2011.06.24 TRIAL Day Twenty-seven (Afternoon Session)

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is this on the record? is the court reporter still taking all this down? anyone know?
State 1/2 or maybe full day for rebuttal
1 Day to Close - LDB says maybe less time
HJBP trying to figure out if he wants to send the Jury out on Friday or bring them back Saturday and give them Jury Instuctions - 45 minutes to give Jury Instuctions
Such an incredible lack of respect, responsibility, and common sense from this women and her defense team....shame shame shame.

People losing their jobs, lives, and any hope of a "reasonably private" future. shame shame shame
HHJP reminds them of 'lessers'---methinks he wants to tally up years & years & years! Anyone think so?
Please tell me i am not the only one that saw ICA Raise her eye brows and get snippy and start mouthing off after ashton said "bring it on"" !!!
I have to see that again. She said something and i want to know what she said.

looked to me like she said "wowser" & then something else that I didn't catch
Did anyone else just see KC bob her head a bit at the mention of manslaughter?

I can just hear her saying..."that's as high as I go"
JP will get it to atty's first thing Monday morning (possible lesser charges). #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 4:17 PM

Judge says jurors will be separated from one another once they get the case. #CaseyAnthony -jfell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 4:17 PM

JP: think about lesser charges you'd be inclined to ask for. #caseyanthony
by oscaseyanthony via twitter at 4:17 PM
Can you please explain this? They are kept apart???

No, no, no, I think HHJP meant over the weekend. He does not want them to be kept apart after closing arguments say on Sunday or something. I think that is how I got it.
"You're going to need allegations to prove up other than attorneys flapping their gums." - HHJP

HHJP better not plan on sending out the jury on Friday, has he not seen how much longer the DT really takes daily?

For once I am hoping they take longer! I am going to be out of town that weekend AND out of cell phone range completely!

It is a family reunion and people might be dead next year... saying "dude, you don't understand... there might be a verdict in a case you have never heard of..." might not go over very well!
WHAT new motion are they filing now? Are they serious? A Motion To Dismiss-AGAIN?
LOL attorney's flappin their gums (evidentiary hearing) Perry patience is wearing thin a bit.
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