Young Girl Facing Charges After Wetting Pants

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Well, we do have a boy in our school who has Asperger's Syndrome who does something similar, now that I think about it. He likes to leave the classroom for a specific reason, which I won't go into right now. In order to get out of the room, he purposefully soils himself (soils, not wets). The teacher will then send him to the nurse's office to change.

Although he has Asperger's, he's mainstreamed. I don't think he would be called "special ed" by anybody around here, since he doesn't attend special ed classes. However, I'm not his teacher or his counselor or the nurse (the people who come into contact with him on a daily basis), so I don't know if he's called "special ed" regularly or not. He does poop on purpose, though, so I guess it's possible for this to happen. Seems outrageous to me.

Also, he's never been disciplined for it. I know the adults in his life try to deal with it and help him, but nobody has ever taken disciplinary action.
Whether she peed on purpose or not (and I tend to think she didn't) it's ridiculous to press charges over the issue. Why are the schools turning to the police to handle disciplinary issues? I think that should be reserved for when there's actually something above and beyond involved (ie guns, knives, hostage situations, etc.)
hipmamajen said:
Whether she peed on purpose or not (and I tend to think she didn't) it's ridiculous to press charges over the issue. Why are the schools turning to the police to handle disciplinary issues? I think that should be reserved for when there's actually something above and beyond involved (ie guns, knives, hostage situations, etc.)
I agree. I think because of this "need" for police, schools are becoming a much scarier place than when I was in high school in the 80s. Some schools are becoming more like prisons than schools. I know where I teach it is like that. There are several city police officers on site as security officers. It is not unusual to see kids in handcuffs in the office.

We're a very litigious (sp?) society. Maybe administrators are so worried about being sued that they let police handle disciplinary action that in the past would have been handled in the principal's or guidance counselor's office.
Emmie said:
Wow, Sally...I was thinking the same thing...

Special Education doesn't mean that the girl was mentally disabled...where I am, a lot of the Special Ed kids have behavior issues. They can't be put with the mainstream children for fear that they will have outbursts or even just for attendance issues. I would like to hear her background also...

Not around here. Here the special ed kids are ones with developmental or educational special needs. Bad kids are called "Behavioral Disordered" and are under an entirely different set of rules and expectations.
kgeaux said:
Not around here. Here the special ed kids are ones with developmental or educational special needs. Bad kids are called "Behavioral Disordered" and are under an entirely different set of rules and expectations.
Thats the way it is in our district too.
Mr. E said:
I agree. I think because of this "need" for police, schools are becoming a much scarier place than when I was in high school in the 80s. Some schools are becoming more like prisons than schools. I know where I teach it is like that. There are several city police officers on site as security officers. It is not unusual to see kids in handcuffs in the office.

We're a very litigious (sp?) society. Maybe administrators are so worried about being sued that they let police handle disciplinary action that in the past would have been handled in the principal's or guidance counselor's office.

I contacted the ACLU about what the school did to my family and according the them, schools have immunity from being sued, but I do know that if a parent can prove that a child needed help and didn't get it, the school can supposedly be made to pay private school tuition. There's no telling how hard that is to get done though. I think schools are just trying to get rid of troubled and disabled children because they do not want to deal with them and these kids also have to pass the same TAKS tests as all the other kids which affects the schools and teachers raises, bonuses, and praise from the community.
I was not one of the teacher's "favorites" when I was in school.
I don't intend this to "blame" them as, I did my acting out.
However, I can remember some teachers who would have an attitude toward me BEFORE anything oovertly transpired.
There were many more teachers who had a preconcieved attitude toward me than any who might take a minute or two to so much as talk with me.
This was in the 40's & 50's.

It's clear that today, the schools have way less patience and INTEREST in kids than when I went to school.
I can't imagine what it would be like for me today.
It took me a while to "get it" but, I eventually did.
That's why I understand that some of the teachers shied away from any attempt to help/understand me.

Back then, the world wasn't so sue happy and things were much diffeent.
It seems that, in today's world, every little thing is blown way out of proportion and, nobody is watching the watchers.

I don't feel that I was abused in any way back then however, I certainly DO believe that teachers and schools ARE abusing students today.

