You're the would you present your case

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Sep 24, 2008
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I think this will be interesting - lets say your the prosecution - how would you start your case and in what order would you call your witnesses? How would you present your evidence

In correlation to a prosecution thread I'll start a defense thread - how would you debunk the prosecution theories

Starting with an opening arguement to evidence to witnesses

Lets see if the prosecution can convict Casey.....

Who wants to be first?
What happened to the defense thread???

Never mind. I see that it was merged.
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: Please forget everything you may have heard or opinions you may have formed early on regarding this case. The state is going to show you the truth, through evidence and testimony, of what happened to a lovely little girl. Please keep an open mind and listen carefully. Also, please take note that it did not take the state 31 DAYS to take action in this case.
I ask to get KC on the stand. Let her run through her performance and then lay the evidence on the table to refute everything she has just said. I call the experts to interperet the evidence. I only call witnesses that have had interaction with KC during the 31 days and I raise objections to any answers that are not "yes" or "no" from CA. I play every second of video and show every picture I can find of KC during the 31 days. I call every LE that chased ZFG. I don't pose a specific theory-I pose motive, opportunity, evidence of death, and evidence of the premeditation of that death. I try to eliminate reasonable doubt with the use of KC's own lies. I feel that with enough rope.....
I believe the legal posturing by the prosecution is perfect.

Every doc released in discovery is released to media by FOIA. This creates more infighting and erodes their "story line" as the "A"'s obviously read these doc dumps, discuss, and amend stories as necessary, go on the air, verbalize these contridictions, to which the LE carefully note.

Thats why they wont lock them up. Way too valuable. And caylee's remains are not even close to being necessary to convict, IMO. Which is why they are slowwwwlllyyy releasing discovery docs..this pace will pick up considerably as trail draws closer, and they will force defense to ask for continuance. The chess match is, LE is asking for early trail date & moved it up to pysch defense out that they have everything they need. Defense is ok with this, less time to find body. As discovery docs are released more quickly as trial nears, they will be forced to ask for continuance. that gives LE more time to search for body. (Although they don't need it IMO) The end game for LE is to force KC to believe there's overwhelming evidence, seek confession, locate body, give her LIPWOP. It's personal at this point.

And as the FBI said, we can care less about you guys and your family...its about they continue to turn them against each other to getthe truth. Their attitude is, we tried the easy way, now we'll do it our way.
When they get CA on that stand, ask her pointed questions to where she cannot go off track or spin it, hammer her with her inconsistencies, turn her against GA (which, if you notice, is already happening...they must be saying to each other "you said what?") and top it off with GA on the stand who the LE is playing perfectly as "good cop" contridicting her statements, it will be obvious to ANY jury that she is guilty.

Add into that the evidence they HAVENT released. IMO I wouldn't be surprised if they have the clothing (Greenwood find) and are testing it & are going to throw it into discovery at the last minute. They're not required to give evidence instantly, they can 'test" it etc.

My money is on them slamdunking this at the last minute, get a plea bargain, find Caylee, and send her to HELL with Gen pop prison as purgetory!!
i like where you're going with this...
I believe the legal posturing by the prosecution is perfect.

Every doc released in discovery is released to media by FOIA. This creates more infighting and erodes their "story line" as the "A"'s obviously read these doc dumps, discuss, and amend stories as necessary, go on the air, verbalize these contridictions, to which the LE carefully note.

Thats why they wont lock them up. Way too valuable. And caylee's remains are not even close to being necessary to convict, IMO. Which is why they are slowwwwlllyyy releasing discovery docs..this pace will pick up considerably as trail draws closer, and they will force defense to ask for continuance. The chess match is, LE is asking for early trail date & moved it up to pysch defense out that they have everything they need. Defense is ok with this, less time to find body. As discovery docs are released more quickly as trial nears, they will be forced to ask for continuance. that gives LE more time to search for body. (Although they don't need it IMO) The end game for LE is to force KC to believe there's overwhelming evidence, seek confession, locate body, give her LIPWOP. It's personal at this point.

