SC - Four dead in Superbike Motorsports shooting, Chesnee, 6 Nov 2003 *Arrest*


A diamond in process
Jul 22, 2004
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During a news conference Thursday morning, Wright unveiled the new sketch, which investigators think could be the person responsible for gunning down Brian Thomas Lucas, Scott Ponder, Beverly Guy and Chris Sherbert at Superbike Motorsports on Parris Bridge Road in Chesnee on Nov. 6, 2003.

snip....Fliers with the new sketch will be distributed. The flier also shows three possible vehicles the man in the sketch might have been driving: a blue 1990s Chevrolet or GMC Z71; a small blue pickup (make unknown) with a "sporty" look; or an early 1990s compact car, such as a Honda Civic.

The man is described as white, 25 to 40 years old, about 6 feet tall and weighing 175 to 200 pounds.

SPARTANBURG, S.C. (AP) — After nearly 10 years and more than 750 leads, law enforcement officials and victims' families remain stumped in one of South Carolina's most heinous killings: A gunman who walked into a motorcycle shop, killed the owner and three employees, and slipped out undetected.

Nov. 6 will mark a decade since the deaths at Superbike Motorsports in Spartanburg County, on a two-lane highway headed from the city toward the Blue Ridge Mountains. Sheriff Chuck Wright has vowed to get the killer off the street, but he now admits he may be waiting for a jailhouse confession.

For the families of the store's owner, service manager, mechanic and bookkeeper, the search for answers is taking a toll. The parents of one victim moved to South Carolina to find justice, but say their hopes that the killer will face justice are fading.

Veteran law enforcement officials say that in recent state history, they can't remember another mass shooting remaining unsolved for so long.

Investigators say all four victims were killed with the same 9 mm pistol. They think the killer came in the back, perhaps through an open garage door, and killed mechanic Chris Sherbert, 26, as he worked. Bookkeeper Beverly Guy, 52, was found just outside the bathroom in the middle of the showroom. Her son, shop owner Scott Ponder, 30, was found just outside the door in the parking lot, and service manager Brian Lucas, 29, in the doorway; officials say they may have been trying to run. They also cite evidence that the killer may have circled back and shot some victims in the head to ensure they were dead. He was a good shot: Officials say he missed his moving targets only a few times...........

Much more in 4p. article..
10 years after motorcycle shop murders, investigators remain stumped

........Wright and his investigators are pushing hard a revised sketch of a customer who was in the store less than an hour before the killings. When Wright released the drawing in March 2012, he said he thought that man was the killer. Now Wright says he's not so sure, but he still believes the man has information to crack the case.

Investigators do think the killer was a disgruntled customer. Through the Internet, Ponder sold nationwide. A map in the sheriff's office has pushpins where Ponder's motorcycles were sold. Each pin is somewhere a suspect might live, a place where investigators want to get the word out.

The victims' families have their theories, too. "It runs through my mind constantly," said Lorraine Lucas, the mother of Brian Lucas. "I run that day through my head when I first wake up, and it is the last thing I do at night."........more at link.....
Living less than two miles from this is pretty eerie. The rumor mills have gone nuts, however the town is fairly certain who comited this atrocity. Check out the 911 call, I can't find it at the moment. Do the research behind that man and the tickets that were never found. I think it will all become fairly clear. Coffey screwed it up, compromised the scene, and wright doesn't seem to give much a damn.
Throw out that sketch, it's not him. Their first subject, the one that Sue Brown timed the drive, throw him out. (I also timed that , knowing the area a little better, the least traveled times and any possible short cuts to be made) The man with with the phone in his hand had the gun in his hand, too. JMO
The latest article I could find was from Nov/Dec 2014. The father of one victim has developed playing cards and a Facebook page about the murders. He thinks it was a hit on the business. It does make sense as the business was closed...

"It's going to take a lot of work to get this solved, but I'm never going to give up," said Tom Lucas. "I believe there was an intentional hit on that business. I believe it's probably deeper than any of us want to believe."

Anyone with information can contact investigators at 888-CRIME-SC and remain anonymous. There is a $25,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest.

