According to Cindy, they had many rolls of duct tape. Henkel brand though? I don't know, but I'd think they tended to buy the same brand. Also, as someone mentioned earlier, KC could have used Amy H's duct tape.Well, of course. My instant thought was how many rolls of Henkels duct tape were in the Anthony house prior to June 15, 2008.
I'm concerned about this. The witness described the difference in makeup between the horizontal or vertical fibers only. Earlier I had thought the difference was due to erosion by elements. But that would be an overall change, not only in horizontal or vertical fibers. This doesn't look good. moo
Could the 'testosterone' have been $perm?
Friday DT needs to give a guestimate when they're finished, not to rush them but because there is going to be rebuttal testimony and give them an idea when.
<<<<<<<<<< Side Bar Thread >>>>>>
2011.06.22 Sidebar Thread (Trial Day Twenty-five) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
CA did a long disertation on the clothes that LA went and got. She went on about how they all smelled of smoke from 'that' apartment and so she washed them, folded them and they sat on ICA's bed for quite a while. CA said she "offered them up" or reminded LE she had these clothes a couple of times and no one ever came and looked at them or took them.Didn't lee go get all of her clothes? Cindy went through all of them. Dollars to donuts, everything went in the washing machine..