Zani Timeline- Other ZannyThoughts- Zanny Searches on Caseys computer

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I think the question is, was she actually working at this time. As I understand it, she was let go at Universal for job abandonment, meaning she did not return after Caylee's birth. And we know she was not working at Sport's authority either, so what was she doing while the Grund's were watching Caylee?

Ah! That is the million dollar question! What WAS she doing for the past almost 3 years since Caylee was born? We know she wasn't gainfully employed, at least not through "regular" channels, so what was she doing and where was she doing it? There have been so many theories. Was it as simple as just hanging around, being lazy and doing nothing, with Caylee in tow while she lied about this important job she had? I'm sure at some point she was seen out or caught at home and that was the point at which she probably began to tell people that she could work from home using her computer when she needed. (It still makes me laugh to think of all of the people that bought into her lies, some of which were so clearly obvious) Or was she involved in something where she was paid "under the table", something not necessarily legal? I do not know.....yet! I am really hoping that LE have sorted through the miriad of lies and found the plain and simple truth.
A couple things we now know -- 1) Richard G can testify that GA said HE KNEW KC was not working. 2) It's questionable that she was spending any of that time hanging out with Annie at Dante's apt, as Annie testified to in her depo -- Dante S. states quite emphatically that Caylee was never at his apt and that he spoke with Annie about this in the past and she agreed.

So no need for ZG as nanny, right? So she wasn't working, and quite likely wasn't hanging out with Annie like she said. There's something missing here!
So how did KC have the nerve to use the Gunds for babysitting if she really was doing nothing? She inconvenienced RG who worked from home when she really didn't have a "job?" Jesse took Mondays off so he could watch Caylee for her, and she really didn't have a "job?" They thought she was really working (surely) and she was just doing WHAT????? How could she fill all those days and take advantage of people like that if she wasn't doing something? I have no idea!
A couple things we now know -- 1) Richard G can testify that GA said HE KNEW KC was not working. 2) It's questionable that she was spending any of that time hanging out with Annie at Dante's apt, as Annie testified to in her depo -- Dante S. states quite emphatically that Caylee was never at his apt and that he spoke with Annie about this in the past and she agreed.

So no need for ZG as nanny, right? So she wasn't working, and quite likely wasn't hanging out with Annie like she said. There's something missing here!

Oh, yeah! This is good! (Rubbing hands together greedily) If I were asked who's testimony I would believe, RG or GA, it would be RG hands down! Now, that means that GA was lying about KC working. Lying to the police, FBI, every media interview where he mentions her "going to work". Like in his account of June 16th when he says he last saw Caylee with KC as she was "leaving to go to work." Clearly a lie! You know she doesn't have a job, so why lie about it during what may be the most desperately important time in your life? Your granddaughter is missing! Tell LE anything and everything you know that MIGHT help find that baby! But, no! He lies about seeing them "leave for work" and CA lies about hearing them "breathing through the door." They clearly had a different agenda from everyone else. If GA would blatantly lie about KC having a job, then every word that has come from his mouth is suspect. MOO, of course! :rolleyes:
I t seems in the back of my mind.... I recall at one time....
Someone :confused: ~ said ~ that ZG knew someone who either
worked for the "CLEANING Company" that worked at the S G A ! !

Does anyone recall anything at all like that...
I either remember SEEING it on a TV interview ? / or hearing
someone repeat..... One of the reasons that she went there to
Look at the SGA ~ was that someone from the maintenance crew/
cleaning crew ~ told her.....

So : I guess my questions ? are these .....

* Did ZG know anyone that had any connection to S G A ? ? ?

**was ZG in anyway related to any one who had connections to
S G A ? ? ?

~ ~ ~ Since ZG is in the CLEANING BUSINESS ~ RIGHT ? ?:confused:

Thanks.... It has been on my mind for a while ! :confused:

God Bless!

