Zanny, Zanax, Xanax, Zanny the nanny *merged threads*

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I don't know if this post belongs here or if it should have it's own thread or what. I'm sure the mods will figure it out for me!. . . .

. . .Also - I seriously doubt that Casey knew of this historical connection between the name she chose for her fictitious nanny character and all of these "stock traits" from the theater world. I don't see Casey as a serious student of Shakespeare or the Italian theater. :). . . .

. . .But isn't it a fascinating coincidence? It even plays into the way the line between Casey herself and the "Zanni the nanny" character merges and distorts at many points.. . .

I betcha the one thing LE failed to retrieve in KC's room was that well-worn, bookmarked page in Shakespeare's Greatest Hits!

Wish your informative post did have a thread of it's own, as others, too, have been reporting literature parallels to the KC case, and, as we all know,
art imitates reality imitates art; or, there's nothin' new in this whole wide world. Thanks so much for introducing me to the book you cite.
I don't know if this post belongs here or if it should have it's own thread or what. I'm sure the mods will figure it out for me!

Anyhow, last night while I was reading a book called "Shakespeare by Another Name" by Mark Anderson I happened to come across a source for the name Zanni!

First some background - the book posits that the writer of the Shakespeare plays is not the actor from Stratford Upon Avon that the world has come to know as "William Shakespeare" instead the writer of the plays is Edward de Vere the seventeenth Earl of Oxford. The Earl hid his identity due to the political climate of the time which made it dangerous to reveal himself as the author of the plays. For anyone who doesn't study Shakespeare this may sound like a kooky conspiracy theory but it is actually a widely accepted (though hotly debated) theory that "Shakespeare" is not the actor from Stratford. Anyhow - this is a very short, simplistic summary of what is in reality a very complex question of who really wrote the Shakespeare plays. I found it absolutely fascinating that - in the midst of a story of shifting, hidden identity, full of double meanings and strange characters - I would find a reference to Zanni.

A "Zanni" is the name of a stock character that was developed in the Italian theater during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. During this time "stock characters" emerged for the first time in theater. Stock characters have been around ever since then - for instance the uneducated country bumpkin who experiences comic culture shock in the big city, or the totally hot, blonde but completely stupid cheerleader who is clueless about the airheaded things she says etc...

The following is the Wikipedia definition I found:

"Zanni (from the Italian, dialectal nickname for Giovanni) was the archetype of the comic servant characters of the Commedia dell'arte. The character of Zanni was an older, impoverished man and hired servant of one of the other characters, typically Pantalone.
Zanni's costume was loosely fitting white smock and pants. He wore a black mask reminiscent of his more popular descendant, Arlecchino. His behavior is a cartoon imitation of the impoverished rural folk of Bergamo who were forced to move to Venice in order to make a living. As such, his interests do not always coincide with those of his master. His primary goals are his own comfort and the satisfaction of various immediate desires."

I found it interesting that this historical Zanni was a theater character (therefore an actor playing a role), was a servant (as a nanny could be seen to be), was probably not of the same ethnic background as his employer (like our latino Zani), wore a mask (to disguise identity and make the character less individual and more amorphous), had goals and interests contrary to his employer (like our Zani who supposedly turned the tables on Casey by kidnapping her child), primarily seeks his own comfort and satisfaction of his own immediate desires (gee- who does that sound like? Casey. As well as possibly the evil nanny who killed Caylee when the jig was up and the fun was over).

Obviously this is not a complete parallel by any means but it was close enough to make me think - whoa!

Also - I seriously doubt that Casey knew of this historical connection between the name she chose for her fictitious nanny character and all of these "stock traits" from the theater world. I don't see Casey as a serious student of Shakespeare or the Italian theater. :)

But isn't it a fascinating coincidence? It even plays into the way the line between Casey herself and the "Zanni the nanny" character merges and distorts at many points.

And I found it interesting that Zanni eventually led to the development of the more famous character Arlecchino - known in English as the Harlequin. Harlequin is a strange type of jester - masked, silent, in black and white and often serves as a serious, mocking foil for everyone else in the play, exposing their own flaws and idiocy.

Taking this a step further you could say that about sums up how this case has evolved as well. Zanni (Casey?) has retreated completely into a silent mask. She is black and white - either you believe in her or you don't. And the bugbear of Zanni has haunted the other players in this case like a ghost exposing them as the real fools.
Oh what an interesting parallel NL. Really thought filled and clever. Coincidentally, someone else was referencing another completely unrelated Shakespearian parallel in another thread. Who knew that Shakespeare and KC would be used in the same sentence, not once but twice?
Nice post!
Hello WS :)

I am wondering if this is a typo that Cindy says Zaneida Fernandez Rodriquez?

Statement to FBI(Cindy Anthony)
July 30, 2008

CA: Um, Casey has stated, now for a while there Zanny has referred to as Zaneida. Um, I never knew Zaneida's full name Zaneida Fernandez Rodriquez until not too long ago. Maybe a month or so ago. The babysittter's name was always Zanny for short. Just like I'm Cindy short for Cynthia, my friends don't call me Cynthia they call Cindy. So, Zanny has been someone she's spoken with pretty much just before or right around Caylee's birth. So almost three years she's been in conversation.

