Found Deceased IN - Abigail (Abby) Williams, 13, & Liberty (Libby) German, 14, The Delphi Murders 13 Feb 2017 #115

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Sep 13, 2003
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Welcome back to the Delphi Murders discussion thread.

On the afternoon of Feb. 13th, 2017, best friends Abigail Williams and Liberty German were dropped off at a bridge in the town of Delphi. On Feb 14th their bodies were discovered around noon about 50 feet from the north bank of Deer Creek which is about 0.5 miles from the bridge.
The Sheriff's office gave a press conference on 4/22/19 and we have some solid information. Please take a look below




Here is the old audio in a loop:



Anyone with information about this case, no matter how insignificant, is encouraged to call the Delphi Homicide Investigation Tip Line at
(844) 459-5786.

Information can also be reported by calling the Indiana State Police at(800) 382-7537, or the Carroll County Sheriff's Department at (765) 564-2413.

Information can also be emailed to

video of press conference from 2017 02/22/17:

Let's do this. Let's commit to getting this killer's picture and voice out there any possible way we can.

Pictures of Abby and Libby

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Case map by skibaboo updated with grayhuze crime flow video
grayhuze youtube channel

Verified Insiders: None in this case at this time.
Verified Professional, Member michael.gartley, is a Verified Expert in Imaging Science.


DO NOT post photos of random individuals (including persons featured in MSM articles about other area crimes) to compare to the images of unidentified suspect on the bridge.


Do not sleuth family, PERIOD. This includes previous public records which have nothing to do with this case. They are victims here. Plain and simple.

4) If you feel you have a tip, by all means, phone it in. Do NOT discuss your tip here. Contact the authorities and give them time to follow your lead.
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There is a lot to discuss in the Delphi case with all the very big developments.

We have a very strong rule on Websleuths. Do not ask someone to PM you on a discussion thread. Why? You saw what happens on this thread. The thread was almost taken over by people saying "PM ME PM ME". We couldn't keep up with removing the posts.
If you want someone to PM you then what you do is you PRIVATE MESSAGE THEM FIRST and ask them whatever.

You do not stop the whole discussion and ask someone to PM you.

We will be giving long time-outs to anyone who says they have the information they can only share in PM's or words to that effect.

We call that "baiting" and it makes me crazy. It is so frustrating to try and get things under control when someone recklessly posts a cryptic post creating a frenzy of posts asking to be PM'd.
Please be mindful of our rules.
Thank you,
Random thought:
Do we know for sure if the girls were found in the water or out? Does anyone think they could have been drowned? I keep wondering how he managed both girls. I do think he had a weapon, possibly a gun, but didn't use it to kill them. I CAN see him using it though to march them into the water, make them kneel down facing away from him, and then using both hands to push their heads under the water at the same time. (Sorry, yucky typing that.) It would be quiet and pretty fast. How much strength would that take? Maybe not possible at all? It would wash away the evidence. MOO
Even though I had absolutely whatsoever to do with this interaction you speak of, I will falsely admit to being the mistaken/confused/wrong one in order for this topic to be dropped so we can move on with other topics of discussion. ;)

Its been dropped for hours now...u only brought it up again.
That's such a good question. Especially since he's probably reading these.

I think this is a game to him, one where his freedom and life is at stake. He watches and reads about the crime like he watches sports, but he can't compartmentalize the murder of two girls the same way.

He drinks to make the anxiety go away. He has friends who he feels safe around, and they drink and get high. They don't ask about the case, or mention it around him.

When he wakes up in the morning and realizes that it hasn't gone away, the anxiety comes back. He thinks he can keep it together. He's confident he can get on with his life and be a productive member of society. It was a mistake to act on his urges back then, he knows that now.

He reads about new scientific techniques for acquiring DNA evidence from a single strand of hair. He watches his friends' social media accounts. He has anonymous accounts, and actually takes part in discussion about the case. His comments on Reddit always point away from himself, but they are close, and the anxiety is bad.

