Your very first impression of this case

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My first impression? Guilty!

What was with the smile/smirk at her jail walk?!
Cadaver dogs hit on an area behind the pool, the sandbox & playhouse
As well as the trunk of the car
She may have enlisted someone to help her dispose of the body
The persons George says are being surveilled near Sanford/Deltona?

Lee says she has had a very tough year
I think her troubles began with these ABC parties in "Lake Vaj"

Her mother, Cindy possesses the same denial traits as Casey.
Rude, indignant, controlling............
I saw her on the news after being arrested and thought "Baby Grace! This child is dead." casey had almost the same demeanor as the "egg donor" who helped kill her daughter in Texas. Newscasters got that woman on camera before she was arrested, in front of her house and her attitude was so similar. I really hope I am wrong. Oh, to see that baby alive and smiling would be indescribable! I did and still do, however, feel the case will be solved.
My first impression was that same 'gut feeling' I had when I watched
Susan Smith, OJ, and Scott killed her. At first I thought
it might have been an accident, but as time passes, I believe it was
intentional. I believe grief and guilt would overcome an accident.
First impression -- accidental death in the home or yard. Casey panicked, then hid the body.

After hearing about Casey's lifestyle and lies after she disappeared, my opinion changed to premeditated murder. I don't think it was planned weeks or even days ahead of time but enough time for it to be considered premeditated. I remember hearing one of the legal analysts say that premeditated murder could mean mere minutes (or less) before the actual crime.
First impression: Casey responsible for the death of her child. Also first impression, that it happened by accident during the course of illegal activity on part of mother. That the accidental death revolves around mother's illegal activity with meth. That the child passed in her car seat and Casey realized after a panic to get help, that it was too late to get help. That there is a second person who is fully aware of what transpired and encouraged her to do a burial rather than expose everything else that was going on. That Casey's family members are not the ones who encouraged this. Next impressions: That Casey did love her child but has emotional and drug problems. That Casey kept the child in the trunk while trying to figure out what to do. That the shovel was used to bury the child, and that the gas cans were used to burn car seat cover and items of clothing of Caylee's, and possibly burned the body. That a blanket is missing from a home Casey associates with and the child was wrapped in this at burial. Blanket is possibly blue. That a very large rock was moved to mark the spot of the child's burial. Area resembles a park. That Casey had to have a reason for the shovel and used it after the burial, to work in her parent's yard, thinking this would throw off parents and neighbors should it come into question. That Casey's mother suspected but couldn't bring herself to accept. That Casey's father is heartbroken and knew instinctively but didn't want to accept. That Casey was too afraid to tell the truth and evenmoreso now. That she does lie about things but that she would like an ending to this and will lead them to the truth and place very soon, once she realizes it's not too late to speak and say it, that for the sake of Caylee and the love she had for this child that she must do this and drop the acting, which I believe the partying also was her alibai and once again she was encouraged to party by a second person who has knowledge in this and it is not her family. Those are my impressions. I hope I'm wrong. I really do.
CAsey sold Caylee or allowed her to be taken as payment for some sort of debt. First impression still stands.
I first heard about this case on Fox News, and saw Casey's strut into the courtroom and heard the judge's admonition to her and Casey's weak response. No emotion whatsoever! My first impression was I knew she had something to do with her daughter's disappearance. When the initial details were reported, that she led police on a wild goose chase and had lied to them, I felt it was likely the Casey had harmed Caylee or had sold her.

The first time Cindy and George were interviewed, my impression was that even Cindy was not acting as one would expect a grandmother to act with her granddaughter missing. She didn't shed any tears. That first weekend was wild, as Cindy was so rude to those in the media who interviewed her. I felt sorry for George at that time, as he never said much, just nodded his head. Of course, over time, and with George becoming more vocal, I could see that he too was not acting normal.
I was cooking dinner when I first heard and looked up at the TV as Casey was walking into the courtroom. My first thought, by her appearance alone, was --OMG! This girl is in a completely dissociative state!---Her entire demeanor suggests that whatever happened to Caylee was soo traumatic that she was simply pushed into another reality, one that she can better cope with. Her history as a liar only proves that she is predisposed to just such a condition. I'm newly registered here, but I've been lurking a while--I know Casey gets very little sympathy on the boards. I feel very sorry for her.....not as sorry as I am for Caylee, but I do reserve a little for her mom.
Not my first impression - cause I thought for sure Casey is not acting right, and neither are her family... and thought for sure that she has killed the child.

I'm beginning to wonder.....could this be a simple paternity case? Could Caylee's biological father have her? Did he threaten harm to Caylee if Casey went to the police? Even then, why not tell someone that the person has abducted the child? You aren't guarenteed automatic rights to a child if you are uninvolved to this point in her life. And Casey has seemed too cheerful for someone undergoing blackmail.

