Zodiac Killer

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I see the question i asked last night which was why would this man not ask the remaining survivors to take a look at the picture and i see that today on CNN ashleigh banfield asked him that very question and his awnser was no he had not sought them out to show them the picture that resembles the sketch. I find this very strange he says this isn\t aboutthe money yet you write a book about the zodiac killer being your father and you dont even bother to show his pictures to the only living victoms that could tell you yes or no possibly to me that says he didn't want it debunked prior to selling the book . You put those odd looking glasses on just about half the population and your gonna get a resembelance of the black and white photo of that sketch not to mention that theres prolly 100 different names you could find in his letters if you were to look at it that way the letters are so random you can see lots of different words.To me this reaks of someone that was able to find a couple coincidences and decided to use them for money gain and that only theres no real evidence here at all...

I think it is more than just the picture here. I do believe this should be looked into. I hope they have DNA.
From what I remember about the dna I do think they have dna from either a letter or a piece of the shirt left behind from the taxi driver he killed however the DNA they got was from one of the letters they could not say forsure zodiac wrote it so the dna is kind of like a ? dna is it really the zodiacs or is it someone elses that was on the letter or shirt .so the dna isn't gonna solve it they do however have his fingerprint i think off the door of the taxi but again its a ? fingerprint is it really the zodiacs those too things in question are just that in question but i do think using what the ythink is most likely his fingerprint thats how they cleared arthur allen .this case is the dna at least reminds me of the JBR case and the dna found in her underwear was it really the perp or was it on the underwear when they bought the underwear.....I believe this is why a photo ID from the survivors could carry alot of weight so they should have been contacted before he wrote the book IMO..
From what I remember about the dna I do think they have dna from either a letter or a piece of the shirt left behind from the taxi driver he killed however the DNA they got was from one of the letters they could not say forsure zodiac wrote it so the dna is kind of like a ? dna is it really the zodiacs or is it someone elses that was on the letter or shirt .so the dna isn't gonna solve it they do however have his fingerprint i think off the door of the taxi but again its a ? fingerprint is it really the zodiacs those too things in question are just that in question but i do think using what the ythink is most likely his fingerprint thats how they cleared arthur allen .this case is the dna at least reminds me of the JBR case and the dna found in her underwear was it really the perp or was it on the underwear when they bought the underwear.....I believe this is why a photo ID from the survivors could carry alot of weight so they should have been contacted before he wrote the book IMO..

I don't.. I know that a lot of people think the survivors would know but I have seen too many false identifications to think that would be the answer. I think that most likely the dna would be the first place to start. And then from there you start looking at this man's life and how it could coincide with the zodiac.
Is this the same guy who found the hood in the back of a speaker that was given to him?
I love WS ! See a headline and I know you guys have got it up! :)
The Zodiac Killer Hoax – 65 – Generation Why

The Zodiac Killer Hoax. Was a serial killer terrorizing San Francisco in the late 1960′s? Why was he never caught, let alone identified? Professor and researcher Thomas Horan joined us to explain just how these murders added up to a “modus operandi” for a serial killer for some in the media, but not for law enforcement. If you have followed this case at all over the years, you’ll likely recognize the names of the players involved. From Zodiac the book to Zodiac the film, the facts of the case have largely remained the same. You might ask yourself, how could a killer be considered a hoax? Tune in and find out just how this story first got started and how it was perpetuated over time.


I'm just listening to this now, so reserving judgement, but interesting alternative view.
I checked the Zodiac website yesterday and didn't see anything about this on there. It makes me wonder it they're afraid it's true. lol
I checked the Zodiac website yesterday and didn't see anything about this on there. It makes me wonder it they're afraid it's true. lol

I am always willing to listen but I always weigh the new stuff against what I know to be true.

This sounded more curiously possible. Not like the other guy who has linked Zodiac. jonbenet, and wm3 to one guy..


This I can not even read. Hoffa too.. Wow.. That would be easy and awesome. :)

But this guy curiously has some info that sounds good. I would love to see it dissected and investigated.
I see the question i asked last night which was why would this man not ask the remaining survivors to take a look at the picture and i see that today on CNN ashleigh banfield asked him that very question and his awnser was no he had not sought them out to show them the picture that resembles the sketch. I find this very strange he says this isn\t aboutthe money yet you write a book about the zodiac killer being your father and you dont even bother to show his pictures to the only living victoms that could tell you yes or no possibly to me that says he didn't want it debunked prior to selling the book . You put those odd looking glasses on just about half the population and your gonna get a resembelance of the black and white photo of that sketch not to mention that theres prolly 100 different names you could find in his letters if you were to look at it that way the letters are so random you can see lots of different words.To me this reaks of someone that was able to find a couple coincidences and decided to use them for money gain and that only theres no real evidence here at all...

