Brad Cooper: Appeal info

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From the trial transcript, Kurtz questioning Dismukes outside of the presence of the jury:

State vs Bradley Cooper, March 17, 2011, Volume 14, page 3070.

Where is this trial transcript? Do you have your own copy of it or direct access to it?

Was the oldest child questioned by Clea or did the child offer information on her own?

What specific day is the child referring to that she saw her mommy? Fri? Sat? What time did the child see her mother? Middle of the night? Dark outside or light outside?

When did Nancy have on black shorts? According to Brad's version of events, Nancy did not have on any shorts and he said if she was wearing anything under the long Tshirt, which he claimed was his Tshirt and thus quite large on Nancy, it could not be seen.

Where is the cross-examination of part of the testimony? Why is it not included in what you copied & pasted?

Now that we know Oenophile has access to the trial transcripts (too late to claim otherwise), there is no reason for Oenophile to withhold the very part in which Chris Frye made that proffer that was also (just as Dismukes testimony was) not available on video for the viewing public.

C'mon Oenophile. Share Chris Frey's proffered testimony from his appearance in court in May 2011. It's part of the written transcript, which you clearly have or have access to. Copy and paste that part and let's see exactly what Frye said that day.
What goalposts? This isn't a game.

Explain why his statement from his deposition is fairly consistent with what he told detectives a couple or more times the day Nancy went missing: Nancy downstairs, not upstairs, starting around 4am-ish or slightly after, when they either meet in the hall or Brad brings downstairs the youngest child, where Nancy is, them taking turns holding the youngest, Nancy only wearing a Tshirt, oldest asleep in her own bed, youngest eventually getting a bottle, then upstairs with Brad and then once sleepy being put back to bed next to her sleeping sister. BC saying he did not see his wife but hearing the door slam at or slightly before 7am and assuming she left to go running. He didn't see what she was wearing when she left. Kids asleep until around 8:30am or so.

He also went out to Harris Teeter twice that morning. It is entirely possible that NC went in to see Bella while he was out. And he would not have reported that to the police since he wasn't there.
Where is this trial transcript? Do you have your own copy of it or direct access to it?

I got the trial transcript for this section from the Justice for Brad website. I found it by doing a Google search. Specifically, I searched for "brad cooper clea morwick bella". It was the fifth link that came up in the Google search (funny how a Google search should enter into this).

Here is the link to the file that I found.

Was the oldest child questioned by Clea or did the child offer information on her own?

What specific day is the child referring to that she saw her mommy? Fri? Sat? What time did the child see her mother? Middle of the night? Dark outside or light outside?

When did Nancy have on black shorts? According to Brad's version of events, Nancy did not have on any shorts and he said if she was wearing anything under the long Tshirt, which he claimed was his Tshirt and thus quite large on Nancy, it could not be seen.

Where is the cross-examination of part of the testimony? Why is it not included in what you copied & pasted?

You denied that the statement ever happened. I simply responded with what I found. You can look at the trial transcript yourself. There was NO more information from Bella because the police did not interview Bella.
Careful you might blow your cover.

LMAO. I am not involved in the Defense of Brad Cooper. I am not a lawyer. Although I have been tempted to contribute to his defense fund, because I believe he was unfairly prosecuted and basically framed, I have not yet done so.

I am, however, a pretty good researcher, and I did ace my practice LSAT's but decided not to pursue law because I dislike writing without purpose.

Now that we know Oenophile has access to the trial transcripts (too late to claim otherwise), there is no reason for Oenophile to withhold the very part in which Chris Frye made that proffer that was also (just as Dismukes testimony was) not available on video for the viewing public.

C'mon Oenophile. Share Chris Frey's proffered testimony from his appearance in court in May 2011. It's part of the written transcript, which you clearly have or have access to. Copy and paste that part and let's see exactly what Frye said that day.

I WISH I had Frye's transcript, and I wish I had access to all the transcripts. As the only access I have to any transcript is via a Google search, unfortunately, I don't seem to have that. If anyone else has it, I would love to see it, as I am abundantly curious as to the content.
Hehehe. And no one likes to argue more than an attorney, right?

Interesting. Now I am being falsely accused of being an attorney. False accusations run rampant on this forum, don't they?

I guess I should take it as a compliment that you think my arguments are professional enough to conclude that I have completely law school and passed the bar. Thanks!
This is rich.

How did you come up with that search term.

And why the rapid fire posts? Thou dost protest too much:,_methinks

Why the rapid fire posts? Because I just woke up and was responding to what was written.

