Anthony DiMaria, the nephew of victim Thomas Jay Sebring, said a Los Angeles County prosecutor who attended the hearing told him that the parole officials want to research whether Krenwinkel was a victim of intimate partner battery.
'For this investigation to be initiated at this point is mind-boggling," said DiMaria, who attended the hearing but left before a decision was postponed. "I don't understand where we go from a murder, the killing of eight people (including Tate's unborn child) to an intimate partner battery victim. It's absurd....It seems like the world is turned upside down. How do you kill eight people and now you're the victim?"
So am I understanding this correctly...if Krenwinkel is found to have been a victim of intimate partner battery that this could play in her favor regarding parole? Shouldn't this have been used as a mitigating circumstance during sentencing 47 years ago? Oh, I forgot, she worshipped Manson back then. But has it ever been brought up before during her many parole hearings? Apparently not, since the parole board is delaying in order to look into it. But why is it being brought up now? What is the parole board going to do, check with Charlie? I'm sure they are following protocol to ensure Krenwinkel's rights are protected. But it simply defies common sense to give this attempt at victimhood the time of day.
If Krenwinkel is truly remorseful, she will stop making excuses, stop trying to be released, stop putting the families through these parole hearings and serve the rest of her sentence until she dies. THAT would indicate true remorse IMO, and be the best way to show it...own what she did, accept her sentence and allow the families peace.