And as the FBI said, we can care less about you guys and your family...its about they continue to turn them against each other to getthe truth. Their attitude is, we tried the easy way, now we'll do it our way.
When they get CA on that stand, ask her pointed questions to where she cannot go off track or spin it, hammer her with her inconsistencies, turn her against GA (which, if you notice, is already happening...they must be saying to each other "you said what?") and top it off with GA on the stand who the LE is playing perfectly as "good cop" contridicting her statements, it will be obvious to ANY jury that she is guilty.

Add into that the evidence they HAVENT released. IMO I wouldn't be surprised if they have the clothing (Greenwood find) and are testing it & are going to throw it into discovery at the last minute. They're not required to give evidence instantly, they can 'test" it etc.

My money is on them slamdunking this at the last minute, get a plea bargain, find Caylee, and send her to HELL with Gen pop prison as purgetory!!

I go back and forth. One day I'll think she's going down and the next I'm thinking what if it's not enough evidence? I need them to convict this chick, the case is consuming. *sigh*
I'll add that with all of her lies and the fact that nobody has seen Caylee in months.... nothing they come up with will save her arse. MOO
I think LE and the FBI are doing all they can and an excellent job of it. That being said, I am thinking GA's credibility may be out the window as a witness for the Prosecution. He lied about the car chase, which leads all of us to wonder what else he may be lying about. He bought a gun, which we all thought was retrieved from the trunk or wheel well of his car, only to find out LE retrieved the gun from inside the house. So why the big media display of looking in his trunk? Were they also looking for a tire iron? If so did they also retrieve one? Were they looking for other forensic evidence in the trunk of his car?

I don't know if GA is lying about the car chase to try to create reasonable doubt as to who all had access to the Pontiac or if his lying about the car chase and epass documentation of said car chase is an indication that he too is a liar extraordinaire. Regardless, I am not sure that any of the As will be too helpful to the prosecution but even without their testimony, their statements and interviews with LE will tell the tale and if they perjure themselves in the process so be it. I think they have plenty of evidence to prosecute this case sucessfully, whether any of the A's are credible or hostile witnesses may not matter.
I go back and forth. One day I'll think she's going down and the next I'm thinking what if it's not enough evidence? I need them to convict this chick, the case is consuming. *sigh*
I'll add that with all of her lies and the fact that nobody has seen Caylee in months.... nothing they come up with will save her arse. MOO

I feel they have enough evidence.

We all need for KC to be convicted, there is no way on God's green earth she is innocent. JMO
All her supporters seem to be on the state's witness list.
Will be very interesting to watch :D
I think I'd wear a lovely suit with a pretty blouse underneath, my hair in a Sarah Palin upsweep, librarian glasses on and a really pretty pair of Jimmy Choo's.

Oh uh........what was the question again?
Less is MORE.

1. large posterboard of Caylee in her lil Angel pose (chin on hand)
2. Prosecution:
A. Play tape of CA first 911 call
B. Read KC statement to LE/LA/CA at home on 07/15/08
C. Read KC statement to LE at Universal..specifically WHO/WHEN/WHERE/HOW she last "saw" Caylee and where she dropped her off
D. Contrast to Blanchard Park abduction story
E. Show pics of Fusion/partying/playing housewife to AL/ briefly discuss and present her lack of concern
F. Touch on lies...not every one. Mainly, wrong apt..wrong one has ever seen, talked, witnessed a receipt for pymnt to cell records...
G. Evidence of Pontiac- hammer down " LAST PLACE ANYONE CAN PROVE SHE TRULY WAS" **Much more evidence WILL be released prior to trial..maggots, etc...the hair being inconclusive is moot because CA blew it by opening her trap admitting it WASNT Caylees brush! They have MUCH more than they're saying.
H. Reinforce ONLY KC can prove she ISNT dead. Should we all get on a bus and have her go take us to her?
I. Play tapes of Natalie Holloway's Mother, John Walsh, The Smart's, (How asinine is it for them to compare their cases!!) to show what REAL grieving parents of an abducted child act/do

Dismiss jury wait 5 minutes for verdict to be returned. lol

prosecution has to avoid over zealous prosecution. It is very personal to them. I feel they really are heartbroken over this case. Just present the facts to get her prosecuted. No long list of every lie.


Every witness, evidence, MUST support the opening statement.