It seems that they need to be forced in some way to actually care about kids.
I am truly glad that I am older and don't have to suffer being a kid today.
O/T: i haven't seen your posts before, but i see you just joined and i want to welcome you to Websleuths. :)

On topic: i agree with you about some of the schools and teachers and abuse. some, i said, in case people think i'm tarring all schools and teachers with the same brush.
Even offer topic.:D ,

I Thought I had joined here some time ago however, I guess not.
It's not bad being older, less baggage.
Thanks for the welcome.
Now, if you'd be so kimd as to send some warm weather up here.
Even offer topic.:D ,

I Thought I had joined here some time ago however, I guess not.
It's not bad being older, less baggage.
Thanks for the welcome.
Now, if you'd be so kimd as to send some warm weather up here.

o/t too: I'll just check the weather - nope. cold, windy and pouring with rain here in Hamburg. and dark already at 4:49 p.m. you want some of it wherever you are? ;)
Floh said:
o/t too: I'll just check the weather - nope. cold, windy and pouring with rain here in Hamburg. and dark already at 4:49 p.m. you want some of it wherever you are? ;)
I'm in WI. There's a small town just a few miles from here named Hamburg.
BTW~I've been Cherrman all my life.:woohoo:
We'd better get out of here before we get in trouble.
Another idiotic move by another set of school offficials. I swear, there are days when I truly believe we are living in the time when the public school system will implode.

Surely this cannot be the only special needs child in the district? Surely she can't be the only special needs child who wets her pants at school?

Perhaps, if this school district is at their wits end with her and how to deal with her, they need to admit they are failures at educating her. And since it is the child's right under USA laws to be educated, perhaps this school district needs to pony up some money to have her privately educated.
I am in complete agreeance with this.

My brother works in a group home for autistic adults and they have a couple who can and will urinate or soil themselves on purpose. The big thing is that they all have their little tells that clue in the staff when something like that may happen so they can correct the behavior beforehand. This girl, if she really does have the control to purposefully urinate, would certainly have some sort of signal that a decent special ed teacher would notice.

I just tried to pee my pants on purpose but nothing happened.

I am sorry for her family that this has happened and sorry that the school district has embarrassed themselves so horribly in this situation. Hopefully all will learn a little from it and explore the reasons why it is happening and what they can do to correct and prevent the behavior. I also hope they brush up a little bit on their compassion.
Gmommy said:
I just tried to pee my pants on purpose but nothing happened.
Just let a big sneeze rip. After 4 kids, this does it for me! ;)
hipmamajen said:
Just let a big sneeze rip. After 4 kids, this does it for me! ;)

You guys cracked me up...LOL

I have never had kids and believe me a sneeze will do it for me too. As a young girl I never had any "holding" power and still don't. I have had two bladder surgeries where my bladder was "put in a sling" of sorts and --- nope! When I gotta go - I gotta go.

I remember when I was about 10 years old and during recess we were all outside playing, when the bell rang I couldn't go inside because I had to go to the bathroom so bad I couldn't walk - try as hard as I could to hold it. I squatted down along the wall of the building trying to will it to stop and I couldn't stop it. I wet myself. I was so embarrassed I couldn't tell anyone so I sat in my wet undies the rest of the day. Thankfully back then most of the girls wore dresses. I know I must have smelled. I have thought of this memory more times than I care to recall. It was humiliating and as far as I know - no one knew about it.

I feel for this young lady and as far as I am concerned the school needs to be given a lesson on the fact that not all of us are created equal.

I am glad that the case was dropped - as well it should have been. In fact IMO it should never have gotten that far to begin with. Talk about even further humiliation.

stepping down off of my soapbox - :eek:
I used to teach behavior disordered kids. Believe me, they will do ANYTHING to get what they want. Including smearing feces on bathroom walls or saving pee in their hand to throw it at others.

When a kid WANTS to act out, they will. With any way they can. I had one who could make himself throwup at will. AFter he was made to clean it up everytime with a bucket and rag, he didn't do it much anymore, but still heaved at times when he got mad at some one and tried to hurl right on them.
Gmommy said:
I am in complete agreeance with this.

My brother works in a group home for autistic adults and they have a couple who can and will urinate or soil themselves on purpose. The big thing is that they all have their little tells that clue in the staff when something like that may happen so they can correct the behavior beforehand. This girl, if she really does have the control to purposefully urinate, would certainly have some sort of signal that a decent special ed teacher would notice.

I just tried to pee my pants on purpose but nothing happened.

I am sorry for her family that this has happened and sorry that the school district has embarrassed themselves so horribly in this situation. Hopefully all will learn a little from it and explore the reasons why it is happening and what they can do to correct and prevent the behavior. I also hope they brush up a little bit on their compassion.
Well, I agree that on the whole the story seems way out there. I don't understand why the police were called at all. However: I think that this is a situation where you'd just have to be there with this child to know. I think it is completely possible that a child with developmental and behavioral issues (a lot of times come hand in hand) could urinate on purpose to get out of chores, retaliate or avoid confrontation with authority, etc. Most likely I think that it would have happed if she had urinated on accident during a previous incident and then got out of the task / confrontation due to time contraints - for example, an unpleasent task was completed for her while she was being cleaned up, etc. Then - ding ding ding - a light goes off and the child learns.

I'm telling you guys, a lot of people who have special needs don't get the credit they deserve. Many can learn quickly. They can be exceptionally bright and receptive to certain things.

So, I don't know about with this case. It's completely possible that she was just scared and urinated.

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