ZFG Civil Case: Casey's Deposition #3

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Hip, hip, hooray!! So glad something is NOT going her way! Has anybody read or heard about where she might be since she finished probation?
I'm back after a lovely vacation to hear good news! I want to see Casey on the stand trying to answer questions, especially when her appeal is denied. Let's remember, Mason wants all the lying convictions tossed because she was under "arrest" for 10 minutes in the police car. It was very clear at trial that the younger LEO put her in handcuffs and put her in the back of the patrol car at Cindy's insistence she be arrested for car theft and theft of money. However, she was NEVER actually arrested, just restrained for a bit until a more senior officer decided to release her as the missing child investigation was of more importance.

The tactic Mason used over-and-over again at trial made no impression on Judge Perry, and I hope the Appeals Court sees it the same way.

For that matter, Cindy never did press charges against her darling daughter for those crimes.

My thanks button isn't working all the time, but thank you all for your posts and making it easy for me to catch up!

WESH video: http://news.yahoo.com/video/casey-anthony-civil-trial-postponed-212531588.html
Thanks, Jomo!

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I wish they would give this nonsense a rest.


Circuit Judge Lisa Munyon denied Anthony's previous attempt to throw out Gonzalez's claim for punitive damages, ruling that defense attorney Charles Greene hadn't filed the proper type of motion.

PS- Go figure!
From following the case, Caylee was loved very much. It shows in all the pics, even her mom loved her. Her mom was selfish and spoiled and not going to let Caylee gma have her. So they had a fight and she took caylee with her and then she wanted to go out (maybe not the same day). and had no babysitter...so she gave her medicine and put her in the trunk with duct tape on her face so she would not scream when she woke up....OMG who would do that? I'm wondering 3 yrs later if this is what happened? Who does that to a child?

She should have been found guilty of caylee's death...but I do not think the civil suit has merit. Everyone know ZG had nothing to do with it. I'm just waiting to see how her life was truly impacted. You can't get money from someone who has no money.

Just about the same amount of time Caylee was here on earth. They are unbelievable... when I think about what that baby had to endure in life and in death, the idea that their life has been hell just sends me over the edge. Wah, wah, wah... they all made their beds, now they can lie in them. Pun intended.
From following the case, Caylee was loved very much. It shows in all the pics, even her mom loved her. Her mom was selfish and spoiled and not going to let Caylee gma have her. So they had a fight and she took caylee with her and then she wanted to go out (maybe not the same day). and had no babysitter...so she gave her medicine and put her in the trunk with duct tape on her face so she would not scream when she woke up....OMG who would do that? I'm wondering 3 yrs later if this is what happened? Who does that to a child?

She should have been found guilty of caylee's death...but I do not think the civil suit has merit. Everyone know ZG had nothing to do with it. I'm just waiting to see how her life was truly impacted. You can't get money from someone who has no money.

She has managed to pay back 19K to the court so far.... how does that happen if she has no money? Can you say Dr Phil?
I thought I'd bump this thread. Unless I missed something in the news (And it's QUITE likely I did miss something), it should be coming up soon?
bump Has the ZG civil suit started yet? Is there a different thread following it?
...but I do not think the civil suit has merit. Everyone know ZG had nothing to do with it. I'm just waiting to see how her life was truly impacted. You can't get money from someone who has no money.

I know, and in fact, Casey didn't identify this woman as ZFG (this woman's name isn't and wasn't F-G by the way, just Gz). But she said she'd dropped off Caylee to someone by the name Zenaida Fz-Gz at those apartments, then the police found THIS woman's name on a visitor card at those apartments, and interviewed her and she said she didn't know Casey or Caylee. The details Casey gave for her ZFG were completely different from this woman. She said ZFG was 25, was an event planner, a grad of a particular university, had no children, etc. It didn't appear that the police did any forensics or investigated this ZG further or her vehicle or home at all from what we saw come out, unless there was more investigation than we know. I never saw anything to indicate they investigated any of the other ZG's in the area, either. Anyway, that would have been the end of this woman's brief involvement in the case except that lawyers picked up her case and she and they began appearing in national and local media and continued to do so throughout the next years as the case went on. The woman said in media interviews that Casey had given all her exact information to the police and that she and her children had been receiving death threats as a result of that, etc. She seemed to think that Casey had given her personal info to police including her children's names. She must have been misinformed somehow or hadn't seen the evidence documents. I wonder how it will play out, too. Because on the one hand, Casey did give that general name ZG, but on the other she did insist her Z always used the hyphenated last name Fz-Gz, not just Gz...and she gave such a different description. The fact that the plaintiff and her lawyers were the ones who kept not only her name but also her face in the media throughout the case kind of belies their claim that she didn't want to be drawn into publicity.
And beyond all that there's still that very bizarre coincidence that someone by a name so similar to the alleged "nanny"'s name was indeed at the apartments on that date. So we're left wondering how did that happen? There was speculation in the beginning that maybe Casey had seen the visitor list/card in the apartment office somehow, and picked a name off the list of that date to use for her "nanny story", but we didn't see evidence come out to support that theory. And of course if Casey had gotten the name that way, why give different details than were written on the visitor card. Also, witnesses stated they'd heard Casey mention a nanny named Zanny or ZFG before that, one witness thought he'd heard her mention the name ZFG as far back as in 2006, so it is a very weird and unexplained coincidence still. I am curious how the civil case will go.
I know, and in fact, Casey didn't identify this woman as ZFG (this woman's name isn't and wasn't F-G by the way, just Gz). But she said she'd dropped off Caylee to someone by the name Zenaida Fz-Gz at those apartments, then the police found THIS woman's name on a visitor card at those apartments, and interviewed her and she said she didn't know Casey or Caylee. The details Casey gave for her ZFG were completely different from this woman. She said ZFG was 25, was an event planner, a grad of a particular university, had no children, etc. It didn't appear that the police did any forensics or investigated this ZG further or her vehicle or home at all from what we saw come out, unless there was more investigation than we know. I never saw anything to indicate they investigated any of the other ZG's in the area, either. Anyway, that would have been the end of this woman's brief involvement in the case except that lawyers picked up her case and she and they began appearing in national and local media and continued to do so throughout the next years as the case went on. The woman said in media interviews that Casey had given all her exact information to the police and that she and her children had been receiving death threats as a result of that, etc. She seemed to think that Casey had given her personal info to police including her children's names. She must have been misinformed somehow or hadn't seen the evidence documents. I wonder how it will play out, too. Because on the one hand, Casey did give that general name ZG, but on the other she did insist her Z always used the hyphenated last name Fz-Gz, not just Gz...and she gave such a different description. The fact that the plaintiff and her lawyers were the ones who kept not only her name but also her face in the media throughout the case kind of belies their claim that she didn't want to be drawn into publicity.