*** PS :clap: GRRRRRREAT SLEUTHING GUYS & GALS ! ! !:blowkiss:
Maybe check ZG's paramours or ex-paramours..??her babies daddies? her friends? tattoo artist friends?...we've heard someone by that same name in an office which was robbed near that time...a woman killed in the park with a phone charger nearby (a quote fro KC on her MS or FB that "she almost killed someone last night" records with a hybrid of those last names (Z-F-G)from earlier years right where the body was found...
So how did KC have the nerve to use the Gunds for babysitting if she really was doing nothing? She inconvenienced RG who worked from home when she really didn't have a "job?" Jesse took Mondays off so he could watch Caylee for her, and she really didn't have a "job?" They thought she was really working (surely) and she was just doing WHAT????? How could she fill all those days and take advantage of people like that if she wasn't doing something? I have no idea!

She has no consideration for other people so she would not be bothered to even consider if the way in which she chose to use them would cause them any undue burden or conflict. As far as I can see, she thinks only of herself, and no one else matters except in as much as how she can get what she wants from them. MOO!
Maybe check ZG's paramours or ex-paramours..??her babies daddies? her friends? tattoo artist friends?...we've heard someone by that same name in an office which was robbed near that time...a woman killed in the park with a phone charger nearby (a quote fro KC on her MS or FB that "she almost killed someone last night" records with a hybrid of those last names (Z-F-G)from earlier years right where the body was found...

Yes, yes! The "coincidences" just keep coming and coming! I can't wait to see which ones are actually connected to this bizarre case, and which ones, if any, are actually just a coincidence. I do think all of the things that have been found will come full circle before all is said and done.
Uhhh, Sawgrass is not a high-end apartment complex compared to others in Orlando. This is not even a very desirable area for real estate. The price range of $650-$1000 is the norm in Orlando for apartment rental. When I moved out here a decade ago, I couldn't believe how affordable the real estate was, the rent was outrageous. I think they capitalize on the large transient population we have here and the many hourly worker types. I know a young man who is barely 21 with a new baby, no diploma, little credit and works as a food server. He rents an apartment in the same neighborhood as Sawgrass (and price range) and he manages to make ends meet.

Just saying that it's not unreasonable to think that ZG could start here. How much is she getting in child support for her 5 kids? I only remember seeing the court docs for support, but didn't read thoroughly.

Sorry if OT, just wanted to help paint a picture for those that don't live here :)
Oh, yeah! This is good! (Rubbing hands together greedily) If I were asked who's testimony I would believe, RG or GA, it would be RG hands down! Now, that means that GA was lying about KC working. Lying to the police, FBI, every media interview where he mentions her "going to work". Like in his account of June 16th when he says he last saw Caylee with KC as she was "leaving to go to work." Clearly a lie! You know she doesn't have a job, so why lie about it during what may be the most desperately important time in your life? Your granddaughter is missing! Tell LE anything and everything you know that MIGHT help find that baby! But, no! He lies about seeing them "leave for work" and CA lies about hearing them "breathing through the door." They clearly had a different agenda from everyone else. If GA would blatantly lie about KC having a job, then every word that has come from his mouth is suspect. MOO, of course! :rolleyes:


The other day I listened to GA's FBI interview---on the first video GA tells them that he knew KC hadn't been working.
Uhhh, Sawgrass is not a high-end apartment complex compared to others in Orlando. This is not even a very desirable area for real estate. The price range of $650-$1000 is the norm in Orlando for apartment rental. When I moved out here a decade ago, I couldn't believe how affordable the real estate was, the rent was outrageous. I think they capitalize on the large transient population we have here and the many hourly worker types. I know a young man who is barely 21 with a new baby, no diploma, little credit and works as a food server. He rents an apartment in the same neighborhood as Sawgrass (and price range) and he manages to make ends meet.

Just saying that it's not unreasonable to think that ZG could start here. How much is she getting in child support for her 5 kids? I only remember seeing the court docs for support, but didn't read thoroughly.

