. So most of Sunday was the time he was trying to reason with himself on what he needed to do. jmo

But I believe the beginning of the end for him was during his drive back to Florida. I can't even begin to imagine how messed up his mind was once the initial shock of what he had done set in. It must have been mentally exhausting for him. He could barely deal with vanlife in what might have seemed more on Gabby's terms than his own. jmo

I don't think Gabby was coping well with her idea of vanlife and the reality of what it really meant in her mind. Just sad that it cost her, her life. JMO
I'm not understanding. What is a "hard stop date" and what was that date? How do we know this?

What does "one which is fewer than 6 months from the start-date mean"? I think I am getting it - they left in late July or first of August (do we know?) and then what does "hard stop" after 6 months mean? Were they to be in Oregon at the Organic farm - or back home?

Why do you think they were on an "extended lark?" I don't see this in the planning that Gabby did. Wasn't she trying to launch herself as a Van Life brand? I'm guessing this is just your opinion - which is fine. But I would like some facts to back it up.

They can't be in a gap year because they were 4-6 years out of high school and that truly stretches the term "gap year." Gabby had worked hard to launch this trip - hours and hours of work (no gap) in between HS and this trip. She had apparently considered community college, but decided on this other course.

Anyway, my main question is - where were Gabby and BL supposed to go next? Portland is what we have been told by Rose. Did her parents know this? If they were planning to join the Cacophony Organic Farm or any other farm, wouldn't that have placed them on the West Coast for another 6 months? Working on an organic not a regular job? It sort of is, actually.

How is this rejection of "societal norms"? I believe strongly that such a trajectory is quite normative here on the West Coast - are you saying they're rejecting their local or parental norms?

I assure you, though, that ending up in Portland and then trying to work on an organic farm (no matter who organized it) is definitely a job and I do not know what a "regular job" is in the farming context. Help me understand, please.

It's been said they intended to end the trip 10/31. Point is, this wasn't a lifestyle so much as an adventure.

Any comment on their plans or orientation is more or less an "opinion.". As to proof/evidence/facts, 1) we're not in court, and 2) their intentions, orientation, or plans have nothing to do with guilt or innocence of anyone for anything, and 3) the tiny nuances of someone's state of mind like this are never "beyond a reasonable doubt" even in court - it doesn't need to be nor, really, can it be. They're assessments from the outside. I see mythologizing and romantic imaginings all over, and those are no more based in fact than my comments.

I know (obviously) what a gap year is. Used the term on purpose to be gentle about the fact that they were both doing this in between fuzzy pasts and an unclear future. Sort of a "figure it out" stage, most likely - which is akin to the function of a gap year for many (for others it's just a break).

I said they were not particularly rejecting societal norms or embracing counterculture; rather, this was just a cool project and thing to do that aligned their interests and a hope for financial gain at the same time - or at least potentially a way to earn in an untraditional way while traveling. Before settling into regular jobs, or between them.
Checking back in to see if any new info released...
Has DNA from a third-party been ruled out on Gabby's remains? Blood spatter? Or in the van? Did they release any DNA results at all or is it still too early?

I'm sure the FBI has these results by now, but nothing has been released unfortunately. Perhaps they are waiting on BL's Forensic Anthropologist DNA test results which are due at the end of November. IMO, once they have all that, the results need to be made public to put an end to any questions/conspiracy theories going around, if at all possible.

So there was no farm? No organic commune? Just a loose group of "free spirits" (whatever that means)?

I wonder what their destination was after they visited people in Oregon (or was it Washington). I doubt they were going to stay there all winter, as opposed to going back home or to Florida. They would have had to get an apartment or something because it rains all the time in Oregon in the winter. You can't live in a tiny van in the winter in the Pacific Northwest, IMO. I wonder if the plan was to drive back to New York for the winter.

I doubt we will ever know until someone in the family(s) decide to write a book or something.

JMO and speculation
It's been said they intended to end the trip 10/31. Point is, this wasn't a lifestyle so much as an adventure.

Any comment on their plans or orientation is more or less an "opinion.". As to proof/evidence/facts, 1) we're not in court, and 2) their intentions, orientation, or plans have nothing to do with guilt or innocence of anyone for anything, and 3) the tiny nuances of someone's state of mind like this are never "beyond a reasonable doubt" even in court - it doesn't need to be nor, really, can it be. They're assessments from the outside. I see mythologizing and romantic imaginings all over, and those are no more based in fact than my comments.

