Zach Adams on trial -kidnapping/murder Holly Bobo 9/20-22, 2017 GUILTY

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I believe the video wasn't found. Otherwise we would have seen it. Or Autry, their star witness was in it or it implicated him more in some way. And by showing it, it would invalidate the star witness. That actually, is a very possible probability to me.

I think they (TBI) searched hard but searched way too late of course....and that it was easy to either destroy after a couple years or put it somewhere on some cloud in some folder that no one would suspect.

My guess is as soon as Sandra King went to TBI and it was announced, then Jeff and Mark Pearcy were sure to destroy the evidence and make it disappear which was pretty easy after a couple years.

Not shocking that Zach allegedly said the video was right under their nose but they weren't getting it. I did wonder about Zach giving Corey you tube instructions to view it. Maybe it had been destroyed by the time he looked for it. I doubt if it was out there, that Zach was the only one with the access. Others could have gone in and taken it off etc.

And I'm sure it wasn't labeled "rape of Holly Bobo".

But you know what? If Dicus was on the case, literally NOTHING would surprise me. We could find out it had been on you tube for a full year after her abduction labeled just that, and I would not be surprised due to TBI.

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I can totally believe the video was on youtube or something, because that sounds like something these monsters would do. Passing her around even after she was dead. However, I don't think they found the video, for one simple reason: Davidson County TN has been busily trying and convicting former Vanderbilt football players of aggravated rape. Part of the evidence was a videotape and it was definitely shown in court.

I think if TBI had found this video, they wouldn't have needed J Autry to testify at all. They would have a tape of them raping her, she was never seen again, and later found shot in the head. I don't think rape and murder would be a hard sell at all with the tape. JMHO.
kaen said:
Yes, they were meth heads. And meth heads do some incredibly stupid things. I had a meth head on the road in front of my home trying to drive a car with his head out of the open door, leaning down near the runner. ( I watched him) He eventually crashed into the wall. When questioned why by LE. He said he had done meth and didn't want to crash so he was following the yellow lines in the road but then fell asleep.


kaen said:
According to Corey, he and Zach never spoke. Zach called. Corey didn't answer. I wish he had.

I think we ALL wish he had...
I wonder whether other agents had access to the statements concerning the four accused, especially information given by Karen Bobo to them in 2011.

Did Dicus set all of this information aside, instructing other agents instead to focus on Britt?

I, of course, do not know. If Dicus did do this, it is unconscionable.

Not only has the Bobo family experienced more heartbreak and distress from the delay in investigating these suspects, but I consider harm that the four accused have caused towards people over the past years.
Dear Maskedwoman,

<snip> Perhaps it is just me but I find this statement to be incriminating and extremely important to this case.

Thank you for your insightful and caring posts. I've learned so much from your posts.

Thank you - what a lovely thing to say! And thank you for sharing the information about Karen's testimony. I need to go back and listen to it again.
If there is a tape, and IF it's is in evidence, I'll be pissed it wasn't used in the trial.

Assumption appears to be if there is a tape it will ID the suspects - but what if it doesn't...
Was it Shayne or Dylan that said JA was standing feet from Holly while she was tied up in a green chair? She was wearing a pink Tshirt??

As I was watching prior news reports, there was one that the judge was pissed that sealed papers were given to a reporter. What were those papers?

BBM: Dylan stated this ...

I can't find the article I wanted to post that Dylan testified before the grand jury ... but I stumbled upon this from the Jackson Sun:

Interesting ...

Assumption appears to be if there is a tape it will ID the suspects - but what if it doesn't...

However, if you can find it online, there is an IP address where it came from. And,, you just keep going back and back. Still might not be able to incriminate the 4, I agree.

But, it would be one more thing Zach told Corey, wouldn't it? Who else would know unless they were there or posted it?

I still think there is a video that has been seen by others. My gut says that these guys probably made lots of video in their day. In 2011, many young adults were using their phones to document their lives on a variety of platforms. Youtube had lots of drunk and crazy videos back then. Many young adults had no idea how easy it was to trace video or the legal implications of the video.

I do understand the feeling that if we can't actually PROVE who did it, then we'd better convict the best suspect we have. "Somebody did it, so lets hang these guys for lack of a better idea" is certainly not how justice works, and that's not what the jury swore to do, but it sure would be hard not to go there. I would not be any different, if it was me in that jury.

If you think you see a diff between women and men on how they have responded to this case, maybe it's women responding to the emotional side of the case - the need for someone to pay even if evidence is insufficient because it's just so sad, and ZA not being a likeable guy anyhow so who cares. Men and women are different, and respond differently sometimes. But I haven't noticed any particular pattern myself, just people seeing things as they see it..

But ultimately, there is a huge difference between suspicion and proof beyond a reasonable doubt. I simply don't think actual PROOF was ever provided. Lots of good suspicion, though.

The state's whole case revolves around the honesty of JA speaking the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, and I just don't see his story as meeting that standard. There were lots of issues with the content that make me doubtful, such as
- the side jabs he inserted, for example, that aren't really believable yet used to try to paint the others in a light the jury might not like,
- the way he excused himself from partaking in any of the actual acts, which if he is to be believed in general simply isn't believable,
- some contradictions with proven facts,
- lack of physical evidence in places where it made no sense to be lacking (if he's telling the truth), and
- the fact he was a bought-and-paid-for witness, there with the admitted goal of saying whatever it would take to try to make the state happy.
I end up with the conclusion that his testimony was a collage of convenience, ie a mixture of fiction and fact (which could be explained by him knowing the other testimony to come) tailored to fit the case. And to me, given his motivation and his claims, it's either all or nothing, since the most deceptive lies are built on half truths.