How did I come up with that search term? It wasn't particularly difficult, it includes the child's name, the accused name, and the name of the friend that she was said to have told.

As to the rest, I find it interesting that when people are losing the argument, they attack the person. I believe that is called an ad hominem attack.
How did I come up with that search term? It wasn't particularly difficult, it includes the child's name, the accused name, and the name of the friend that she was said to have told.

As to the rest, I find it interesting that when people are losing the argument, they attack the person. I believe that is called an ad hominem attack.

I'm not here to attack anyone, and I'm all for debate about an issue which is very important to the deceased, her family, the accused, his family, and most importantly, the children...some day, they will deal with these issues on their own terms.

But picking that search term, with unique and chosen information which would require more than the recent observer status you represent (I followed this case from the beginning, while you seem to have come on the scene recently), while at the same time purporting to know little about the information Madeleine is posting, really looks odd. Its like you are watching distantly, not knowing lots of things about the case, and then suddenly you demonstrate this deep knowledge--- and so specific on the issue.

You don't have to explain the above, and please do continue to argue Brad's innocence. But you do have a tendency to discard things which were mentioned in court (Brad configuring the router from work, technical and precise... only one example), and then emphasize the purported words of a young child, which were not actually in court (unless you count third hand testimony, and while those words contradict the accused's own testimony).

The list of exculpatory evidence is weak. If there is more, please post about it. I think Madeleine's point about that evidence, not to get into a debate of definitions is, its not really exculpatory if its easily explained and still consistent with the guilt of the accused. The most key evidence pointing at Brad can not be explained away unless you resort to great leaps of conspiracy theories.
I'm not here to attack anyone, and I'm all for debate about an issue which is very important to the deceased, her family, the accused, his family, and most importantly, the children...some day, they will deal with these issues on their own terms.

Me too.

But picking that search term, with unique and chosen information which would require more than the recent observer status you represent (I followed this case from the beginning, while you seem to have come on the scene recently), while at the same time purporting to know little about the information Madeleine is posting, really looks odd. Its like you are watching distantly, not knowing lots of things about the case, and then suddenly you demonstrate this deep knowledge--- and so specific on the issue.

I never claimed to be a recent observer about this case. I claimed to be a recent observer about the Jason Young case. Perhaps you are confusing the two. I have watched this case from the beginning. I am not sure which information that you claim I purport to know little about, as I have watched virtually all of the trial as it was broadcast. I mentioned that several times. The only thing recently that I said I knew little of was the post that you mentioned about BC's previous civil trial. Feel free to go back over my old posts if you want.

You don't have to explain the above, and please do continue to argue Brad's innocence. But you do have a tendency to discard things which were mentioned in court (Brad configuring the router from work, technical and precise... only one example), and then emphasize the purported words of a young child, which were not actually in court (unless you count third hand testimony, and while those words contradict the accused's own testimony).

Which things mentioned in court did I discard? The only reason that I discard the Frye proffer is because a) I didn't see it, and b) it wasn't subject to a thorough cross examination. I've already discussed this, and I also said that I would LIKE to see this evidence because it could change my opinion of this case.

I am frankly surprised at the level to which people want to discard evidence that CLEARLY shows BC is innocent. I realize that many people here WANT BC to be guilty of this regardless of the truth. Personally, I want BC to be found guilty if he did it and not guilty if he didn't. The EVIDENCE points toward innocence.

The list of exculpatory evidence is weak. If there is more, please post about it. I think Madeleine's point about that evidence, not to get into a debate of definitions is, its not really exculpatory if its easily explained and still consistent with the guilt of the accused. The most key evidence pointing at Brad can not be explained away unless you resort to great leaps of conspiracy theories.

The exculpatory evidence is incredibly strong, just making an exclamation that it is weak does not make it so. It is completely inconsistent with the guilt of the accused. In fact, the vast majority of the evidence in this case is completely inconsistent with the guilt of the accused. What makes the exculpatory evidence so strong is that much of it is physical. The autopsy, the phone call. Y'all keep focusing on the child statement, but it was actually the autopsy (stomach contents, caffeine, and alcohol levels) that moved me the most toward not guilty. If you put these on a scale of 1 to 10, where 1 is consistent with BC committing the murder, and 10 is consistent with NC being killed while on a run, the autopsy results are a 9.

