Zahau family asks for new investigation, pic of new shoe print also

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Here's his posts and I can't find anything about being related to ther family (through marriage.)

I stand corrected. I emailed someone from the site after this post:
2:02pm on Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I would like to be #10. All those people made lots of good reasoning without calling someone these kind of words.

Concerning Rebecca: I knew her.
She was the total opposite of being depressed. Suicide would never be her solution. She had nothing to do with binding knots.
If someone argues that you are capable of committing suicide because of guilt feelings that might be right. But she was not on a guilt trip after what happened with Max. And besides that she would have never committed suicide in such way (if she even would have considered that) and also not in such a complicated way in such a short time and not searching the internet for details of how to do that. And on her computer they obviously never found any searches in the protocolls concerning suicide and knots.

Under the stress of a suicide you need to able to do those knots in the middle of the night in seconds she someone wakes you up - otherwise you will do some type of knots but not those professional ones.

Science is a good thing if it is done right and all types of science are to be used not only DNA Tests.

They stated to me that Markus was Rebecca's brother in law. I can not prove this, but I can not disprove it either, so I apologize and stand corrected, as I had no reason to distrust that persons word.
This is not the first thread with comments at the Coronado Patch site. This is probably around the 10th, 15th, I don't even know how many. Markus has been confirmed to be Rebecca's brother in law. This is the same as Chasing Halos being confirmed here.

Also, if there was no hardware in Rebecca's leg, how would the ME know that Rebecca walked with a limp, or had a previous injury. And no offense, but how do you know that Markus IS NOT Rebeccas brother in law.
I remember the guy from the gym where she worked out in Coronado said right after she died that she walked with a limp but that she was strong and physically fit.
There are other shoe prints on the carpet as well, I can see them myself. I even pointed that out previously. The problem with carpet foot prints is that police could just say Officer Onefoot and others must have left them. I think it's clear police were in the room before they ever started taking photos, considering Officer Onefoot managed to leave his footprint on the balcony. Now, if there are witness or witnesses and they are credible that's more impressive to me. The additional balcony footprints are also more impressive to me since police claimed there are only footprints from RN and officer Onefoot.

The problem I have is that there should be no le footprints in any crime scene picture because all the pictures should be taken before the scene is touched or walked on. So if they do Try to say that, they will look like even bigger idiots after the whole mess with the original one foot issue and not looking at her cell phone until over a month later. This whole case is sickening.
We know that they had no problem saying that regarding Officer's Onefoot boot print on the balcony. So I don't believe they will have any problem saying their police officers left footprints on the carpet. I believe from very early on police decided this was a suicide so they investigated accordingly.
There was one police officer who believed that Rebecca was murdered when he first saw the scene. I wish that I could remember his name but I believe that he stated his opinion in a SW request. I would love to know what (if anything) caused him to change his mind to suicide. Was he pressured from the other officers to change his mind? Did he even change his mind? It would be interesting to have someone interview him and see what his answers are.
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