SIDEBAR #! (11:31-11:35)
DIRECT EXAM BY BY - continued
Regarding his chart, all the studies are different and study bodies in different stages. There are various people looking at the various chemicals given off of a decomposing body. His table is a summary based on a portion of all of the compounds presented.
(ICA writing notes again)
Dr. Vass's studies are #6 and #7. Dr. Strafalopolis in Greece(sp) is #4 and #5.
What can we learn from the chart?
OBJECTION may be a (case) violation - REPHRASE
If above 50% would show a general agreement among the studies. The numbers were well below that which means there is disagreement at this point. The only that are above the 50% threshold are 4 chemicals. Tolumine and paraxylene, dimethyl disulfide and tri-sulfide.
Next slide - a photo provided to him of contents of trunk after they had been removed and inventoried. This is relative to possible decomp events from food products or volatiles related to consumer products.
Fatty acids - in report by Dr. Vass. These 4 fatty acids are everywhere, related to fatty materials, i.e. milk products, cheese. They are the same compounds found in human body fat.
Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron are generally found in milk or other materials we ingest.
These fatty acids are not unique to human decomp.
Sodium, calcium.... are not unique to human decomp.
Next slide - shows pork and beef and other items we might consume also contain the same fatty acids reported by Dr. Vass.
Regarding chloroform - Oakridge did not do a quantitative analysis.
Chloroform is everywhere. It is very common in very low quantities. Can be high in bleach....
OBJECTION - JA speaking with JB - JA requests sidebar
SIDEBAR #2 (11:46-11:52
Chloroform can be found in cleaning products, in many products, depending on the concentration level. Bleach has high amounts of chloroform. Other products that contain chloroform would be... Witness then referenced the World Health Organization...
OBJECTION - JA stated the WHO was one of the areas they had talked about - SUSTAINED
Chloroform found in drinking water, household foods (cheeses and soft drinks)
JA - we need to approach (he had a piece of paper he wanted to show the Court.
SIDEBAR #3 (11:54-11:59
Talking heads are noticing that AF is going to sidebars now and CM is staying sitting down.
Recess for lunch until 1:45. Legal matter that needs to be taken up at 1:30.