I know (obviously) what a gap year is. Used the term on purpose to be gentle about the fact that they were both doing this in between fuzzy pasts and an unclear future. Sort of a "figure it out" stage, most likely - which is akin to the function of a gap year for many (for others it's just a break).

I said they were not particularly rejecting societal norms or embracing counterculture; rather, this was just a cool project and thing to do that aligned their interests and a hope for financial gain at the same time - or at least potentially a way to earn in an untraditional way while traveling. Before settling into regular jobs, or between them.

I agree this time period of last summer was a 'figure it out stage' for them. I really wonder how much the financial gain - monetizing their trip - figured into their adventure out west. It could have been another trial run for an idea, this time with the van. She didn't even start the website or the videos until halfway or more through the trip. Normally I would think if this was going to be a business move or for financial gain they would have started the website (and the intro video Gabby made much later) BEFORE the trip and then added to that as they went. She was really late in starting to monetize their trip if that's what the plan was. It might have been completely incidental to their trip. or something they thought of later. I doubt at this point that monetizing the trip was the initial plan. IMO

To be honest those Halloween posts of Gabby's looked to me like she had evolved into aspirations of being an Instagram model/influencer. Like modeling clothes and things, more so than a van lifestyle.

So there was no farm? No organic commune? Just a loose group of "free spirits" (whatever that means)?

I wonder what their destination was after they visited people in Oregon (or was it Washington). I doubt they were going to stay there all winter, as opposed to going back home or to Florida. They would have had to get an apartment or something because it rains all the time in Oregon in the winter. You can't live in a tiny van in the winter in the Pacific Northwest, IMO. I wonder if the plan was to drive back to New York for the winter.

I doubt we will ever know until someone in the family(s) decide to write a book or something.

JMO and speculation

Sure there was, jmo. BL talked about WWOOFing during the Moab stop. (I hope at this point I don’t need a link for the Moab stop footage, lol) WWOOFing is a real thing.

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms | WWOOF

But it is a thing that has nothing to do with the cacophony society.

As far as I know, the cacophony society came into the conversation here

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if BL mentioned it or posted about it, as there is a connection between chuck palahniuk and cacophony society.

Cacophony Society - Wikipedia

I just want it to be clear, that these are two completely different and unrelated things.

ETA- to be fair, there is one relationship. Both activities/groups can be engaged in, in the Portland area.
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Josh Benson

"...sometimes the casings or projectiles don’t meet the requirements to be entered into the system. As far as what happened with this case, it was transported to FDLE for testing but the outcome of that remains part of the ongoing investigation." (I'll check back next week) (2/2)
Josh Benson

GUN UPDATE. Latest on the gun found by a fisherman near Fort De Soto. According to the Sheriff's office: "Firearms are taken to FDLE where they can be test fired and then entered into the NIBIN database and tested against other cases. Sometimes guns don’t work... " (1/2)
I wanted to post this. It's from the Psychology Today article on murder/suicides that I linked earlier. At the end of the article, it breaks it down into ages and what the most likely motivation was for each group. Who the heck knows if it's relevant, but it's a short piece and it's interesting.

The Tragedy of Murder-Suicides


A Recipe for Murder-Suicide: Threat of Loss and Pre-Existing Conditions

The circumstances around that threat are often different depending upon the age and circumstances of the perpetrator:

  • Age 20-35: Murder-suicide perpetrators in this age range typically target current or former intimate partners. In the relationship, the perpetrator tends to be controlling and possessive if not psychologically and/or physically abusive. On the one hand, he treats her with disrespect and domination; on the other, his entire sense of self is dependent upon the relationship. Against this backdrop of ambivalence and emotional dependence may be a history of alcohol and drug use, sexual jealousy, and previous homicidal or suicidal threats. The partner separates or breaks up with the perpetrator, which triggers frantic attempts to reconcile. If these fail and the perpetrator has access to firearms, this can result in a perfect—and deadly—storm.
Sure there was, jmo. BL talked about WWOOFing during the Moab stop. (I hope at this point I don’t need a link for the Moab stop footage, lol) WWOOFing is a real thing.

World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms | WWOOF

But it is a thing that has nothing to do with the cacophony society.

As far as I know, the cacophony society came into the conversation here

Found Deceased - WY - Gabrielle ‘Gabby’ Petito, 22, Grand Teton National Park, 25 Aug 2021 #65

And I wouldn’t be at all surprised if BL mentioned it or posted about it, as there is a connection between chuck palahniuk and cacophony society.

Cacophony Society - Wikipedia

I just want it to be clear, that these are two completely different and unrelated things.