BBM My thoughts exactly. While I really, really hope for a resolution (because I'm an optimist), I have to think the author found a bunch of coincidences and ran with them. For fun, I pulled up a DB Cooper photo put the eyeglasses on him, and presto! It's the Zodiac...
OH I know you look at the sketch of DB cooper every time i seen his pic or sorry the sketch i said to myself thats the zodiac lol..It's the same with oh man is it the unibomber ted kazinsky or whatever i think he is the one iam thinking of that also if u look at his pics u get the thought of zodiac also...
This has all the makings of hoax again. Why this comes out in a book before turning it over to authorities seems weird to me.
Retired detective who led Zodiac Killer case says he'll 'look into' claims in new book that names notorious murderer

• Dave Toschi, now 82, is haunted by his failure to crack case during his 30-year career at San Francisco Police Department
• In a compelling new book Gary Stewart claims his father, Earl Van Best, was the killer based on fingerprints and cryptograms he says he solved
• Toschi told MailOnline: 'This sounds interesting and I’ll have a look at it'
• Steve McQueen was inspired by Toschi after he visited his department for research ahead of the classic 1968 film Bullitt

Daily Mail
PUBLISHED: 14:19 EST, 15 May 2014 | UPDATED: 15:16 EST, 15 May 2014

"The retired detective who led the hunt for the Zodiac Killer - who also inspired Steve McQueen's character in Bullitt - today said he would take seriously a book which claims to name the notorious murderer.
Retired Inspector Dave Toschi, now 82, is famously reticent about the investigation and says his failure to crack the case during his 30-year career at San Francisco Police Department still haunts him.
But Toschi, whose dress-style and maverick approach to policing inspired film star Steve McQueen, said he was willing to look at the new evidence contained in a book written by a man who claims his father is the killer."

For the truth about all things Zodiac, visits my site zodiackillersite.com

First off, regarding Horan's theory about the zodiac killer being a hoax, tell that to his Victims and their Families. He has a theory full of flaws, and it's disgusting that he would insult the victims by saying there's no zodiac killer.

As far as Gary Stewart's book goes, don't believe the hype. He has linked his suspect/father to being zodiac with zero proof, and no evidence. It's a weak connection based on his father looking like z and not much more.

Every so often in this case, somebody comes forward to claim they know who zodiac was, and they get 15 minutes. A year later, the case is still open, and the next person comes forward for their 15 minutes. The same is true here, next year at this time, the case will still be unsolved
I dont think.. Think you have your facts right he has no evidence on a fingerprint all he has is his dads name in one of the cyphers....and i would like to add alot of the letters from zodiac were not even from the real killer how do we even know that his dads name came from one of the cyphers that they new for sure the letter was from the zodiac ...maybe his dads name was in one of the letters that they are not sure if it was from the real zodiac......and again u dont write the book before u check up on facts which he said on cnn he didnt do .he says he wrote it because of the sketch and the name being in the cypher so to write the book before knowing and getting the facts to see if it was his father again smells like a money trip ...he was afraid to be debunked before writing the book because if he was debunked before writing well no book so no money for him...thats how i see this its not interesting at all to me it reaks of a man just wanting money which is why he wrote and published this book before really getting the facts ...
I dont think.. Think you have your facts right he has no evidence on a fingerprint all he has is his dads name in one of the cyphers....and i would like to add alot of the letters from zodiac were not even from the real killer how do we even know that his dads name came from one of the cyphers that they new for sure the letter was from the zodiac ...maybe his dads name was in one of the letters that they are not sure if it was from the real zodiac......and again u dont write the book before u check up on facts which he said on cnn he didnt do .he says he wrote it because of the sketch and the name being in the cypher so to write the book before knowing and getting the facts to see if it was his father again smells like a money trip ...he was afraid to be debunked before writing the book because if he was debunked before writing well no book so no money for him...thats how i see this its not interesting at all to me it reaks of a man just wanting money which is why he wrote and published this book before really getting the facts ...

With all due respect to you, I don't have to check my facts, I know the Facts. I operate a website dedicated to hunting the Zodiac Killer. I have been a guest on radio programs about the Zodiac. I have access to police files & reports NOT seen by the general public.

" i would like to add alot of the letters from zodiac were not even from the real killer"

This statement shows that it is YOU who does not know your Zodiac Facts. The Zodiac case is a fascinating one, with lots of twists and turns. But unfortunately, there is alot of BS to wade thru also. I don't blame you for your misguided views about the case, alot of the BS out there is the very stuff you have seen blasted on the net, and on TV the last few days.

If you want to learn about the case, and the 'facts' of it, check out my site, Zodiac newbies & experts alike are welcomed
scroll back i stated the very same thing about half the stuff they recieved from the zodiac that they couldn't verify all the letters so your not telling me anything new i had allready said that . And i managed all that by myself i don't need no website .
There were a few possible faked or unconfirmed Zodiac letters, but the majority of them were 100% actual,legitimate Zodiac letters, verified as such by professionally trained document examiners. I don't disagree with you about the Author failing to fully investigate, and rushing to write the book without examining the full details

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