But he can handle it. They can't touch him.
His comments on Reddit? Sounds like you're talking to a particular poster over there. I'm not fishing, just observing.
Off the top of my head I have followed two cases where LE knew who the perp was almost from day one. They were patient when outsiders weren’t, gathered evidence the public didn’t know they had and made the arrest when a conviction could be better secured. There are thousands of cases just like this.
Carter said “you want to know what we know and someday you will”.
Let today be the day.
Random thought:
Do we know for sure if the girls were found in the water or out? Does anyone think they could have been drowned? I keep wondering how he managed both girls. I do think he had a weapon, possibly a gun, but didn't use it to kill them. I CAN see him using it though to march them into the water, make them kneel down facing away from him, and then using both hands to push their heads under the water at the same time. (Sorry, yucky typing that.) It would be quiet and pretty fast. How much strength would that take? Maybe not possible at all? It would wash away the evidence. MOO
I believe they were found near the water. There were other people around, perhaps not close, but no one heard screaming that we know of. MOO, I believe he had to have incompacitated one of the girls quickly somehow (knocked her out, etc), then attacked the other girl immediately after.
I believe he did have evil intentions for these specific girls, had a kill kit on person and knew the area well.
Something like the hatchet that has been discussed is a good theory IMO.
It has been said that Libby fought like hell. Perhaps he assaulted Abby first and Libby fought for her friend’s life.
No, that’s not necessarily true. There is some strategy when conducting an investigation because you want a successful prosecution. You want it to stick and to shore up any holes that the defense could take advantage of.

Edit: there are holes the defense could use to their advantage right now If LE doesn’t have their i’s dotted and t’s crossed.

I think both things could be true. He has been lucky. For nearly 3 years he has slept in his own bed after killing 2 girls in broad daylight. I dont see what is not "necessarily true." It is true. Has BG been arrested? No. So has he gotten away with murder at this point? Yes.

That said, you are right in your post that LE would dot their i's and cross their t's. I just think nearly 3 years is a long time to do that. But again, both things can be true imo.

Unfortunately, no, that is the file someone shared in the cloud. I need to be able to download each pic individually. I thought I had seen someone who had already split that cloud file into individual files, but maybe I'm dreaming.

I did it a long time ago...a ghetto way lol. I took full screen screenshots of each image. I dont have them anymore tho....was just trying to provide a method. Tho it took quite some time to do.
IIRR I think Libby’s grandfather stated it, but I can’t seem to remember where... there is so much info on this case after all this time, it makes searching for specifics tougher now.

You are makes it impossible. Now that i read that, I think you are right. If i am not mistaken, he said Libby would have fought like hell, or was sure she fought like hell because of her personality....and that had turned into "Libby fought like hell."

Kinda like Kelsi saying the girls were so close "neither would have left the othet" turned into the repeated line "one of the girls could have gotten away but they stayed with their friend."

An emotional (not factual) line spoken by a family member that gets twisted to mean something literal.
Lol im does sound like someone particular

So psyched people found the possibility of the offender being a Redditor to be realistic! I picture the offender on Reddit more than Websleuths because of his age, mostly. I don't currently have a specific Reddit user in mind as a throwaway being used by the offender, but I've looked. Of particular interest in my "offender Redditor profile" is someone who comments on sports threads, then occasionally switches to r/delphimurders. A "dude" who switches it up like that would also be able to compartmentalize in a similar way, don't you think?

A sports fan with a morbid streak.
This possibility still exists in my mind too, especially the money part of the refurbishment.

But my #1 POI does not fit with that, but I could be wrong.

Endangered not dangerous.

I have expressed in the past that it’s “possible” that a crime occurred here for a reason ... to save the bridge. They (McCain and like minded people) were desperate to save this bridge. What better way to bring attention to the bridge? The murders certainly fast tracked that didn’t it.

So “if” DM is really FSG could it be that he intentionally gave wrong info on the sketch that we are told to now ignore?

Anyway it’s a thought that has crossed my mind more than once and I find it interesting.

Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, if and when someone is arrested. Can’t be soon enough for me.
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