You don't change your phone number and plan

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Zanny The Nanny: N. Daughter of Rumpelstiltskin. Invisible apartment, rarely seen in person. Carries a tool belt with multiple magical phones that can send calls and messages that vanish soon after they are received. Can be seen often with her evil twin Sammy the Tranny with children they captured in deals gone bad. Seems to have inherited her father's business. Rumored to be able to manipulate computers in the same fashion as the phones. Avoid at all cost! Trades free babysitting in exchange for your first born.
I didnt, but my kids complain their cousin changes hers 3 times a year when she gets the latest style phones. lol.
Side note* KC lies anyway so that (on her phones) we will never know.
So - have you changed plans and kept your number?

I just changed my plan a few days ago. I rarely use my cell phone, so I didn't see any point in payng $36/month for it. I switched from Sprint to a cheap Virgin Mobile pre-paid plan and kept my Sprint number. It takes a little longer than getting a new number, but the hassle of changing your number everywhere ELSE takes even longer and you can't rely on other people to make a note of it.

Even though I was told it could take 5-8 business days for the switchover to occur, the switchover happened within 24 hours. Even if it hadn't happened as quickly, I would have been able to make/receive calls on one phone or the other until the switchover was complete (I think I would have been able to call out on my new one and receive on the old one).

A lot of people aren't aware that they ALREADY pay for the ability to have portable numbers, so when it happens, there should not be any charge for it.

ETA: But since Zanny is imaginary, the point is probably moot.
zanny the nanny: N. Daughter of rumpelstiltskin. Invisible apartment, rarely seen in person. Carries a tool belt with multiple magical phones that can send calls and messages that vanish soon after they are received. Can be seen often with her evil twin sammy the tranny with children they captured in deals gone bad. Seems to have inherited her father's business. Rumored to be able to manipulate computers in the same fashion as the phones. Avoid at all cost! Trades free babysitting in exchange for your first born.

I think I heard LP say once that puerto ricans wouldn't even pronounce the name as Zanny, it would be Sanny. And he also said he's never met one Zenadia that goes by the nickname Zanny.

Yea - but you forget that this Zanny had ties to NY, and North Carolina, and Texas too. So maybe she said "Howdy ya'll - my name is Zanny!"

all LAW ENFORCEMENT had to do is go back thru all of the phone records of casey's phones which are easily aquired if youare LE and see if there was EVER a phone call or a text message to a babysitter

SURPRISE SURPRISE - to quote the killer

there will be no record of a babysitters phone calls

STICK A FORK in her she is DONE

or we will see a totally different defense at trial time

thats my guess... a totally different story at trial time

get your HIP WADERS on :)

My thoughts exactly.

It's amazing. KC thinks she can just lie and no one will follow through like usual. WRONG! Thank goodness there are records from the phone company and they can be subpoenaed. I'm still chomping at the bit to see the text messages they recover. The most ridiculous part is on her first interview with LE - she said the phone number for the lost phone is the same number as her Nokia. Number one, I really don't think you can have 2 SIMM cards for the same number, and, again, those incoming/outgoing calls would be on the records associated with the number.

I don't think hip waders will be high enough for all her tales. I'm thinking stilts and a body suit!
In her initial police interview nearly all of the friends she mentions have recently moved, recently changed jobs, recently changed phone numbers, etc. She doesn't have a phone number for a single credible witness. Why? Because she made it all up! The more you listen to it, the more obvious it is to hear the deceit and the last-minute lies she comes up with to cover for favorite one? When they ask her what Zanny's mother's name is...the pause is fantastic.
My thoughts exactly.

It's amazing. KC thinks she can just lie and no one will follow through like usual...

and of course that's because her parents have basically bought every story she's ever told them..."Thanks okay honey, you look way pregnant but I know you are a virgin, so I know that it's probably just one too many peanut butter cups." "Really? Caylee was abducted by little green men and they threatened to vaporize you with a ray gun unless you entered the hot body contest at Fusian? Oh sweetheart, we totally understand, you are an EXCELLENT mother..."
In her initial police interview nearly all of the friends she mentions have recently moved, recently changed jobs, recently changed phone numbers, etc. She doesn't have a phone number for a single credible witness. Why? Because she made it all up! The more you listen to it, the more obvious it is to hear the deceit and the last-minute lies she comes up with to cover for favorite one? When they ask her what Zanny's mother's name is...the pause is fantastic.

Yea - even though she just finished saying she called her! Called who Casey?...."oh, uh, uh GLORIA! Yea - that's the ticket". LOL
I've moved a couple of times. Never changed my number when I did, and have had the same number for at least 8 years.
I didn't move at all, I only changed carriers and I still changed both! lol
What I can't believe is that the A's didn't know Zanny, never saw her, never talked to her, didn't have a phone number, no address nothing

Now with all thats said about the A's and how much they loved Caylee, I believe that but for TWO YEARS the line about Zanny and Cindy or George had nothing?

THAT is unbelieveable

Trac with the amount of time Zani must have put into moving (I'm assuming that would mean she had to look for a place each time) several times in 18 mos and changing phone plans (again assuming she did a little research each time she changed plans) she didn't have time to meet the A's! Heck, I'm surprised she had time to watch any children. Of course Jeff's son and Juliet's daughter are exceptionally easy children to care for.