ETA- to be fair, there is one relationship. Both activities/groups can be engaged in, in the Portland area.

Thank you. The WWOOF program sounds great. According to the site they DO winter farming things in Oregon, so maybe BL and Gabby had intended to do that over the winter.
The van's Florida registration said she lived there. The story that they'd moved to NY seems to be a rather recent story from the NPPD. It's odd neither NS nor JS who actually live in NY ever mentioned that move. And it's odd JP said he moved to FL (I think as recently as this past summer) to be close to GP.
In the missing person report for GP, her current address is listed as Blue Point, NY and previous address is North Port. They didn't say this in interviews, to my knowledge, but it is what NS reported to LE. The report was posted on one of the many threads but not sure which one.
In the missing person report for GP, her current address is listed as Blue Point, NY and previous address is North Port. They didn't say this in interviews, to my knowledge, but it is what NS reported to LE. The report was posted on one of the many threads but not sure which one.


But I believe the whole "they moved to NY" thing is made up. And there's evidence to suggest that's the case.

NS initially tried to file a missing person report in FL. NPPD supposedly told her that according to FL law, reports should be filed where the person went missing and that obviously was not anywhere in FL. But NS didn't know exactly where GP went missing from. She knew she was in WY on Aug 25 but there was reason (apparently) to think they were on the move after that. Eventually someone in NY agreed to take the report & it appears suddenly GP had a NY address (mom's house) so the report could be filed.

IF GP & BL really "moved back to NY" you think that would have been mentioned by the family early on. You'd think G&B wouldn't have left stuff in a storage locker/unit in FL if they didn't intend to live there again. Why not take the stuff with them when they went to NY and rent storage there or store it at NS's house? If they were going to actually live with NS, you'd think she would have had room to store their junk. Why not cram it in the van and go?

If they'd really moved to NY you'd think NS would have tried to file the missing person report in NY to begin with. If they no longer lived in Florida AND they left for their trip from NY (which they did after GP's brother's graduation) AND they had moved to NY, why call Florida? That makes no sense. So all 3 of those things can't be true and NS must not have thought they were all true. The only one of the three anyone said was true early on is that they left for the trip from NY in early July after attending the graduation festivities in June. No one ever said they had moved back to NY early on. Never mentioned that in any press conference or in the lengthy Dr. Phil stuff.

State laws differ. The law in NC where I live allows missing person reports to be filed for residents (including temporary residents to cover college students and the military) and for people thought to have gone missing in NC. Unless they went missing from here, reports can't be filed for people who used to live here but moved away. And really, why would we use our state's scarce resources looking for someone who isn't thought to be here now and, at any rate, doesn't live here? Florida law was stricter-- the person needed to be last seen in Florida-- residency didn't matter apparently. But IMO NPPD is now trying to say "but they didn't live here either" to make themselves look better.

When we talked about this before on WS I said G&B hadn't done anything to establish NY residency and they hadn't. No NY drivers licenses, no NY van plates, no NY address (only mom's house, maybe), no NY voter registration, nothing. They were in NY for weeks before they went on their trip so they had time to do at least some of that stuff. They did none of it. WSers acted like all that was very minor paperwork. Maybe. But it's how residency is established. And there are laws about things like car registrations and car insurance. I know G&B were young and weren't necessarily concerned about following the law. But they were traveling. Wouldn't they want to be sure they were covered by insurance in case of an accident? Or if they weren't concerned, wouldn't the grown-ups in the family have been concerned? A van registered in FL when they lived in NY could potentially give an insurance company an out.

And if they were NY residents, NY has state income tax, FL doesn't in case they got jobs. The cost of living is higher on Long Island compared to North Port for other reasons too like heating. There's just no real time evidence to suggest G&B had moved and plenty (like the FL van registration/plates) that said they hadn't.

I suppose one could hypothesize that no one mentioned the move because if that was known people might not have been so negative towards the Laundries. If B&G no longer lived there and hadn't since early June it does take some of the force away from "this is Gabby's house too" rants. But do we really think LE kept quiet about the move to encourage the protestors? I hope not but I guess that can't be ruled out.

Last, do we really think Rose wouldn't have mentioned a move to NY? She claimed several times BL did the van-life stuff just to get GP away from her because he was jealous. But if GP had really moved to NY with him-- 1200+ miles away-- she'd never mention that? Seems unlikely. I guess though if they had decided to go live with GP's family for awhile it would have been hard to blame BL for that decision. So Rose might have kept quite for that reason, I guess.
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