So this isn't why I'm replying to your post - but my understanding of the ZG case is that Casey did not tell her mother CA about the photo lineup where she didn't identify ZG but encouraged/allowed her to speak to the press immediately after one of the first jail visits and press for ZG to be found, without giving her the "nanny description". The result was the media coverage identifying ZG as the person the LE interviewed, along with the confustion of the apartment registration.

However, Judge Manyon delayed the ZG case for M &M until after the appeal was heard, so we've been expecting a trial this summer. However as soon as the appeals court released their decision, FCA declared bankruptcy, including this case as a potential debt.

My understanding is that M&M are asking the judge or the trustee to set their case aside from the bankruptcy. We've had no word as far as I know about a decision for or against, and I don't think we know a potential timeline either as to when it will go ahead.
I thought I'd bump this thread. Unless I missed something in the news (And it's QUITE likely I did miss something), it should be coming up soon?

No, it's pretty much in limbo until the bankruptcy court makes some kind of a decision because she has listed the case as a potential debt. I believe you will see this discussed in the bankruptcy thread along with some of AZ's legal opinions.
Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case

Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial.

The memo, which shows how frustrated Anthony is with the ongoing court battle, says if Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez are permitted to take Anthony to trial, Anthony "will be forced to find new accommodations, or just simply disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore."

A hearing is scheduled on the matter next week in a federal court in Tampa.

Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case

Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial.

The memo, which shows how frustrated Anthony is with the ongoing court battle, says if Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez are permitted to take Anthony to trial, Anthony "will be forced to find new accommodations, or just simply disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore."

A hearing is scheduled on the matter next week in a federal court in Tampa.


One can wish, simply disappear CA PLEASEEEEEEEE!
Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case

Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial.

The memo, which shows how frustrated Anthony is with the ongoing court battle, says if Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez are permitted to take Anthony to trial, Anthony "will be forced to find new accommodations, or just simply disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore."

A hearing is scheduled on the matter next week in a federal court in Tampa.


Wah wah. Poor FCA. Always the "victim." NOT.

Well, since she is clearly not tied down by the pesky business of a job or home ownership or rent or other bills to pay (forget the debts!), I would assume FCA can live/freeload pretty much anywhere.

I always said no one would ever get a dime from this <unusual person.>

Yes, disappear...please. SEE YAH!

At least until it's time for your next perp walk. And that's just a matter of time.
Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case

Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial.

The memo, which shows how frustrated Anthony is with the ongoing court battle, says if Roy Kronk and Zenaida Gonzalez are permitted to take Anthony to trial, Anthony "will be forced to find new accommodations, or just simply disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore."

A hearing is scheduled on the matter next week in a federal court in Tampa.


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WKMG Local 6 says they "uncovered a new memo" filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case -- but this was a document filed nine days ago [not new], filed in response to Zenaida and Kronk's filings. It is on the bankruptcy docket and can be "uncovered" there, no journalistic investigating to be done.

Looks to me like this news outlet is trying to garner sympathy for Mz Anthony, with their sensational headline "Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case".


Casey Anthony threatens to 'disappear' over bankruptcy case
Hearing scheduled in Florida next week [June 25, 2013]

"Local 6 uncovered a new memo filed in the Casey Anthony bankruptcy case in which her attorney suggests that Anthony may have to "disappear" if she's forced to go to trial."

Here is the document on google docs:


Filed June 10, 2013

page 6 - Casey Anthony will suffer. She will either defend the cases or be forced to default because she has no money. She will be lampooned in the press.
The death threats will increase again.
She will be forced to find new accommodations, or just disappear and say it is not worth the fight anymore.
Someone else made another good point ...

It was Attorney Mason who signed for the subpoena on the Zenaida civil lawsuit when Morgan & Morgan was hunting down FCA to serve her with the subpoena.

So, if she "disappears" and fails to show for the civil trial -- it will be Mason's hiney in trouble with a civil court judge.

Also, if she "disappears" that means she cannot go on national or local television or radio for a PAID interview, while refusing to take a deposition or appear at a civil trial and give testimony.

I believe the "disappear" wording was only put in the latest filing, by FCA's bankruptcy attorneys to try to persuade the bankruptcy judge to have sympathy for her, and to throw out the civil suits.
She can only disappear on someone else's dime since she is not working and supposedly has no income.

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