I'm just confused - I was in the beginning and still am. :rolleyes:
I think at first I thought the whole family was involved... Just by the way Cindy was acting. Once I heard the 911 call that cleared it up and cindy didnt know anything. From this day I truely believe Cindy and George believe Caylee is alive and believe there daughter. Now the way Casey acted on the 911 call made me think a few things. One.. That she knows where Caylee is and feels no threat against her, or two she has no heart and killed her daughter. I go back and forth because of evidence. And today I am going with Caylee is alive.. I know there are other mothers that had no feelings at all when they killed there babies but I would think Casey would of showed some emotion.... Idk..
My first impression was that she killed her accidentally and tried to cover it up or that she knew who did and was covering for them (possibly a BF). I have since ruled the later out since she seems to selfish to cover for anyone but herself.
My first impression of OJ was that there was no way he could have done it and not been seen. My mind changed very gradually, and I wasn't 100% sure he did it until I watched his reaction to the verdict.

My first impression of the Laci Peterson case was "That poor man is missing his wife and unborn baby! I can't imagine how devastated he must be!" It took about a week before I couldn't resolve the conflicts anymore and believe he might be innocent.

My first impression of Caylee's case was that her mother had traded her for drugs. I barely paid attention to the threads b/c I couldn't stand to read another story of a crappy mother not caring about her baby. It took about a day of catching up and listening to the phone call where she said, "All anyone cares about is Caylee" or something along those lines before I changed my mind.

I think that is pretty much proof that I don't jump to the most obvious conclusion and stick to it no matter what.

Either that or I'm stupid. :crazy:
My first impression was that Casey was responsible for the death of her daughter.
It's still my impression...the lies, the smell of death, but her demeanor is the most telling for me.

My two yr old son (years ago) went missing for a short time- thankfully he was found safe within 15 minutes, but I can tell you...when you don't know where your two year old is, you FALL to PIECES. Right away. You call police, you tell everyone you know, you tell people you don't know to help you, you run yelling and begging in the streets if you have to and you do not stop until you have found your child.

There is no evidence at all that Casey did one freakin thing to try and locate Caylee.
my first impression was that casey was responsible for the death of her daughter.
It's still my impression...the lies, the smell of death, but her demeanor is the most telling for me.

My two yr old son (years ago) went missing for a short time- thankfully he was found safe within 15 minutes, but i can tell you...when you don't know where your two year old is, you fall to pieces. Right away. You call police, you tell everyone you know, you tell people you don't know to help you, you run yelling and begging in the streets if you have to and you do not stop until you have found your child.

There is no evidence at all that casey did one freakin thing to try and locate caylee.

Her mother did it.

This was also my first impression.

Susan Smith, Andrea Yates and Melinda D. amongst a few others came to mind. The very best mothers have killed and or brought harm to their children and then fabricated stories in order to try and cover up their crimes. :confused:
My first impression was that because of Casey's defiant attitude that she didn't kill her. I was pretty rude at her age, especially when I knew or thought I was right.
IMO, it's possible that casey was pawning Caylee off with someone for long periods of time. One of the few theories I've had that resulted in a live Caylee is that she didn't know a lot about the person she left caylee with and that the woman is possibly illegal and doesn't speak much english.
Scenario : Casey finds a cheap babysitter willing to watch Caylee whatever hours she wanted and cheap. This is coming from personal experience, most Mexican women I know dote on children and I had a babysitter that would watch my kids whatever hours I needed her for the same amount. She also didn't have a SS# so she didn't have a phone until I got her a go phone. Ok, so Casey knows she can take advantage of this lperson. Maybe she called from different #s because she didn't have a phone. While Casey is on an extended leave, something comes up and the "nanny" has to move or leave. Maybe she got evicted or got in a fight with a roommate or got a call from her mom in Mexico, PR, whatever that her dad had a heart attack and she needs to get there quick. She can't locate Casey so she takes Caylee with her. Casey knows her mom is gonna flip when she hears this and she thinks this person loves Caylee enough that she wouldn't hurt her and she might as well have some fun while Caylee's gone. She lies to the cops because she has no idea she's gonna be arrested and wants to get rid of them so she can really figure out where Caylee is w/ out her parents finding out.
Because of her lies, they refuse to listen to her and she's afraid to say anything because she knows they think she killed Caylee.
But whoever has Caylee should know that LE is looking for her, right?
My husband is Mexican, he didn't know about this, nor has he heard anything on this case. He watches Spanish channels and listens to Spanish radio. His sister visited last wkend w/ her boyfriend and they knew nothing about this case. Maybe that's why Padilla was called. Since he speaks Spanish and looks like a cowboy, he would have an edge in questioning those in a Spanish community.
My first impression was that Caylee had been kidnapped. That was before I found out that there isn't a darn babysitter named ZG!

I always look for the good....and I'm usually wrong! :(

My impression now is WAY different than it was that first day!

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