The drug many of you know is a high -powered anti-anxiety agent...that even at its lowest doses can put an adult to sleep... let alone a small child... Do we know if a prescription for any of the A household existed? I have not seen this this in evidence anywhere...this could be powerful....also....this drug is available on the street....albeit at a high cost... any links?

Of course you all know that "Zanny" is a term used for Xanax....the same name as the supposed 'nanny"....

I know we have visited this topic before...but my main question is...have we seen any evidence that anyone in the A household has been on this med? Also, could KC have scored this on the street?

We need to link the fake babysitter to this drug....imo...
I've been reviewing really old videos/interviews with the A's. Did anyone else notice how in the beginning, both George and Cindy had sometimes slipped and pronounced her name as Zay-ny or either Zan-ny at times? During one of the interviews w/ the FBI.. the first time the name comes up Cindy refers to her as Zay-ny... then the FBI you've never met Zan-ny? She says no. The next time Cindy says the name a few minutes later she says.. "Z..(pause) Zan-ny", like she caught herself almost saying Zay-ny again and corrected herself. The fam hadn't even coordinated well with each other on how to pronounce the name consistently...the name they supposedly knew so well..
I've never posted here before so I could be REALLY of base with this question. It could have been asked before. I was reading an article about Casey taking Caylee to Annie D's house all the time and that Caylee always played with Annie's dog. So I was just wondering if there was anyway that Zanny could have been a name that Caylee had for Annie. There are 2 reasons this crossed my mind.... (1) Cindy said she heard Caylee talk about Zanny's dog all the time and (2) it seems to me that "Zanny" sounds very close to "Annie". Maybe Caylee heard Casey call Annie "Zanny". Like I said before, I've never posted here before so if I posted something "against the rules" I'm sorry.
My name starts with a vowel sound and I hate to say, "This is Iggy (not my real name)" because it sounds like "This is Ziggy."

Someone could have told Caylee, "This is Annie" and it would have sounded like they said Zanny.

Good point, could have happened.
I've never posted here before so I could be REALLY of base with this question. It could have been asked before. I was reading an article about Casey taking Caylee to Annie D's house all the time and that Caylee always played with Annie's dog. So I was just wondering if there was anyway that Zanny could have been a name that Caylee had for Annie. There are 2 reasons this crossed my mind.... (1) Cindy said she heard Caylee talk about Zanny's dog all the time and (2) it seems to me that "Zanny" sounds very close to "Annie". Maybe Caylee heard Casey call Annie "Zanny". Like I said before, I've never posted here before so if I posted something "against the rules" I'm sorry.

It is possible, and has been speculated before since it was learned early on that KC claimed she could get Zanax from AD. Definately not out of the realm of possibilities. However, unless AD admits to this, we will never know because nothing that comes from KC can be believed. And welcome to Websleuths!

Thank you! Thank goodness I finally talked myself into getting my 1st post on WS out of the way..... Lol! I get a bit nervous when it comes to things like that. Of course... I should have known that all the great WS members would welcome me and my crazy questions. Thank you!
Welcome Kahne9!
Thank you! Thank goodness I finally talked myself into getting my 1st post on WS out of the way..... Lol! I get a bit nervous when it comes to things like that. Of course... I should have known that all the great WS members would welcome me and my crazy questions. Thank you!

Thank you! Thank goodness I finally talked myself into getting my 1st post on WS out of the way..... Lol! I get a bit nervous when it comes to things like that. Of course... I should have known that all the great WS members would welcome me and my crazy questions. Thank you!

V ERY IMPRESSIVE first post ..... Welcome! I am only 2 months old ... nearly 3 lol

HIGHLY possible - who doesn't know a toddler than mispronounces words. I have a grandson that calls his big sister, Zoe, Owee.

My nephew used to pronounce 'truck' as .... you all can guess LOL
/i dk if thgis is the right place to post this but KC looking up chloroform and aetone are neeeded for making meth crystal in home labs so maybe she didnt use the chloroform on caylee but needed it for meth

plzzz let me know if this is in the wrong place thanks
There is one other drug that could possibly be used and have a definite sedating effect on a person, especially a child. There is a muscle relaxer called Zanaflex. I took it one time after a friend gave one to me when I was having a lot of trouble sleeping b/c I worked third shift. It hit me like a ton of bricks, so I could not imagine what it would do to a small child.
It is possible, and has been speculated before since it was learned early on that KC claimed she could get Zanax from AD. Definately not out of the realm of possibilities. However, unless AD admits to this, we will never know because nothing that comes from KC can be believed. And welcome to Websleuths!


Lol. No, we certainly can't believe Casey. She also said she could get special tickets for her friends. She was getting Amy a house and a job, etc.

Wasn't it determined that Caylee did not have drugs in her system? I wonder if Casey took a drug screen too?

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Lol. No, we certainly can't believe Casey. She also said she could get special tickets for her friends. She was getting Amy a house and a job, etc.

Wasn't it determined that Caylee did not have drugs in her system? I wonder if Casey took a drug screen too?

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That's what I thought. Seems like they did a drug test on that single hair and found no drugs. While they do a pretty extensive drug test, I have no idea if Zanaflex would have been tested for, and that's the only other drug I can think of that could have been nicknamed Zanny.
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