I still dont see this going to trial. When evidence is released as discovery, a PB will happen. She is too narrisistic (sp) to spend her life behind bars. I feel they need to threaten/promise the DP. She can't stand the thought of being exterminated. I am surprised there isn't more rhetoric from LE now about it. Great pysch tactic.
First by placing HUGE pictures of Kaylee on easels all around the court room with the captions on each in big letters,

1) " This is about ME and my Rights !"

2) " I didn't have the right to remain silent"
" I had no choice !"

3) " I didn't have the right to prove my innocence"
" I was innocent !"

4) "I was denied the right to grown up and have my own child"

5) "I was denied the right to a funeral, and burial where I can watch & hear people who care, when they visit me, and bring me lots of pretty flowers."

Then I would stand in front of KC and read every caption.
I love this thread..can't wait to hear from more of our Lawyer WS'ers as well as others.
Please forgive me for what I'm going to say, but I have to say it:

First, I would begin with changing the spelling of "Your" to "You're," since it is: You are

Sorry. And now I'll slink away...:blowkiss:
Ladies and Gentlemen, this is a murder trial. KCA is on trial for the murder of her 2 year, 10 month old daughter, Caylee. We will show that Caylee was reported missing by her grandmother on July 15th, 2008 and you will hear the tape of that 911 call, wherein Mrs. A reports that Caylee has been missing, not an hour, not a few hours, not a day, but 31 DAYS!!! That's right Caylee was already missing 31 days before anyone called to report it. Her mother, the defendant was last seen on June 16th, 2008 with Caylee as they left their home here in Orlando. Since June 16th and up until the day Caylee was reported missing, KCA has been seen in various bars dancing and drinking, found a new boyfriend and moved in with him, got a new tattoo, shoppped, dined and avoided going home with various excuses to her family as to where she was and what she was doing. We will show you that not one person has seen Caylee in all that time. Not one.

We will show that KCA reported that she worked at Universal and hired a Nanny to babysit Caylee while she worked. In fact, KCA told her father that morning of the 16th that she was dropping Caylee off to the Nanny and then going to her job - a normal day.
We will show you that KCA was fired from Universal in 2006 and in fact had no job. We will show that the Nanny simply does not exist. We will show that KCA did not provide one useful piece of information as to the whereabouts of her daughter during the entire investigation of her disappearance and in fact refuses to this day to tell anyone where her child is.

We will also show you that a hair, from Caylee, showed evidence of decomposition and the forensics experts will tell you that the hair came from a dead body. The body of Caylee. Hair was found in the trunk of KCA's car, along with body fluids matching Caylee's DNA and an overwhelming stench of decomposition was present in teh trunk of the car when it was released from the impound lot on July 15th, after being towed on June 30, 2008 from the parking lot of an Amscot business.

We will show you that during the 2 weeks that the vehicle was in the impound, KCA told many stories about where she was, where Caylee was and what they were doing. We will prove to you that none of the stories were true and that in fact, KCA lied for 31 days as to the whereabouts of baby Caylee.

We will show you, with conlcusive proof that Caylee is in fact dead and that for a period of about 3 days her little body was stored in her mother's car trunk while her mother drove around Orlando without a care in the world. KCA's friends will tell you that during the time Caylee was missing, KCA was happy, fun, laughing, having a good time and never once mentioned to anyone that her daughter was missing. Not once.

We have not been able to locate little Caylee's body because her mother hid it so well and has not felt it necessary to reveal this information. However, we have circumstantial evidence that leads to only one reasonable conclusion and that is that KCA murdered her child, Caylee.

We will show you that KCA is a cold and calculating woman without remorse, grief, fear or shame and that she callously and vicioulsy planned the death of her child and followed through with those plans to rid herself of the burden of motherhood.

When the trial is over, we expect that you will return a verdict of guilt on the part of KCA for the charge of Murder in the 1st degree. You will be required to render this verdict once you have heard the evidence as there will be no other reasonable choice.

Listen carefully.
I would not have arrested her yet. I would have done my due dilegence and had the patience to wait despite public pressure.

If she is acquitted the game is OVER. She walks away never to be tried again.

And unlike the Simpson case, nobody to sue her civilly after the fact.
Remember though... the Anthonys are not on trial for murder... only Casey. So leave them out as far as showing the jury how a real family grieves. That has no bearing on the prosecution's case.
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