I highly doubt that. The story about a customer preparing to buy a bike and shooting them? Doesn't seem likely. The 911 caller (can I name him, since he has been in MSM?) KNEW there was a .357 behind the register and knew he had to get them in a certain way. I've walked the inside of if and to shoot BG first makes no sense unless he's hoping to get between the revolver and anybody who knows it's there.
I highly doubt that. The story about a customer preparing to buy a bike and shooting them? Doesn't seem likely. The 911 caller (can I name him, since he has been in MSM?) KNEW there was a .357 behind the register and knew he had to get them in a certain way. I've walked the inside of if and to shoot BG first makes no sense unless he's hoping to get between the revolver and anybody who knows it's there.

Someone wanting to shut the business down? Or angry at the woman? Where are you getting your information about the gun and the phone call?
The 911 was actually on some show that I cannot remember the name of - I'll post it when I remember... wait Geraldo. Let me find a link. It's not the whole recording but enough to get thqt feeling. But again, Chesnee is a SMALL town. Everybody knows everybody, the 911 call can be found easily with a search "Uh, I think my friends are playing a joke on me, guys this isn't funny" Absolutely no emotion in that voice. The tickets that were never found. (Btw.. I'm not saying the .357 was used, noel just knew he had one stashed behind the counter) I'm trying to find it because I know personal knowledge doesn't mean much around here. NL knows people in high places, if you know what I mean.

Geraldo At Large Superbike Motorsports Chesnee, SC: Keep in mind.. Lee and Ponder were NOT friends, and have been having arguments lately. I'm friends with Lee on FB.. don't you think on Nov. 6 of each year there would be some "RIP bud" message? Nope.

He also changed his story a few times. Once he realized that getting off the phone with BG and heading to the shol would give him plenty of time to commit this, he "for some reason" (uhh, statement analysing that) took a shower before hand. Lies. Lies. We all know it.

Again. I guess I have to say this is my opinion.
But you should read the sweet, sweet story about the love and marraige that came from this. I'm not sure if Geraldo goes into that part.
But you should read the sweet, sweet story about the love and marraige that came from this. I'm not sure if Geraldo goes into that part.
Yes it was included in your Geraldo clip. Here is a video of a Crimestoppers type show. Had a lot of information and parts of the 911 call. It is strange almost like he is joking but he said he thought it was a joke at first.

video of possible motive, trying to reach online customers.
The customer theory just doesn't make sense. Why? How could that be a possible motive? You ripped me off so I'm going to shoot you all? Too far fetched. While I think Pat Brown may be a little out there, you should read her blog on it all. A lot of it makes sense. But why in the world was SLED not brought in? The FBI? NOBODY.

Are you from around the area? I was going to go into how I'm not positive this happened actually in Chesnee, but it's such a confusing thing that if you're not from here just Wikipedia chesnee.

But I'll try to put it as plainly as possible - my adderess is Chesnee. I live in Boiling Springs, but BS isn't an incorporated town (no mayor, etc) so technically we all live in Spartanburg. This is prettt fsr down Parris Bridge so it may actually be in Chesnee. (I live off of PB) I don't know what this has to do with anything really, just a weird fact. But if you are from the area, and you've seen this place, it is literally in the middle of nowhere. All reviews have been very good of the way this company was run. For a while the rumor was drugs, then the Mafia, then something to do with Scott's father disappearing a time ago. Personally, I'm relying on statement analysis and local rumor + independent research that probably isn't that great. More of timing the drives, looking around to see how this could have been hidden and such. NL had a bottle of moonshine that would have definitely cleaned the GSR, there's a body of water that to my knowledge has never been searched for the weapon. Him changing his story, etc. Thex amount of unsolved homicides in this small town is mind blowing. But the smoking gun for me are those damn tickets. They weren't found. I don't know if they searched NL for them but what, did he take them from BG's dead body? This was a personal crime, not a pissed off customer. Pissed off customers write yelp reviews, not kill innocent people. I really just wanted to bring this into the spotlight again because damnit this needs national attention and it has none. This crime will never be solved, not officially atleast. Let me do some searching for the full 911 call and if you have even the leas g bit of SA knowledge then there is no way you won't be suspicious.