After reading a few of the posts here, it dawned on me that it would have made me very uncomfortable following my kids babysitter around like KC told LE she did. Sometimes dropping Caylee off at Zani's mom's house, picking her up at the grocery store, mall, park. What was that about?
I had the same number for my land line for 20 years, including thru 4 moves. It was changed for the first time in all those years when I moved to another state 4 years ago.

When my husband purchased a family plan for our cell phones way back when, our oldest daughter kept the plan/number from my original phone plan and still has that number to this day. I have no idea how many different plans she's had, but at least 10 different phones! :crazy:
To the part I bolded...

That it is very unlikely that Casey managed to have EVERY phone number she would ever need to call on the phone she carried with her...EXCEPT for her babysitters.

I don't think so.

Even more farfetched, it would seem that KC had EVERY number EXCEPT for the babysitter AND the 2 witnesses. No number in her SIM card for Zanny; Jeffery Michael Hopkins, or Juliette Lewis! How convienant!
Trac with the amount of time Zani must have put into moving (I'm assuming that would mean she had to look for a place each time) several times in 18 mos and changing phone plans (again assuming she did a little research each time she changed plans) she didn't have time to meet the A's! Heck, I'm surprised she had time to watch any children. Of course Jeff's son and Juliet's daughter are exceptionally easy children to care for.

After reading a few of the posts here, it dawned on me that it would have made me very uncomfortable following my kids babysitter around like KC told LE she did. Sometimes dropping Caylee off at Zani's mom's house, picking her up at the grocery store, mall, park. What was that about?

Listened to the NG tapes again tonight. KC tries to explain to LE that she often dropped off or picked Caylee up at some "other" location to make things easier and more convienant for Zanny. What a great gal. Paid her "Nanny" something like $400.00 bucks per week (!) and still felt some sort Mommy guilt that allowed her to chase the babysitter all around town in order to make things "easier" for the babysitter.
And what about the CONTRACTS that usually go with each phone company??? Three in a matter of how much time..........1 1/2 almost 2 years the "nanny" babysat?

I know that you must sign up for at least a year (mine is 2) in order to receive a nice phone for 1/4 the price of a nice new cell?
You can't just drop the plans without either paying the regular monthly bill OR a large fee for breaking the contract.
And what about the CONTRACTS that usually go with each phone company??? Three in a matter of how much time..........1 1/2 almost 2 years the "nanny" babysat?

I know that you must sign up for at least a year (mine is 2) in order to receive a nice phone for 1/4 the price of a nice new cell?
You can't just drop the plans without either paying the regular monthly bill OR a large fee for breaking the contract.

Good point! I've worked with only one company. A 12 year vet. Every 2 years, or so, I upgrade to a better phone for the cost of a cheeseburger, yet the fine print contains this 2 year contract. Kinda of a joke or non-sequitor with a loyal customer like me but still...
My thoughts exactly.

It's amazing. KC thinks she can just lie and no one will follow through like usual. WRONG! Thank goodness there are records from the phone company and they can be subpoenaed. I'm still chomping at the bit to see the text messages they recover. The most ridiculous part is on her first interview with LE - she said the phone number for the lost phone is the same number as her Nokia. Number one, I really don't think you can have 2 SIMM cards for the same number, and, again, those incoming/outgoing calls would be on the records associated with the number.

I don't think hip waders will be high enough for all her tales. I'm thinking stilts and a body suit!
You can't. You only have 1 SIM card/phone. The only time I've changed SIM cards was when AT&T increased their cell towers and then my phone broke when I dropped it.

I changed my number when I moved from Orlando to Raleigh in 2002. Since then I've had the same number. The only reason I would ever change my number again would be if I move out of the Raleigh area. If I had a kid of sitter age, my sitter's number would be in my phone, my mom's phone, my dad's phone, my best friend's phone, in my bedroom, my car, my office, etc. etc.

Honestly, that's one of the main things that throws a big BS flag in my mind. Phone records are too easy to get, and SIM cards are just too big a PITA to keep pulling out daily. Not to mention that when you pull the battery, you lose some programming and you have to program it over again.
The only time I've changed cell numbers was when we changed area codes/ carriers.
Altogether, I've only changed cell numbers maybe 2x in the last 15 years, and SIM cards 2x.
Even more farfetched, it would seem that KC had EVERY number EXCEPT for the babysitter AND the 2 witnesses. No number in her SIM card for Zanny; Jeffery Michael Hopkins, or Juliette Lewis! How convienant!

Apparently , Juliette was there-only she was the neighbor, Universal was there-only it was actually ATT, and I believe Cindy was actually Lexus! Who knows who else was there under a different name-I'm sure we'll find out at trial-can't wait!:bang:
Yea - but you forget that this Zanny had ties to NY, and North Carolina, and Texas too. So maybe she said "Howdy ya'll - my name is Zanny!"

Well, with her NY ties, it probably came out something like, "Howdy y'all, my name is Zanny. Ya' know what I'm sayin'?"

Sounding a bit like Tony Danza, of course. Oh ay. Ay oh. :wink:

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