I also go back to the basic core piece of the case, when looking for who did it, and man I end up with huge question marks lit up like a neon sign there as well. From actual eyewitness testimony, someone besides one of the 4 physically must have taken HB away that day, because not a single one fit. The state didn't even try to explain that, when accusing the 4. So how do we go from there to saying these 4 did it? Even JA had no explanation, but instead his story simply has HB magically in the possession of the others when he innocently wandered by, supposedly. Goodness.

I have not seen one person here saying anything even close to some of the above.

NO ONE has said 'let's just go with them because someone has to pay' or 'it's so sad, and he is bad, so lets send him to death row' OR I am an emotional woman so I don't care about proof.

There are plenty of reasons to believe that Zach is one of the guilty parties in this crime. JMO
What happens if ZA gets convicted, then Dylan decides to plead guilt, confesses and tells an account that contradicts the testimony JA has given here - can ZA then ask for a new trial?
What happens if ZA gets convicted, then Dylan decides to plead guilt, confesses and tells an account that contradicts the testimony JA has given here - can ZA then ask for a new trial?
Zach can ask for a new trial during appeals
BBM: Dylan stated this ...

I can't find the article I wanted to post that Dylan testified before the grand jury ... but I stumbled upon this from the Jackson Sun:

Interesting ...
Griggs said Dylan identified Jason Autry as being in the house as well. Autry was indicted on April 29 on charges of kidnapping and murder in the case. Griggs said Dylan's original story he told the family was that Zach would not allow him in the Adams house the day Dylan saw the girl with blond hair.

Griggs said that Dylan told his mother, Cindy Adams, that the girl in the house was not crying, asking for help or pleading for her life.

"I would like to add, I am concerned for Dylan's safety after today's charges," Griggs said Tuesday after the rape charges against Dylan were announced. "Again, I do not know if he had an attorney present, if he was coerced into saying he did this. It's a complete change from his initial story in which he said Zachary would not let him in the house and told him he would kill him if he ever told anyone what he saw."
However, if you can find it online, there is an IP address where it came from. And,, you just keep going back and back. Still might not be able to incriminate the 4, I agree.

But, it would be one more thing Zach told Corey, wouldn't it? Who else would know unless they were there or posted it?

I still think there is a video that has been seen by others. My gut says that these guys probably made lots of video in their day. In 2011, many young adults were using their phones to document their lives on a variety of platforms. Youtube had lots of drunk and crazy videos back then. Many young adults had no idea how easy it was to trace video or the legal implications of the video.

That's the thing - the fact that LE apparently never followed up on what Corey told them makes me doubt his testimony. If he told LE that Zach had offered to show him the video, and if LE found Corey believable, they would have *made sure* that he answered Zach's call - or called Zach himself - and they would have had the call recorded. Why didn't they do this? I'm sure Corey would have agreed to it, based on his testimony. Why didn't LE have him call Zach?? Is it because they never really believed Corey's story?

There has been plenty of opportunity for the state to bug Zach's cell or record his phonecalls... If he was shooting his mouth off so much, why did they never manage to get any of his confessions on tape?
I think it is very reasonable to believe the 4 Terabytes of data and 600 witnesses are pertaining to the entire investigation from beginning to end and not all involved the defendants that have been charged.

It seems Dicus wasted so much valuable time on Britt alone and that is probably a good portion of the 4 terabytes which turned out to be valuable wasted time and effort. He picked a suspect and spent valuable time trying to make him fit and he never could come up with any evidence he was remotely involved. If he had proof then Britt would be on trial and not ZA and the co-defendants.

It seems no one really looked closely at the true suspects until Dicus was removed and no longer in charge. They probably did interview 600 people during the entire investigation. Knowing how obsessed he had become a lot of them were probably concerning Britt rather than the actual suspects.

I think in the end Britt may have been investigated for longer, and more thoroughly than ZA and his team. It infuriates me to no end when a top investigator gets tunnel vision and becomes blind to any other possibility when I have no doubt there were already tips in his file by numerous others saying he needed to look at ZA and his crew. He refused, :mad: and because he did the Bobo family had to endure years of injustice when these suspects should have been honed in on right away, and their whereabouts and alibis picked over as closely as vultures do over a road kill.

So the volume of terabytes collected during the entire investigation shows how much time he wasted when he had the case which I think involves a good part of the terabytes. It didn't take them long once new investigators were put in place to know who actually had been the ones who did these crimes against Holly.

I am hoping that the jurors on this case will have the capabilities to link all of the powerful CE together in its totality and understand the felony murder rule along with following the law/instructions, and apply it correctly. Imo, If that happens then Holly, and her family will receive justice.

Justice for Holly!
If there is a tape, and IF it's is in evidence, I'll be pissed it wasn't used in the trial.

Assumption appears to be if there is a tape it will ID the suspects - but what if it doesn't...


RBBM: Bingo !

And IF there is some sort of "tape" / "video" and it does not appear to be those currently charged, my question is WHO is in that tape / video that are they are protecting?

I just copied a link. Can anyone see it? I cant.


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