By the way, NL left the scene and came back 20 minutes later. Wonder why? Also, it's said he was on the phone with his GF who told him to call 911.. but when asked why he used the store phone he said he forgot he had his cell phone. Hmmmmm.
Not sure what you are talking about "the tickets". I guess I missed that. I am not from the area but I did see how out in the middle of no where the place was by one of the news stories. The 911 call is pretty strange sounding, he called his girlfriend first? maybe in shock?
No, he was on the phone with his girlfriend when he "arrived" to find them. She told him to call 911.

"The second reason Noel Lee should be a person-of-interest is because he has no alibi that I know of (from what I read on the Internet). He phoned the business from his home phone and spoke to Beverly Guy about picking up some tickets. As I read on the Internet, that call was placed at 2:25 pm. The shootings took place around 2:50 pm with the last shot being fired at 2:52 pm. Lee placed the 911 call"

I'll find the local article, but our newspaper is pulkung the whole "you must subscribe to our paper news to access this site" If I can't link it, I'll screenshot it. Or find another local news source. But he says the reason he was there was to pick up the tickets. (I think to a Nascar race)
Once the weather isn't so ****** I'll head out and take pictures. They auctioned the buikding out to my ex's best friend's father. That's how I was able to see inside after the "investigation" if that's what you want to call it. I'm still pretty close with them so I'll see if I can actually get inside. Probably not but I'll try it was a few years back and probably a lot different. Tbh I'm not sure if he still owns it, but it was empty when I was there. But I can definitely give pictures to show just how desolate this area was. I
No, he was on the phone with his girlfriend when he "arrived" to find them. She told him to call 911.

"The second reason Noel Lee should be a person-of-interest is because he has no alibi that I know of (from what I read on the Internet). He phoned the business from his home phone and spoke to Beverly Guy about picking up some tickets. As I read on the Internet, that call was placed at 2:25 pm. The shootings took place around 2:50 pm with the last shot being fired at 2:52 pm. Lee placed the 911 call"

I'll find the local article, but our newspaper is pulkung the whole "you must subscribe to our paper news to access this site" If I can't link it, I'll screenshot it. Or find another local news source. But he says the reason he was there was to pick up the tickets. (I think to a Nascar race)
Once the weather isn't so ****** I'll head out and take pictures. They auctioned the buikding out to my ex's best friend's father. That's how I was able to see inside after the "investigation" if that's what you want to call it. I'm still pretty close with them so I'll see if I can actually get inside. Probably not but I'll try it was a few years back and probably a lot different. Tbh I'm not sure if he still owns it, but it was empty when I was there. But I can definitely give pictures to show just how desolate this area was. I
Not sure how to send private messages, hopefully this is right. I just didn't want to post this bevause of the name. Harold Pye bought it at an auction, I think he paid $125k or something. I'm not exactly sure what's going on in the building now

No, he was on the phone with his girlfriend when he "arrived" to find them. She told him to call 911.

"The second reason Noel Lee should be a person-of-interest is because he has no alibi that I know of (from what I read on the Internet). He phoned the business from his home phone and spoke to Beverly Guy about picking up some tickets. As I read on the Internet, that call was placed at 2:25 pm. The shootings took place around 2:50 pm with the last shot being fired at 2:52 pm. Lee placed the 911 call"

I'll find the local article, but our newspaper is pulkung the whole "you must subscribe to our paper news to access this site" If I can't link it, I'll screenshot it. Or find another local news source. But he says the reason he was there was to pick up the tickets. (I think to a Nascar race)
Once the weather isn't so ****** I'll head out and take pictures. They auctioned the buikding out to my ex's best friend's father. That's how I was able to see inside after the "investigation" if that's what you want to call it. I'm still pretty close with them so I'll see if I can actually get inside. Probably not but I'll try it was a few years back and probably a lot different. Tbh I'm not sure if he still owns it, but it was empty when I was there. But I can definitely give pictures to show just how desolate this area was. I
Not sure. Rather new to this.
I've been following the Jessica chambers thread and I saw this thread pop up.
I'm over in the gville/Easley area. Moved here in 2007 and rode a superbike back then and this was one of the stories
That a lot of my friends who also rode would talk about.
It's been a while since I've seen any new info that came up.
How do I send a private message on tapatalk?
Not sure about tapatalk but you can click on the member's name and a screen pops up. Then click on "send private message". You can also check private messages on left top of screen.

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