2011.07.03 TRIAL Day Thirty-four - DEFENSE (JB) CLOSING ARGUMENTS

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I don't think I can handle listening to CM - he grinds on me more than JB - just in a different way.
He really Blathered too long and rambled. He vilified so many, everyone really. I do not think that was particularly effective. However he tried to hammer some reasonable doubt re: the evidence. He was better this afternoon, but I do not think the jury will buy it. I am relieved that he was competent enough so that ica won't be able to file an appeal based on ineffective counsel. That would be a nightmare if she is convicted and the state has to waste more resources and funds due to her buffoon attorney.

Does not look like we'll be finishing today.
I do really want to know how Kronk saw a skull in August and it was then in a bag in December??????????????? Someone explain please.

I think that was an excellent closing argument.

Me too! That's what I've been saying this whole trial. He moved/shifted/disturbed the evidence. Therefore, how can you rely on it! JB impressed me with his closing. He really fumbled during the witness testimonies and showed he is quite green. But, my opinion, he did a good closing.
The only thing that comes to mind regarding JB's closing is that old saying if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with you-know-what.

Don't you think that for everything he brought up the State had already addressed? SA disproved all the forenzics DT tried to say. Tests were not apple to apple. I am not worried. jmo
Seriously, I don't touch alcohol, but I'm going to start passing out Jello shots. :waiting:
I have watched many, many trials, gavel-gavel on the old, original Court TV over about a 7-10 year period every day.. I was a trial addict, actually.

My opinion is that Baez's closing argument ranks among the best I have ever witnessed as it relates to creating reasonable doubt in a TOUGH, TOUGH case. I didn't think he had it in him, but . . .

I don't know what actually happened, in detail, to Caylee, and no one else on the planet does but I know that a pre-meditated murder verdict is not a slam dunk.

I am willing to be proven wrong, but for those who have followed this case relatively closely and can still be objective about it, hang on to yer hats!!


I beg to differ.. Casey Anthony knows exactly what happened to Caylee. But she will never tell. Most murders don't. imho.
Many people know about suicide, personally. I just happen to believe some are phony, self-serving.

respectfully, JB better hope no one on that jury has lost someone to suicide. I can promise it wont go over any better with them that it does with us on WS who have been through it.
Sheaffer grades the defense argument as a B or B+ and says in 10 years he could be a very formidable lawyer.
Everyone on here posting about their family members who don't know as much as we do and thinking the defense has given reasonable doubt is scaring the bajeezus outta me.
They will have a wonderful working relationship soon. She is sure she will be his paralegal next week. :floorlaugh:

She may have to fight with CA for that position. Did you read the letter that CA sent to ICA that she enjoyed doing paralegal work? I'm wondering for who being that she claims to being unemployed and is on disability.
I'd ask the jurors: "I'm going to ask you to close your eyes and use your common sense. Picture a pool in your backyard. Now picture going out there and seeing a 2 yr old floating in the pool having obviously drowned. What is your very next thought of what you would do?" Now open your eyes. How many of you had an immediate thought to scream for someone to call 911 or run to the phone and call 911 yourself while frantically trying to resuscitate the child?

I ask you: "would you take the child, run into the house looking for someone in the house to yell at for not watching the child, proceed to put duct tape on the child's head, cloth the child, wrap the child in a blanket, two trash bags and a laundry bag, put the bag in your daughter's trunk and then just go to work?"

That defies common sense!


Did JB actually say the jury should trust Lee?

Uh, didn't he also accuse him of "trying to follow in George's footsteps but it didn't get as far"????
JB and ICA hugging is the equivalent of a high five... Now who is all about " winning" here? I think that won't sit well with the jurors.
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