2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Morning Session)

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I've been lurking for quite some time but have not posted. This is hilarious. Just wanted to thank everyone for making this testimony a little less intolerable. Anyway, hello to everyone and thanks.
I still think there are likely huge holes in Vass' work but this attempt to emphasize them...I thought the defense was a trainwreck before but this takes the cake. I'm glad for the prosecution's case but sheesh, that was embarrassing.
You guys are saying lunch but I'm still seeing questioning. How far behind channel 9?
I agree.

I suspect she didn't anticipate any objections & troubleshoot her responses based on the SA's objections. Overconfidence on her part, IMO. Big mistake.

Seems that she needs a script in order to perform meaning that she hasn't done enough research on this witness and what he is testifying to and about in order to ad lib it and to confine it to his now limited areas of expertise.

I'm sorry it just appears that no one on the DT is committed enough to this case to learn and to know the evidence. They waited until the last minute to start preparing rather than taking it in and researching it as they got it.

Case in point, JB didn't even care enough to look at what was on the hard drive of the PC. All he cared about was waiting to see what the SA was going to do then fumble around with disputing it.

I blame the entire DT too not just Jose.
I thought Sims was brought onto the defense team because she was some super lawyer when it comes to questioning expert witnesses??

I would object to this, seems like questioning experts is outside of her scope of expertise :giggle:

DS was expecting this guy to be verified as an expect on everything but JA put a stop to that. I think most of her questions were based on that. Now she has to think on her feet and ONLY ask questions relating to what he is verified in.

I think most her "daming" questions won't be allowed to be asked. Now she has an hour and half to figure out how to ask them.
I am getting the feeling that DS doesnt have a clue at how poorly this is going........she seems oblivious to that fact.

I think she probably knows how badly it's going, but doesn't know how to get out if it without ensuring the jury knows how badly it's going. Digging a deeper hole. The defense didn't need to borrow a shovel to bury themselves.. JMO...
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