You are correct to say that the most key evidence pointing to BC is the Google search. And it is not easily explained away. I was and still am a bit skeptical of the planting theory. However, there are far too many problems with this Google search to make it reliable enough to counter all of the rest of the evidence that points away from BC. Trenkle's close summarized it very well.
But picking that search term, with unique and chosen information which would require more than the recent observer status you represent (I followed this case from the beginning, while you seem to have come on the scene recently), while at the same time purporting to know little about the information Madeleine is posting, really looks odd. Its like you are watching distantly, not knowing lots of things about the case, and then suddenly you demonstrate this deep knowledge--- and so specific on the issue.

For what it is worth, here is my first post ever on this forum.
Interesting. Now I am being falsely accused of being an attorney. False accusations run rampant on this forum, don't they?

I guess I should take it as a compliment that you think my arguments are professional enough to conclude that I have completely law school and passed the bar. Thanks!

Haven't accused you of being anyone. I have no idea what your professional background is or might be, nor is that any of my business. I do believe there's a level of emotional connection to Brad that is very personal, based on a couple things, including your stated prior and current feelings of rage, fury, and disgust (the holy troika of emo) at a nonprofit that is neither a part of Brad's trial or his appeal.
There is no evidence that "CLEARLY" shows Brad as innocent.

Saying there is doesn't make it so.

It's subjective, as has been proven probably hundreds of times over the years on these threads.
Haven't accused you of being anyone. I have no idea what your professional background is or might be, nor is that any of my business.

So how do you explain this statement: " And no one likes to argue more than an attorney, right?"

Denial isn't just a river in Africa.

I do believe there's a level of emotional connection to Brad that is very personal, based on a couple things, including your stated prior and current feelings of rage, fury, and disgust (the holy troika of emo) at a nonprofit that is neither a part of Brad's trial or his appeal.

The nonprofit was certainly a part of a sustained public campaign to blame Brad for this murder, beginning with Chief Bazemore's claim that this was not a random crime just days after the murder. I have stated many times my opinion of Brad. But what I get emotional about is the injustice when people are quick to make a conclusion then try to manipulate the evidence to fit the conclusion.
So how do you explain this statement: " And no one likes to argue more than an attorney, right?"

That comment was to Calgary. I was teasing Calgary about his specific beliefs.

The nonprofit was certainly a part of a sustained public campaign to blame Brad for this murder, beginning with Chief Bazemore's claim that this was not a random crime just days after the murder. I have stated many times my opinion of Brad. But what I get emotional about is the injustice when people are quick to make a conclusion then try to manipulate the evidence to fit the conclusion.

Oh now we've escalated to a "sustained public campaign to blame Brad." Gotta love the rhetoric being ratcheted to a crescendo.

If, as the state claimed during the last hearing, a plea offer continues to remain on the table for Brad, and if he then accepts this supposedly still valid plea for a lesser charge, will that be because of a "sustained public campaign to blame Brad" or will that be because he is actually guilty and is finally admitting that guilt?
That comment was to Calgary. I was teasing Calgary about his specific beliefs.

My apologies, I thought you were referring to me, after Calgary said something about "blowing my cover" as if I was working for the defense or something. My mistake.

Oh now we've escalated to a "sustained public campaign to blame Brad." Gotta love the rhetoric being ratcheted to a crescendo.

There was. It was in the media as well. For example, Amanda Lamb was criticized early on during the trial for very pro-prosecution reporting. It is all well documented in the change in venue request that you referred to earlier. It is also documented in the trial when friends were pressured to not have contact with Brad.

If, as the state claimed during the last hearing, a plea offer continues to remain on the table for Brad, and if he then accepts this supposedly still valid plea for a lesser charge, will that be because of a "sustained public campaign to blame Brad" or will that be because he is actually guilty and is finally admitting that guilt?

If he accepts a plea, it would be, I presume, because he is actually guilty and is admitting that guilt. I don't think he will accept a plea because I believe he is innocent. But I could be wrong, and I would happily admit that I am wrong if either a) more conclusive evidence that he committed the crime is presented at the second trial, or b) he takes a deal.
I think you are forgetting the nonprofit is not the media. What have you seen lately, and I'm talking in the last 2 years from or about the fund? (hint: nada).

If you don't like how the media reports things, then do something about that. "If you don't like the news, go out and make some of your own." a great quote by Wes C. Nisker.

If Brad were to accept a plea of guilt that should be all the evidence anyone might need to conclude he is, in fact, guilty of the murder. As you said at some point upstream, an admission of guilt by a defendant would be considered "direct evidence," i.e. confession to the crime.
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