Sorry if OT, just wanted to help paint a picture for those that don't live here :)

Thanks for the info. Also---do you know or can you find out if Saw Grass uses the "Housing" system? Where one gets lower rent? Hope I made that half way understandable.

The other day I listened to GA's FBI interview---on the first video GA tells them that he knew KC hadn't been working.

Yes! But, even though he states his doubt, he continues to reference KC "going to work". And, CA constantly refers to KC as going to work, being at work. Shoot! On LKL she even claimed that the Fusion pictures are just KC at work! Lol! No matter what, they have impeached themselves on this issue, or at least GA has. He can't have it both ways.

I did see SGA website. I have two instances here: one with RG saying he knew about Zanny and SP saying both Cindy and Casey talked about Zanny. SP says she even heard about Jeff and his son. RG says he heard about Zanny back in 2006 and SP says back in 2007 she was hearing this.

Yes, anybody can go anywhere to get an apartment but do you really usually go to places that are not in your normal range of earning ability and I don't know how to explain this to people who may have money, credit cards and grew up non middle class...I do not think ZG would have bothered to go to SGA to get an apartment. Now, does she have grown children? I understand she has six, but I do not know their ages. The names "jasmine and michelle" were also on the card-I do not know why ZG would lie about how many children she has: if it was the ZG(depo) that filled out the card(had it filled out by manager who does claim that he spoke to the person that filled out the card in spanish and this does throw things off again) I wonder what she was going to say in a gated community about having the four extra people in her apartment.

I still don't really know what the answer to this is; but a least two people had heard Casey's story about a nanny named zanny and I would love to have it explained about Cindy telling her mother about Zanny. Why didn't they bring up Cindy's mother's statement to LE during the depo?

I think it is very important that Cindy's mother knew of a Nanny and about Jeff and his "son"...and she heard it from Cindy.:eek:!


A woman, any true mother, will look at any apartment they can get their foot (or elbow or slipper or baby blanket) in the door of.
Yes! But, even though he states his doubt, he continues to reference KC "going to work". And, CA constantly refers to KC as going to work, being at work. Shoot! On LKL she even claimed that the Fusion pictures are just KC at work! Lol! No matter what, they have impeached themselves on this issue, or at least GA has. He can't have it both ways.

ITA. Problem seems to be nobody in charge seems to want to do anything about it, any of what they are doing or have done.
Uhhh, Sawgrass is not a high-end apartment complex compared to others in Orlando. This is not even a very desirable area for real estate. The price range of $650-$1000 is the norm in Orlando for apartment rental. When I moved out here a decade ago, I couldn't believe how affordable the real estate was, the rent was outrageous. I think they capitalize on the large transient population we have here and the many hourly worker types. I know a young man who is barely 21 with a new baby, no diploma, little credit and works as a food server. He rents an apartment in the same neighborhood as Sawgrass (and price range) and he manages to make ends meet.

Just saying that it's not unreasonable to think that ZG could start here. How much is she getting in child support for her 5 kids? I only remember seeing the court docs for support, but didn't read thoroughly.

Sorry if OT, just wanted to help paint a picture for those that don't live here :)

If she can afford a hotel room she can well afford an apartment in Sawgrass. Costs way more to live in a hotel.
Maybe check ZG's paramours or ex-paramours..??her babies daddies? her friends? tattoo artist friends?...we've heard someone by that same name in an office which was robbed near that time...a woman killed in the park with a phone charger nearby (a quote fro KC on her MS or FB that "she almost killed someone last night" records with a hybrid of those last names (Z-F-G)from earlier years right where the body was found...

The therapist, in the park, right?
maybe she worked for a...therapist..? (quick reply to OneLostGrl)
ITA. Problem seems to be nobody in charge seems to want to do anything about it, any of what they are doing or have done.

Yeah, but I'm really hoping that that changes! Right after the trial!
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